Weill Cornell Medical College Advanced Endoscopic Skull Base and Pituitary Surgery 2018
Format:16 videos + 1 pdf, size: 10.9 GB
Course Audience: surgerist
Coding in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery (Video MP4 Format)
Endocrinological Considerations for Parasellar Surgery (Video MP4 Format)Endonasal Management of Malignant Skull Base Tumors (Video MP4 Format)Endonasal Resection of the Odontoid in the Management of Complex CVJ Anomalies (Video MP4 Format)Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of Pituitary Tumors Technical Considerations (Video MP4 Format)Endoscopic Resection of Functional Adenomas (Video MP4 Format)Endoscopic Sinus Anatomy and Corridors to the Skull Base (Video MP4 Format)Endoscopic Surgery for Craniopharyngiomas Pediatric Considerations (Video MP4 Format)Management of Encephaloceles and CSF Leaks (Video MP4 Format)Radiology CT MRI of Parasellar and Sinus Pathology (Video MP4 Format)Sinonasal Cancer from the ENT Perspective (Video MP4 Format)Technical Nuances of the Transsphenoidal Approach (Video MP4 Format)The Transethmoidal Versus the Supraorbital Approach to the Anterior Fossa (Video MP4 Format)The Transpterygoid Approach (Video MP4 Format)Transclival Approach for Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas (Video MP4 Format)Transplanum Approach for Meningiomas and Craniopharyngiomas (Video MP4 Format)Course Syllabus (PDF Format)