MedStar Diabetic Limb Salvage 2022

MedStar Diabetic Limb Salvage 2022

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MedStar Health Diabetic Limb Salvage 2022

Format: 46 videos + 1 pdf, size: 10.4 GB

Course Audience: dermatology, endocrinology, infectious disease, orthopaedic surgery, physical medicine, rehabilitation, plastic surgery, vascular surgery

DLS2022_brochure (PDF Format)

Session I Accelerated Healing of Chronic VLUs and DFUs (Video MP4 Format)

Session I Biomechanical Considerations to Provide a Functional Foot (Video MP4 Format)

Session I Cadaver Lab Application of Circular External Fixator (Video MP4 Format)

Session I Debridement Why, When and How- (Video MP4 Format)

Session I Evaluating the Host What are we Really Up Against (Video MP4 Format)

Session I How do we Screen for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) in the Diabetic Foot (Video MP4 Format)

Session I Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Session I The Efficient and Effective Diabetic Foot Exam (Video MP4 Format)

Session I Welcome Remarks (Video MP4 Format)

Session II Applying the Latest Evidence, Techniques, and Innovative Technologies for Value Analysis Tips from a Multi-disciplinary Panel (Video MP4 Format)

Session II Cadaver Lab Debridement and Amputation (Video MP4 Format)

Session II International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) Using MetaData to Guide Wound Healing Treatments (Video MP4 Format)

Session II Introduction (Video MP4 Format)

Session II IV vs PO. 2 weeks vs 12 weeks. How Should we Dose (Video MP4 Format)

Session II Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Session II Todays Surgical Approach to Osteomyelitis (Video MP4 Format)

Session II Turning the Tables Upside Down with Data on Clinic Based Debridments (Video MP4 Format)

Session II What Ever Happened to the Biofilm Discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Session III An Advanced Wound Care Portfolio Supported by TIME (Video MP4 Format)

Session III Cadaver Lab Amputations of the Foot (Video MP4 Format)

Session III Charcot Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Early Stage Management (Video MP4 Format)

Session III Does Beaming Still make Sense (Video MP4 Format)

Session III Introduction (Video MP4 Format)

Session III Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Session III Using Evidence to Operate Wisely on the Right Patient (Video MP4 Format)

Session III What the Georgetown Data Tells us about Charcot Treatment (Video MP4 Format)

Session III When the Train Comes off the Tracks Charcot Complications (Video MP4 Format)

Session IV Advanced Options to Address the Neglected Lymphatic Component of Edema (Video MP4 Format)

Session IV Bony Reconstruction of the Lower Extremity (Video MP4 Format)

Session IV Free Flaps for Lower Extremity Salvage (Video MP4 Format)

Session IV Introduction (Video MP4 Format)

Session IV Local Flaps for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction (Video MP4 Format)

Session IV Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Session IV Thinking Outside the Box Creativity for Complex Soft Tissue Problems (Video MP4 Format)

Session V Cadaver Lab Local Flaps of the Lower Extremity (Video MP4 Format)

Session V MedStar Georgetown Distinguished Achievement Award in Diabetic Limb Salvage (Video MP4 Format)

Session V No Blood Flow.No Function. Effective Endovascular Interventions (Video MP4 Format)

Session V Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Session V Targeted Muscle Reinnervation for Neuroma Management and Prevention (Video MP4 Format)

Session V Well Performed Below Knee Amputation (BKA) Is Functional Salvage What the Data Now Tells Us (Video MP4 Format)

Session VI Case Discussion Flap, Graft, or Biologics Which One Wins (Video MP4 Format)

Session VI DLS Now and in the Future (Video MP4 Format)

Session VI Keynote Address The Future of Limb Reconstruction (Video MP4 Format)

Session VI Measure What We Manage Past and Future Diabetic Foot (Video MP4 Format)

Session VI Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Session VI Why is the Charcot Foot so Uncommon in Diabetes What Does it Tell us About its Causes (Video MP4 Format)