Weill Cornell Medical College 15th New York City Minimally Invasive Spine and Enabling Technologies Symposium 2021
Format:49 videos, size: 5.87 GB
Course Audience: neurosurgeons, orthopedic spine surgeons
This unique course will provide a comprehensive overview of new and less invasive techniques with and without stereotactic navigation for the operative treatment of spinal disorders. Proponents and critics of MIS surgery will discuss the pros and cons of MIS approaches, establishing the skills essential in selecting appropriate patients for MIS surgery. Live spinal surgery demonstrations will allow the participant to watch the latest spinal techniques, including spinal navigation, using state-of-the-art models.
By the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify the spinal and paraspinal structures;
- Determine which types of pathology are amenable to minimally invasive spinal surgery;
- Be familiar with state-of-the-art minimally invasive surgery used in these approaches;
- Recognize the principles of stereotactic spinal navigation and its use for minimally invasive spinal procedures;
- Debate on the pros and cons of MIS approaches and selection of patients for MIS surgery
This course is intended for local, regional, national, and international practicing neurosurgeons and orthopedic spine surgeons, fellows, and residents in training. We welcome internal WCM, Columbia, and NYP providers as well as other specialty physicians from neurology, neurological surgery, general surgery, and orthopedics at private practices, clinical sites, and academic institutions worldwide.
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