The Johns Hopkins Neuroradiology Review 2015

The Johns Hopkins Neuroradiology Review 2015

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Oakstone The Johns Hopkins Neuroradiology Review 2015

Format:45 videos + 1 pdf, size: 9.5 GB

Course Audience: radiologists and neuroradiologists


This course is intended to address the needs of general radiologists and neuroradiologists practicing in the community. All course material will be presented in a case-based format to ensure the delivery of practical information in its clinical delivery of practical information in its clinical context. We will place great emphasis on common pitfalls in neuroradiology and ways of avoiding them. The program will serve as a comprehensive review of brain, spine and head and neck imaging in adults and children for those who are preparing for maintenance of certification exam.


This activity is intended for radiologists and neuroradiologists, radiology residents and fellows, neurologists, neurosurgeons and otorhinolaryngologists.


After viewing this activity, the participant will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Discuss latest developments in the field of neuroradiology practice in the context of applied neurologic disease diagnoses and treatments.
  • Adapt relevant latest neuroimaging techniques, when applicable, to their practice.
  • Interpret neuroimaging studies with an up-to-date approach using latest knowledge and techniques.
  • Adapt low dose CT neuroimaging practices in children.

A Comprehensive Review of Adult and Pediatric Neuroradiology

This case-based course offers a practical review of adult and pediatric neuroradiology. Lectures from expert Johns Hopkins faculty members provide a comprehensive review of brain, head and neck and spine imaging in adults and children covering the latest developments and techniques. The course is ideal for general radiologists and neuroradiologists, radiology residents and fellows, neurologists, pediatric neurologists, neurosurgeons and otorhinolaryngologists


01 Temporal Bone External and Middle Ear Sachin Gujar, MD (Video MP4 Format)

02 Temporal Bone Inner Ear Nafi Aygun, MD (Video MP4 Format)

03 Congenital Ear Anomalies Toyin Idowu, MD (Video MP4 Format)

04 PET-CT in Head and Neck Cancer Nafi Aygun, MD (Video MP4 Format)

05 Suprahyoid Neck David Yousem, MD (Video MP4 Format)

06 Infrahyoid Neck David Yousem, MD (Video MP4 Format)

07 Head and Neck Emergencies Rohini Nadgir, MD (Video MP4 Format)

08 AJCC Staging David Yousem, MD (Video MP4 Format)

09 Neck Lymph Nodes Nafi Aygun, MD (Video MP4 Format)

10 Head and Neck Cysts Rohini Nadgir, MD (Video MP4 Format)

11 Skull Base High Resolution MRI Ari Blitz, MD (Video MP4 Format)

12 Brachial Plexus Shivani Ahlawat, MD (Video MP4 Format)

13 Hypoxic Ischemic Injury of Neonatal Brain Izlem Izbudak, MD (Video MP4 Format)

14 Ischemic Injury of the Pediatric Brain Thierry Huisman, MD (Video MP4 Format)

15 Head Trauma in Children Aylin Tekes-Brady, MD (Video MP4 Format)

16 Neuroimaging of Common Phakomatoses Syndromes Carlos Zamora, MD, PhD (Video MP4 Format)

17 Spinal Cord Lesions in Children Pearls and Pitfalls Izlem Izbudak, MD (Video MP4 Format)

18 CNS Infections in Children Thangamadhan Bosemani, MD (Video MP4 Format)

19 Congenital and Acquired Abnormalities of the Pediatric Brain Thierry Huisman, MD (Video MP4 Format)

20 Anatomic and Hemodynamic MR Imaging Features of Soft Tissue Vascular Anomalies in Children Aylin Tekes-Brady, MD (Video MP4 Format)

21 Pattern Recognition Approach in Metabolic Diseases of the Brain Thierry Huisman, MD (Video MP4 Format)

22 CT Dose Why Should We Be Concerned and What Can We Do to Lower Dose Mahadevappa Mahesh, PhD (Video MP4 Format)

23 Most Common Ten Brain Tumors in Children Aylin Tekes-Brady, MD (Video MP4 Format)

24 Cerebellar Malformations Andrea Poretti, MD (Video MP4 Format)

25 Children with Seizures What to Look For Thierry Huisman, MD (Video MP4 Format)

26 Atherosclerosis and Carotid MRA Bruce Wasserman, MD (Video MP4 Format)

27 Acute Stroke Imaging Toyin Idowu, MD (Video MP4 Format)

28 Update on Acute Stroke Interventions Danielle Eckart – Sorte, MD (Video MP4 Format)

29 Cerebral Hemorrhage David Yousem, MD (Video MP4 Format)

30 Cerebral Aneurysms and Latest Treatment Devices Monica Pearl, MD (Video MP4 Format)

31 CNS Infections in Adults Trends and Differences Haris Sair, MD (Video MP4 Format)

32 Common Adult Brain Tumors Sachin Gujar, MD (Video MP4 Format)

33 Functional Neuroimaging in Neurosurgical Planning Jay Pillai, MD (Video MP4 Format)

34 Post-treatment Evaluation of Brain Tumors Sachin Gujar, MD (Video MP4 Format)

35 Maxillofacial Trauma Michael Kraut, MD, PHD (Video MP4 Format)

36 Neurodegenerative Diseases David Yousem, MD (Video MP4 Format)

37 Paranasal Sinuses S. James Zinreich, MD (Video MP4 Format)

38 Head Trauma in Adults Haris Sair, MD (Video MP4 Format)

39 Spine Trauma Izlem Izbudak, MD (Video MP4 Format)

40 Spine DDD Nomenclature Update Gary Gong, MD, PhD (Video MP4 Format)

41 Most Common Intradural Tumors of the Spine Sachin Gujar, MD (Video MP4 Format)

42 Vertebral Column Tumors Izlem Izbudak, MD (Video MP4 Format)

43 Spine Infection Inflammation Nafi Aygun, MD (Video MP4 Format)

44 Spinal Vascular Malformations Cord Stroke Philippe Gailloud, MD (Video MP4 Format)

45 Orbits Rohini Nadgir, MD (Video MP4 Format)

Syllabus (PDF Format)