UCSF 15th International Conference Neonatal & Childhood Pulmonary Vascular Disease 2022
Format: 6 videos + 38 pdfs, size: 17.1 GB
Course Audience: Pediatric and Adult Pulmonologists, Cardiology and Critical Care Physicians, Neonatology Physicians
Department: Pediatrics
Activity Start Date: February 24, 2022
Activity End Date: February 26, 2022
Over the past decade, great strides have been made in our understanding of the pathobiology of pulmonary vascular disease, and from these findings new therapeutic options have emerged. It is increasingly clear that pulmonary vascular pathology is integral to a number of childhood disorders. In this symposium, we will bring together international experts to explore our current understanding of the basic pathobiology as well as new and future therapies for neonatal, pediatric, and adult pulmonary vascular diseases.
Target Audience Pediatric and Adult Pulmonologists, Cardiology and Critical Care Physicians, Neonatology Physicians, and Advanced Practice Nurses.
- Apply new knowledge of the developmental vascular biology of neonatal pulmonary vascular disease to increase early detection of the pathology in infants;
- Provide strategies for multi-disciplinary teams to optimize the role of nursing in the care of neonates, infants, and children with pulmonary vascular disease;
- Assess current and future therapeutic strategies;
- Understand the impact of pulmonary vascular disease in middle-to-low income regions ;
- Understand the rapidly expanding understanding of the genetics and genomics of pulmonary vascular disease;
- Updates on the latest basic and clinical science breakthroughs related to pulmonary vascular disease;
- Mentoring and career advice for trainees and junior faculty interested in Pediatric Pulmonary Vascular Disease.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
001_MPD22002_Syllabus_Intro (PDF Format)
01_BRUNEAU_Development_RV (PDF Format)01_FRI_PEYVANDI_Pulmonary_Vasculature (PDF Format)02_LEVY_Right Ventricular (PDF Format)02_REDINGTON_RV_Response (PDF Format)03_THURS_FREIDBERG_RV_Function (PDF Format)03_ZANI_Novel_Approaches (PDF Format)04_FRI_LAKSHMINRUSIMHA_Pre-term_Newborn (PDF Format)04_MOLEDINA_UCSF (PDF Format)05_Single_Cell (PDF Format)05_THURS_ROSS_Pulmonary_Embolism (PDF Format)06b_FRI_HUMBERT_Robyn Barst (PDF Format)06_KELLER_Ductal_Patency (PDF Format)07_AMIN_Transcatheter_Therapy (PDF Format)07_FAIRCLOTH_Pharmacotherapy (PDF Format)08_FRI_ARCHER_SARS-CoV-2_Mitochondriopathy (PDF Format)08_THURS_COLEMAN_RVF_Survey (PDF Format)10_THUR_CAPLAN_Failing_RV (PDF Format)11_a_THURS_COULSON_RV_Failure (PDF Format)11_b_Mechanical_and_Surgical_Support (PDF Format)11_ROSENZWEIG_COVID_in_Peds (PDF Format)11_THURS_EGHTESADY_Failing_RV (PDF Format)12_LEONARD_Wellbeing (PDF Format)13_WHETSTONE_Contraception_AUB (PDF Format)14_KELLY_Adolescent_Mental_Health (PDF Format)19_Registry_Update (PDF Format)2022-02-16_MPD22002_Feb_25-26_General_Session (PDF Format)20_KRISHNAN_PVS_Medical_Therapy (PDF Format)21_HIRSCH_2022 Update (PDF Format)22_SAT_CALDERONE_Surgical_Update (PDF Format)23_Review_Basic_Science_Literature (PDF Format)24_Ivy_UCSF.DDI (PDF Format)25_BHernan_PH_Presentation (PDF Format)25_b_Cruz-Utrilla_SFO2 (PDF Format)25_c_Ivy. Actigraphy (PDF Format)26_ROSENZWEIG_PVDOMICS (PDF Format)28_SAT_EVERETT_Pediatric_Survial (PDF Format)31_a_GRIFFITHS_PHUZZLERS (PDF Format)February 24 AM Session (Video MP4 Format) (3 hours 40 minutes)February 24 PM Session (Video MP4 Format) (3 hours)February 25 AM Session (Video MP4 Format) (4 hours)February 25 PM Session (Video MP4 Format) (6 hours)February 26 AM Session (Video MP4 Format) (3 hours)February 26 PM Session (Video MP4 Format) (4 hours)
Thursday, February 24, 2022
7:30am PT Registration and Coffee
7:50 Welcome and Introduction Drs. Ryan Coleman and Lew RomerSESSION 1: DEVELOPMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF THE RIGHT VENTRICLE Moderators: Drs. Maria Del Cerro and Hythem Nawaytou
8:00 1. Development of the Right Ventricle Dr. Benoit Bruneau8:30 2. The RV Response to Acute and Chronic Increases in Afterload Dr. Andrew Redington9:00 3. Assessment of RV Function: The Role of Echocardiography Dr. Mark Friedberg9:30 4. Assessment of RV Function: The Role of MRI/CT Dr. Shahin Moledina10:00 5. Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Diagnosis and Treatment (Recorded) Dr. Catherine Ross10:30 Moderated Q&A11:00 BreakSESSION 2: MANAGEMENT OF THE FAILING RIGHT VENTRICLE – PART I Moderators: Drs. Corey Chartan and Vamsi Yarlagadda
11:15 6. Maintaining Ductal Patency in Neonatal RV Dysfunction Dr. Roberta Keller11:45 7. Catheter-Based Interventions for the Failing RV Dr. Elena Amin12:15 Moderated Q & A1:00 pm PT Lunch on Your OwnSESSION 3: MANAGEMENT OF THE FAILING RIGHT VENTRICLE – PART II Moderators: Drs. Ryan Coleman and Satish Rajagopal
2:30 8. ICU Management: A Spectrum of Approaches (Report of an InternationalSurvey) Dr. Ryan Coleman2:45 9. Approaching the Failing RV: The Cardiac Intensivist’s Perspective Dr. Mjaye Mazwi3:15 10. Approaching the Failing RV: The Anesthesiologist’s Perspective Dr. Lisa Caplan3:45 11. Mechanical and Surgical Support for the Failing RV Drs. Pirooz Eghtesady and Mark Grady4:45 Moderated Q&A5:15 Challenging Cases5:45 pm PT Closing Remarks and AdjournFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 2022
7:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 1. Fetal Evaluation of the Pulmonary Vasculature in at Risk Populations Dr. Shabnam Peyvandi8:25 2. Right Ventricular–Pulmonary Vascular Interactions in the Neonate and Infant: Role of Standard and Novel Imaging Techniques to Detect Detrimental Changes Dr. Phil Levy8:50 3. Novel Approaches to Developmental Lung Diseases of the Pulmonary Vasculature: Antenatal Cell-Based Interventions for CDH Dr. Augusto Zani9:15 4. What’s Old is Still Relevant: The Role of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in the Pre-term Newborn Dr. Satyan Lakshminrusimha9:40 BreakSESSION 2: Special Scientific Presentations MODERATORS: Drs. Steven Abman and Lew Romer
9:55 5. Special Lecture: Leveraging Multi-Omics in Vascular Biology Dr. Cristina Alvira10:20 6. The Lucas Van Wormer Best Trainee Research Award Introduction: Dr. Dunbar Ivy Clinical Phenotype and Treatment Strategies in Children with Pulmonary Hypertension And TBX4 Disease Dr. Cara Morgan10:55 Introduction: The Robyn Barst Keynote Lecture Dr. Bernard Thébaud11:00 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: The Robyn Barst Keynote Lecture (Recorded) Genotype Phenotype Relationships in Heritable Pulmonary Hypertension Dr. Marc Humbert12:00-1:15 pm Lunch on OwnSESSION 3: Pediatric Drug Delivery: A Practical Discussion
1:15 pm – 2:00 pm MODERATORS: Elizabeth Colglazier and Emma Jackson1:15 7. Jenna Faircloth, PharmD, BCPSSESSION 4: COVID 19 and the Pulmonary Vasculature: Lessons Learned MODERATORS: Drs. Jason Boehme and Eric Austin
2:00 8. A SARS-CoV-2 Mitochondriopathy in COVID-19 Pneumonia Dr. Stephen Archer2:25 9. COVID: Animal Models and Clinical Trials (Recorded) Dr. Duncan Stewart2:50 10. COVID Pulmonary Vasculature Pathology (Recorded) Dr. Csaba Galambos3:15 11. COVID in Childhood and PH Patients Dr. Erika Rosenzweig3:40 BreakSESSION 5: Caring for the Adolescent Patient with Pulmonary Hypertension MODERATORS: Claire Parker and Michelle Ogawa
3:50 12. Using a Strengths-Based Approach to Promote Adolescent Wellbeing Adam Leonard, PNP, MPH4:20 13. Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Contraception Dr. Sara Whetstone4:50 14. PH: Mental Health Dr. Sarah Kelly5:20 15. Palliative Care and Advanced Directives (Recorded) Dr. Alison Miles5:45 16. Pathology Round Table Dr. Csaba Galambos6:45 pm AdjournSATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 2022
6:30 am Continental Breakfast
7:00 18. Sunrise Discussion: Meet the Mentors: Small Groups Sessions Round Table Topics Include: Clinical PH Training and Starting and Maintaining a Multi-Disciplinary PH ProgramSESSION 5: Pulmonary Vein Stenosis: An Update MODERATORS: Drs. Rachel Vanderlaan and Emily Morell
8:00 19. PVS Network: General Update Dr. Rachel Vanderlaan8:15 20. Medical Therapies: An Update Dr. Usha Krishnan8:40 21. Catheter-Based Therapy: An Update Dr. Russel Hirsch9:05 22. Surgical Therapies: An Update (Recorded) Dr. Chris Caldarone9:30 am BreakSESSION 6: SCIENTIFIC SESSION INCLUDING ABSTRACT POSTER SYMPOSIUM (10:00 am – 12:30 pm – General Session Room) MODERATORS: Drs. Sanjeev Datar and Bernard Thébaud
11:00 23. The Year in Review: Basic Science Dr. Usha Raj11:30 24. The Year in Review: Clinical Science Dr. Dunbar Ivy12:00 pm 25. Platform Sessions: Brief Poster Oral Discussions12:30 Boxed LunchSESSION 7: PANEL DISCUSSION: The Genotype-Phenotype Approach to the PAH Patient Faculty: Drs. Eric Austin, Wendy Chung, and Erika Rosenzweig
1:15 PVDOMICS Dr. Erika RosenzweigSESSION 8: Risk Assessment and Therapeutic Updates MODERATORS: Drs. Maria Del Cerro and Rachel Hopper
2:15 27. Risk Assessment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Dr. Raymond Benza2:45 28. Risk Assessment: Pediatric Perspectives (Recorded) Dr. Allen Everett3:15 29. Therapeutic Approach to the Newly Diagnosed Patient: Mono, Duel, or Triple? Dr. Rolf Berger3:45 30. New and Future Therapies for PAH and RV failure Dr. Paul Yu4:00 Break4:15 31. Case Presentations: The PHuzzlers5:30 pm Closing Remarks and Adjour