St.Gallen Oncology Conferences 18th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023

St.Gallen Oncology Conferences 18th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023

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St.Gallen Oncology Conferences 18th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023

Format: 36 videos + 1 pdf, size: 16.3 GB

Course Audience: oncologists


The 18th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023 took place from March 15-18, 2023, at the Austria Center Vienna. This conference brought together experts and major breast cancer cooperative groups and centers worldwide to present and critically review the latest data in breast cancer research and clinical management

Key topics included:

  • Theragnostic biomarkers of breast cancer.
  • Surgery and radiation therapy for early breast cancer.
  • Systemic treatments and translational research priorities.
  • Survivorship, patient-reported outcomes, and quality of life.
  • Genomics, transcriptomics, and ctDNA for disease monitoring and risk stratification.
  • Immunotherapy and the tumor microenvironment.
  • Innovations in clinical trials and treatment options

The conference also featured a virtual platform for those unable to attend in person, with live streaming of all sessions and access to a virtual exhibition


Adequate treatment for early breast cancer in LMIC (Video MP4 Format)

Agenda (PDF Format)

Breast Surgery Standards in 2023 (Video MP4 Format)

CDK46 Inhibition in early breast cancer – who benefits (Video MP4 Format)

Chemotherapy in early breast cancer – who benefits (Video MP4 Format)

Debate I Early breast cancer do we need chemotherapy in low genomic high clinical risk (ER+ HER2-) (Video MP4 Format)

Debate II Axillary dissection versus axillary radiation for residual nodal disease after neoadjuvant systemic therapy (Video MP4 Format)

Debate III If you achieve pCR after neoadjuvant, do you need adjuvant therapy (Video MP4 Format)

Debate IV Surgery of the primary for stage IV disease (Video MP4 Format)

Early Detection, Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, quality control and Public Health Aspects (Video MP4 Format)

Endocrine therapies in early breast cancer (Video MP4 Format)

Gene signatures – who benefits (Video MP4 Format)

Immunotherapy for early breast cancer – who benefits (Video MP4 Format)

Interactive Session I How to avoid unnecessary mastectomies – a global discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Interactive Session II Too big, too small Too low, too high Adjuvant choices when stage and biology do not align. (Video MP4 Format)

Interactive Session III Controversies and uncertainties in axillary management (Video MP4 Format)

Luminal B-like cancers and neoadjuvant systemic therapy – who benefits (Video MP4 Format)

Modern radiotherapy for early breast cancer (Video MP4 Format)

New drugs on the horizon for early breast cancer (Video MP4 Format)

Opening Ceremony Welcome, Awards and Award Lectures (Video MP4 Format)

Overtreatment in early breast cancer – who is at risk (Video MP4 Format)

Preop MRI helpful or dangerous for the breast surgeon (Video MP4 Format)

Session 1 News in breast cancer care since St. Gallen 2021 Best Poster Awards 2023 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 10 Global Prespective on breast cancer treatment (Video MP4 Format)

Session 11 Optimizing treatment in patients with HR positive breast cancer (Video MP4 Format)

Session 2 Genomics, Transcriptomics, ctDNA for disease monitoring and risk stratification (Video MP4 Format)

Session 3 Immunology in early breast cancer (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 Hereditary Breast Cancer (Video MP4 Format)

Session 5 The future treatment landscape in the adjuvant setting (Video MP4 Format)

Session 6 Tailoring breast surgery and radiotherapy (Video MP4 Format)

Session 7 Controversies in the treatment of the axilla (Video MP4 Format)

Session 8 Optimizing treatment in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer (Video MP4 Format)

Session 9 Optimizing treatment in patients with triple negative breast cancer (Video MP4 Format)

Special lecture I and panel discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Systemic therapy in older persons for early breast cancer (Video MP4 Format)

The importance of defining standards of care for breast cancer (Video MP4 Format)

The Rise of CDK46 Inhibitors in HR+HER2- Early Breast Cancer Impact For Patients (Video MP4 Format)