Harvard Update in Internal Medicine 2022

Harvard Update in Internal Medicine 2022

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Harvard Update in Internal Medicine 2022

Format: 84 videos + 81 pdfs, size: 92.6 GB

Course Audience: internist, primary care physican


December 4-10, 2022

Internists, family medicine physicians, medical specialists, PAs, and NPs from around the world attend this intensive course for updates, advances and best practices to optimize screening, diagnosis and management of patient care in all areas of medicine, including:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Cardiology
  • Common orthopedic conditions
  • Complementary and integrative medicine
  • COVID-19
  • Endocrinology
  • ENT and ophthalmology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Hematology
  • Hepatology
  • Infectious diseases
  • Leadership
  • Medical and surgical management of obesity
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Oncology
  • Opiates for chronic pain
  • Psychiatry
  • Pulmonary diseases
  • Racial inequalities in medicine
  • Rheumatology
  • Sleep deprivation



2-Tung_new (PDF Format)

3-Garnick_new (PDF Format)

4-A-Rahim_new (PDF Format)

5-Come-Breast-Cancer_new (PDF Format)

6-Rangachari_new (PDF Format)

7-Schnipper-Cancer-in-the-Rear-View_new (PDF Format)

8-Schnipper-ONCOLOGY-REVIEW_new (PDF Format)

8a-Schnipper-ONCOLOGY-ANSWER_new (PDF Format)

10-Abrahamson-Patients-as-Teachers-Pull-Forward_new (PDF Format)

11-Fitzgerald_new (PDF Format)

12-Badlissi-Gout_new (PDF Format)

13-Badlissi-Rheumatology-Review_new (PDF Format)

14-Rosen_new (PDF Format)

15-Abrahamson-Type-2-DM_new (PDF Format)

16-Beaser_new (PDF Format)

17-Chopra-Microbiome_new (PDF Format)

18-Hennessey_new (PDF Format)

19-Abrahamson-ENDOCRINE-REVIEW-answer-key_new (PDF Format)

19-Abrahamson-ENDOCRINE-REVIEW-handout_new (PDF Format)

21-Chopra-Lab-Tests_new (PDF Format)

22-731264-Quote-of-the-Day-handout (PDF Format)

22-732264-Compiled-QA (PDF Format)

22-732264-Schedule (PDF Format)

22-Robson_new (PDF Format)

23-Grossberg_new (PDF Format)

24-Kelly_new (PDF Format)

25-Chopra-GI-Review_new (PDF Format)

27-Phillips_new (PDF Format)

28-Domino_new (PDF Format)

29-Dushay_new (PDF Format)

30a-Jones-handout_new (PDF Format)

30b-Semnack_new (PDF Format)

31-Pleskow_new (PDF Format)

33-Bonder_new (PDF Format)

34-Curry_new (PDF Format)

35-Afdhal_new (PDF Format)

36-Chopra-NAFLD-web_new (PDF Format)

37-Bauer_new (PDF Format)

38-Drews-Anemia_new (PDF Format)

39-Drews-Hematology-Review-handout_new (PDF Format)

41-Ramappa_new (PDF Format)

42-DeAngelis_new (PDF Format)

43-Metson_new (PDF Format)

43-You_new (PDF Format)

44-Chopra-Leadership_new (PDF Format)

45-Nathavitharana_new (PDF Format)

46-COVID-19-Lessons-Learned-Future-Directions-Dec-2022-v3a_new (PDF Format)

47-Gold-ID-REVIEW-answer-key_new (PDF Format)

47-Gold-ID-Review_new (PDF Format)

49-Zimetbaum-AF_new (PDF Format)

50-Zimetbaum-Syncope_new (PDF Format)

51-Mollica_new (PDF Format)

52-Smetana_new (PDF Format)

53-Benson_new (PDF Format)

54-Gelfand_new (PDF Format)

55-Cluett-Hypertension_new (PDF Format)

56-Carroll_new (PDF Format)

57-Pinto-Acute-Coronary-Syndromes_new (PDF Format)

58-Pinto-Interventional-Cardiology_new (PDF Format)

59-Garan_new (PDF Format)

60-Cardiology-Review-2022_new (PDF Format)

60a-Kannam-Cardiology-Answers_new (PDF Format)

62-Irwig_new (PDF Format)

63-Sharp-final_new (PDF Format)

64-Mukamal_new (PDF Format)

65-Stickgold_new (PDF Format)

66-Stanton_new (PDF Format)

68-Brown-NEPHROLOGY-REVIEW-Web_new (PDF Format)


69-Hoenig_new (PDF Format)

70-Zeidel_new (PDF Format)

71-Anandaiah_new (PDF Format)

72-Kholdani_new (PDF Format)

73-Schwartzstein-COPD_new (PDF Format)

73a-Schwartzstein-COPD-Refs_new (PDF Format)

74-Schwartzstein-Pulmonary-cases_new (PDF Format)

74a-Schwartzstein-Pulmonary-Cases-Answers_new (PDF Format)

76-OBrien_new (PDF Format)

77-Cohen-Lindenberg-onsite_new (PDF Format)

79-Olveczky_new (PDF Format)

80-Yeh_new (PDF Format)

Friday A Revolution in Psychiatry (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Acute Renal Failure (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Alcohol Use A Double-Edged Sword (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Approach to the Patient with Proteinuria and Hematuria (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Fresh Air What’s New with Asthma in 2022 (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Nephrology Challenging Cases with Your Participation (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Nephrology Q_A (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease Early Diagnosis and Aggressive Treatment (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Pulmonary Diseases Challenging Cases with Your Participation (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Pulmonary Diseases Q_A (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Pulmonary Hypertension (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Sleep, Memory and Dreams A Unified Theory (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Transgender Care Practical Tools for Providers (Video MP4 Format)

Friday Understanding COPD Going Beyond the Wheeze (Video MP4 Format)

Monday A Pragmatic Approach to Chronic Diarrhea (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Advancing to Insulin Replacement Therapy When, Why and How (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Celiac Sprue Protean Manifestations (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Endocrinology Challenging Cases with Your Participation (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Endocrinology Q_A (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Gastroenterology and Hepatology Challenging Cases with Your Participation (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Gastroenterology and Hepatology Q_A (Video MP4 Format)

Monday GI Bleeding (Video MP4 Format)

Monday KEYNOTE LECTURE Microbiome (The Second Human Genome) – What Shapes It and How It Shapes Us (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures in Liver Disease Adventures in Liverland (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures in Liver Disease Adventures in LiverlandQNA (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Osteoporosis Management in the Era of Limited Resources (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Problems in Thyroid Disease (Video MP4 Format)

Monday Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes 2022 Getting to Goal Safely and Reducing Cardiovascular Risk (Video MP4 Format)

Saturday Complementary and Integrative Medicine (Video TS Format)

Saturday Cutaneous Malignancies A Primer (Video MP4 Format)

Saturday Opiates for Chronic Pain An Approach to Decision-Making, Risk Management and Monitoring-004-001 (Video MP4 Format)

Saturday Opiates for Chronic Pain An Approach to Decision-Making, Risk Management and MonitoringQNA (Video MP4 Format)

Saturday Racial Inequalities in Health Care (Video TS Format)

Saturday Transfusion Medicine (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Advances in Lung Cancer A Paradigm for Personalized Care (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Assessment and Management of Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk An Update (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Gout The King of Diseases (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday How We Think About and Manage Breast Cancer in 2022 (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Introduction and Welcome (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday KEYNOTE LECTURE Artificial Intelligence – A New Frontier in Medicine (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday KEYNOTE LECTURE Patients as Teachers – Lessons Learned (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Oncology Challenging Cases with Your Participation-003-006 (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Oncology Q_A (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Prostate Cancer An Update (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Rheumatoid Arthritis What the PCP Needs to Know (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Rheumatology Challenging Cases with Your Participation (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday Rheumatology Q_A Session (Video MP4 Format)

Sunday What’s Ahead When Cancer is in the Rear-View Mirror (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Acute Coronary Syndromes (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Applying Real-World Evidence to Patient Care Atrial Fibrillation (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Approach to the Patient with Syncope (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Cardiology Challenging Cases with Your Participation (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Congestive Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Hypertension 2022 Practice Changing Updates (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Interventional Cardiology What the PCP Needs to Know (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday KEYNOTE LECTURE Refugee Trauma – A Perspective from a Quarter Century’s Experience (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Managing Arterial Disease A Tour for the PCP (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Preventive Therapies for Migraine (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday The Current Cholesterol Guidelines and Treating Residual Risk (Video MP4 Format)

Thurday Valvular Heart Disease for the Clinician (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Ask-the-Experts Neurology-004-001 (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Complications of Cirrhosis (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Diagnosis and Management of Hypercoagulability and New Anticoagulants Interpreting the Data (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Don’t-Miss Causes of Anemia (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Endoscopic Management of Obesity Ready for Primetime (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Exercise Prescription Promoting Physical Activity in You and Your Patients (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Global Elimination of HCV (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Hematology Challenging Cases with Your Participation (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Hematology Q_A (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Hepatitis B Recent Advances (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Medical Management of Obesity What the PCP Needs to Know (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Motivational Interviewing A Proven Approach for Weight Loss (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Assessing Severity and Optimizing Management (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Assessing Severity and Optimizing Management2 (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Surgical Treatment of Obesity Procedures, Outcomes and a Patient’s Perspective (Video MP4 Format)

Tuesday Surgical Treatment of Obesity Procedures, Outcomes and a Patient’s Perspective2 (Video MP4 Format)

Wednesday Ask-the-Expert ENTOphthalmology-005-006 (Video TS Format)

Wednesday Coronavirus Lessons Learned and Future Directions (Video MP4 Format)

Wednesday Infectious Diseases Challenging Cases with Your Participation (Video MP4 Format)

Wednesday Infectious Diseases Q_A (Video MP4 Format)

Wednesday KEYNOTE LECTURE Exemplary Leadership – Lessons Learned from History and Contemporary Times-004-001 (Video MP4 Format)

Wednesday My Knee is Swollen and I’m Having Trouble Walking-002-005 (Video TS Format)

Wednesday My Shoulder Hurts and the Golf Season Is Starting (Video MP4 Format)

Wednesday Tuberculosis 2022 What’s New (Video MP4 Format)