Keck USC 27th Annual USC National Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery Symposium 2021
Format:1 videos + 1 pdf, size: 12.8 GB
Course Audience: critical care physician, surgeon, emergency medical physician
Date & LocationThursday, June 17, 2021, 6:30 AM – Friday, June 18, 2021, 4:00 PM, Langham Huntington Hotel, Los Angeles, CA
OverviewThe annual USC National Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery Symposium is presented by the Division of Acute Care Surgery at the Los Angeles County+University of Southern California (LAC+USC) Medical Center, one of the largest trauma centers in the United States. The symposium features cutting edge lectures, high caliber plenary sessions, interactive and provocative panel discussions, and inspiring keynote addresses by leaders in the field of acute care surgery, trauma and surgical critical care. A balance between evidence-based principles and innovative thought-provoking discussion will be maintained during lively expert debates. Each session focuses on understanding the latest medical controversies and the implementation of practical procedural skills.
Objectives- Outline optimal care in the prehospital and hospital settings.
- Integrate new technology and devices for monitoring and treatment in trauma and critical care.
- Outline methods to improve mass casualty and disaster planning at your home institution.
- Plan an evidence-based approach to current controversies in trauma and critical care patient management.
- Integrate new temporizing and definitive management options for complex surgical disease.
- Prepare a plan for epidemics or pandemics in a hospital setting.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
June 17-18 (Video MP4 Format) (16 hours 30 minutes)
Syllabus (PDF Format)
6:30 am Registration & Breakfast7:15 am Welcome Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD Opening Remarks Jorge Orozco, CEO, LAC+USC Medical CenterSESSION 1: Prehospital and Emergency Department Moderator: Carl Chudnofsky
7:30 am Challenges in the Triage and Care of the Trauma Patient in the COVID-19 Pandemic Jan Shoenberger, MD7:45 am Doctors in the Ambulances: Do They Make a Difference? Nichole Bosson, MD8:00 am C-Collars: Indications, Contra-Indications and Pitfalls Brant A. Putman, MD8:15 am Prehospital Management of Non-Compressible Bleeding Damon H. Clark, MD8:30 am REBOA: More Than Just a Tool for Trauma? Megan Brenner, MD8:45 am DiscussionSESSION 2: Military Session Moderator: CDR Paul Wisniewski, DO
8:55 am Military-Civilian Partnerships: Pursuing Zero Preventable Deaths! COL Stacy A. Shackelford, MD9:10 am Advances in Resuscitative Care COL (ret.) Matthew Martin, MD9:25 am Body Armor: Missile and Blast Injuries CDR Brian Knipp, MD9:40 am Discussion9:50 am BreakSESSION 3: Distinguished Professor and Keynote Speaker Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
10:20 am Keynote Lecture: Reflections of an Academic Surgeon, Educator and Researcher Kenneth L. Mattox, MDSESSION 4: Challenging Problems in Acute Care Surgery! Moderator: Kazuhide Matsushima, MD
11:05 am Small Bowel Obstruction in the Virgin Abdomen Kyle Mock, MD11:15 am Abdominal Compartment Syndrome: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Pitfalls Eugenia Lee, MD11:25 am Toxic Megacolon: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges Glenn T. Ault, MD, MSEd11:35 am Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections Elizabeth R. Benjamin, MD, PhD11:45 am Discussion11:55 am Lunch Pick-UpSESSION 5: Luncheon Session Introduction: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
12:05 pm Bias, Compassion, and Professionalism in Trauma Care Michael Sise, MDSESSION 6: Organ Donation Moderator: Lydia Lam, MD
12:55 pm Organ Donation and the Donor Family Experience Melea Balwan, MA1:05 pm Organ Donation During COVID: The RN Perspective Leo Laoang, RN1:20 pm Ethical Dilemmas: Registered Donor but Family Does Not Agree! Lydia Lam, MD1:35 pm DiscussionSESSION 7: Challenging Dogma in Trauma Moderator: Kenji Inaba, MD, MSC
1:45 pm Gunshot Wounds to Abdominal Solid Organs: Selective Nonoperative Management is the New Standard of Care Morgan A. Schellenberg, MD, MPH1:55pm Prehospital Spinal Board: Science or Dogma? Emily Dubina, MD2:05pm Blunt Trauma Duodenal Hematomas: Observe, Operate, Unroof? Eric J. Ley, MD2:15 pm Is ICP Monitoring in Head Trauma the Standard of Care? Peter Rhee, MD, MPH2:25 pm Discussion2:30 pm BreakSESSION 8: Challenging Problems in Trauma Moderator Meghan Lewis, MD
3:00 pm Systemic and Local Hemostatic Agents: Prehospital, ED and Operating Room Jay J. Doucet, MD3:10 pm Minimizing Radiation Burden in Trauma and Alternative Options Lee A. Myers, MD3:20 pm Intrahospital Transport of the Critical Patient Joshua Hewko, BSN, CCRN3:30 pm DiscussionSESSION 9: Capsule Commentaries: Trauma Care Moderator: Aaron Strumwasser, MD, MS
3:40 pm Reducing Surgical Site Infection Timothy S. Park, MD3:48 pm Human Bites: Antibiotics, Suturing and Other Controversies Cristina Novak, MD3:56 pm Thoracostomy Tube Insertion: Tips, Pitfalls and Catastrophies Brent Emigh, MD4:04 pm Thoracic Aorta Stenting for Trauma: Revisiting Device-Related Complications Gregory Magee, MD4:12 pm ECMO in Trauma: Pushing the Envelope Bradley Allen, MD4:20 pm DiscussionSESSION 10: One Hour with Dimitri: Believe It or Not! Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
4:30 pm Panel Daniel R. Margulies, MD Jay J. Doucet, MD Brant A. Putnam, MD Megan Brenner, MD, MS COL (ret.) Matthew Martin, MD5:20 pm AdjournFRIDAY JUNE 18, 2021
7:00 am Registration & BreakfastSESSION 11: In the ICU Moderator: Meghan Lewis, MD
7:30 am Rescue Ventilation in the ICU Subarna Biswas, MD, MS7:40 am Challenges of Taking Care of the COVID-19 Patient: Lessons Learned in a Large Trauma Center Christine Mercado, RN7:50 am Ambulation of the Mechanically Ventilated Patient J. Perren Cobb, MD8:00 am Anesthesia for the Severe Trauma Patient: Tips and Pitfalls Rodney McKeever, MD8:10 am COVID-19: Critical Care Challenges Meghan Lewis, MD8:20 am DiscussionSESSION 12: Community and International Programs Moderator: Damon H. Clark, MD
8:30 am Surgical Equity in the US: Where Are We Now? Rochelle A. Dicker, MD8:40 am Trauma Care and Violence Prevention in the Immigrant Community Christopher Foran, MD8:50 am Trauma Care in Low Socioeconomic Countries Joseph A. Herrold, MD, MPH9:00 am DiscussionSESSION 13: Keynote Speaker Introduction: Demetrios Demetriades, MD, PhD
9:10 am Keynote Lecture: Space Medicine—Preparing for Space Flight Launch and Landing Medical Emergencies Philip C. Stepaniak, MD9:45 am BreakSESSION 14: Coroner’s Corner Moderator: Thomas Noguchi, MD
10:15 am The Role of CT Scan in Coroner’s Trauma Cases Odey Ukpo, MD10:30 am Unusual Coroner’s Cases Odey Ukpo, MD10:45 am DiscussionSESSION 15: Video Sessions: How To… Moderator: Elizabeth R. Benjamin, MD, PhD
10:52 am Leg and Buttock Fasciotomy Lindsey C. Karavites, MD, MPH11:00 am Cricothyroidotomy: Tips, Pitfalls, Catastrophes and Controversies Joelle E. Getrajdman, MD11:08 am Axillary Vessels Emily Switzer, MD11:16 am Duodenal Exposure Benjamin Franklin, MD11:24 am USC-Navy Trauma Training Center Collaboration CDR Paul Wisniewski, DO11:32 am Discussion11:42 am Lunch Pick-UpSESSION 16: Luncheon Session Moderator: Elizabeth R. Benjamin, MD, PhD
12:10 pm Preparing for Trauma Center Verification: What to Do and Not Do! Daniel R. Margulies, MDSESSION 17: Challenging and Controversial Issues Moderator: H. Gill Cryer, MD, PhD
12:40 pm VTE Prophylaxis in Severe Trauma: Timing and Modality Areg Grigorian, MD12:50 pm Double Hit: The Burn Patient with Associated Trauma Leigh Spera, MD1:00 pm Rib Plating 2021: The Evidence Kazuhide Matsushima, MD1:10 pm The Mangled Extremity: What to Do, Who Should Do It, and When? H. Gill Cryer, MD, PhD1:20 pm DiscussionSESSION 18: Debate: Routine Use of Pelvic Binders Moderator: Kenji Inaba, MD, MSc
1:30 pm Pro: Routine Prehospital and Emergency Room Application for all Suspected Fractures COL (ret.) Matthew Martin, MD1:45 pm Con: We Are Repeating the MAST Suit Mistakes! Dennis Y. Kim, MD2:00 pm Resolution: Let’s Agree!2:08 pm BreakSESSION 19: Abdominal Catastrophies Moderator: Lydia Lam
2:30 PM The Septic Abdomen: Negative Pressure Therapy, Instillation Therapy or Laparotomy on Demand? Mark Kaplan, MD2:45PM Enteroatmospheric Fistulas: The Local Control Nightmare! Angela Kwan, PT, DPT3:00 PM Definitive Closure of the Difficult Open Abdomen: Tips and Pitfalls Mark Kaplan, MD3:15 PM DiscussionSESSION 20: Rheeopardy
3:20 pm Moderator: Peter Rhee, MD, MPH Panel of Fellows Areg Grigorian, MD (LAC+USC Surgical Critical Care Ryan McPherson, DO (Harbor-UCLA Surgical Critical Care) Felix Yong, MD (Cedars-Sinai Surgical Critical Care)3:55 pm Closing Remarks + Raffle Lydia Lam, MD4:00 pm Adjournment