Quality Medical Publishing Mastery of Primary and Secondary Mastopexy 2021
Format:5 videos, size: 16.9 GB
Course Audience: cosmetic physician
Case 1 Central Pedicle Mastopexy Reduction With Mesh Support (Video MP4 Format)
Case 2 Secondary Mastopexy With Implant Exchange, Popcorn Capsulorrhaphy With Mesh Reinforcement, and Bilateral Axillary Breast Excision (Video MP4 Format)Case 3 Superior Mastopexy With Lower Pole Transposition Autoaugmentation (Video MP4 Format)Case 4 Primary Augmentation Mastopexy With Mesh Reinforcement (Video MP4 Format)Case 5 Explanation and Total Capsulectomy With Superiorly Based Mastopexy, Autoaugmentation, and Fat Grafting (Video MP4 Format)