Montreal Neurological Institute Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology, and Epilepsy, in 2022

Montreal Neurological Institute Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology, and Epilepsy, in 2022

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Montreal Neurological Institute Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology, and Epilepsy, in 2022

Format: 4 videos + 1 pdf, size: 37.1 GB

Course Audience: neurologists, epileptologists and epilepsy neurosurgeons, neurophysiologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists and neuropsychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurology residents and graduate students in engineering, neuroscience and psychology

epilepsy_symposium_2022_program_final (PDF Format)

May 27 Afternoon Session (Video MP4 Format)

May 27 Morning Session (Video MP4 Format)

May 28 Afternoon Session (Video MP4 Format)

May 28 Morning Session (Video MP4 Format)


* Detail:

May 27 – Biomarkers of Epileptogenicity: Neurophysiology and Imaging

8:30 Welcome – Introduction to Day 1

François Dubeau, Canada

Paolo Federico, President CLAE, Canada

Session 1: High Frequency Oscillations, a new biomarker in epilepsy

Chairs: Christophe Grova, George Kostopoulos

9:00 HFOs: Where do they come from and where are they going?

Jerome Engel, Jr., USA (Virtual)

9:40 HFOs: Do they really mark the epileptic tissue?

Julia Jacobs, Canada

10:20 Refreshment pause

10:40 Back to the future: Is ECoG the answer?

Maeike Zijlmans, The Netherlands

11:20 Separating healthy from epileptic HFOs

Birgit Frauscher, Canada

12:00 Lunch and poster session

Note: Held in the Concourse space, Percival Molson Stadium

13:15 Keynote – Gloor Lecture

Chair: Dang Nguyen, Canada

EEG and epilepsy – the future

Samuel Wiebe, Canada

Session 2: Probing the epileptic focus from inside and from outside

Chairs: Louise Tyvaert, Barbara Jobst

14:10 Finding the epileptic focus with functional imaging

Graeme Jackson, Australia

14:50 Refreshment pause

15:10 Connecting extra- and intracerebral signals: How EEG and MEG relate to intracerebral EEG

Christian Bénar, France

15:50 Functional connectivity and network hubs in focal epilepsy

Christophe Grova, Canada

16:30 Diagnostic and therapeutic use of neurostimulation

Philippe Kahane, France

17:10 Recollections

Chair: Birgit Frauscher

George Kostopoulos

Nicolas von Ellenrieder

Rina Zelmann

Pierre LeVan

Marc Saab

Massimo Avoli

May 28 – Cognition and Sensory Systems in Healthy and

Diseased Subjects

8:30 Welcome – Introduction to Day 2

Julien Doyon, Canada

Robert Zatorre, Canada (virtual)

Session 3: Neuropsychology in epilepsy and other neurological disorders

Chairs: Lauren Dade, Jelena Djordjevic

9:00 History, major achievements, and future of neuropsychology in epilepsy

Gail Risse, USA

9:40 Presurgical prediction of language and memory in epilepsy: Still a role for IAP

Viviane Sziklas, Canada

10:20 Refreshment pause

10:40 Neurocognitive impact of seizures and epilepsy surgery on children with epilepsy

Mary Lou Smith, Canada

11:20 Sex differences in normal cognition and neurological disease

Sarah Banks, USA (Virtual)

12:00 Lunch and poster session

Note: Held in the Concourse space, Percival Molson Stadium

13:15 Keynote lecture

Chair: Alain Dagher, Canada

Dietary influences on brain function and cognition

Dana Small, USA

Session 4: Epilepsy research widens Penfield’s window on the brain

Chairs: Johan Lundstrom, Catherine Rouby

14:10 How hunger-related changes in hypothalamic neurons influence cortical processing of food-predicting cues

Mark Andermann, USA

14:50 Refreshment pause

15:10 Differences in brain structure related to expertise:

Olfactory training

Johannes Frasnelli, Canada

15:50 Language experience and its role in changing our brains

Denise Klein, Canada

16:30 Population neuroscience: Merging old and new to learn more

Tomas Paus, Canada

17:10 Recollections

Chair: Natalie Phillips

Dylan D. Wagner

Lauren Dade

Stephan Kennepohl

Jelena Djordjevic

Devin Sodums

Johan Lundstrom

17:40 Closing cocktail (onsite)

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