Penn Medicine 19th Annual Neurology Board Review Course 2022
Format: 16 videos + 13 pdfs, size: 18.2 GB
Course Audience: neurologist, surgeon
Date & LocationMonday, June 6, 2022, 7:45 AM – Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 4:15 PM, Virtual, Philadelphia, PA
Course OverviewThe list of course topics and subtopics was adapted from the ABPN’s description of the board and recertification examinations. The time allotted for each topic is based upon the approximate distribution of the subject matter as given by the ABPN. Our course will provide an excellent review of board exam and recertification topics primarily through case-based learning and help the learner identify areas that require further study. The learner can then review and prepare further in these areas prior to taking the examination.
Target AudienceSpecialties – NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY, NEUROLOGY, NEUROLOGY WITH SPECIAL QUALIFICATION IN CHILD NEUROLOGYLearning ObjectivesAfter completing this activity, participants should be able to:
- Prepare for either the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry (ABPN) Board Examination in Neurology or the Recertification Examination.
- Discuss topics in neurology basic science, including neuroanatomy, neuropathology, and neurochemistry.
- Discuss common and new topics in clinical adult neurology, including neurovascular, movement disorders, sleep, headache, epilepsy, nueromuscular, neuro-immunology, neuro-infectious disease, and behavioral neurology
- Review the diagnostic criteria for chronic migraine and the available treatments
- Review the diagnostic criteria for relapsing remitting and primary progressive multiple sclerosis and the available treatments
Behavioral Neurology through clinical cases (Video MP4 Format)
Behavioral Neurology through clinical cases (PDF Format)CNS and systemic infections virology Psychiatric neurologic problems associated With medical disease Through clinical cases (Video MP4 Format)CNS and systemic infections virology Psychiatric neurologic problems associated With medical disease Through clinical cases (PDF Format)Description of the Board Exam (Video MP4 Format)Description of the Recertification Exam (Video MP4 Format)Discussion 1 (Video MP4 Format)Discussion 2 (Video MP4 Format)Discussion 3 (Video MP4 Format)Discussion 4 (Video MP4 Format)Epilepsy and EEG through Clinical Cases (Video MP4 Format)Epilepsy and EEG through Clinical Cases (PDF Format)Memory disorders and cortical changes with dysfunction (Video MP4 Format)Memory disorders and cortical changes with dysfunction (PDF Format)Movement disorders through clinical cases (Video MP4 Format)Movement disorders through clinical cases (PDF Format)NBR22_Brochure_v3 (PDF Format)Neuro-Immunology through clinical cases (Video MP4 Format)Neuro-Immunology through clinical cases (PDF Format)Neuromuscular Disease through clinical cases (Video MP4 Format)Neuromuscular Disease through clinical cases (PDF Format)Neuromuscular Junction Disease Through Clinical Cases (PDF Format)Neurophysiology (EMG, VEP,BAERS) through clinical cases (Video MP4 Format)Neurophysiology (EMG, VEP,BAERS) through clinical cases (PDF Format)Neurovascular through clinical cases (Video MP4 Format)Neurovascular through clinical cases (PDF Format)Pediatric Neurology through clinical cases 2 (PDF Format)Pediatric Neurology through clinical cases (Video MP4 Format)Pediatric Neurology through clinical cases (PDF Format)