Quality Medical Publishing Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Using a Full Open Approach A Revolution in Rhinoplasty 2018
Format:6 videos, size: 23 GB
Course Audience: cosmetic physician, surgerist
Primary female patient hump reduction on a slightly too wide bony vault; overprojected tip. Ultrasonic rhinosculpture with tip plasty (Video MP4 Format)
Primary female patient Nasal hump, overprojected drooping nasal tip. Ultrasonic rhinoplasty with piezo hump reduction, partial osteotomies, and tip reshaping (Video MP4 Format)Primary male patient overprojected nose (tension nose), wide bony vault and wide asymmetric tip, septal deviation (Video MP4 Format)Primary male patient twisted nose with dorsal hump, septal deviation. Ultrasonic rhinoplasty with complete osteotomies and ultrasonic septoplasty (Video MP4 Format)Primary male patient; wide, asymmetric nose on an asymmetric face; severe septal deviation; bony hump (Video MP4 Format)Secondary female patient asymmetric nose with no tip support, valve dysfunction. Piezo rib graft harvest for septal reconstruction, tip reconstruction, and valve reconstruction (Video MP4 Format)