Jefferson Health 3rd Annual Philadelphia CardioVascular Congress 2023
Format: 45 videos + 24 pdfs, size: 14 GB
Course Audience: cardiologists, pulmonologists, surgeon
Date & LocationThursday, October 19, 2023, 7:00 AM – Friday, October 20, 2023, 6:30 PM, The Bellevue Hotel, Philadelphia, PA
Target AudienceSpecialties – Cardiac, Cardiology, Cardiopulmonary, EP, Heart Failure and Transplant, Interventional, Surgery, VascularProfessions – Allied Health Professional, Nurse, Other, Other – HealthCare Professional, Physician, Physician (Fellow), Physician (Resident), Physician AssistantOverviewThis annual two-day Congress offered both in-person and online will introduce the newest developments in cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery and vascular surgery. Rich and stimulating presentations will be delivered by experts in the fields of cardiology, cardiac surgery, and vascular surgery. Cardiovascular care can be a complex issue and patient problems are diverse, necessitating a team approach involving different disciplines with differing expertise and skills. A separate breakout session for advanced practice providers will provide topics to support a team approach to patient care.
ObjectivesAt the conclusion of this activity, learners will be able to:- Describe latest aortic disease guidelines and thresholds for aortic aneurysm repair.
- Identify high risk patients that would benefit from genetic testing for aortopathies.
- Discuss considerations for open versus endovascular repair for aortic aneurysms.
- Employ current guidelines for the management of aortic valve disease.
- Discuss potential treatment options for severe aortic stenosis based on who is best suited for TAVR vs. SAVR.
- Interpret cardiac imaging studies in the management of coronary artery disease.
- Examine the timing and options for treating mitral regurgitation and mitral stenosis.
- Determine appropriate treatment for patients with calcified mitral valve annulus.
- Interpret ECHO parameters for tricuspid regurgitation.
- Recommend appropriate treatment options for heart failure.
- Differentiate the various types of heart failure.
- Recognize signs and symptoms of an acute aortic emergency.
- Identify an aortic aneurysm for surgical repair using current surgical intervention threshold guidelines.
- Assign treatment options for thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms.
- Select appropriate heart failure management options.
- Discriminate between the various techniques available for treating coronary artery disease in order to provide best outcome for cardiac patient.
Agenda V11 (PDF Format)
Oct 19 Advanced Imaging of Aortic Diseases (PDF Format)Oct 19 Advancements in Aortic Arch Surgery Beyond the Open Repairs (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 Advancements in Aortic Arch Surgery Beyond the Open Repairs (PDF Format)Oct 19 Aortic Valve Replacement Is it Still the Gold Standard (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 Aortic Valve Replacement Is it Still the Gold Standard (PDF Format)Oct 19 Current Guidelines for the Management of Aortic Valve Disease (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 Current Guidelines for the Management of Aortic Valve Disease (PDF Format)Oct 19 DEBATE Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in the Young Patient Babak Abai (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 DEBATE Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in the Young Patient Shahab A Toursavadkohi (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 DEBATE Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery Giovanni Tinelli (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 DEBATE Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery Konstadinos Plestis (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 DEBATE Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery (PDF Format)Oct 19 Economics for SAVR and TAVR in the USA (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 Genetic Aortopathies Indications for Screening and Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 KEYNOTE LECTURE Prediction of Adverse Aortic Events Myths and Reality (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 Medical Management for Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections Detection and Current Clinical Trials (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 Medical Management for Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections Detection and Current Clinical Trials (PDF Format)Oct 19 Question & Answer Discussion Panel with all Afternoon Aortic Valve (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 Question & Answer Discussion Panel with all Morning Aorta (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 SAVR versus TAVR in Young Patients (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 SAVR versus TAVR in Young Patients (PDF Format)Oct 19 Small Aortic Annulus Implications for Future TAVR (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 Small Aortic Annulus Implications for Future TAVR (PDF Format)Oct 19 TAVR in Patients with Aortic Valve Regurgitation Ready for Primetime (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 TAVR Valve Durability Facts versus Friction (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 The Effect of Aortic Stenosis and Regurgitation on the Left Ventricular Physiology (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 The Effect of Aortic Stenosis and Regurgitation on the Left Ventricular Physiology (PDF Format)Oct 19 Updates on Aortic Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)Oct 19 Updates on Aortic Guidelines (PDF Format)Oct 20 Advanced Testing and Lifestyle Modifications in the Cardiac Patient An Integrative Approach (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Calcified Mitral Valve Annulus with Severe Stenosis (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Cardiac Devices in Patients with Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Cardiac Devices in Patients with Heart Failure (PDF Format)Oct 20 Challenges in Management of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Challenges in Management of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms (PDF Format)Oct 20 Current State of Chronic Total Coronary Occlusion To Open or Not to Open (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 DEBATE Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease Jennifer Lawton (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 DEBATE Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease Pedro Moreno (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 DEBATE Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease Yair Lev (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 DEBATE Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease (PDF Format)Oct 20 Diagnosis and Management of Diastolic Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Echo Interpretation in CAD (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Echo Interpretation in CAD (PDF Format)Oct 20 ECMO Dependent but Making Progress How to Optimize Patient Functionality while Waiting for Recovery (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Full Metal Jacket and Coronary Endarterectomy (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Functional Mitral Regurgitation State of the Art Management (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Functional Mitral Regurgitation State of the Art Management (PDF Format)Oct 20 Implications of the ISCHEMIA Trial Invasive vs. Conservative Therapy (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Implications of the ISCHEMIA Trial Invasive vs. Conservative Therapy (PDF Format)Oct 20 Indications, Timing and ECHO Parameters in Surgery for Tricuspid Regurgitation (PDF Format)Oct 20 KEYNOTE LECTURE The Evolution of Structural Heart Disease What a Wild Ride (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Mechanical Support for the Failing Right Ventricle (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Mechanical Support for the Failing Right Ventricle (PDF Format)Oct 20 Physiology of Mitral Regurgitation and Stenosis (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Physiology of Mitral Regurgitation and Stenosis (PDF Format)Oct 20 Question & Answer Discussion Panel with all Afternoon Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Question & Answer Discussion Panel with all Afternoon Valve Disease Speakers (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Question & Answer Discussion Panel with all Morning Advanced Practice Practitioner (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Question & Answer Discussion Panel with all Morning Advanced Practice Practitioner (PDF Format)Oct 20 Question & Answer Discussion Panel with all Morning Cardiovascular Disease (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Structural Heart Same Day Discharge and Next Day Discharge How Soon is Too Soon (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Structural Heart Same Day Discharge and Next Day Discharge How Soon is Too Soon (PDF Format)Oct 20 The Bad News. Cardiovascular Disease Projections in the USA An Alarming Situation for the Cardiovascular Community (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 The Future of Therapy for Advanced Heart Failure Mechanical or Biological (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 The Future of Therapy for Advanced Heart Failure Mechanical or Biological (PDF Format)Oct 20 The Role of Cardiac CTA and MRI in the Management of Coronary Disease (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Transcatheter Approaches to Tricuspid Regurgitation (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 When to Replace the Mitral Valve. Optimal Valve for Mitral Valve Replacement (PDF Format)