Meetings By Mail Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnetic Resonance 36th Annual Course 2013
Format:93 videos + 1 pdf, size: 3.8 GB
Course Audience: radiologist
Date of Release: 12/31/2013
The 36th Annual Course from the Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnetic Resonance features 50 internationally renowned experts presenting the state of the art advances, protocols and applications in Body CT & MR. The SCBT-MR 36th Annual Course MEETS ACR CME REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCREDITATION IN BOTH CT AND MR! Additionally, this program fulfills the Self Assessment CME Requirement for ABR Maintenance of Certification.
Topics: Pancreas, Billiary, Lung, MSK, GI, Liver, Trauma, Cardiac, GU, Cancer Imaging, New Advances
Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging are finding ever-growing roles in the evaluation of a wide range of conditions. Recent advances in hardware and software have created a need for Radiologists to receive training in the optimization of image acquisition, image data, the appropriate choice of imaging technique, and the interpretation of images acquired using these advanced technologies. The mission of the Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnetic Resonance (SCBT-MR) is to improve patient care through the appropriate use of CT and MR, by fostering innovative research and educating radiologists. This course will consist of over ninety highly focused presentations and workshops in the areas of Body CT and Body MR. A wide range of technological, practical, political and imaging topics will be discussed, covering multiple parts of the body, organs and types of pathology. The faculty, all SCBT-MR Fellows, provide presentations to address new developments, updates on standard topics and evolving issues.
Educational Objectives
Following this enduring material, Radiologists should be able to:
1. Identify the most recent updates on applications of MDCT and MR for evaluation of diseases involving the thorax, GI, GU, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems2. Illustrate advanced and emerging applications in patient safety related to radiation dose and contrast media3. Use quantitative tools to improve the characterization of disease manifestations in CT and MR images4. Identify recent data for state-of-the-art MDCT for cancer diagnosis and management5. Provide updates into new/evolving topical areas in Body CT/MR6. Review updates on practice patterns and reporting using body CT/MR
Brochure (PDF Format)
Session 1 Pancreas, Biliary Tree, Abdomen Acute Pancreatitis A Primer (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Pancreas, Biliary Tree, Abdomen An Approach to Cystic Pancreatic Masses (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Pancreas, Biliary Tree, Abdomen Imaging of Pancreatic Carcinoma (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Pancreas, Biliary Tree, Abdomen Imaging of the Panceas Variants Anomalies and Related Pathology (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Pancreas, Biliary Tree, Abdomen Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Pancreas, Biliary Tree, Abdomen Secretin-MRCP Update 2013 (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Pancreas, Biliary Tree, Abdomen Sonography of Liver Lesions Is It Ever Good Enough (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Imaging the Lung Imaging in Lung Cancer Therapy (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Imaging the Lung Imaging of Pulmonary Hypertension (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Imaging the Lung Interstitial Lung Disease Associated with Collagen Vascular Disease (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Imaging the Lung Lung Cancer Imaging Findings Important in Determining Resectability (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Imaging the Lung Lung Cancer Screening Current Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Imaging the Lung Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Imaging the Lung Solitary Lung Nodule Role and Limitations of PET-CT (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Imaging the Lung Subsolid Lung Nodules; Pathology and Management (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Musculoskeletal MRI Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Musculoskeletal MRI Discussion (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Musculoskeletal MRI Imaging of the Lisfranc Joint Complex (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Musculoskeletal MRI MRI of Femoroacetabular Impingement (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Musculoskeletal MRI MRI of Shoulder Instability (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Musculoskeletal MRI MRI of the Knee Update (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Imaging of the GI Tract Blunt Abdominal Trauma to Bowel and Mesentery (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Imaging of the GI Tract Bowel Obstruction When to Worry (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Imaging of the GI Tract Discussion (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Imaging of the GI Tract MR Defecography (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Imaging of the GI Tract MRE Crohn’s Disease (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Imaging of the GI Tract Staging Esophageal Cancer 2013 (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Liver Tumors Carcinoid Tumors (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Liver Tumors CT MRI of Hepatic Cavernous Hemangiomas (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Liver Tumors Differential Diagnosis of the Hypervasuclar Liver Lesion (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Liver Tumors Hepatic Imaging Surgical Planning (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Liver Tumors Hepatic Incidentalomas Cyst or Serious (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Liver Tumors Hepatocellular Adenomas Genetics & Imaging Update 2013 (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Liver Tumors MR Imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Trauma, Miscellany Blunt Trauma to Abdomen Liver, Spleen and Pancreas (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Trauma, Miscellany How Can We Derive Molecular Information from CT & MRI Images (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Trauma, Miscellany Improving Radiology Reports (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Trauma, Miscellany Lymphangiography What, How, Why (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Trauma, Miscellany MR Venography (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Trauma, Miscellany Recent Advances in High Speed Vascular MRI (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Trauma, Miscellany Time-resolved Liver MRI (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Liver Tumors Cardiac CT Acquisition Patient-Centered Considerations (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Liver Tumors Coronary CT Angiography State-of-the-Art in 2013 (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Liver Tumors CT Angiography of Ruptured Thoraco Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Liver Tumors CT in the Assessment of CAD Beyond Luminal Visualization (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Liver Tumors MDCT of Mesenteric Ischemia (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Liver Tumors Myocarditis (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Liver Tumors On the Horizon CT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Frontiers of CT Benefits of Low kV CT Imaging in the Abdomen, Approach and Advances (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Frontiers of CT Discussion (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Frontiers of CT Model Based Iterative Resonstruction CT in the Liver (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Frontiers of CT Radiation Dose Reduction in CT (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Frontiers of CT Radiation Issues in Pediatric CT Risks, Doses & Dose Reduction Techniques (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Frontiers of CT SCBT-MR White Paper on Dual Energy CT (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Frontiers of CT Should You use the Bismuth Breast Shield (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Frontiers of CT Why Did We Do a CT After a CT PET (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Imaging of Chronic Liver Disease DECT of the Liver in Patients with Cirrhosis What can We Expect (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Imaging of Chronic Liver Disease Discussion (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Imaging of Chronic Liver Disease MR Elastography of Chronic Liver Disease (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Imaging of Chronic Liver Disease Quantitation of Fat and Iron in Chronic Liver Disease (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Imaging of Chronic Liver Disease The Role of Imaging in Chronic Liver Disease (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 Genitourinary Imaging CT Urography of the Ureter (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 Genitourinary Imaging New ACR Recommendations for Ovarian Paraovarian Incidental Findings (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 Genitourinary Imaging Ovaries, Endometrium & Pelvic Lymph Nodes in Patients With Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 Genitourinary Imaging Renal Mass Management (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 Genitourinary Imaging Staging Prostate Cancer with MRI (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 Oncologic Imaging; Interventional Techniques MR Image Guided Interventions (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 Oncologic Imaging; Interventional Techniques MR-Guided HIFU Opportunities and Challenges (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 Oncologic Imaging; Interventional Techniques Novel Image Biomarkers with CT for Monitoring Treatment Effectiveness in Liver Tumor (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 Oncologic Imaging; Interventional Techniques Survey of Current Hot Topics in Cancer Imaging (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 Oncologic Imaging; Interventional Techniques When to Resist Using Recist in Monitoring Tumor Response to Therapy (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 Oncologic Imaging; Interventional Techniques Whole Body MR Imaging Indications and Technique (Video MP4 Format)Session 12 Workshop Rotation 1 Acute Pediatric and Adolescent Abdomen Ultrasound and CT (Video MP4 Format)Session 12 Workshop Rotation 1 Chest CT Misses (Video MP4 Format)Session 12 Workshop Rotation 1 What Would You Do With This Incidental Hepatic, Pancreatic and Splenic Lesion (Video MP4 Format)Session 13 Workshop Rotation 2 Adrenal Imaging (Video MP4 Format)Session 13 Workshop Rotation 2 How Should You Manage Solitary Pulmonary Nodules (Video MP4 Format)Session 13 Workshop Rotation 2 Navigating the Biliary Tract With CT & MR An Imaging Approach to Bile Duct Obstruction (Video MP4 Format)Session 14 Workshop Rotation 3 CT Colonography Practical Tips 1 (Video MP4 Format)Session 14 Workshop Rotation 3 CT Colonography Practical Tips 2 (Video MP4 Format)Session 14 Workshop Rotation 3 ESUR Prostate MR Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)Session 15 Workshop Rotation 4 Elements of the Difficult Abdominal CT Case (Video MP4 Format)Session 15 Workshop Rotation 4 What Is Molecular Imaging (Video MP4 Format)Session 16 Don’t Let This Happen to You Case Review Case 1 (Video MP4 Format)Session 16 Don’t Let This Happen to You Case Review Case 2 (Video MP4 Format)Session 16 Don’t Let This Happen to You Case Review Case 3 (Video MP4 Format)Session 16 Don’t Let This Happen to You Case Review Case 4 (Video MP4 Format)Session 16 Don’t Let This Happen to You Case Review Case 5 (Video MP4 Format)Session 16 Don’t Let This Happen to You Case Review Case 6 (Video MP4 Format)Session 16 Don’t Let This Happen to You Case Review Case 7 (Video MP4 Format)Session 16 Don’t Let This Happen to You Case Review Case 8 (Video MP4 Format)Session 16 Don’t Let This Happen to You Case Review Case 9 (Video MP4 Format)Session 17 Film Interpretation Panel Image Interpretation Panel Team Competition (Video MP4 Format)