Penn The Mark E. Josephson Thirtieth Annual State-of-the-Art Arrhythmia Symposium 2023

Penn The Mark E. Josephson Thirtieth Annual State-of-the-Art Arrhythmia Symposium 2023

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Penn Medicine The Mark E. Josephson Thirtieth Annual State-of-the-Art Arrhythmia Symposium 2023

Format: 35 videos + 36 pdfs, size: 21.9 GB

Course Audience: internists, cardiologists


Date & Location

Saturday, September 9, 2023, 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Hilton Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing, Philadelphia, PA

Course Overview

This is the 30th year for the State of the Art Arrhythmia Symposium. Using a combination of case presentations with audience participation, didactic presentations, and question and answer sessions, our goal is to educate the participants in state of the art information on invasive and non-invasive electrophysiologic and electrocardiographic tools used in the current diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders. The program is taught by members of the faculty and staff from the University of Pennsylvania Health System, Department of Electrophysiology, in addition to invited speakers from other institutions. The course is structured to meet the educational needs of electrophysiologists, cardiologists, internists, nurses, and associated professionals with an interest in the care of patients with cardiac rhythm disorders. In addition to the morning session with lectures aimed at the entire audience, there are three breakout sessions in the afternoon aimed at 1) associated professionals 2) general cardiology and 3) an advanced electrophysiology session aimed at EP fellows, electrophysiologists, and EP lab staff. The State of the Art Symposium is coupled each year with the Leonard N. Horowitz Memorial Lecture which is given by a leader in cardiology.

Target Audience

Specialties – INTERNAL MEDICINE – Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology, INTERNAL MEDICINE – Interventional Cardiology

Learning Objectives

After completing this activity, participants should be able to:

  1. Describe the appropriate evaluation of patients with frequent PVCs as well as indications for treatment including ablation and antiarrhythmic medications
  2. Discuss the differences in the various oral anticoagulants including appropriate use, dosing, risks, and contraindications.
  3. Recognize ECG clues to detect patients at risk for sudden death.
  4. Describe new treatment for patients presenting with neurocardiogenic syncope.
  5. Apply in practice the newest information regarding evaluation and treatment of atrial arrhythmias including screening for episodes and ablation indications, techniques, and endpoints
  6. Describe the indications for cardiac resynchronization therapy and conduction system pacing, based on QRS morphology and duration, symptoms, functional class, ejection fraction, and type of heart disease
  7. Review the indications, contraindications, and complications associated with left atrial (LA) appendage occlusion and closure
  8. Assess the methods, techniques, associated tools, and equipment including emerging technologies to perform to catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation and flutter
  9. Describe how to manage bleeding in patients on oral anticoagulation including choice of reversal agents and consequences of reversing anticoagulation
  10. Discuss methods to manage pain around EP procedures to avoid overuse of opioids
  11. Recognize use and value of new techniques and technologies employed for complex EP device and ablation cases.


4D ICE Direct LA LV – Images and Clinical Utility (Video MP4 Format)

4D ICE Direct LA LV – Images and Clinical Utility (PDF Format)

Alcohol Venous Ablation for Atrial and Ventricular Arrhythmias (Video MP4 Format)

Alcohol Venous Ablation for Atrial and Ventricular Arrhythmias (PDF Format)

Anesthesia and Pain Management During and After EP Procedures- Important Considerations to Eliminate Pain but Not Overmedicate (Video MP4 Format)

Anesthesia and Pain Management During and After EP Procedures- Important Considerations to Eliminate Pain but Not Overmedicate (PDF Format)

Avoiding Intravenous Pacemaker and ICD Leads (Video MP4 Format)

Avoiding Intravenous Pacemaker and ICD Leads (PDF Format)

Cardiac Resynchronization Stimulation for Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)

Cardiac Resynchronization Stimulation for Heart Failure (PDF Format)

Cardioneural Ablation to Prevent Bradyarrhythmias – Are We Ready for Prime Time. (Video MP4 Format)

Cardioneural Ablation to Prevent Bradyarrhythmias – Are We Ready for Prime Time. (PDF Format)

Case Presentations anel Discussion – Common Device Related Complications- How to Avoid Recognize Treat. (Video MP4 Format)

Case Presentations anel Discussion – Common Device Related Complications- How to Avoid Recognize Treat. (PDF Format)

Case Presentations Panel Discussion- More Controversies and Frontiers in Managing Atrial Fibrillation – Part 2 (Video MP4 Format)

Case Presentations Panel Discussion- More Controversies and Frontiers in Managing Atrial Fibrillation – Part 2 (PDF Format)

Challenging WPW Cases (Video MP4 Format)

Challenging WPW Cases (PDF Format)

CO2 Insufflation for Epicardial Access- Tips and Tricks (Video MP4 Format)

CO2 Insufflation for Epicardial Access- Tips and Tricks (PDF Format)

Debate- Left Atrial Occlusion Device is the Preferred Treatment Strategy to Prevent Bleeding and Strokes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation 2 (Video MP4 Format)

Debate- Left Atrial Occlusion Device is the Preferred Treatment Strategy to Prevent Bleeding and Strokes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation 2 (PDF Format)

Debate- Left Atrial Occlusion Device is the Preferred Treatment Strategy to Prevent Bleeding and Strokes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (Video MP4 Format)

Debate- Left Atrial Occlusion Device is the Preferred Treatment Strategy to Prevent Bleeding and Strokes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (PDF Format)

Demystifying Lead Extraction (Video MP4 Format)

Demystifying Lead Extraction (PDF Format)

Drug Therapy for PVCs – Important considerations (Video MP4 Format)

Drug Therapy for PVCs – Important considerations (PDF Format)

ECG and Device Jeopardy (Video MP4 Format)

ECG and Device Jeopardy (PDF Format)

How I Approach the Patient with SVT in the EP Lab – Pearls from Madrid (Video MP4 Format)

How I Approach the Patient with SVT in the EP Lab – Pearls from Madrid (PDF Format)

Imaging to Improve Outcome of VT ablation (Video MP4 Format)

Imaging to Improve Outcome of VT ablation (PDF Format)

Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (Video MP4 Format)

Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (PDF Format)

Lessons Learned from Pacing and Programmed Stimulation During Reentrant Arrhythmias (Video MP4 Format)

Lessons Learned from Pacing and Programmed Stimulation During Reentrant Arrhythmias (PDF Format)

Lessons Learned from Using ILRs in Patients Undergoing Afib Ablation (Video MP4 Format)

Lessons Learned from Using ILRs in Patients Undergoing Afib Ablation (PDF Format)

LV Summit PVC Ablation- What are the Challenges and How to Overcome. (Video MP4 Format)

LV Summit PVC Ablation- What are the Challenges and How to Overcome. (PDF Format)

Management of Arrhythmias in Patients with Oncologic Disease (Video MP4 Format)

Management of Arrhythmias in Patients with Oncologic Disease (PDF Format)

My Favorite ECG Unknowns (Video MP4 Format)

My Favorite ECG Unknowns (PDF Format)

Not So Rare Restrictive Cardiomyopathies – Amyloidosis and Sarcoidosis (Video MP4 Format)

Not So Rare Restrictive Cardiomyopathies – Amyloidosis and Sarcoidosis (PDF Format)

Pacing to Improve Outcome in HEpEF Patients (Video MP4 Format)

Pacing to Improve Outcome in HEpEF Patients (PDF Format)

Panel Discussion- Case Presentations Highlighting the Use of Digital Health in EP (Video MP4 Format)

Panel Discussion- Case Presentations Highlighting the Use of Digital Health in EP (PDF Format)

Panel Discussion- Programmed Stimulation, Drug Ablation Therapy and Imaging in the Management of VPDs (Case based presentation) (Video MP4 Format)

Panel Discussion- Programmed Stimulation, Drug Ablation Therapy and Imaging in the Management of VPDs (Case based presentation) (PDF Format)

Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation- What to Do Beyond PVI and in Which Patient (Video MP4 Format)

Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation- What to Do Beyond PVI and in Which Patient (PDF Format)

Pulsed Field Ablation- Insights from Preclinical Studies (Video MP4 Format)

Pulsed Field Ablation- Insights from Preclinical Studies (PDF Format)

Radioablation for VT- Which Patients and Expected Outcomes. (Video MP4 Format)

Radioablation for VT- Which Patients and Expected Outcomes. (PDF Format)

Reversing Anticoagulation (Video MP4 Format)

Reversing Anticoagulation (PDF Format)

Sinus Rhythm ECG Clues to Identify Risk and Origin of VT and VF in Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy and Unique VF Syndromes (Video MP4 Format)

Sinus Rhythm ECG Clues to Identify Risk and Origin of VT and VF in Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy and Unique VF Syndromes (PDF Format)

SOAAS23_Brochure_v8 (PDF Format)

State of the Art Lecture (20 minute presentation + 5 min Q and A)- Role of MRI in Patients with PVCs (Video MP4 Format)

State of the Art Lecture (20 minute presentation + 5 min Q and A)- Role of MRI in Patients with PVCs (PDF Format)

Status of Risk Stratification for Identifying Potential for PVC cardiomyopathy (Video MP4 Format)

Status of Risk Stratification for Identifying Potential for PVC cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

What’s HOT in Afib Pathophysiology and Treatment – Part 1 (Video MP4 Format)

What’s HOT in Afib Pathophysiology and Treatment – Part 1 (PDF Format)