Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Annual Forum 2021
Format:137 videos + 1 pdf, size: 2.51 GB
Course Audience: surgerist
October 28–30 | Scientific Program
The SMISS Forum gives you practical insights you can immediately use. Previous participants planned to make numerous changes including:
> “consider more lateral patients for oblique lateral interbody fusion”> “ERAS protocol for post-op pain management”> “incorporate endoscopic techniques and perhaps prone LLIF”> “plan to start adding robotics”> “increased use of tubular decompression”> “further incorporating navigation into my practice”> “use new drill I saw at meeting”> “may change the bone graft I use for fusions”> “think more about coronal alignment in addition to sagittal”> “improve preparation of the disc space”
Course Syllabus (PDF Format)
Session 1 Enabling a More Efficient Prone Lateral Surgery with Viseon MaxView (Video TS Format)Session 1 Lordosis and LLIF ACR is safe, effective, and provides reliable lordosis (Video TS Format)Session 1 Lordosis and LLIF Alternative MIS procedures achieve lordosis (Video TS Format)Session 1 MIS Deformity Correction Discussion (Video TS Format)Session 1 MIS Deformity Correction Lateral Just Makes Sense for ASD (Video TS Format)Session 1 MIS Deformity Correction Posterior Is the Best Answer (Video TS Format)Session 1 Navigation Robotics and Lateral Discussion (Video TS Format)Session 1 Navigation Robotics and Lateral Safer and better for the patient (Video TS Format)Session 1 Navigation Robotics and Lateral Time consuming and not necessary (Video TS Format)Session 1 Porous PEEK The Best of All Worlds (Video TS Format)Session 1 Single Position Surgery Deformity and SPS What you need to know. What’s next (Video TS Format)Session 1 Single Position Surgery Discussion (Video TS Format)Session 1 Single Position Surgery Lateral works, why risk it (Video TS Format)Session 1 Single Position Surgery Neuromonitoring and SPS Is SSEP is the new standard (Video TS Format)Session 1 Single Position Surgery PTP Try it you’ll like it (Video TS Format)Session 1 Single Position Surgery Thoracic lateral SPS What you need to know. What’s next (Video TS Format)Session 2 Case Presentation L5-S1 Spondylolisthesis Clinical History & Radiographic Studies (Video TS Format)Session 2 Complication Management and Avoidance Anterior and Posterior. Intraoperative the Unthinkable (Video TS Format)Session 2 Discussion Case Presentation L5-S1 Spondylolisthesis (Video TS Format)Session 2 Discussion Complication Management and the Science of Cellular Graft Materials (Video TS Format)Session 2 Discussion Gill Laminectomy for L5-S1 Spondy, and Virtual Reality for Education (Video TS Format)Session 2 Gill Laminectomy for L5-S1 Isthmic Spondylolisthesis (Video TS Format)Session 2 L5-S1 Isthmic Spondylolisthesis; Why I Prefer ALIF PSF (Video TS Format)Session 2 Midline Cortical Screws and Bilateral PLIF (Video TS Format)Session 2 Patient L5-S1 Spondylolisthesis ALIF or OLIF Only (Video TS Format)Session 2 Patient L5-S1 Spondylolisthesis MIS TLIF Is the Treatment of Choice (Video TS Format)Session 2 The Science of Cellular Graft Material. Does the Data Support the Cost (Video TS Format)Session 2 The Unique Biomechanics of Spondylolisthesis at the Lumbosacral Junction (Video TS Format)Session 2 Virtual Reality and Spinal Surgery the Future of Resident Training (Video TS Format)Session 3 Analysis of Peri-operative Events Reported from a 200-subject Multicenter, Prospective Lateral Interbody Fusion Study (Video TS Format)Session 3 Anterior Longitudinal Ligament Release from a Posterior Approach- an Alternative to Three-column Osteotomy (Video TS Format)Session 3 Attrax Putty Vs. Autograft in XLIF a Prospective Randomized Single-center Evaluation of Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes (Video TS Format)Session 3 Blade-based Retraction Allows Safe Oblique Pre-psoas Approaches Despite Inadequate Oblique Corridors and High-riding Psoas (Video TS Format)Session 3 Can Disc Distraction Using a Percutaneous Approach Reduce Spondylolisthesi (Video TS Format)Session 3 Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes for High-risk Subjects Undergoing Single-level or Multi-level Lumbar Fusion Using a Cellular Bone Allograft (Video TS Format)Session 3 Combined OLIF and Transmuscular Staged Correction of Osteomyelitis and Discitis (Video TS Format)Session 3 Comparison of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Correction – Open Vs. Minimally Invasive Cohorts a 2-year Radiographic and Surgical Outcome Study (Video TS Format)Session 3 Comparison of Early “Prone Lateral” Experience Vs “PTP” Proceduralization- Learnings, Efficiencies, and Peri-op Outcomes (Video TS Format)Session 3 Comparison of Patient Preference, Understanding, and Sentiment for Minimally Invasive Vs. Open Spine Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 3 Comparison of PTP and LLIF Techniques for Segmental Lordosis Correction (Video TS Format)Session 3 Decision-making Factors Leading to Fusion Vs. Decompression for One-level Degenerative Spondylolisthesis (Video TS Format)Session 3 Differences in Predictors of Readmission and Extended Length of Stay Between Open, Minimally Invasive, and Robotic Single-level Lumbar Fusion Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 3 Does Minimally Invasive Adult Deformity Surgery Result in Improved Perioperative Recovery and Function (Video TS Format)Session 3 Does the Global Alignment and Proportion (GAP) Score Predict Mechanical Complications in Circumferential Minimally Invasive Surgery for Adult Spinal Deformity (Video TS Format)Session 3 Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of Full-endoscopic Transforaminal Discectomy Vs. Open Discectomy for Sciatica (Video TS Format)Session 3 Evaluation of the Ability of a Novel Curved Drill to Create an Arcuate Tunnel Without Breaching the Spinal Canal (Video TS Format)Session 3 Feasibility and Outcomes of Mini Open Correction and Fusion for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) 2-5 Year Follow-up (Video TS Format)Session 3 Hybrid Cervical Total Disc Arthroplasty Combined With Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion an Analysis of Clinical Outcomes (Video TS Format)Session 3 Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Program for Patients Undergoing Same-day Outpatient Elective (Video TS Format)Session 3 Improvement in Sagittal Alignment Following MIS TLIF- Unilateral Vs. Bilateral Static Interbody Cages (Video TS Format)Session 3 Incidence of Voice Vs. Swallowing Complications Following Stand-alone ACDF (Video TS Format)Session 3 Indirect Decompression Demonstrates Similar Clinical Outcomes to Direct Decompression in Single Level Circumferential Fusion for Isthmic Spondylolisthesis (Video TS Format)Session 3 Indirect Decompression in Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion. Indications and Potential Limitations (Video TS Format)Session 3 Intraoperative Learning Curve on Navigated Prone Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion Pearls and Pitfalls (Video TS Format)Session 3 Lateral Decubitus Single-position Anterior-posterior (AP) Fusion Shows Equivalent Results to Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion at One-year Follow-up (Video TS Format)Session 3 Long-term Prospective Outcomes of a Novel Spacer in Single-level Instrumented Lumbar Interbody Fusions (Video TS Format)Session 3 Lumbar Facet Arthroplasty for Lumbar Spondylolisthesis – 2-year Outcomes (Video TS Format)Session 3 Minimally Invasive Modification of Goel-Harms Atlantoaxial Fusion Utilizing Percutaneous Screws and Intraarticular Cage Is Feasible and Results in Decreased Blood Loss (Video TS Format)Session 3 Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Program Implementation in University-affiliated Acute Care Peripheral Rural Community Hospital (Video TS Format)Session 3 Objective Evaluation of Dynamic Balance Among Lumbar Disc Herniation Patients Before and After Discectomy (Video TS Format)Session 3 P-15 Peptide Is Inferior to Demineralized Bone Matrix for Spine Fusion in a Rat Model (Video TS Format)Session 3 Patient Satisfaction Reviews for 967 Spine Neurosurgeons (Video TS Format)Session 3 Patient-reported Outcomes and MCID Achievement Following Lumbar Decompression in Patients With Workers’ Compensation Vs. Private Insurance (Video TS Format)Session 3 Patients’ Preferences for the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation a Discrete Choice Experiment (Video TS Format)Session 3 Quantifying Complications Associated With Robotic Elective Spine Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 3 Reoperation Following Lumbar Discectomy for Cauda Equina Syndrome- Retrospective Review (Video TS Format)Session 3 Return to Work, Activities of Daily Living and Disability Improvement 12-month Outcomes of an FDA IDE (Video TS Format)Session 3 Robotic Navigation-assisted K-wireless Pedicle Screw Times, Accuracy, and Reasons for Conversion in Adult Degenerative Spine Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 3 Saphenous Ssep Monitoring of Femoral Nerve Health During Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF) (Video TS Format)Session 3 Single-level MIS TLIF Vs. ALIF at L5S1 a Comparison of Patient-reported Outcomes and Recovery Ratios (Video TS Format)Session 3 Single-position Transpsoas Corpectomy and Instrumentation in the Thoracolumbar Spine for Different Clinical Scenarios (Video TS Format)Session 3 Single-position, Single-incision Approach for Lateral Interbody Fusion With Supplemental Posterior Fixation – Technique and Comparative Outcomes to Two-incision and Two-position Approaches (Video TS Format)Session 3 The Impact of Computer-assisted Navigation on Charges and Readmission in Lumbar Spinal Fusion (Video TS Format)Session 3 The Influence of Preoperative Narcotic Consumption on Patient-reported Outcomes of Lumbar Decompression (Video TS Format)Session 3 The Lateral in the Prone (LIP) Position – Case Series of Novel Indications, Nuances, and Outcome (Video TS Format)Session 3 The Relative Contribution of Anterior Techniques Vs. Posterior Techniques in Restoring Spinal Balance in Circumferential Minimally Invasive Surgical Correction (Video TS Format)Session 3 The Role of Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Modalities (EMG, MEP, & SSEP) in Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 3 The Trends in Robot-related Complications, Operative Efficiency, Radiation Exposure, and Clinical Outcomes After Robot-assisted Spine Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 3 Three-year Conversion Rate of Lumbar Microsurgical Decompression to Lumbar Fusion (Video TS Format)Session 3 Titanium and PEEK Cages Have Similar Outcomes in Single-level MIS-TLIF a Matched Cohort Analysis With Long-term Follow-up (Video TS Format)Session 3 Using an Electrical Conductivity Loop Control System for Automated Breach Prevention During Robotic Power Drilling of Bone (Video TS Format)Session 3 What Is a Better Value for Your Time, ACDF or CDA (Video TS Format)Session 4 Augmented Reality Extended Reality Mixed Reality in Spine Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 4 Case Presentation- Patient With Chronic Narcotic Use Who Needs a Multiple Level Fusion – Operate and Get the Patient Out of Pain (Video TS Format)Session 4 Case Presentation- Patient With Chronic Narcotic Use Who Needs a Multiple Level Fusion – Wean Down Before Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 4 How Opioids Affect Short-term and Long-term Outcomes- the Data (Video TS Format)Session 4 Is Intra-Operative Use of Opioids in Spine Surgery Necessary (Video TS Format)Session 4 Non-Invasive In Vivo MR Spectroscopy of Lumbar Discs to Assess LBP (Video TS Format)Session 4 Opioids in Spine Surgery- Perspectives in Japan (Video TS Format)Session 4 Robotics and their Value in Your OR (Video TS Format)Session 4 SPECT for MIS Spine Surgery- SPECT Plays a Critical Role in Accurate Decision-Making (Video TS Format)Session 4 Spinal Navigation- Impact in Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 4 The Opioid Epidemic- Where Have We Been- Where Are We Now- Where Are We Going (Video TS Format)Session 4 The Value Proposition for New Technology- Financial Decision Making for Adopting New Technology, Hospital vs. ASC (Video TS Format)Session 4 Utility of SPECT for MIS Spine Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 4 What Difference Has ERAS Made on Spinal Surgery – Optimization of the Frail Patient (Video TS Format)Session 5 Biiportal Endoscopic Hemilaminectomy Microdiscectomy (Video TS Format)Session 5 Impact of Bone Lineage Committed Cellular Allograft on MIS Fusion (Video TS Format)Session 5 Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery- Staged Surgery Is Better (Video TS Format)Session 5 MIS Deformity- Using Three Positions Is Still the Most Effective Approach (Video TS Format)Session 5 OLIF for Anterior Column Realignment (Video TS Format)Session 5 PTP + L5 S1 TLIF for Lumbar Lordosis Reconstruction (Video TS Format)Session 5 Reconstruction of the Anterior Column – Which Approach Is the Best When L5 S1 Is Included ALIF with LLIF Rules the Roost (Video TS Format)Session 5 Reconstruction of the Anterior Column- Which Approach Is the Best When L5S1 Is Included MIS Osteotomies PCO PSO (Video TS Format)Session 5 Same Day MIS Correction Surgery Is Optimal for the Patient (Video TS Format)Session 5 Single Position for the Anterior Column Reconstruction but My Arms Are Killing Me With Lateral Screws (Video TS Format)Session 5 Single vs. Limited Position vs. Standard- PTP Correction and Cases (Video TS Format)Session 5 Single vs. Limited Position vs. Standard- Single Position Surgery – Faster and Cool (Video TS Format)Session 5 What Is the Rationale and What Is Feasible With MIS Deformity Correction Today (Video TS Format)Session 5 What One Patient’s Experience Can Teach Us About Ethical Opioid Prescribing (Video TS Format)Session 6 Advanced Disc Pathology Transforaminal Decompression and Discectomy for Far-lateral Pathology (Video TS Format)Session 6 Discussion Should Surgeons Undertake the Learning Curve of Endoscopic Spine Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 6 Endoscopic Spine Surgery Identify Complications (Video TS Format)Session 6 Interlaminar Decompression and Discectomy Technique and Data Using Uniportal and Biportal Techniques (Video TS Format)Session 6 L4-L5 Grade 2 Spondylolisthesis with Stenosis Endoscopic Fusion C’mon Man (Video TS Format)Session 6 L4-L5 Grade 2 Spondylolisthesis with Stenosis- Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (Video TS Format)Session 6 L4-L5 Grade 2 Spondylolisthesis with Stenosis- Posterior Only – TLIF (Video TS Format)Session 6 Prone Lateral for L4-L5 Grade 2 Spondylolisthesis with Stenosis (Video TS Format)Session 6 Should Surgeons Undertake the Learning Curve of Endoscopic Spine Surgery Uh…No! (Video TS Format)Session 6 Tackling the Learning Curve of Endoscopic Spine Surgery is the Way to go! (Video TS Format)Session 6 Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy Tips and Tricks (Video TS Format)Session 6 Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy Trans PARS Approach (Video TS Format)Session 6 What to Do When Complications Occur in Endoscopic Spine Surgery Nerve Issues (Video TS Format)Session 8 2 Level ACDF in the ASC Setting (Video TS Format)Session 8 Ambulatory ACDF – When Is an ASC Appropriate (Video TS Format)Session 8 Case Presentation L3-4 LLIF for PJF Above Previous L4-S1 Fusion Surgery Needs to Be Done in Hospital or Is ASC Adequate (Video TS Format)Session 8 Case Presentation Two-Level ACDF for Myelopathy. Is This Patient the Ideal Candidate for an ASC (Video TS Format)Session 8 Complications ASA 3 in the ASC Can You Do It Safely and Is It in the Best Interest of the Patient (Video TS Format)Session 8 Complications Revision MIS Discectomy – Drowning in CSF (Video TS Format)Session 8 Critical Team Members to a Successful ASC Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 8 Do the Economics of ASCs Make Sense For Whom (Video TS Format)Session 8 L3-4 LLIF for PJF Above Previous L4-S1 Fusion ASC Is Adequate (Video TS Format)Session 8 Real Hospital vs ASC for L3 4 LLIF Above L4 5 Fusion (Video TS Format)Session 8 Regional Anesthesia for Lumbar Surgery (Video TS Format)Session 8 Role of ASCs in COVID (Video TS Format)Session 8 Same-day Awake Lumbar Fusion (Video TS Format)Session 8 When Do You Know You’re Ready to Take Cases to ASC Is it All About Procedural Time (Video TS Format)