Montreal Neurological Institute Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology, and Epilepsy, in 2022
Format: 4 videos + 1 pdf, size: 37.1 GB
Course Audience: neurologists, epileptologists and epilepsy neurosurgeons, neurophysiologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists and neuropsychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurology residents and graduate students in engineering, neuroscience and psychology
epilepsy_symposium_2022_program_final (PDF Format)
May 27 Afternoon Session (Video MP4 Format)May 27 Morning Session (Video MP4 Format)May 28 Afternoon Session (Video MP4 Format)May 28 Morning Session (Video MP4 Format)
* Detail:
May 27 – Biomarkers of Epileptogenicity: Neurophysiology and Imaging
8:30 Welcome – Introduction to Day 1
François Dubeau, Canada
Paolo Federico, President CLAE, CanadaSession 1: High Frequency Oscillations, a new biomarker in epilepsy
Chairs: Christophe Grova, George Kostopoulos
9:00 HFOs: Where do they come from and where are they going?Jerome Engel, Jr., USA (Virtual)9:40 HFOs: Do they really mark the epileptic tissue?
Julia Jacobs, Canada
10:20 Refreshment pause
10:40 Back to the future: Is ECoG the answer?Maeike Zijlmans, The Netherlands
11:20 Separating healthy from epileptic HFOs
Birgit Frauscher, Canada
12:00 Lunch and poster sessionNote: Held in the Concourse space, Percival Molson Stadium
13:15 Keynote – Gloor Lecture
Chair: Dang Nguyen, CanadaEEG and epilepsy – the future
Samuel Wiebe, CanadaSession 2: Probing the epileptic focus from inside and from outside
Chairs: Louise Tyvaert, Barbara Jobst
14:10 Finding the epileptic focus with functional imagingGraeme Jackson, Australia
14:50 Refreshment pause
15:10 Connecting extra- and intracerebral signals: How EEG and MEG relate to intracerebral EEG
Christian Bénar, France15:50 Functional connectivity and network hubs in focal epilepsy
Christophe Grova, Canada16:30 Diagnostic and therapeutic use of neurostimulation
Philippe Kahane, France
17:10 Recollections
Chair: Birgit Frauscher
George KostopoulosNicolas von EllenriederRina ZelmannPierre LeVanMarc SaabMassimo AvoliMay 28 – Cognition and Sensory Systems in Healthy and
Diseased Subjects
8:30 Welcome – Introduction to Day 2
Julien Doyon, Canada
Robert Zatorre, Canada (virtual)Session 3: Neuropsychology in epilepsy and other neurological disorders
Chairs: Lauren Dade, Jelena Djordjevic
9:00 History, major achievements, and future of neuropsychology in epilepsyGail Risse, USA9:40 Presurgical prediction of language and memory in epilepsy: Still a role for IAP
Viviane Sziklas, Canada10:20 Refreshment pause
10:40 Neurocognitive impact of seizures and epilepsy surgery on children with epilepsy
Mary Lou Smith, Canada11:20 Sex differences in normal cognition and neurological disease
Sarah Banks, USA (Virtual)12:00 Lunch and poster sessionNote: Held in the Concourse space, Percival Molson Stadium
13:15 Keynote lecture
Chair: Alain Dagher, Canada
Dietary influences on brain function and cognitionDana Small, USASession 4: Epilepsy research widens Penfield’s window on the brain
Chairs: Johan Lundstrom, Catherine Rouby
14:10 How hunger-related changes in hypothalamic neurons influence cortical processing of food-predicting cues
Mark Andermann, USA14:50 Refreshment pause
15:10 Differences in brain structure related to expertise:
Olfactory training
Johannes Frasnelli, Canada15:50 Language experience and its role in changing our brains
Denise Klein, Canada
16:30 Population neuroscience: Merging old and new to learn more
Tomas Paus, Canada17:10 Recollections
Chair: Natalie PhillipsDylan D. WagnerLauren DadeStephan KennepohlJelena DjordjevicDevin SodumsJohan Lundstrom17:40 Closing cocktail (onsite)