Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists & College of Anaesthesiologists Annual Scientific Congress 2022
Format: 9 videos + 1 pdf, size: 109 GB
Course Audience: anaesthesiologists
Medical Centre (UMMC) was one of three hospitals receiving hundreds of patients, many of whom needed intensive care and ventilation. Upscaling of intensive care facilities, nursing staff, and personal protective protocols was accelerated during this period until the end of the outbreak. The experiences of this period were published by the University of Malaya Nipah Virus Investigation Team in the Lancet and New England Journal, and the Team became the first recipient of the Merdeka award for Medicine and Science in 2008.
CONTRIBUTION TO INTENSIVE CARE UNITPatrick taught that intensive care needs to be titrated at the bedside according to interpretation of clinical data and therapy should be outcome-driven by hypothesis testing. Human safety for patient and healthcare professionals must be maintained through compliance with evidence-based protocols. Ethical standards, based on respect for autonomy and communication, were non-negotiable. Patrick had profound respect for multidisciplinary viewpoints from doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, nutritionists, patients, and families. He recognised the need for an ICU team to gel well together. Patrick has taught post-basic intensive care nursing courses in UMMC. Since retirement from University of Malaya Patrick has participated in Intensive Care Unit journal club discussions.CONTRIBUTION TO MALAYSIAAs a teacher in anesthesia and intensive care, Patrick mentored, trained, and examined over 100 anesthesia specialists and two PhDs who have become leaders in the anesthesia, intensive care and nursing landscape in Malaysia and other countries. Patrick co-organised Pediatric Advanced Life Support teaching in University and State hospitals in Malaysia from 1993 to 2000. Patrick has been a strong supporter of training and cooperation in University and Ministry of Health hospitals and has served in the Ministry of Health committees on Unrelated Organ Transplantation, and on Draft Transplantation Law.LEADERSHIPAs a leader in our fraternity, Patrick has been a past president of the College of Anesthesiologists, Malaysian Society of Anesthesiologists, and Asia Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine. Patrick was Organising Chair of the Western Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine Congress in Kuala Lumpur 1995. He was annual speaker at the Bali International Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine from 1997 to 2019. In the home front of UM, Patrick served in the Faculty of Medicine as the Postgraduate Deputy Dean for 3 years and University of Malaya Medical Centre Hospital Deputy Director for 5 years influencing many policy changes and improvement in both our postgraduate training and hospital for better patient care. Currently, he is a member of the Malaysian Bioethics Community and Chair of the Clinical Ethics Malaysia panel. He is also an author of the COVID-19 BIOETHICS Guidance for Clinicians.PERSONAL LIFEPatrick first met his paediatrician wife Dr Lucy Lum when working in Great Ormond Street Hospital. Both Patrick and Lucy originated from Pulau Tikus Penang but fate had it that their paths would cross in London. After their marriage, Lucy was instrumental in persuading Patrick to return to Malaysia where both their lives have been mutually and happily nourished by dedicated service and productive careers. Their marriage of 33 years has been blessed with three children, two of whom work in humanitarian social work – Louise in Women’s Aid Organization, Isabelle in UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Their youngest son Peter is a medical student in Universiti Malaya. Patrick’s hobbies include cooking, walking, swimming, music, and history. He has been going ‘green’ by reducinghis use of volatile anesthetic agents and investing in domestic solar photovoltaic energy to charge his electric vehicle and reduce his carbon footprint, thus facilitating guilt-free transportation.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
August 5 Melaka Room (Video MP4 Format)
August 5 Sabah Room (Video MP4 Format)August 5 Sarawak Room (Video MP4 Format)August 6 Melaka Room (Video MP4 Format)August 6 Sabah Room (Video MP4 Format)August 6 Sarawak Room (Video MP4 Format)August 7 Melaka Room (Video MP4 Format)August 7 Sabah Room (Video MP4 Format)August 7 Sarawak Room (Video MP4 Format)MSA-COA_ASC_2022_SPAB (PDF Format)* Detail: (download file to view): MSA-COA_ASC_2022_SPAB (PDF Format)