The Denver Comprehensive Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Board Review Course 2022 Update
Format: 27 videos + 1 pdf, size: 7.79 GB
Course Audience: surgerist, oral and maxillofacial physician
Brochure (PDF Format)
1 Dento-alveolar Surgery Surgical Techniques and Management of Surgical Complications (Video MP4 Format)2 Office and OR Anesthesia, Monitoring Anesthesia Agents, and Recovery (Video MP4 Format)3 Indications, Techniques and Complications of Dental Implantology (Video MP4 Format)4 Fascial Space Infections and Routes of Spread (Video MP4 Format)5 Orthognathic Surgery Planning, Surgical Approaches and Follow-up (Video MP4 Format)6 Facial Cosmetic Surgery, Patient Selection, Various Approaches, Avoidance of Complications (Video MP4 Format)7 Cleft Lip, Palate and Alveolar Cleft Surgery Timing, Surgical Approaches and Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)8 Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Patient Selection, Review of Nonsurgical and Surgical Options, and Surgical Techniques (Video MP4 Format)9 Oral Cancer and Sarcomas Biopsies Techniques, Staging, Surgery, Adjuvant Radiation and Chemotherapy (Video MP4 Format)10 Oral Cancer and Sarcomas Biopsies Techniques, Staging, Surgery, Adjuvant Radiation and Chemotherapy (Video MP4 Format)11 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors Diagnosis, Palliative and Curative Surgeries, Reconstruction (Video MP4 Format)12 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors Diagnosis, Palliative and Curative Surgeries, Reconstruction (Video MP4 Format)13 Benign Bone-Forming Tumors (Video MP4 Format)14 Salivary Gland Tumors Diagnosis, Surgeries, and Reconstruction (Video MP4 Format)15 Salivary Gland Tumors Diagnosis, Surgeries, and Reconstruction (Video MP4 Format)16 Fibro-osseous and Bone Tumors Diagnosis, Surgical and Nonsurgical Management (Video MP4 Format)17 Drug Induced Osteonecrosis Of The Jaws (DIONJ) (Video MP4 Format)18 Microvascular and Microneural Reconstruction of Tumor and Trauma Related Defects (Video MP4 Format)19 Autogenous Bone Harvesting and Grafting, Today’s Tissue Engineered Grafts (Video MP4 Format)20 Medicine, Medical Management, Medical Emergencies, Medical Diseases, Medical Treatments (Video MP4 Format)21 Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorders Imaging, Nonsurgical Management, Patient Selection and Treatment Approaches (Video MP4 Format)22 Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorders Imaging, Nonsurgical Management, Patient Selection and Treatment Approaches, Conti (Video MP4 Format)23 Workup of Trauma Patients – Trauma Emergency Management, Mandibular, Midface, and Leforte Fractures, Management of Sof (Video MP4 Format)24 Mandible Fractures – Trauma Emergency Management, Mandibular, Midface, and Leforte Fractures, Management of Soft Tissu (Video MP4 Format)25 Mid Face Trauma (Video MP4 Format)26 Frontal Sinus – Trauma Emergency Management, Mandibular, Midface, and Leforte Fractures, Management of Soft Tissue Inj (Video MP4 Format)27 Pan Facial – Trauma Emergency Management, Mandibular, Midface, and Leforte Fractures, Management of Soft Tissue Injuri (Video MP4 Format)