Keck USC 29th Annual USC National Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery Symposium 2023
Format: 1 videos + 1 pdf, size: 7.22 GB
Course Audience: critical care physician, surgeon, emergency medical physician
Date & LocationThursday, May 25, 2023, 6:30 AM – Friday, May 26, 2023, 4:15 PM, Langham Huntington Hotel, Pasadena, CA
OverviewThe annual USC National Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery Symposium is presented by the Division of Acute Care Surgery at the Los Angeles County + University of Southern California (LAC + USC) Medical Center, one of the largest trauma centers in the United States. The symposium features cutting-edge lectures, high-caliber plenary sessions, interactive and provocative panel discussions, and inspiring keynote addresses by leaders in the field of acute care surgery, trauma and surgical critical care. A balance between evidence-based principles and innovative thought-provoking discussion will be maintained during lively expert debates. Each session focuses on understanding the latest medical controversies and the implementation of practical procedural skills.
ObjectivesBy the end of the course, participants will be able to:- Outline optimal care in the prehospital and hospital setting.
- Integrate new technology and devices for monitoring and treatment in trauma and critical care.
- Outline methods to improve mass casualty and disaster planning at your home institution.
- Plan an evidence-based approach to current controversies in trauma and critical care patient management.
- Integrate new temporizing and definitive management options for complex surgical disease.
- Prepare a plan for epidemics or pandemics in a hospital setting.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
May 25-26 (Video MP4 Format) (Full Live 2 Days)
Syllabus (PDF Format)
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2023
6:30 am Registration & Breakfast7:00 am Virtual Login Begins7:15 am Welcome Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD Opening Remarks Jorge Orozco, CEO, LAC+USC Medical CenterSESSION 1: Prehospital and Emergency Department Moderator: Kenji Inaba, MD, MSc
7:30 am Air 5 Flight Medics Dana Vilander7:45 am Tips and Pitfalls in the Evaluation and Management of the Pregnant Trauma Patient Areti Tillou, MD8:00 am Shock Index or Systolic Blood Pressure for Trauma Team Activation? Angelica Loza-Gomez, MD8:15 am Hypertonic Saline or Mannitol in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: What Is the Evidence? Raul Coimbra, MD, PhD8:30 am The Multi-Trauma Patient with Intra-Abdominal Bleeding and a Low GCS: CT Scan or Operating Room? Daniel R. Margulies, MD8:45 am DiscussionSESSION 2: Military Session Moderator: CDR Obinna Ugochukwu, MD
8:55 am LAC+USC Medical Center and US Navy Trauma Training Program: 20 Years of Productive Partnership CDR Jeffrey C. Chao, MD9:10 am Military & Civilian Collaborations in Trauma Training: Where Are We in 2023? Rachel Russo, MD9:25 am Humanitarian Trauma Care by US Military During Combat Operations in Afghanistan and Iraq COL Jennifer M. Gurney, MD9:40 am Discussion9:50 am BreakSESSION 3: Distinguished Professor and Keynote Speaker Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
10:20 am Keynote Lecture: Controlling Risk, in a Dangerous World Jim Wetherbee, Captain, US Navy (Ret.), Former Astronaut, NASASESSION 4: Challenging Problems in Acute Care Surgery! Moderator: COL (ret.) Matthew Martin, MD
10:55 am Necrotizing Pancreatitis: Optimizing Outcomes Lt. Col. (ret.) Jay J. Doucet, MD11:05 am Reducing the Risk of Postoperative Recurrent Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction Brant A. Putnam, MD11:15 am Preoperative Discontinuation of Pharmacological VTE Prophylaxis: Finding the Perfect Risk/Benefit Balance Rodney McKeever, MD11:25 am Routine or Selective VTE Surveillance in the ICU for Trauma Patients? Elliot Williams, MD11:35 am Management of Uncomplicated Acute Appendicitis: Challenging Decades of Standard of Care! Subarna Biswas, MD, PhD11:45 am Discussion11:55 am Lunch Pick-UpSESSION 5: The Kenneth L. Mattox Luncheon Session Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
12:05 pm Ergonomics in Surgery Kenneth L. Mattox, MDSESSION 6: Organ Donation Moderator: Lydia Lam, MD
12:55 pm Special Guest1:05 pm Specialized Centers for the Care of Organ Donors: The LA Experience Aaron Cohen1:20 pm Thoracic Organs from the DCD Victor Pretorius, MBChB1:35 pm DiscussionSESSION 7: Better Trauma and Emergency Surgery Care and Critical Care Moderator: Michael Sise, MD
1:45 pm Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Pitfalls Edward E. Cornwell III, MD1:55 pm Ultrasonography for the Intensivist Meghan Lewis, MD2:05 pm The Use and Abuse of Vasopressors in the ICU Bradley Allen, MD2:15 pm Discussion2:20 pm BreakSESSION 8: Challenging Controversies in Trauma: The REBOA Story Moderator: Kenneth L. Mattox, MD
2:50 pm REBOA in 2023: What Is the Evidence? Peter Rhee, MD, MPH3:00 pm REBOA in Non-Trauma Emergencies Kazuhide Matsushima, MD3:10 pm REBOA in Severe Multi-Trauma: The Unknown Complications That We Should Know! Areg Grigorian, MD3:20 pm DiscussionSESSION 9: Capsule Commentaries: Trauma Care Moderator: Kazuhide Matsushima, MD
3:25 pm Reducing the Risk of Surgical Wound Infection Alpen Nacar, MD3:42 pm Pressure Ulcers in the ICU: Can We Do Better? John Peter Gruen, MD3:49 pm Rib Fixation for Flail Chest in the High Risk Obese or Chronic Cardiorespiratory Patient! Galinos Barmparas, MD3:56 pm Rib Fixation for Flail Chest: Liberal or Highly Selective? Eugenia Lee, MD, MPH4:03 pm Asymptomatic COVID Trauma Patients: Worse Outcomes, More Hospital Resources Lydia Lam, MD4:10 pm Burn Resuscitation: Crystalloid or Colloids? Blair Smart, MD, MPH4:17 pm DiscussionSESSION 10: One Hour with Dimitri: Believe It or Not! Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
4:20 pm Panel Raul Coimbra, MD, PhD, Lt. Col. (ret.) Jay J. Doucet, MD, MSc, Mark Kaplan, MD, Daniel R. Margulies, MD, Kenneth L. Mattox, MD, Brant A. Putnam, MDSESSION 10A: Updates from the Battlefield in Ukraine
5:20 pm Updates and Trauma Lessons Learned From the Battlefield in Ukraine Andrii Tkachenko, MD5:40 pm AdjournFRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023
7:00 am Registration & Breakfast7:15 am Virtual Login BeginsSESSION 11: In the ICU Moderator: Meghan Lewis, MD
7:30 am Immunonutrition in the ICU Trauma Patient: Facts and Myths! Anaar E. Siletz, MD, PhD7:40 am Delirium in the ICU: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Edward Cho, MD7:50 am Probiotics for Infection Prevention in ICU: Do They Work? Jamie Knell, MD8:00 am VTE Pharmacological Prophylaxis in the Severe Multi-Trauma ICU Patient: Optimal Time and Type Eric J. Ley, MD8:10 am Striving for Better Outcomes: Data Science in Intensive Care J. Perren Cobb, MD8:20 am DiscussionSESSION 12: Community and Trauma Programs Moderator: Damon H. Clark, MD
8:30 am Nursing Magnet Status: Impact on Patient Care and Outcomes Nancy Blake, PhD, RN, CCRN, NEA-BC8:40 am Should Age Be a Criterion for TTA? Morgan A. Schellenberg, MD, MPH8:50 am Geriatric Trauma: The New Trauma Verification Requirements Jennifer Smith, MD9:00 am DiscussionSESSION 13: Keynote Speaker Introduction: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
9:10 am Keynote Lecture: Outcomes Disparities in Trauma: Who, Why, When! Edward E. Cornwell III, MD9:45 am BreakSESSION 14: The Tom Noguchi Session: Coroner’s Corner Moderator: Thomas Noguchi, MD
10:15 am Evaluation of Gunshot Wounds in Forensic Pathology Odey C. Ukpo, MD, MS10:45 am DiscussionSESSION 15: Video Sessions: How To… Moderator: Elizabeth R. Benjamin, MD, PhD
10:52 am Cricothyrodotomy: Technique, Tips and Pitfalls MAJ Joshua Dilday, DO11:00 am Thoracostomy Tube Insertion: Technique, Tips and Pitfalls Chance Nichols, MD11:08 am Intraosseous Access: Technique, Tips and Pitfalls Jennie Kim, MD11:16 am Cardiac Repair: Technique, Tips and Pitfalls Amanda Hambrecht, MD11:24 am Vascular Shunts for Damage Control: Techinique, Tips and Pitfalls Kelly Boyle, MD11:32 am Discussion11:45 am Lunch Pick-UpSESSION 16: LUNCHEON SESSION Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
12:00 pm Pursuing Excellence Through the Quality Improvement Process Brad Spellberg, MDSESSION 17: Challenging and Controversial Issues in Trauma Moderator: Edward E. Cornwell III, MD
12:40 pm Prophylactic Angioembolization of Solid Organs: A Risk-Free Procedure? COL (ret.) Matthew Martin, MD12:50 pm Routine Screening for False Aneurysms After Solid Organ Injury: Should it Be the Standard of Care? Morgan A. Schellenberg, MD, MPH1:00 pm Occlusion of the Left Subclavian Artery in Stenting Thoracic Aortic Injuries: Consequences Gregory A. Magee, MD1:10 pm Carotid Artery Injury with Neurological Deficits: Repair, Ligation or Observation? Michael Sise, MD1:20 pm Intraoperative Retroperitoneal Hematomas Elizabeth R. Benjamin, MD, PhD1:30 pm DiscussionSESSION 18: Debate: Damage Control in Trauma Revisited Moderator: Kenji Inaba, MD, MSc
1:40 pm Early and Liberal Damage Control Improves Outcomes Mark Kaplan, MD1:52 pm Damage Control has been Overused and Results in Adverse Outcomes Peter Rhee, MD, MPH2:04 pm Resolution: Let’s Agree!2:10 pm BreakSESSION 19: Challenging Dilemmas Moderator: Lydia Lam, MD
2:40 pm Peripheral Vascular Trauma: Endovascular or Open Approach? Raul Coimbra, MD, PhD2:55 pm Severe Peritonitis: Laparotomy of Demand, Open Abdomen or Postoperative Lavage? Mark Kaplan, MD3:10 pm Severe Pelvic Bleeding: Pelvic Binders, Angioembolization, Preperitoneal Packing, Bilateral Internal Iliac Ligation Elizabeth R. Benjamin, MD, PhD3:25 pm Colectomy for Complicated Diverticulitis: Diversion, Primary Anastomosis, or Primary Anastomosis with Protective Proximal Stoma? Glenn T. Ault, MD, MSEd3:35 pm DiscussionSESSION 20: Rheeopardy Moderator: Peter Rhee, MD, MPH
3:45 pm Panel USC-Alpen Nacar, MD Harbor-UCLA-Jason Cheng, MD Cedars Sinai-Jack Stupinski, MD LLUM-Kristine Bonnick, MDSESSION 21: Closing Remarks
4:30 pm Adjournment Raffle Lydia Lam, MD