Keck USC 23rd Edition of the Interdisciplinary Global Diabetic Foot Conference 2023
Format: 1 videos + 1 pdf, size: 18.6 GB
Course Audience: endocrinologists, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, orthopedic surgeons
Date & LocationThursday, September 28, 2023, 7:00 AM – Saturday, September 30, 2023, 2:00 PM, JW Marriott Anaheim Resort, Anaheim, CA
OverviewOn September 28 – 30, 2023, the 23rd edition of the Interdisciplinary Diabetic Foot Conference (DFCon) is scheduled to take place in Anaheim, CA. This event provides a unique opportunity for members in the world-wide Diabetic Foot Space to discover, interact & collaborate with one another.Each year, DFCon gathers influential speakers and delivers outstanding scientific content. This three-day conference allows the best in their field to come together and learn from each other. DFCon also serves as a hands-on, dynamic congress where delegates can use the experience to immediately bring impact to their daily clinical practice. You will learn more about the different topics and sessions on the following pages. DFCon is widely acknowledged as being a leader in discovery. Next-generation endovascular therapies, wearable robots, spray-on skin, sociomicrobiology, smart textiles, phage therapy, augmented reality and injectable sensors have all made their debut at DFCon. Throughout the years, DFCon has been recognized as the premier scientific and educational diabetic foot event, but our ambition goes beyond that. It is always the hope to cultivate the advancements of our field and continue to learn from each other. We hope you will join us on this exciting journey.
ObjectivesBy the end of the course, participants will be able to:- Identify updated information to provide patient care in the discipline of limb preservation.
- Explain new techniques in collaborating and communicating with teams to ensure best practices in patient care, education and research in limb preservation.
- Apply quality improvement in areas of limb preservation. Utilize updated information as outlined in program as related to limb preservation diagnosis and diseases.
- Outline new techniques and studies along with innovative approaches related to patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, and system-based practices.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
September 28-29-30 (Video MP4 Format) (16 hours)
Syllabus (PDF Format)
7:00 am Continental Breakfast & Live Registration7:00 am Optional, Non-CME Breakfast Symposium (Location: Brisbane) Act On Fact – The Vascular Multi-Metrics of Wound Healing Jose Luis Lazaro-Martinez, DPM, Company: Perimed7:00 am Optional, Non-CME Breakfast Symposium (Location: Holly Oak) Quanta Flo: What Is It and What Can It Do for Me? Jay Long, MD, Company: Semler Scientific7:45 am Virtual Login Begins8:00 am Welcome David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD, Joseph L. Mills, Sr., MD and Michael S. Conte, MDSESSION 1: Limb Preservation: A Global Odyssey with Multiple Ports of Call Moderators: David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD and Joseph L. Mills, Sr., MD
8:10 am Provisional Perspectives from the Peripatetic Professor: Diabetic Foot Forecast for 2023 Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD, FRCP8:25 am ALPS Fellowship: What I Did on my Summer in the ALPS Katharine McGinigle, MD, MPH8:35 am ALPS Fellowship 2023 David G. Armstrong, PhD, DPM, MD8:40 am The Real Deal on Limb Preservation Teams: Madrid’s Prof. Martinez Takes the Field Jose Luis Lazaro-Martinez, DPM, MSc, PhD8:55 am 2023 International Working Group Guidelines: After You Hear this Lecture, You Can Collect your CMEs and Leave Sicco A. Bus, PhD, MSc9:10 am HENDOLAT Is Where It’s At: Spreading SALSA Across Latin America Jose Antonio Muñoa Prado, MD and Miguel Montero-Baker, MD9:25 am O Sole Mio, Standardizing a Toe and Flow Surgical Program for Limb Preservation Across Northern Italy Giacomo Clerici, MD and Andrea Casini, MD9:40 am Panel Discussion9:55 am Break10:05 am- Non-CME Spotlight Theater (Location: Exhibit Breakout)10:20 am Company: Kerecis10:25 am- Non-CME Spotlight Theater (Location: Exhibit Breakout)10:40 am Company: Bluedrop MedicalSESSION 2: Good, Better and BEST: Revascularization Strategies with a Touch of BASIL Moderators: Samantha Minc, MD, Joseph L. Mills, Sr., MD and Michael S. Conte, MD
10:45 am Father Menard Knows BEST: How the BEST CLI Trial Has Challenged the Status Quo Matthew Menard, MD11:00 am Brother Bradbury’s BASIL-2 Breakdown: Balancing Belief in Bypass or Balloon Andrew Bradbury, MD11:15 am FlowRowe’s Mechanics of Enrollment: Is this Data Really Real World? Vincent L. Rowe, MD11:30 am Panel Discussion: A Crisis of Proceduralism: The Paradox of Over and Under Treatment of PAD Michael S. Conte, MD12:15 pm Lunch12:15 pm Optional, Non-CME Lunch Symposium (Location: Arbor Ballroom G) Effective Decellularization: The Evolution of Wound Care Andrew Rader, DPM, Company: ConvatecSESSION 3: Where Guidelines Meet the Sole: Practical Pearls for Implementation Moderators: David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD and Katharine McGinigle, MD, MPH
1:15 pm Footlose to Footsafe: LA County’s First Ever Limb Preservation Work Group Evan Raff, MD and Tze-Woei Tan, MD1:30 pm Spreading Some Sacramen(Toe) and Flow: Telemedicine Across the Golden State Misty D. Humphries, MD, MAS1:45 pm Get Out and Stay Out: Maximizing Hospital-Free Days with LA County’s Safer at Home Program Christopher Lynch, MD2:00 pm The VISTA From Houston: Driving High-Quality Care to the Highest Risk Patients Ilse Torres Ruiz, MD2:15 pm Panel Discussion2:30 pm BreakSESSION 4: Tech Tack Toes: Next-Gen Gadgets are No Longer a Game Moderators: Bijan Najafi, PhD and Wei Gao, PhD
3:20 pm Epidermal Electronics: Upgrading our Skin to Measure What We Manage Wei Gao, PhD3:40 pm From COVID to Toe-VID: Lessons Learned From the Pandemic in Limb Preservation and Emergence of the “Foot Selfie” Mark Swerdlow, MD4:00 pm Does Your Dressing Pass the Sniff Test? A Cybernose Will Be in Your Next Device Mohsen Akbari, PhD4:20 pm Smart Off-Loading: What We Dummies Are Learning From the First Ever NIH SmartBoot Trial Bijan Najafi, PhD4:40 pm Panel Discussion5:35 pm Adjourn5:35 pm- Welcome Reception Poster Showcase: Chair Selected Posters6:45 pmFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2023
7:00 am Continental Breakfast & Live Registration7:00 am Optional, Non-CME Breakfast Symposium (Location: Brisbane) Addressing the Amputation Pandemic: Improving Outcomes and Health Inequalities by Putting Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU) into Remission with Cyclically-Pressurized Topical Wound Oxygen (TWO2) Therapy Michael S. Griffiths, DProf, DMS, CRT and Matthew G. Garoufalis, DPM, Company: AOTI7:00 am Optional, Non-CME Breakfast Symposium (Location: Holly Oak) Facing New Realities – Multiweek Applications of a Unique Human Keratin Matrix Adam Isaac, DPM, Company: ProgenaCare7:45 am Virtual Login Begins8:00 am Welcome Back Alexander M. Reyzelman, DPM and Laura Shin, DPM, PhDSESSION 5: Infectious Digital Grooves Moderators: Meghan Brennan, MD, MS and Lee C. Rogers, DPM
8:10 am Drugs for Bugs: What’s New and What’s True? Meghan Brennan, MD, MS8:30 am Will You Just Cut it Out Already? Medical vs Surgical Management of Osteomyelitis Jose Luis Lazaro-Martinez, DPM8:50 am CIBL is to Infection as CLTI is to Ischemia: The Slow, Steady Evolution of How We View and Detect Bacteria in the Wound Michael Edmonds, MD9:10 am Guidelines are Boring: Here’s What You Really Need to Know from the IWGDF John Embil, MD9:30 am Panel Discussion9:45 am Break9:55 am- Non-CME Spotlight Theater (Location: Exhibit Breakout)10:10 am Company: Convatec10:15 am- Non-CME Spotlight Theater (Location: Exhibit Breakout)10:30 am Company: OrganogenesisSESSION 6: Wound Healing: In the Kitchen with Five Master Chefs Moderator: Laura Shin, DPM, PhD
10:30 am Boston Baked: 3 Key Advances in Wound Healing Over the Generations from Chez Dénnis Dennis P. Orgill, MD, PhD10:45 am Chef Brian’s Highlights from the Diabetic Foot Consortium Brian Schmidt, MD11:00 am Topical Oxygen: From Quackery to Sole Under Gas—Heresy or Heaven Sen? Chandan K. Sen, PhD11:15 am Is Fish the Dish? Lee C. Rogers, DPM11:30 am Serving Up Solutions: Free Tissue Transfer for Foot Salváge à la Felder John M. Felder, MD11:45 am Savoring the Science of Wound Healing: Giacomo Clerici’s IW-GDF Recipe for Master in Milan Giacomo Clerici, MD12:00 pm Panel Discussion12:15 pm Lunch12:15 pm Optional, Non-CME Lunch Symposium (Location: Arbor Ballroom G) Scale Up Your Inpatient and OR Wound Management with Fish Skin Lee C. Rogers, DPM, Company: KerecisSESSION 7: Videos Moderators: Cyaandi Dove, DPM and Miguel Montero-Baker, MD
1:15 pm Deep Vein Arterializations Miguel Montero-Baker, MD1:25 pm Post DVA Wound Management Brian D. Lepow, DPM1:35 pm How to Use PAT to Measure Flow Jill S. Sommerset, RVT1:45 pm How to Properly Drain an Infection Jose Luis Lazaro-Martinez, DPM1:55 pm Toe & Flow in Action in the OR Laura Shin, DPM, PhD and Miguel F. Manzur, MD2:05 pm Panel DiscussionSESSION 8: Voice of the Patient Moderators: Tze-Woei Tan, MD, Cyaandi Dove, DPM and Katharine McGinigle, MD, MPH
2:25 pm Health Equity Roundtable: Voice of the Patient2:50 pm Meet the Professor Sessions3:25 pm Break3:55 pm AdjournSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2023
7:00 am Continental Breakfast & Live Registration7:00 am Optional, Non-CME Breakfast Symposium (Location: Brisbane) Pathophysiological Impact of Nevro HFX™ High-Frequency 10 kHz Spinal Cord Stimulation for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Company: Nevro7:00 am Optional, Non-CME Breakfast Symposium (Location: Holly Oak) Vaporox: Transforming Wound Care and Practice Economics Moderator: David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PHD Speakers: Michael Duehrssen, MD, Paul Kesselman, DPM, Dustin Kruse, DPM Company: Vaporox7:45 am Virtual Login Begins8:00 am Welcome Back Chia-Ding Shih, DPM, MPH, MA, Brian D. Lepow, DPM and Stephanie Woelfel, DPTSESSION 9: Give Me Some LEA-Way Supporting the Lower Extremity-Amputee Moderators: Sicco A. Bus, PhD, MSc and Stephanie Woelfel, DPT
8:10 am Amazing Grace for Amputees: Biomechanics of the Amputee for Dummies Graci Grace Finco, PhD8:30 am Sugar’s Device Makes Everything Nice: Next-Gen Exoskeletons Today Thomas Sugar, PhD8:50 am Social Services: What Really Happens at Home is Absolutely Woelfel Stephanie Woelfel, DPT and George Woods (patient)9:20 am Panel Discussion9:45 am Olmos Awardee Presentation10:00 am BreakSESSION 10: I’m Just Not Feeling It: What’s New in Neuropathy Moderators: Laura Shin, DPM, PhD and David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD
10:45 am The Jean-Martin Charcot Exhibit at Rosalind Franklin University: A Celebration of the Lifetime Work of Lee J. Sanders, DPM” Ryan Crews, PhD10:50 am Pain Management: There’s an App for That Shravani Durbhakula, MD11:05 am Not So Sensational: Leprous Lessons on Limb Preservation From the Busiest Hansen’s Clinic in the USA Brandon Adler, MD11:20 am Will You Just Get Off My Back (and Into My Epidural Space)? Next-Gen Implantable Neurostim Devices Today Erika A. Petersen, MD11:35 am One Stop Shop to Avoid the Chop: Setting Up a Neuropathy Eye and Diabetes Screening Program Solomon Tesfaye, MD11:50 am Panel Discussion12:05 pm Lunch12:15 pm Optional, Non-CME Lunch Symposium (Location: Arbor Ballroom G) Beyond Intervention Addressing Unmet Patient Needs: Improving Access to Care & Outcomes Jennifer Jones McMeans, PhD, Allen Burton, MD, David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD and Matthew Bunte, MD Company: AbbottSESSION 11: Summing It All Up…and Kicking You Out of the Happiest Place on Earth (and Back to Your Clinic) Moderators: Michael S. Conte, MD and David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD
1:00 pm Getting Off of the Bus (and onto My Patient): 2023 International Offloading Guidance Sicco A. Bus, PhD, MSc1:20 pm Last Minute Mojo From Flow Joe: Taking the 2023 Vascular Guidelines into the Clinic and OR Joseph L. Mills, Sr., MD1:40 pm Poster Awards1:55 pm The Big Raffle Prize and Closing Remarks2:00 pm Adjourn