International Early Lung and Cardiac Action Program 43nd International Conference on Screening for Lung Cancer and 11th Conference on Research for Early Lung Cancer Treatment 2022
Format: 12 videos + 1 pdf, size: 20.3 GB
Course Audience: oncology physican, cardiology physician, pulmonology physician
The International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (I-ELCAP) had their 43rd International Conference on Screening for Lung Cancer and 11th conference on Research for Early Lung Cancer Treatment. The hybrid meeting was on September 22 – 23, 2022. The focus of this conference was to provide a forum to discuss the most urgent clinical and research topics related to early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer and largely focused on issues of implementation and integration of the latest technological advances.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
IELCAP-43rd-Conference-Agenda (PDF Format)
September 21 I-ELCAP & IELCART (Video MP4 Format)September 21 Icahn (Video MP4 Format)September 21 Mount Sinai Panelist (Video MP4 Format)September 21 Mount Sinai (Video MP4 Format)September 22 I-ELCAP & IELCART (Video MP4 Format)September 22 Icahn (Video MP4 Format)September 22 Mount Sinai Panelists (Video MP4 Format)September 22 Mount Sinai (Video MP4 Format)September 23 I-ELCAP & IELCART (Video MP4 Format)September 23 Icahn (No Audio) (Video MP4 Format)September 23 Mount Sinai Panelist (Video MP4 Format)September 23 Mount Sinai (Video MP4 Format)* Detail: