iiCME Breast Imaging 2021
Format:19 videos, size: 4.77 GB
Course Audience: radiologist
Educational Objectives: Review the basic principles and current guidelines for screening mammography Address the multimodality approach to the evaluation of breast lesions Outline the current applications of ultrasound in the screening and diagnostic arenas Describe the major aspects of breast MR Discuss ways to avoid the missed breast cancer Delineate current and future applications of […]
Abbreviated MR and Contrast Enhanced Mammography – COMSTOCK (Video MP4 Format)
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Breast Imaging – HOOLEY (Video MP4 Format)Breast Anatomy as seen with Ultrasound – STAVROS (Video MP4 Format)Breast Cancer Tabar Types and Molecular Subtypes by Ultrasound – STAVROS (Video MP4 Format)Breast MR Case review – COMSTOCK (Video MP4 Format)Breast MR Current Indications – COMSTOCK (Video MP4 Format)Cancers Missed on Tomosynthesis Case-Based Review – BERG (Video MP4 Format)Challenging Ultrasound Cases – HOOLEY (Video MP4 Format)Combined Qualitative Diagnostic & Predictive Diagnostic Biomarkers How it could be done – STAVROS (Video MP4 Format)Dense Breasts Outcomes & Supplemental Screening – BERG (Video MP4 Format)ILC and LCIS Diagnosis and Management – BERG (Video MP4 Format)Improving Specificity of Breast Ultrasound BIRADS 3, 4a – BERG (Video MP4 Format)Molecular Breast Imaging Current Status – LINVER (Video MP4 Format)Non-mass Findings on Ultrasound – STAVROS (Video MP4 Format)Screening Breast Ultrasound Pearls and Pitfalls- HOOLEY (Video MP4 Format)Signs and Symptoms of Breast Disease – BERG (Video MP4 Format)Talking with Patients Doing it Well – LINVER (Video MP4 Format)The Missed Cancer Causes and Cures – LINVER (Video MP4 Format)Tomosynthesis Current Indications – HOOLEY (Video MP4 Format)