Society for Basic Urologic Research Annual Meeting 2022
Format: 4 videos + 1 pdf, size: 39.1 GB
Course Audience: urologist
WELCOME to the Society for Basic Urologic Research (SBUR) 2022 Annual Meeting! We are delighted to see everyone in person after more than two years of virtual meetings. This year is extra special as we celebrate 30 years of the SBUR!
The SBUR brings together basic science researchers and physician-scientists engaged in basic and translational research in urological diseases. This meeting provides a valuable forum for interactions between the basic and clinical disciplines, while exposing bench scientists to clinical challenges, clinicians to scientific developments, and all attendees to cutting-edgeconcepts and approaches to enhance their scientific knowledge. Clearly, such focused interaction will lead to the development of trans-disciplinary, translational, and clinical projects with enormous benefits to patient care. Continuing the tradition, our Trainee Affairs Symposium will begin on Thursday afternoon, November 10, led by Drs. Tanya Stoyanova and John Lee. Trainees will network and engage in small group discussions with scientists from a range of urologic disciplines and careers.The official meeting kicks off on Thursday evening, November 10, with a brief history of the SBUR presented by one of the Society’s founder, Dr. Tim Ratliff. We will also welcome Dr. Elaine Fuchs, who will present the Leland W.K. Chung Lectureship. This year we have planned five Plenary Sessions and a Big Data Acquisition and Analysis Discussion session. Friday we will present three sessions; “Cellular Communication, Inflammation, and Immunology in Urologic Tissue Microenvironments,” “Cellular Identify, Function, and Plasticity in Urologic Biology,” and “Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation in Urologic Disease.” Friday’s programming concludes with Poster Session #1.
Saturday morning programming begins with “Session IV: Modeling Urologic Biology and Disease”. “The Emerging Practices in Big Data Acquisition and Analysis Discussion” session will be held in the afternoon, followed by the Awards Ceremony, the Annual Business Meeting, and Poster Session #2. On Sunday, we welcome Dr. Larissa Rodriguez as the American Urologic Association (AUA) Lecturer and end the day with “Session V: Emerging Pathways, Biomarkers, and Therapeutic Targets in Urologic Disease.” The Annual Meeting comes together because of the hard work and financial support of many people. We sincerely thank members of the 2022 Program Committee for their time in coordinating the meeting topics and speakers. We are also grateful to Drs. Tanya Stoyanova and John Lee for planning the Trainee Affairs Symposium. The Trainee Travel Awards were funded by the National Institute of Health, and the National Institute of Diabetes Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Abstracts were reviewed and travel awards were selected by the Abstract Review Committee, chaired by Dr. David DeGraff. We also thank Dr. Leland Chung’s family, trainees and friends for their generosity and support of an Endowed Lecture and Mentorship Award to honor
Leland’s memory, and Dr. Robert Matusik is the recipient of this inaugural Award. Finally, we would like to thank Caitlin Barry of Veritas Association Management for helping to make this meeting a reality
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below. Full day livestream videos are often used in large quantities and it rarely works directly on Google Drive, so the only way is to download the video to your device to watch it.
SBUR-2022-Program-DIGITAL-r2 (PDF Format)
November 10 (Video MP4 Format)November 11 (Video MP4 Format)November 12 (Video MP4 Format)November 13 (Video MP4 Format)
* Detail:
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 (All times are in Eastern Time Zone)
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm Trainee Affairs SymposiumModerators: Tanya Stoyanova, PhD and John K. Lee, MD, PhD Trainee Affairs Committee Chairs3:00 pm – 4:00 pm NIH Grant Writing Tips (K99/R00, F32 – Early Career Grants) Sergey Radaev, PhD4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Career Panel Discussion4:00 pm – 4:20 pm Introductions4:20 pm – 5:30 pm Small Group Discussion with SpeakersParticipants: Sergey Radaev, PhD, Sarki A Abdulkadir, MD, PhD, Isla Garraway, MD, PhD, Vasan Yegnasubramanian, MD, PhD, and Vivek Arora, MD, PhD5:30 pm – 6:00 pm BREAK6:00 pm – 6:10 pm Welcome and Introductory Remarks Haojie Huang, PhD, SBUR President6:10 pm – 6:30 pm Remembering 30 Years of SBUR Timothy Ratliff, PhD, SBUR Founder and Past President6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Leland W.K. Chung Lecture “Stem Cells: Coping with Stress” Elaine Fuchs PhDÍ7:30 pm – 8:00 pm EULA and Donald S. Coffey Innovative Research Award Short Talks8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Welcome Reception and NetworkingFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2022 (All times are in Eastern Time Zone)
8:00 am – 10:20 am Plenary Session I: Cellular Communication, Inflammation and Immunology in Urologic Tissue MicroenvironmentsModerators: Zhou Wang, PhD and Leah Cook, PhD8:00 am – 8:25 am Tissue Microenvironment in Urinary Dysfunction Johanna Hannan, PhD8:25 am – 8:50 am Coronavirus-Induced Murine Model of Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction Anna Malykhina, PhD8:50 am – 9:05 am Toxoplasma Gondii Infection Induces Urinary Dysfunction in Mice and Correlates to BPH-LUTS Incidence and Epithelial Nodule Formation in Men Emily Stanczak, PhD9:05 am – 9:30 am Mechanisms Associated with Bone Tumor Microenvironment and Health Disparities in Prostate Cancer Valerie Odero-Marah, PhD9:30 am – 9:55 am Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF): Mediates Bladder Pain through HMGB1 Pedro Vera, PhD9:55 am – 10:20 am COFFEE BREAK10:20 am – 12:15 pm Plenary Session II: Cellular Identify, Function, and Plasticity in Urologic BiologyModerators: Douglas Stand, PhD and Susan Kasper, PhD10:20 am – 10:45 am Sponsored by the Donald Coffey Lectureship Endowment Fund “Genomic Insights into BPH Cells and Signaling” Jonathan Pollack, MD, PhD10:45 am – 11:00 am The Expression of Prostatic Androgen Receptor Shows Lobe-Specific Changes During Aging in Mouse Han Zhang, MS11:00 am – 11:25 am Strain-Specific Difference in Mouse Prostate Cells Vasan Yegnasubramanian, MD, PhD11:25 am – 11:50 am Roles for HOXB13 in AR+ vs AR-Cells Anna Woloszynska, PhD11:50 am – 12:15 pm The Origin of Bladder Cancer from Mucosal Field Effects Bogdan Czerniak, MD12:15 pm – 1:30 pm LUNCH1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Plenary Session III: Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation in Urologic DiseaseModerators: Shawn Lupold, PhD and Charlotte Bevan, PhD1:30 pm – 1:55 pm Epigenetics, miRs, and Prostate Disparities Clayton Yates, PhD, Tuskegee University1:55 pm – 2:10 pm Alternative Polyadenylation as a Therapeutic Vulnerability in Prostate Cancer Kiel Tietz, PhD2:10 pm – 2:35 pm Delineating the Role of mRNA Translation in Bladder Cancer Etiology Andrew Hsieh, MD2:35 pm – 3:00 pm SQSTM1/p62 Oxidation in Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation Benyi Li, MD, KUMC3:00 pm – 3:30 pm COFFEE BREAK3:30 pm – 3:55 pm The Regulatory Axis of lncRNA PRCAT71-AR in Advanced Prostate Cancer Qi Cao, PhD3:55 pm – 4:20 pm Sponsored by the Leland Chung Lectureship Endowment Fund “Androgen Receptor and Non-coding RNAs: Interactions and Implications for Prostate Cancer” Charlotte Bevan, PhD4:20 pm – 4:35 pm LSD1 Inhibition Disrupts Super-Enhancer-Driven Oncogenic Transcription Programs in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Muqing Li4:40 pm – 5:00 pm AUA Office of Research Update Christine Riordan, PhD5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Poster Session #1SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2022 (All times are in Eastern Time Zone)
8:00 am – 11:50 am Plenary Session IV: Modeling Urologic Biology and DiseaseModerators: Larisa Nonn, PhD, and Sarki Abdulkadir, MD8:00 am – 8:25 am Engineering Large Chromosomal Deletions in Mice to Advance Precision Oncology for Prostate Cancer Ming Chen, PhD8:25 am – 8:50 am Applying Higher-order Combinatorial Genetics to Model Genitourinary Malignancies John Lee, MD, PhD8:50 am – 9:05 am Development of a Novel Pre-Clinical Animal Model to Assess the Immature Rat Kidney and Bladder in Response to Urinary Tract Obstruction Nora Haney, MD, MBA9:05 am – 9:30 am Using a Prostate-on-Chip Model to Define Stromal and Epithelial Interaction Mechanisms in Normal and Cancerous Prostate Cindy Miranti, PhD9:30 am – 10:00 am COFFEE BREAK10:00 am – 10:25 am Filaments Mediated JNK2 Signaling Impairs Smooth Muscle Contraction in Obstructive Bladder Disease Boopathi Ettickan, PhD10:25 am – 10:50 am On-Tissue Imaging of Steroid Hormones in Mouse Prostate using MALDI-2 Hannah Miles, BA10:50 am – 11:20 am Dr. Leland W.K. Chung Mentorship Award “Remembering the Past and Looking to the Future” Robert Matuski, PhD11:20 am – 11:35 am Dr. Leland W.K. Chung Mentorship Award David DeGraff, PhD11:35 am – 11:50 am Dr. Leland W.K. Chung Mentorship Award “TBX2 Signaling in the “Crine”-o-logy of Prostate Cancer Progression and Metastasis” Srinivas Nandana, PhD12:00 pm – 1:30 pm LUNCH1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Discussion Session: Emerging Practices in Big Data Acquisition and AnalysisModerators: Moray Campbell, PhD, Rendong Yang, PhD, and Sooryanarayana Varambally, PhD3:30 pm – 4:00 pm COFFEE BREAK4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Awards Ceremony4:30 pm – 5:00 pm SBUR Business Meeting5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Poster Session #2SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2022 (All times are in Eastern Time Zone)
8:00 am – 9:00 am AUA Lectureship “Environmental Stress in the Development and Maintenance of Urinary Symptoms, Voiding Dysfunction, and Bladder Pain” Larisa Rodriguez, MD9:00 am – 11:35 am Plenary Session V: Emerging Pathways, Biomarkers, and Therapeutic Targets in Urologic DiseaseModerators: Donald Vander Griend, PhD and Petra Popovics, PhD9:00 am – 9:25 am The Yin and Yang of Pioneering Factors in Prostate Cancer Jindan Yu, MD, PhD9:25 am – 9:40 am Development of a Novel Oncometabolic Inhibitor for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer and Abstract Dallin Lowder, BS9:40 am – 10:05 am PPAR Gamma in Urologic Malignancies: A Complicated Story LaMonica Stewart, PhD10:05 am – 10:30 am COFFEE BREAK10:30 am – 10:45 am Single-Cell Comparative Biology of MYC-Driven Murine and Human Prostate Cancer Mindy Kim Graham, MD10:45 am – 11:10 am Sponsored by the Leland Chung Lectureship Endowment Fund “Caveolins in Bladder Dysfunction” Maryrose Sullivan, PhD11:10 am – 11:35 am Nucleosome Remodeling Complex Assemblies as Androgen Receptor Signaling Adapters Jonathan Coulter, PhD11:35 am Closing Remark