Meetings By Mail Penn Radiology Oncologic Imaging Optimizing Patient Care 2016
Format:38 videos + 1 pdf, size: 2.72 GB
Course Audience: radiologist
Course Director: Daniel A. Pryma, MD
Release date: February 15, 2016Purpose Statement
Twenty five expert clinicians from Penn Radiology and Nuclear Medicine unite to provide a wide ranging review of oncologic imaging. Topics include CT screening for lung cancer, state of the art and emerging techniques, head and neck cancer, thoracic, GI, other abdominal malignancies, neuroendocrine tumors, lymphoma, melanoma and MSK. Throughout their
discussions, faculty will focus on common treatments, technique, imaging implications, patterns of failure, relapse, and follow up. Additionally, gastroenterologists, pulmonologists and clinicians from medical, radiation and interventional oncology will share clinical correlates and information they fi nd essential in imaging reports. As such, this activity shall be acomprehensive resource to all professionals relying on this emerging imaging sub-specialtyEducational Objectives
After completing this activity, the participant should be better able to:
1. Explain the current state-of-the-art capabilities of MRI, CT, ultrasound, PET/CT, SPECT/CT and tomosynthesis2. Restate the current standards of care for staging and treatment of various cancers including the expected outcomes of therapy and their associated imaging findings3. Describe techniques for image-guided biopsies including at the skull base, thyroid and renal4. Evaluate the appropriateness of imaging screening, particularly in high-risk individuals for breast or lung cancer5. List current radiotherapeutic options, such as liver-directed microsphere therapy, and the role of cross-sectional imaging6. Describe the potential imaging fi ndings in novel therapeutics such as immunemodulating therapy for malignant melanoma7. Discuss the current staging, work up, treatments and patterns of failure in a wide range of malignanciesPenn Radiology Oncologic Imaging: Optimizing Patient Care provides a comprehensive review, best practices and clinical correlates for this developing subspecialty. Topics include CT Screening for Lung Cancer, State of the Art and Emerging Techniques, Heck and Neck Cancer, Thoracic, GI and other Abdominal Malignancies, Neuroendocrine Tumors, Lymphoma,
Melanoma, MSK and much morePenn Radiology joins forces with its experts in Nuclear Medicine, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Radiation and Interventional Oncology to present this comprehensive review of Oncologic Imaging. Best practices and clinical correlates will be discussed, with two detailed sessions dedicated to CT screening for lung cancer.
Topics: CT Screening for Lung Cancer, State of the Art and Emerging Techniques, Heck and Neck Cancer, Thoracic, GI and other Abdominal Malignancies, Neuroendocrine Tumors, Lymphoma, Melanoma and MSK.
Brochure (PDF Format)
Session 1 Current State-of-the-Art and Emerging Techniques CT State-of-the-Art and Emerging Applications (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Current State-of-the-Art and Emerging Techniques MRI State-of-the-Art and Emerging Applications (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Current State-of-the-Art and Emerging Techniques SPECT CT and PET CT State-of-the Art and Emerging Applications (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Current State-of-the-Art and Emerging Techniques Tomosynthesis Technique, Current and Emerging Applications (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Current State-of-the-Art and Emerging Techniques US State-of-the Art and Emerging Applications (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Head and Neck Cancers Evaluation of Sinonasal and Skullbase Neoplasia (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Head and Neck Cancers Imaging of Laryngeal Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Head and Neck Cancers The Role of Ultrasound in Detecting Thyroid Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 CT Screening for Lung Cancer 1 ACR LungRADS Structured Nodule Reporting and Management System (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 CT Screening for Lung Cancer 1 CT Screening for Lung Cancer Rationale and Evidence Base (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 CT Screening for Lung Cancer 1 Establishing a Successful Lung Cancer Screening Program (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 CT Screening for Lung Cancer 1 Screening CT Optimizing Scan Techniques and Reporting (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 CT Screening for Lung Cancer 2 Case Presentations and Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 CT Screening for Lung Cancer 2 Future Directions in the Screening of Lung Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 CT Screening for Lung Cancer 2 Patient Conversations Shared Decision Making and Counseling (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 CT Screening for Lung Cancer 2 RiskBenefi t & Over-diagnosis in Lung Cancer Screening (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Clinical Updates and Imaging Correlates AJCC Staging, Standard of Care Therapy, Breast and Gynecologic Malignancies (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Clinical Updates and Imaging Correlates Imaging of Gynecologic Cancers Focus on Treatment Planning (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Clinical Updates and Imaging Correlates Medical Oncology Update on Immune-modulating Therapeutics and Imaging Correlates (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Thoracic Malignancies Indications for MR Imaging of the Breast (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Thoracic Malignancies Lung Cancer Staging, Standard of Care and Imaging Strategies (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Thoracic Malignancies Ultrasound in Breast Imaging (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 GI Malignancies CT Colonography, Techniques, Interpretations and Reimbursement (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 GI Malignancies Esophageal & Gastric Cancer AJCC Update and Standard of Care (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 GI Malignancies Fluorscopy After Oncologic GI Surgery (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Other Abdominal Malignancies Liver Directed Therapy Treatment Options, Technical Aspects and Work-up (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Other Abdominal Malignancies Liver Imaging for Primary and Metastic Disease (MR) (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Other Abdominal Malignancies Prostate Cancer Treatment Options and Toxicities (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Other Abdominal Malignancies Renal Masses and Cancers Imaging Work-up, Biopsies and Surgical Approaches (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Other Abdominal Malignancies RPVI Prostate Cancer Initial Imaging Work-up and Imaging in the Face of Rising PSA (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Neuroendocrine Tumors Neuroendocrine Tumors Chemotherapeutic Options and Imaging Implications (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Neuroendocrine Tumors Neuroendocrine Tumors Work-up, Symptoms and Palliative Options (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Neuroendocrine Tumors Radiopharmaceutical Imaging and Therapy of Neuroendocrine Tumors (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 GI Malignancies Image-guided Adaptive Therapy in Lymphoma (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 GI Malignancies Lymphoma Imaging, Treatments and Follow-up (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 GI Malignancies Melanoma Patterns of Recurrence and Toxicity in the Era of Immune-modulating Therapy (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 GI Malignancies Melanoma Review of Staging and Treatment Options (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 GI Malignancies Musculoskeletal Malignancies Imaging Patterns, Treatments and Pitfalls (Video MP4 Format)