Intensive Update with Board Review Including COVID-19 in Geriatric and Palliative Medicine 2020

Intensive Update with Board Review Including COVID-19 in Geriatric and Palliative Medicine 2020

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Oakstone Intensive Update with Board Review Including COVID-19 in Geriatric and Palliative Medicine 2020

Format:104 videos + 1 pdf, size: 30.8 GB

Course Audience: geriatric fellows, geriatricians, internists, palliative physician

1. Geriatrics _ Palliative Care _ the Future of Healthcare (Video MP4 Format)

2. Update in Dementia (Video MP4 Format)

3. Prognostication of Chronic Disease (Video MP4 Format)

4. Falls (Video MP4 Format)

5. Geriatrics _ Palliative Care in the Nursing Home (Video MP4 Format)

6. Nutrition, Hydration in Serious Illness (Video MP4 Format)

7. Foot Diseases _ Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

8. Capacity Assessment (Video MP4 Format)

9. Approach to Decision Making for Patients Who Lack Capacity (Video MP4 Format)

10. Geriatric Nephrology _ Renal Palliative Care (Video MP4 Format)

11. Perioperative Management (Video MP4 Format)

12. Complementary Therapies for Patient _ Self Care (Video MP4 Format)

13. Inpatient _ Outpatient Billing _ Documentation Including COVID-19 (Video MP4 Format)

14. Surgical Emergencies (Video MP4 Format)

15. Chemotherapy Related Toxicity _ Oncologic Complications (Video MP4 Format)

16. Understanding the Hospice Benefit (Video MP4 Format)

17. Palliative Care in Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)

18. Palliative Care Emergencies (Video MP4 Format)

19. BPH _ Prostate Cancer (Video MP4 Format)

20. Anemia (Video MP4 Format)

21. Grief, Bereavement _ Psychosocial Issues in COVID Times – For Patients, Families _ Clinicians (Video MP4 Format)

22. Pain Management (Advanced) – PCA _ Methadone Use (Video MP4 Format)

23. Family Meetings (Video MP4 Format)

24. Incorporating Geriatrics _ Palliative Medicine Principles into Value-Based Programs (Video MP4 Format)

25. Medical Decision Making (Video MP4 Format)

26. Stroke (Video MP4 Format)

27. Falls – Evidence-Based Review (Video MP4 Format)

28. Principles in Geriatric Rehabilitation (Video MP4 Format)

29. Musculoskeletal Medicine (Video MP4 Format)

30. Culture _ Palliative Care (Video MP4 Format)

31. HIV-AIDS in Older Adults (Video MP4 Format)

32. Geriatric Emergency Medicine (Video MP4 Format)

33. Screening for Dementia (Video MP4 Format)

34. Nuts _ Bolts of HF Management (Video MP4 Format)

35. Palliative Care in ALS (Video MP4 Format)

36. Sleep Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

37. Anxiety (Video MP4 Format)

38. Diagnosis _ Evaluation of Peripheral Vascular Disease (Video MP4 Format)

39. Symptom Management II – Hiccups, Pruritus, Xerostomia, Fatigue _ Bowel Obstruction (Video MP4 Format)

40. Hazards of Hospitalization (Video MP4 Format)

41. Oral Care – A Forgotten Care of Older Adults (Video MP4 Format)

42. CAD Management – Cardiac _ Perioperative Risk Assessment (Video MP4 Format)

43. Constipation _ Fecal Incontinence (Video MP4 Format)

44. Thyroid Disease (Video MP4 Format)

45. Urinary Incontinence (Video MP4 Format)

46. Older Drivers, Tough Conversations (Video MP4 Format)

47. LGBT Aging (Video MP4 Format)

48. Pain Assessment _ Management (Video MP4 Format)

49. Parkinson’s _ Movement Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

50. Advance Care Planning – Trends _ Clinical Pracice (Video MP4 Format)

51. De-Prescribing in the Context of Multi-Comorbidities (Video MP4 Format)

52. Prevention (Video MP4 Format)

53. Integrative Medicine (Video MP4 Format)

54. End-of-Life Symptoms (Video MP4 Format)

55. Physiological Changes in Aging (Video MP4 Format)

56. Pediatric Palliative Care (Video MP4 Format)

57. COPD _ Asthma (Video MP4 Format)

58. Atrial Fibrillation (Video MP4 Format)

59. Basic Opioids 101 (Video MP4 Format)

60. Medication Management (Video MP4 Format)

61. Symptom Management I – Constipation, SOB, Nausea _ Anorexia (Video MP4 Format)

62. Low Back Pain (Video MP4 Format)

63. Osteoporosis (Video MP4 Format)

64. Balance _ Vertigo (Video MP4 Format)

65. Withdrawal of Non-Beneficial Treatments While Maintaining Care (Video MP4 Format)

66. Home Care (Video MP4 Format)

67. Diabetes (Video MP4 Format)

68. Transitions of Care (Video MP4 Format)

69. New Billing Codes (Video MP4 Format)

70. Frailty (Video MP4 Format)

71. Interventional Pain (Video MP4 Format)

72. Dermatology (Video MP4 Format)

73. Delirium (Video MP4 Format)

74. Wound Care (Video MP4 Format)

75. Late Life Depression (Video MP4 Format)

76. COVID-19 in the Nursing Home (Video MP4 Format)

77. Cardiovascular Disease (Video MP4 Format)

78. Palliative Radiation Therapy (Video MP4 Format)

79. Hematological Malignancies (Video MP4 Format)

80. Hypertension (Video MP4 Format)

81. Use of Adjuvants for Pain Management (Video MP4 Format)

82. Refractory _ End-of-Life Depression (Video MP4 Format)

83. Hip Fracture (Video MP4 Format)

84. Hospitalization at Home (Video MP4 Format)

85. Rheumatology (Video MP4 Format)

86. Infectious Disease – Pneumonia, UTI_s _ C-Dif (Video MP4 Format)

87. Management of Behavioral _ Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (Video MP4 Format)

88. Managing Aortic Stenosis, Mitral Regurg _ Antibiotic Prophylaxis (Video MP4 Format)

89. Addressing Total Pain – The Role of Interdisciplinary Teams (Video MP4 Format)

90. Geriatric Assessment Tools (Video MP4 Format)

91. Medical Marijuana – It_s High Time We Review the Evidence (Video MP4 Format)

92. Oncology – Breast, Lung _ Colon Cancers (Video MP4 Format)

93. Using Digital Technology for Health Promotion _ Disease Prevention in Older Adults (Video MP4 Format)

94. An Overview of Cirrhosis for Geriatrics _ Palliative Care Medical Providers (Video MP4 Format)

95. Feeding _ Swallowing Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

96. Anorexia, Cachexia _ Weight Loss (Video MP4 Format)

97. Overview of Gynecological Malignancies – Clinical Presentation _ Treatment Options (Video MP4 Format)

98. Bringing It All Back Home – The Geriatric _ Palliative Care Approach (Video MP4 Format)

99. Renal Palliative Care in the Time of COVID-19 – Defining the Role of Kidney Supportive Care (Video MP4 Format)

100. COVID-19 in Older Adults – Overview, Management _ Lessons Learned (Video MP4 Format)

101. Pharmacotherapy for COVID-19 – Where are We Now (Video MP4 Format)

102. Clinician Well-being _ Resilience – Pre-COVID, Through the Pandemic _ Beyond (Video MP4 Format)

103. The Era of Telehealth for the Ambulatory Setting (Video MP4 Format)

104. Teleconsultation in the Inpatient Setting (Video MP4 Format)

Syllabus (PDF Format)