Keck USC 28th Annual USC National Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery Symposium 2022
Format: 1 videos + 1 pdf, size: 19.3 GB
Course Audience: critical care physician, surgeon, emergency medical physician
Date & LocationThursday, June 30, 2022, 6:30 AM – Friday, July 1, 2022, 4:00 PM, Langham Huntington Hotel, Pasadena, CA
OverviewThe annual USC National Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery Symposium is presented by the Division of Acute Care Surgery at the Los Angeles County + University of Southern California (LAC + USC) Medical Center, one of the largest trauma centers in the United States. The symposium features cutting-edge lectures, high-caliber plenary sessions, interactive and provocative panel discussions, and inspiring keynote addresses by leaders in the field of acute care surgery, trauma and surgical critical care. A balance between evidence-based principles and innovative thought-provoking discussion will be maintained during lively expert debates. Each session focuses on understanding the latest medical controversies and the implementation of practical procedural skills.
ObjectivesBy the end of the course, participants will be able to:- Outline optimal care in the prehospital and hospital setting.
- Integrate new technology and devices for monitoring and treatment in trauma and critical care.
- Outline methods to improve mass casualty and disaster planning at your home institution.
- Plan an evidence-based approach to current controversies in trauma and critical care patient management.
- Integrate new temporizing and definitive management options for complex surgical disease.
- Prepare a plan for epidemics or pandemics in a hospital setting.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
June 30 – July 1 (Video MP4 Format) (17 hours)
Syllabus (PDF Format)
6:30 am Continental Breakfast and Live Registration7:00 am Virtual Login Begins7:15 am Welcome Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD Opening Remarks Jorge Orozco, CEO, LAC+USC Medical CenterSESSION 1: Prehospital and Emergency Department Moderator: Carl R. Chudnofsky, MD
7:30 am Tactical Medicine, from Concept to Reality Patrick Rudolf, LAPD, EMT7:45 am Acute Resuscitation in 2022: Whole Blood, Routine TXA the New Standards? CDR Jeffrey C. Chao, MD8:00 am CT Scan Evaluation of the Pediatric Trauma Patient Sean Johnston, MD8:15 am Reversal of Novel Oral Anticoagulants (NOACs) in Trauma: When and What? Eric J. Ley, MD8:30 am Routine Intubation in All TBIs with GCS<9: Is It Still the Standard of Care? Elizabeth R. Benjamin, MD, PhD8:45 am DiscussionSESSION 2: Military Session Moderator: CDR Jeffrey C. Chao, MD
8:55 am Blast Injuries Peter Rhee, MD, MPH9:10 am Decompressive Craniectomy for Severe TBI: Lessons Learned from the Recent Wars COL (ret.) Matthew Martin, MD9:25 am Damage Control Teams in An Austere Environment: Personnel, Training, and Equipment CDR Jeffrey C. Chao, MD9:40 am Discussion9:50 am BreakSESSION 3: Distinguished Professor and Keynote Speaker
Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD10:20 am Keynote Lecture: It Takes a Village…Building Teams to Lead in Academic Surgery and Global HealthRaul Coimbra, MD, PhDSESSION 4: Challenging Problems in Acute Care Surgery! Moderator: Raul Coimbra, MD, PhD
10:55 am Emergency General Surgery in Pregnancy Daniel R. Margulies, MD11:05 am Trauma in Pregnancy Brant A. Putnam, MD11:15 am Small Bowel Obstruction in the Virgin Abdomen Eugenia Lee, MD11:25 am The Difficult Ostomy: Tips and Pitfalls! Glenn T. Ault, MD, MSEd11:35 am Management of Short Bowel Syndrome Emily Switzer, MD11:45 am Discussion11:55 am Lunch Pick-UpSESSION 5: Luncheon Session Introduction: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
12:05 pm Success Factors in Academic Surgery Kenneth L. Mattox, MDSESSION 6: Organ Donation Moderator: Lydia Lam, MD
12:55 pm Organ Donation: The Family’s Perspective Special Speaker1:05 pm The Effect of COVID-19 on Organ Donation Lydia Lam, MD1:20 pm Management of Organ Donors in Special Centers Improves Results Prasad Garimella1:35 pm DiscussionSESSION 7: Better Trauma and Emergency Surgery Care Moderator: Kenji Inaba, MD, MSC
1:45 pm Acute Appendicitis: Is Selective Nonoperative Management the New Standard? Damon H. Clark, MD1:55pm VTE Chemoprophylaxis After Solid Organ Injury: Optimal Time and Type of Prophylaxis Morgan A. Schellenberg, MD, MPH2:05pm ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery): Does it Work? Stephen F. Sener, MD2:15 pm Anesthesia: Tips and Pitfalls in the Critically Unstable Trauma Patient Rodney McKeever, MD2:25 pm Discussion2:30 pm BreakSESSION 8: Challenging Problems in Trauma Moderator: Kenneth L. Mattox, MD
3:00 pm Trauma in the Cirrhotic Patient Carlos V.R. Brown, MD3:10 pm Bowel Anastomosis or Bowel in Discontinuity in Damage Control Laparotomy? Elizabeth R. Benjamin, MD, PhD3:20 pm Retrohepatic IVC Injuries Revisited: A New Approach? Bradley Allen, MD3:30 pm DiscussionSESSION 9: Capsule Commentaries: Trauma Care Moderator: Morgan Schellenberg, MD, MPH
3:40 pm Retained Bullet Fragments and Lead Poisoning: Fact or Myth Michael Sise, MD3:48 pm Extreme Trauma Surgery: Life-Saving Operations in the Field Jennie Kim, MD3:56 pm Social Media Use in Trauma Elliott Williams, MD4:04 pm Hemodynamic Management of Spinal Cord Injury Meghan Lewis, MD4:12 pm Enzymatic Debridement of Acute Burns: What’s New? Ian Powelson, MD4:20 pm Diagnostic Pertoneal Aspirate in the Era of eFAST and CT Scan? Morgan A. Schellenberg, MD, MPH4:28 pm DiscussionSESSION 10: One Hour with Dimitri: Believe It or Not! Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
4:40 pm Panel Daniel R. Margulies, MD Lt. Col. (ret.) Jay J. Doucet, MD Brant A. Putnam, MD Megan Brenner, MD, MS Mark Kaplan, MD Kenneth L. Mattox, MDSESSION 10: Special Session: From the Ukraine Battlefield
5:30 pm Damage Control Surgery in Combat Trauma: Experience from the Ukraine Battlefront! Andrii Tkachenko, MD5:50 pm Pain and PTSD in Combatants with Gunshot and Mine Injuries: From the Ukraine war front! Iurii Kuchyn, MD6:10 pm Discussion6:20 pm AdjournFRIDAY, JULY 1, 2022
7:00 am Continental Breakfast and Live Registration7:15 am Virtual Login BeginsSESSION 11: In the ICU Moderator: Meghan Lewis, MD
7:30 am Integrating TEG: Practicing Tips and Pitfalls, Clinical Versus Lab Run, How to Interpret! Lt. Col (ret.) Jay J. Doucet, MD, MSc7:40 am Beta Blockers for Traumatic Brain Injury: Should They Be Part of the Standard Protocols? Eric J. Ley, MD7:50 am Food for Thought: Nutrition Delivery and Immunonutrition in the Critically Ill Patient Subarna Biswas, MD, PhD8:00 am Proning in Severe ARDS: Life-Saving or a Dangerous Escalation? Gaurav Garg, MD8:10 am End of Life Discussions in the ICU Emily Beers, MD8:20 am DiscussionSESSION 12: Community and International Programs Moderator: Damon H. Clark, MD
8:30 am Using Technology in Disaster Plans J. Perren Cobb, MD8:40 am International Trauma Outreach: The UAE Experience Brian Gavitt, MD, MPH8:50 am Should Helmets Be Compulsory for Skateboarders? MAJ Joshua Dilday, MD9:00 am Trauma Falls: A Preventable Epidemic? Sixta Navarette, RN9:10 am DiscussionSESSION 13: Keynote Speaker Introduction: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
9:20 am Keynote Lecture: Mission Mars: Preparing for Medical Emergencies Michael R. Barratt, MD9:50 am BreakSESSION 14: The Tom Noguchi Session: Coroner’s Corner Moderator: Thomas Noguchi, MD
10:15 am Unusual Coroner’s Cases Jonathan Lucas, MD Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner10:45 am DiscussionSESSION 15: Video Sessions: How To… Moderator: Kazuhide Matsushima, MD
10:52 am Rib Fixation Step By Step Kazuhide Matsushima, MD11:00 am Popliteal Vascular Exposure Brent Emigh, MD11:08 am Mediastinal Vascular Exposure Cristina Novak, MD11:16 am Resuscitative Thoracotomy: Technique, Tips and Pitfalls MAJ Benjamin Franklin, MD11:24 am VATS in Trauma Chance Nichols, MD11:32 am Discussion11:42 am Lunch Pick-UpSESSION 16: Luncheon Session Moderator: Kenji Inaba, MD, MSc
12:10 pm Burnout and Depression in the Era of COVID-19 and Social Isolation: A Real Threat to Trauma Surgeons and Nurses! Michael Sise, MDSESSION 17: Challenging and Controversial Issues Moderator: Elizabeth Benjamin, MD, PhD
12:40 pm Proliferation of Trauma Centers—Solution or Dilution? Peter Rhee, MD, MPH12:50 pm Surgical Advocacy: Why It Is Important and How To Be Effective Brian Gavitt, MD, MPH1:00 pm Local Management of Entero Atmospheric Fistulas: Tips and Pitfalls Mark Kaplan, MD1:10 pm REBOA for Non-Trauma Surgical Emergencies? Megan Brenner, MD, MS1:20 pm DiscussionSESSION 18: Debate: Acute Trauma Resuscitation: Component Therapy Versus Whole Blood? Moderator: Kenji Inaba, MD, MSc
1:30 pm Balanced Component Therapy Is the Evidence-Based Standard of Care! Carlos V.R. Brown, MD1:45 pm Whole Blood Is Superior, and the New Standard for Trauma Resuscitation! COL (ret.) Matthew Martin, MD2:00 pm Let’s Agree!2:08 pm BreakSESSION 19: Damage Control in Desperate Situations Moderator: COL (ret.) Matthew Martin, MD
2:30 pm Damage Control for Pelvic Fracture Bleeding: Preperitoneal Packing or Abdominal Exploration? Areg Grigorian, MD2:45 pm Vascular Damage Control: Technique and Pitfalls Jennifer Smith, MD3:00 pm Damage Control Laparotomy: Tips and Pitfalls Mark Kaplan, MD3:15 pm DiscussionSESSION 20: Rheeopardy Moderator: Peter Rhee, MD, MPH
3:20 pm Panel USC Cedars Sinai UCR4:00 pm Adjournment4:00 pm Raffle Lydia Lam, MD