International Society of Schema Therapy INSPIRE Copenhagen 2022
Format: 3 videos + 1 pdf, size: 48.5 GB
Course Audience: psychiatrist
Copenhagen: a Haven for INSPIRATION!
The 8th biennial ISST INSPIRE 2022 Conference will convene with hundreds of makers and innovators from across the globe–exceptional leaders and doers shaping the future of psychotherapy–for three days of inspired conversation, purposeful networking, and meaningful takeaways.
Throughout INSPIRE 2022, ISST will explore the power and potential of how Schema Therapy is REINVENTING THE THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP. The conference will encourage participants to forge strong connections inside communities and cultures, around services and experiences, and among one another. Creating deeper connections is the conference’s goal–and its purpose. Join us.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
Program (PDF Format)
June 16 (Video MP4 Format)June 17 (Video MP4 Format)June 18 (Video MP4 Format)* Detail:
Thursday Intensive Selections 10.00 – 6.15In Person: Choose one intensive workshop for the entire day (6 hours, 4 segments):1. T1 Intensive: Imagery Rescripting by Remco van der Wijngaart & Julie Krans2. T2 Intensive: Transforming Challenging Couples by Travis Atkinson and Poul Perris3. T6 Intensive: Reinventing the Child-Parent Relationship in Schema Therapy with Children and Adolescents by Christof Loose4. T7 Intensive: Schema therapy for chronic depression by Eckhard Roediger & Alexandra Schosser5. T8 Intensive: Chairwork by Arnoud Arntz6. T10 Intensive: Schema Therapy for Anxiety by Offer Maurer and Eshkol Rafaeli7. T12 Intensive: Fortifying the Therapy Relationship when Dealing with Narcissism, Enmeshment, and Other Challenging Patients by Wendy Behary and Jeff ConwayVirtual:1. T4 Intensive: Eating Disorders by Susan Simpson and Robert Brockman FEATURED KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Wendy Behary 5.30 – 6.15 PMFRIDAY MORNING SELECTIONS (F1)
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: David Edwards 8.45 – 9.30 AMKEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Arnoud Arntz & Joan Farrell 9.30 – 10.15 AMFriday Morning Selections 10.45 – 12.15Choose one symposium, a roundtable discussion, or a hot topic series (6 sessions).1. F1SP1 Symposium Schema Therapy for Children & Adolescents with Christof Loose, Lars Wöckel, Julia Patti, Margitta Krahmer, Ursula Neumann & Lukas Oberschneider2. F1SP2 Symposium: SafePath for Teams & Organizations with David Bernstein, Marjolein van Wijk-Herbrink & Theodoor de Kraker3. F1SP4 Symposium: New Developments in Schema Therapy with Arnoud Arntz, Eshkol Rafaeli & Chris Lee4. F1RT1 Round Table: Ethical Implications of Limited Reparenting with Poul Perris, Peregrine Kavros, & Lynda Parry5. F1RT2 Round Table: Schema Therapy with Culture in Mind: Gender Issues in Schema Therapy Clinical Work with Offer Maurer & Nicole Manktelow6. F1RT3 Round Table: Theoretical review of positive adaptive schemes and the implications in the therapeutic relationship with Daniel Ceballos7. F1CP1 Case Presentation: Chair Work and the Four Dialogues with Scott Kellogg and Eckhard Roediger8. F1CP2 Case Presentation: ST Dreamwork for Complex Trauma with Samantha Flores Reynoso, Jordi Cid and Astrid Ingham Brooke9. F1SC1 Skills Class: Reinventing the Therapeutic Relationship in Supervision with Zsolt Unoka10. F1SC2 Skills Class: New case conceptualization in Schema Therapy: Mode map circles, their interrelations, and the therapy plan with Ofer Peled11. F1SC5 Skills Class: Interplay between Patient and Therapist Schemas and Mode Maps with Galit Goren Gilad and Itay Shuv-Ami12. F1SC6 Skills Class: Introduction to the New Upcoming Schema Therapy Case Conceptualization with Jeff Conway, Poul Perris, Vartouhi Ohanian & David Edwards13. F1HT 1-5 Hot Topics:1. F1HT1 Hot Topics: Session 1: A randomized controlled trial examining the impact of treating core schema memories with trauma focused therapy for individuals with depression with Chris Lee2. F1HT2 Hot Topics: Session 2: Schema Therapy vs. CBT in Psychiatric Rehabilitation of (Chronic) Depression with Alexandra Schosser3. F1HT3 Hot Topics: Session 3: Family Cohesion as a Mechanism Perpetuates Schemas and Affects the Perception of Social Support in the Relationship Between Parental Conflict and Depression Level with Gizem Kavalci4. F1HT4 Hot Topics: Session 4: Working with the sexualized child coping mode with Lisa Wright5. F1HT5 Hot Topics: Session 5: Maladaptive Schemas in migrants and their stress perception through the Questionnaire on stress in the migratory process (MPMPSQ) and the Maladaptive Schemas Questionnaire – Research Version (EMSQ-R) with Leticia MarinFRIDAY EARLY AFTERNOON SELECTIONS (F2)
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: David Bernstein, Truus Kersten & Bernardo van Doren 2.00 – 2.45 PMFriday Early Afternoon Selections 3.00 – 4.30Choose two 90-minute segments or one 180-minute segment.1. F2CP2 Case Presentation: The Overlooked Phenomenon of “Hysterically Situated” Aggression with Christian Eigner2. F2CP3 Case Presentation: Schema Therapy with Adolescents: Creative techniques within a highly restrictive environment with Suzanna Ritter3. F2SC1 Skills Class: Developmental stages guide the therapeutic relation. Working with a phase-oriented approach in clinical practice with Rosi Reubsaet & Judith Vanhommerig4. F2SC2 Skills Class: Healthy Adult Qualities with David Bernstein and Limor Navot5. F2SC3 Skills Class: Working with Parent/Critic Modes of Challenging Patients with the Healthy Army with Sergio Alejandro Morales Hernández6. F2SC4 Skills Class: How to do it? Empathic Confrontation and creating corrective emotional experiences with Remco Van der Wijngaart & Hannie Van Genderen7. F2SC5 Skills Class: Strengthening HA Modes with Eckhard Roediger8. F2SC6 Skills Class: Connect! with Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco & Mandy Walsh9. F2W1 In-Congress Workshop: Overcoming Therapeutic Impasses in Schema Couples Therapy with Travis Atkinson & Poul Perris Part 110. F2W2 In-Congress Workshop: Preventing Burnout with Susan Simpson & Diana Kleijzen11. F2W3 In-Congress Workshop: Contextual Schema Therapy and the Four Dialogues: using Chairwork to Resolve Complex Emotions, Challenge Inner Critic Modes and Develop the Capacity for Self-Witnessing and Self-Compassion with Scott Kellogg & Amanda Garcia Part 112. F2W4 In-Congress Workshop: Schema Coaching for Parents with Christof Loose13. F2W7 In-Congress Workshop: Imagery Rescripting in Group Schema Therapy with Joan Farrell, Rita Younan, & Erlend Aschehoug Part 114. F2W8 Virtual Workshop: The Role of Good Parent Modes, Positive Schemas and a Reparenting Road Map in the Reinvention of the Therapeutic Relationship with George Lockwood15. F2W9 In-Congress Workshop: Using Aspects of EMDR to Improve Imagery, Greatly Enhance Schema Identification and Education, and Make the Therapeutic Relationship More Collaborative – An Experiential Workshop with Elizabeth Armstrong & William Zangwill Part 1FRIDAY LATE AFTERNOON SELECTIONS (F3)
Friday Late Afternoon Selections 5.00 – 6.30Continuation of 180-minute segment, second 90-minute segment or Hot Topics.1. F3SP2 Symposium 2: The associations between adult attachment styles and schema domains: A facet analysis with by Gery arantzas, Pam Pilkington & Rita Younan2. F3SP3 Symposium 3: Schema Modes and Eating Disorder Symptomatology in a Brazilian Sample with Leonardo Wainer3. F3SC1 Skills Class: Treating Narcissists with Chair Work and the Mode Model by Matias Valente4. F3SC3 Skills Class: Skill-Class-3-Breaking-the-Virtual-Wall-Schema-TherapyOnline with Hagara Feldman & Xi Liu5. F3SC4 Skills Class: ST for Adolescents and Young Adults after Peer Victimization with Eva Dresbach6. F3SC5 Skills Class: Parent-Child Interactions that will Meet Core Emotional Needs with John Philip Louis7. F3SC6 Skills Class: Shared experience and self-disclosure in schematherapy: enhancing the therapeutic relationship with Nicole Manktelow8. F3SC7 Skills Class: Upwards Arrow Technique: Use of Metaneeds in the Treatment of Impulsive and Entitled Behaviors with Alp Karaosmanoglu9. F3W1 In-Congress Workshop: Overcoming Therapeutic Impasses in Schema Couples Therapy with Travis Atkinson & Poul Perris Part 210. F3W3 In-Congress Workshop: Contextual Schema Therapy and the Four Dialogues: using Chairwork to Resolve Complex Emotions, Challenge Inner Critic Modes and Develop the Capacity for Self-Witnessing and Self-Compassion with Scott Kellogg & Amanda Garcia Part 211. F3W7 In-Congress Workshop: Imagery Rescripting in Group Schema Therapy with Joan Farrell, Rita Younan, & Erlend Aschehoug Part 212. F3W9 In-Congress Workshop: Using Aspects of EMDR to Improve Imagery, Greatly Enhance Schema Identification and Education, and Make the Therapeutic Relationship More Collaborative – An Experiential Workshop with Elizabeth Armstrong & William Zangwill Part 213. F3W10 In-Congress Workshop: All about Coping Styles and Behavioral Strategies with Amir Askari14. F3W12 Virtual Workshop: Working with the Vulnerable Infant Mode with Galit Goren Gilad15. F3HT1-6 Hot Topics1. F3HT1 Hot Topics: Session 1: Early maladaptive schemas and psychopathology in a sample of health professionals compared to professionals in other fields with Samantha Flores Reynoso2. F3HT2 Hot Topics: Session 2: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Quantitative Literature on Schema Therapy with Pam Pilkington & Gery Karantzas3. F3HT3 Hot Topics: Session 3: Self-Sacrifice in the Therapist and its affect on Emotion Recognition in Patients with Andrew Phipps4. F3HT4 Hot Topics: Session 4: Examining the Association between Early Maladaptive Schemas, Compensation, and Avoidance Coping Strategies with Bahar Köse Karaca, Mert Aytac & Alp Karaosmanoglu5. F3HT5 Hot Topics: Session 5: Pilot Study on Early Maladaptive Schemas and Personality Pathology in Substance Use Disorders (SUDs): An Indian Perspective with Ratnesh Chopra, Gitanjali Narayanan & Pratima Murthy6. F3HT6 Hot Topics: Session 6: Schema therapy and Corrective emotional experience in the context of shared trauma with Tijana MirovićSATURDAY MORNING SELECTIONS (S1)
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Wendy Behary & Joan Farrell 8.45 – 9.30KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Jeff Conway 9.30 – 10.15Saturday Morning Selections 10.30 – 12.00Choose one 90-minute selection or a hot topic series.1. S1SP1 Symposium: Schema Therapy for Depression with Arnoud Arntz, Alexandra Schosser, Eckhard Roediger, Marit Kool, Samy Egli & Martin Rein2. S1SP2 Symposium: From Vulnerable Child to Vulnerable Infant: Promoting Corrective experiences in very early maladaptive schema patterns with Galit Goren Gilad, Diana Berindei, David Edwards & Maria Nulty3. S1SP3 Symposium: Advances in the Integration of Schema Therapy and Positive Psychology with David Bernstein & John Louis4. S1SP4 Symposium: Cross Cultural Issues related to Schemas and Modes among Iranian Society with Amir Askari, Golafrooz Gholamy, & Nazanin Honarparvaran5. S1RT2 Round Table: Gender Differences in Mode Work in Forensic Settings with Tanya Petersen & Claire Gately6. S1CP1 Case Presentation: When the Vulnerable Child is a Different Gender with Xi Liu & Ben Callegari7. S1CP2 Case Presentation: Schema Therapy with Trauma with Patricia Escudero Rotman & Chris Hayes8. S1CP3 Case Presentation: A Schema Model of Induced Child-Parent Attachment Suppression (I-CPAS) aka “Parental Alienation Syndrome” with Florian Ruths & Tara Cutland-Green9. S1SC1 Skills Class: Empathic confrontation in the supervisor-supervisee relationship with Michiel van Vreeswijk, Michiel Boog & Klaartje van Hest10. S1SC2 Skills Class: Do schemas design a future life script – How do we decide our future from childhood and how can we change it? with Cristina Sterie11. S1SC3 Skills Class: Working with the Soldier Mode with Megan Fry12. S1SC4 Skills Class: Relighting the Fire: Using Chair Work to Reconnect Couples in Schema Therapy with Mathias Valente13. S1SC5 Skills Class: A Deeper Look At Cultural Vulnerability with Poul Perris14. S1SC6 Skills Class: Trauma Map to Enhance Schema Conceptualization with Chris Lee15. S1SC7 Skills Class: Diving Into The Therapeutic Relationship. What we learn from the concept of countertransference to improve self-disclosure with Guido Sijbers & Judith HollandsSATURDAY EARLY AFTERNOON (S2)
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Eckhard Roediger 1.15 – 2.00 PMSaturday Early Afternoon Selections 2.15 – 3.45 PMChoose two 90-minute segments or one 180-minute segment.1. S2SP2 Symposium: How to connect with self and others: A prevention program based on Schema Therapy for children and their parents in school settings with Roza Laious3. S2SC2 Skills Class: When the Going Gets Tough: Schema Therapy with Couples. An introduction into a Module-Based, Strategic Approach with Eckhard Roediger, Matias Valente & Eva Frank-Noyon & Julia Hinrichs4. S2SC5 Skills Class: Building the Happy Child: A ‘Play Temperament’ Focussed Approach with Andrew Phipps5. S2SC6 Skills Class: The Healthy Adult in chairs with Remco Van Der Wijngaart, Hélène Bögels & Julie Krans6. S2W2 In-Congress Workshop: Addiction & Intimacy Disorders: Conceptualization and Connection in the Therapeutic Relationship with Elizabeth Lacy & Christopher Shea7. S2W4 Virtual Workshop: Reparenting & the Therapeutic Relationship: Layers within Layers with David Edwards8. S2W5 In-Congress Workshop: Enhancing Schema Therapy Using Body Focused Techniques with Janis Briedis Part 19. S2W6 In-Congress Workshop: Schema Therapy with Dreams: An Introduction with Lynda Parry10. S2W7 In-Congress Workshop: Learning Healthy Adult Sexuality: Creating a Therapy Relationship Safe Enough to Explore Sexuality (for Both the Therapist and Patient) with Ruth Holt & Mandy Walsh Part 111. S2W11 In-Congress Workshop: Mastering the Inner Skills of Schema Therapy: Don’t be Nice, be REAL with Wendy Behary & Joan Farrell Part 112. S2W13 In-Congress Workshop: Playtime, not shame time! Tackling shame for cluster C with a phase-oriented approach with Ruth McCuctheon, Saskia Ohlin, Wiesette Krol & Rosi Reubsaet Part 113. S2HT1-5 Hot Topics1. S2HT1 Hot Topics: Session 1: The Effect of Mindfulness in Schema Therapy with Raffaella Pagnanini2. S2HT2 Hot Topics: Session 2: Relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas, Anger, and Aggression with Iman Askari3. S2HT3 Hot Topics: Session 3: A Qualitative Survey: Schema Therapist’s Perceptions of the Influence of their Early Maladaptive Schemas and Modes on Therapy with Pam Pilkington4. S2HT4 Hot Topics: Session 4: Destined for The Dark Side? Early Maladaptive Schemas as Predictors of Dark Triad Traits and Workplace Dysfunction with Simone Ray5. S2HT5 Hot Topics: Session 5: Using patient-made videos to illustrate Modes in Schema Therapy with Tarja KoffertSATURDAY LATE AFTERNOON (S3)
Saturday Late Afternoon Selections 4.15- 5.45Continuation of 180-minute segment or second 90-minute segment.1. S3SP1 Symposium: EMSs, Stress & Cardiovascular Diseases with Michal Kotian, Miloš Šlepecký & Antonia Kotianova2. S3SP2 Symposium: Schema Therapy for Cluster C Personality Disorders: Clinical trial designs and treatment protocols in practice with Arnoud Arntz, Martine Daniels, Jet Alberts, Katinka de Boer, & Birre van den Heuvel3. S3SC1 Skills Class: Take a Look at Yourself: Building Up a Positive Body Image and Training Self-Compassion in Front of the Mirror with Yvonne Reusch4. S3SC3 Skills Class: Dealings with your own addictions as a therapist with Michiel van Vreeswijk, Michiel Boog & Klaartje van Hest5. S3SC5 Skills Class: Draw your Modes! with Heleen Grandia6. S3W5 In-Congress Workshop: Enhancing Schema Therapy Using Body Focused Techniques with Janis Briedis Part 27. S3W7 In-Congress Workshop: Learning Healthy Adult Sexuality: Creating a Therapy Relationship Safe Enough to Explore Sexuality (for Both the Therapist and Patient) with Ruth Holt & Mandy Walsh Part 28. S3W8 Virtual Workshop: Experiencing the Thunder from the inside-out experiential work with children in Schema Therapy with Gal Geffen & Janine Peckham9. S3W9 Virtual Workshop: Application of Positive Schemas in Clinical Practice in Schema Therapy with Daniel Ceballos10. S3W11 In-Congress Workshop: Mastering the Inner Skills of Schema Therapy: Don’t be Nice, be REAL with Wendy Behary & Joan Farrell Part 211. S3W13 In-Congress Workshop: Playtime, not shame time! Tackling shame for cluster C with a phase-oriented approach with Ruth McCuctheon, Saskia Ohlin, Wiesette Krol & Rosi Reubsaet Part 213. S3HT1-3 Hot Topics (Mini Keynotes)1. Session 1: Codependency and Enmeshment: A Fusion of Concepts with Jeff Conway & Ingrid Bacon2. Session 2: What are the key therapeutic processes in Schema Therapy? with Eckhard Roediger3. Session 3: Neurobiological influences of Schemas and Modes with Sarah Cohen Woods