XXVII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 2021
Format:47 videos + 1 pdf, size: 22.4 GB
Course Audience: obstetricians and gynecologists, neonatologists, pediatricians
Following the circumstances related to the global coronavirus outbreak we decided to postpone our XXVII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine initially scheduled to take place from 10 – 13 June 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal.
We have given lots of thought to that and it is not a decision taken lightly. However, health and safety of our faculty members, congress participants and staff are our priority at the moment.
The congress will now take place on 14-17 July 2021 in Lisbon, Portugal. Please note the new congress venue will be Lisbon Congress Centre, Praça das Indústrias 1, 1300-307 Lisboa, Portugal.
We are sure that we can count on your understanding and we look forward to seeing you all soon and in good health!
The XXVII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine (ECPM) 2021 was held from July 14-17, 2021, in Lisbon, Portugal. This congress brought together leading experts in obstetrics and neonatology to discuss the latest advancements and research in perinatal medicine.
Main Topics
The congress covered a wide range of topics, including:
- Abnormal placentation
- Cesarean section
- Diabetes and obesity (diabesity)
- Epigenetics and metabolomics in perinatology
- Fetal disease and growth restriction
- First trimester screening and prevention strategies
- Infection and surroundings
- Maternal psychiatric disorders and pregnancy
- Neonatal lung and neuroscience (the fetal and neonatal brain)
- Perinatal nutrition
- Preeclampsia and preterm birth
- Quality improvement and perinatal networks
- Ventilatory support
This congress aimed to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among professionals to improve the quality and provision of perinatal care in Europe
CONTROVERSIES 1 Induction for all at 39 weeks (Video MP4 Format)
CONTROVERSIES 2 One or two-layer closure at c-section (Video MP4 Format)CONTROVERSIES 4 Corticosteroids until term (Video MP4 Format)CONTROVERSIES 5 Pulmonary hypertension (Video MP4 Format)INDUSTRY SUPPORTED SESSION Bigger is not always better- a considered approach to expanding prenatal genetic screening (Video MP4 Format)INDUSTRY SUPPORTED SESSION Cord Blood Banking – current status and perspectives in Europe (Video MP4 Format)INDUSTRY SUPPORTED SESSION Evidence-based decision support in obstetrics and gynaecology with astraia software (Video MP4 Format)INDUSTRY SUPPORTED SESSION The relevance of Genomic Testing to Perinatal Care (Video MP4 Format)OPENING CEREMONY (Video MP4 Format)ORAL COMMUNICATION 1 OB&GYN (Video MP4 Format)ORAL COMMUNICATION 2 NEO (Video MP4 Format)ORAL COMMUNICATION 3 OB&GYN (Video MP4 Format)ORAL COMMUNICATION 7 OB&GYN (Video MP4 Format)ORAL COMMUNICATION 8 NEO (Video MP4 Format)ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 4 NEO (Video MP4 Format)ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 5 OBGYN (Video MP4 Format)ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 6 NEO (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 1 Hypertensive diseases in pregnancy (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 10 Probiotics (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 11 Screening in pregnancy (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 12 Omics in perinatal medicine (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 13 Preterm labour and rupture of membranes (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 14 Newborn pain (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 2 Steroids (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 3 Lessons learnt from data registries (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 4 Extreme preterm birth (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 5 Obstetric procedures (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 6 Multiple birth (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 7 Induction of labour (Video MP4 Format)PARALLEL 9 Diabetes and obesity in pregnancy (Video MP4 Format)PLENARY 1 Procedures at the time of birth (Video MP4 Format)PLENARY 2 New perinatal diagnosis tools and implications on councelling (Video MP4 Format)PLENARY 3 Fetal and post-natal growth (Video MP4 Format)PLENARY 4 Closing session (Video MP4 Format)PROGRAMMA_ECPM_WEB_2021_15072021 (PDF Format)SIG 1 Placenta Acreta Spectrum Disorders (Video MP4 Format)SIG 10 Patent ductus arteriosus (Video MP4 Format)SIG 11 Infections in pregnancy (Video MP4 Format)SIG 12 Neonatal glucose disorders (Video MP4 Format)SIG 2 Human milk (Video MP4 Format)SIG 3 Intrapartum care (Video MP4 Format)SIG 4 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (Video MP4 Format)SIG 5 Maternal diseases in pregnancy (Video MP4 Format)SIG 6 Visual impairment in high risk infants (Video MP4 Format)SIG 7 Twin pregnancies (Video MP4 Format)SIG 8 Asphyxia (Video MP4 Format)SIG 9 Early pregnancy complications (Video MP4 Format)WATOG-ENTOG Session (Video MP4 Format)