Point-of-Care Ultrasound Certification Academy World Virtual Conference 2021
Format:44 videos, size: 6.86 GB
Course Audience: sonographer
A Case of Peripheral Neuropathy – Role of USG (Video MP4 Format)
An Interprofessional Method to Introduce POCUS to Pre-Clinical PA Students (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Correlation of Lung Ultrasound Profiles in Patients with COVID-19 Infection (Video MP4 Format)Determination of Transvaginal Ultrasound Proficiency and Learning Curve Among Emergency Medicine Trainees (Video MP4 Format)Don’t Worry, Be Appy! Diagnosing Appendicitis with Point-of-Care Ultrasound (Video MP4 Format)Evaluating the Effectiveness of Near Peer Teaching in the Setting of Ultrasound Education (Video MP4 Format)Evaluation of Pain Abdomen Using POCUS (Video MP4 Format)Extended Abdominal Examination with Ultrasound (Video MP4 Format)Extensive Pulmonary Embolism with Right Ventricle Thrombus (Video MP4 Format)FRI_KEYNOTE_AM – Prehospital POCUS The Therapeutic Accelerator that Increases Your Efficiency (Video MP4 Format)Global Ultrasound Institute Why POCUS (Video MP4 Format)High Yield Pedagogy on the Frontier Optimizing POCUS Pedagogy and Practice in a Severely Resource Limited Environment (Video MP4 Format)How to Learn POCUS Effectively and Efficiently (Video MP4 Format)Improving the Utilisation of Ultrasound for Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation in the Emergency Department (Video MP4 Format)Innovative Strategies for POCUS Adoption in Resource-Challenged Settings (Video MP4 Format)Low Lumbar Pain Ultrasound Always (Video MP4 Format)Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Pathology for Primary Care (Video MP4 Format)Not Just Hocus POCUS Using the Magic of Ultrasound to Enhance the Physical Exam (Video MP4 Format)POCUS Assisted Diagnosis & Intervention in Abdominal Emergencies (Video MP4 Format)POCUS for Preoperative Assessment of Urgent Patients. Less uncertainty. More success (Video MP4 Format)POCUS in the Global Health Setting (Video MP4 Format)POCUS of the Head and Neck (Video MP4 Format)POCUS, a Necessity in Developing Countries (Video MP4 Format)Point Of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) – An Alternate to Rescue Laryngoscopy in Evaluation of Pediatric Airway (Video MP4 Format)Point-of-Care Echo and Lung Ultrasound in COVID-19 – Experience from 3 Waves and the Aftermath of a Pandemic (Video MP4 Format)Point-of-Care Lung Ultrasound Training Through Online Simulation (Video MP4 Format)Point-of-Care Ultrasound Applications in Primary Care (Video MP4 Format)SAT_KEYNOTE_AM – POCUS25 (Video MP4 Format)SAT_KEYNOTE_PM – Ultrasound as Disruptive Technology (Video MP4 Format)Technique for Ultrasound Guided Iliopsoas Bursa Injections After Total Hip Arthroplasty (Video MP4 Format)The Application of Tele-Medicine of Ultrasound Based on 5G Network (Video MP4 Format)The Use of MSK Ultrasound in the Differential Diagnosis of Ulnar & Median Neuropathies at the Wrist (Video MP4 Format)To Scan or Not to Scan Utilizing the Ultrasound to Assist with Decision Making in the Acute Trauma Setting (Video MP4 Format)Trends in POCUS in Haiti (Video MP4 Format)Two Legs or Four Translational Applications of Human and Veterinary Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Ultrasound Compared with Chest X-ray in Detection of Pneumothorax Prior to Removal of Tube Thoracostomy in Trauma Patients A Pilot Study (Video MP4 Format)Ultrasound Guided Bone Marrow Concentrate Injection for Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears 2-year Results (Video MP4 Format)Ultrasound Guided Large Joint Aspiration A Practical Approach (Video MP4 Format)Ultrasound Simulation in Medical Education (Video MP4 Format)Ultrasound-Guided Injections for Tendinopathy When, Where and What (Video MP4 Format)Using Virtual Escape Room for Point-of-Care Ultrasound Pulmonary Education Zombie Cruise Ship Scan Your Way Out (Video MP4 Format)Utility of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in COVID-19 Patients (Video MP4 Format)Value of Dynamic Assessment in Focal Neuropathies (Video MP4 Format)Venous Excess Doppler Ultrasound Reimagining the Volume Status Assessment (Video MP4 Format)