Society for Pediatric Anesthesia 37th Annual Meeting 2023
Format: 1 videos + 1 pdf, size: 16.7 GB
Course Audience: anesthesiologists
Education Mission Statement
The SPA 37th Annual Meeting will focus on topics of interest to those who provide anesthesia, sedation, pain management, and critical care services to infants and children. The overall goals for attendees of the program are to reinforce and enhance their existing fund of knowledge, and to introduce them to new and state-of-the-art techniques and information that affect their practice and improve the perioperative/critical care of pediatric patients.Scope & Types of Activities
The program brings together experts from clinical and basic science disciplines related to pediatric medicine, anesthesia, and surgery. General topic areas include anatomy, pathophysiology, anesthetic pharmacology, sedation, pain management, patient safety, and child advocacy. We will also discuss practice and career management issues. The presentation format is varied, and includes lectures, panel discussions and problem-based learning discussions.Significant attendee involvement and feedback are encouraged in all aspects of the program, and will be facilitated by the use of real time computerized audience polling as well as sessions where the audience directly participates in case discussions. Program content is, in fact, the direct result of membership input and extensive audience polling at prior meetings.
Target Audience
This program is intended for anesthesiologists and other practitioners who care for children in their practice of anesthesiology and/or critical care. It is also intended for clinical and basic science researchers whose areas of investigation relate to pediatric anesthesia.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
Agenda (PDF Format)
October 13 (Video MP4 Format) (10 hours)
13:10 05/11/2023 SPA 37th Annual Meeting MMG: Program & Schedule
Friday, October 13, 2023
6:30 AM – 5:00 PM Meeting Registration6:45AM – 7:45AM Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors7:45 AM – 8:00 AM Introduction and Welcome Jim Fehr, MD; Joseph M. Sisk, MDSESSION I: Confronting Our Biases: Preparing for Change Moderators: Jim Fehr, MD; Mark Thomas, BSc MBBChir FRCA
8:00 AM – 8:30 AM KEYNOTE: Accepting and Embracing Change in Clinical Practice Sara E. Gorman, PhD, MPH8:30 AM – 8:50 AM Preventing Undetected Esophageal Intubation (UEI) Sumit Das, MBBS, BSc, FRCA8:50 AM – 9:00 AM Q & A DiscussionSESSION II: Data Driven – Does Science Support Your Practice? Moderators: Chris D. Glover, MD; Tammy N. Wang, MD
9:00 AM – 9:25 AM Anesthetic Related Neurotoxicity: A Saga in Four Acts – A Tale of Research Collaboration and Success Randall P. Flick, MD, MPH, FAAP9:25 AM – 9:50 AM An Evidence Based Approach to the Neonatal Airway Annery Garcia-Marcinkiewicz, MD9:50 AM – 10:15 AM Intranasal Dexmedetomidine in Pediatric Patients: Aligning Data with Clinical Practice Joanna Rosing Paquin, MD10:15 AM – 10:30 AM Q & A Discussion11:50 AM – 12:05 PM Award Acceptance/PEDx Talk: Jedi Leadership Lynn D. Martin, MD, MBA, FAAP12:05 PM – 12:15 PM Q & A Discussion12:15PM – 1:15PM Lunch with ExhibitorsSESSION V: The Future of Pediatric Anesthesia: No Time To Rest on Our Laurels Moderators: Nina Deutsch, MD; Caroll Vazquez-Colon, MD
1:15 PM – 1:45 PM Alpha Women of Anesthesiology Ellen Basile, DO; Heather Byrd, MD1:45 PM – 2:00 PM As Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellows Dwindle, Who Will Care for the Children? Andrew Giustini, MD, PhD2:00 PM – 2:15 PM How Does Your Garden Grow? Improving Recruitment into Pediatric Anesthesiology Maria Concetta Lupa, MD2:15 PM – 2:30 PM Q & A DiscussionSESSION VI: Adverse Childhood Events and Trauma Informed Care: We Can Do Better! Moderators: Alyssa Burgart, MD, MA; Joseph M. Sisk, MD
2:30 PM – 2:50 PM PCEs and ACEs: How Positive and Negative Childhood Experiences Influence Pediatric Pain Cornelius B. Groenewald, MD2:50 PM – 3:10 PM Don’t Sleep on These Signs a Child is Being Abused! Melissa K. Egge, MD3:10 PM – 3:30 PM Not All Wounds Bleed: Delivering Trauma-Informed Care in Perioperative Medicine Rebecca Nause-Osthoff, MD5:00 PM – 5:15 PM Editor’s Picks: Pediatric Anesthesia Article of the Day (PAAD) Justin L. Lockman, MD, MSEd, FAAP5:15 PM – 5:30 PM Q & A Discussion5:30PM – 7:30PM Evening Reception