Harvard Gastroenterology 2024
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Course Audience: gastroenterologists, internists, surgeons
The Comprehensive 2024 Gastroenterology Update, Gastroenterology 2024 will be held online this year, using live streaming, electronic Q&A, and other remote learning technologies.
This program ensures participants are current with state-of-the-art GI strategies and clinical practices. It covers recent advances and their impact on clinical approaches and on patient outcomes. Updates, best practices, and new guidelines are presented by nationally recognized GI experts and master clinicians.
Practical, Results-Driven Education
Highlights of the 2024 program include:
- Updated guidelines for the use of biologics in IBD
- Therapeutic drug monitoring in IBD treatment
- Management of the older adult with IBD
- Updated guidelines for treatment of C. difficile infection
- Managing GI complications of immunotherapy
- Improved management of IBS
- Tips to managing fecal incontinence
- Management of refractory GERD
- Expanded genetic testing options to diagnose hereditary GI cancer syndromes
- Management of fatty liver disease in 2024
- How to diagnose and manage cirrhosis
- How to improve your adenoma detection rate (ADR)
- Steps to ensure delivery of high-quality colonoscopic care
- Techniques to effectively control acute GI bleeding
- Endoscopic management of obesity
- When FMT is indicated for treatment
- Impact of COVID on the GI tract
- New strategies to treat common GI problems
- A comprehensive update of national guidelines
As new strategies, guidelines, and diagnostic and treatment options are presented, they are coupled with specific recommendations for incorporating these updates into your day-to-day work.
Education to Optimize Your Patient Outcomes
The evidence-based recommendations provided in this program cover:
- GI Complications of Immunotherapy
- Microscopic Colitis
- Fatty Liver
- Barrett’s Esophagus
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis
- C. difficile Colitis
- Alcohol-Related Liver Disease
- Autoimmune Hepatitis
- Refractory GERD
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Chronic Pancreatitis
- Celiac Disease
- GI Bleeding
- High Risk for Colorectal Cancer
Recent Advances and Innovations
Clinicians can rely on this program for education on:
- Biological therapies for IBD: how to choose which agent to start with? How to monitor during treatment? What is the role for therapeutic drug monitoring? When to switch? What new agents are now available?
- Managing refractory pouchitis
- GI complications of immunotherapy — a common and heterogeneous disorder: how to approach and treat effectively?
- Eosinophilic esophagitis: how to decide between drug therapy and dietary therapy?
- The stool microbiome: understanding the science behind clinical applications
- Celiac disease: making sense of the multiple serologic tests—new therapeutic strategies are on the horizon
- Adenoma detection rates: critical to measure and how to incorporate strategies, including AI, to increase your rate
- Endoscopic approaches to managing obesity
This program also offers a glimpse into the future of gastroenterology with engaging lectures given by world-renowned experts on inspiring and cutting-edge topics.
Who Should Attend
- Gastroenterologists
- Internists
- Surgeons
- Nurse Practitioners
- Physician Assistants
Monday, June 10, 2024
8:30amWelcomeDaniel Chung, MD
8:30am to 9:15amWhich Initial Therapy to Choose for Crohn’s and UC?Joshua Korzenik, MD
9:15am to 9:50amManagement of Severe UC and Pouch-Related ComplicationsAshwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, MPH
9:50am to 10:15amIBD in PregnancyLoren Rabinowitz, MD
10:15am to 10:30amPanel Q&ADrs. Ananthakrishnan, Korzenik, and Rabinowitz
10:30am to 10:50amBreak10:50am to 11:15amManagement of the Older Adult with IBDBharati Kochar, MD
11:15am to 11:40amWORKSHOP 1: Cutaneous Manifestations of IBDDaniela Kroshinsky, MD
11:40am to 12:25pmTherapeutic Drug Monitoring in IBDAdam Cheifetz, MD
12:25pm to 12:40pmPanel Q&ADrs. Cheifetz, Kochar, and Kroshinsky
12:40pm to 1:45pmBreak1:45pm to 2:15pmHow to Manage Microscopic ColitisHamed Khalili, MD
2:15pm to 2:45pmGI Complications of ImmunotherapyMichael Dougan, MD
2:45pm to 3:00pmPanel Q&ADrs. Dougan and Khalili
3:00pm to 3:15pmBreak3:15pm to 3:50pmWho Should Have Genetic Testing for GI Cancer Syndromes?Daniel Chung, MD
3:50pm to 4:25pmWORKSHOP 2: CRC Screening and How to Improve Your ADRRamona Lim, MD
4:25pm to 5:00pmBeyond Screening: What to Recommend to Reduce Colorectal Cancer RiskAndrew Chan, MD, MPH
5:00pm to 5:15pmPanel Q&ADrs. Chan, Chung, and Lim
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
8:30am to 9:05amBarrett’s Esophagus: Whom and How to Treat?Douglas Pleskow, MD
9:05am to 9:40amEsophageal Motility Disorders Made EasyBarbara Nath, MD
9:40am to 10:15amManagement of Refractory GERDNorman Nishioka, MD
10:15am to 10:30amPanel Q&ADrs. Nath, Nishioka, and Pleskow
10:30am to 10:45amBreak10:45am to 11:20amComprehensive Approach to Eosinophilic EsophagitisWalter Chan, MD
11:20am to 12:10pmCeliac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity: 2024 Practitioner UpdatesCiaran Kelly, MD
12:10pm to 12:25pmPanel Q&ADrs. Chan and Kelly
12:25pm to 1:30pmBreak1:30pm to 2:05pmMaking the Diagnosis of IBSKyle Staller, MD
2:05pm to 2:40pmModern Strategies to Treat IBSVikram Rangan, MD
2:40pm to 3:00pmWORKSHOP 3: Tips to Managing Fecal IncontinenceKyle Staller, MD
3:00pm to 3:20pmPanel Q&ADrs. Rangan and Staller
3:20pm to 3:40pmBreak3:40pm to 4:15pmOptimizing the Management of GastroparesisBraden Kuo, MD
4:15pm to 4:45pmHow to Evaluate Small Intestinal Bacterial OvergrowthJudy Nee, MD
4:45pm to 5:00pmPanel Q&ADrs. Kuo and Nee
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
8:30am to 9:05amCholestatic Liver Diseases: What’s New in PBC and PSCDaniel Pratt, MD
9:05am to 9:40amUpdate on Autoimmune HepatitisAlan Bonder, MD
9:40am to 10:10amWORKSHOP 4: How to Approach Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI)Michael Curry, MD
10:10am to 10:25amPanel Q&ADrs. Bonder, Curry, and Pratt
10:25am to 10:45amBreak10:45am to 11:25amAlcohol-Associated Liver DiseaseGyongyi Szabo, MD, PhD
11:25am to 11:55amThe Management of NAFLDKathleen Corey, MD
11:55am to 12:10pmPanel Q&ADrs. Corey and Szabo
12:10pm to 1:10pmBreak1:10pm to 1:45pmWORKSHOP 5: How to Work Up a Liver LesionKarin Andersson, MD
1:45pm to 2:15pmDiagnosis and Routine Management of CirrhosisMichelle Lai, MD
2:15pm to 2:55pmManaging Advanced Liver DiseaseAnna Rutherford, MD
2:55pm to 3:15pmPanel Q&ADrs. Andersson, Lai, and Rutherford
3:15pm to 3:30pmBreak3:30pm to 4:05pmBest Management Strategies in Acute PancreatitisDavid Jin, MD, MPH
4:05pm to 4:40pmUpdates in Chronic PancreatitisSunil Sheth, MD
4:40pm to 5:15pmControversies in the Management of Cystic Lesions of the PancreasCarlos Fernandez-del Castillo, MD
5:15pm to 5:30pmPanel Q&ADrs. Fernandez-del Castillo, Jin, and Sheth
Thursday, June 13, 2024
8:30am to 9:15amWORKSHOP 6: Tips to Removing the Difficult PolypTyler Berzin, MD
9:15am to 9:45amQuality in Colonoscopy: What to Measure and Why It MattersMandeep Sawhney, MD
9:45am to 10:00amPanel Q&ADrs. Berzin and Sawhney
10:00am to 10:15amBreak10:15am to 10:45amEndoscopy and the Anticoagulated PatientKunal Jajoo, MD
10:45am to 11:30amAcute GI Bleeding and Other GI EmergenciesLinda Lee, MD
11:30am to 12:00pmEndoscopic Approaches to Manage ObesityChris Thompson, MD
12:00pm to 12:15pmPanel Q&ADrs. Jajoo, Lee, and Thompson
12:15pm to 1:30pmBreak1:30pm to 2:05pmCOVID in the GI TractWalter Chan, MD, MPH
2:05pm to 2:45pmWhat’s New in C. difficile ColitisJessica Allegretti, MD, MPH
2:45pm to 3:15pmNew Insights into the Gut Microbiome and DiseaseRamnik Xavier, MD
3:15pm to 3:45pmWORKSHOP 7: GI Cases to RememberDouglas Horst, MD
3:45pm to 4:05pmPanel Q&ADrs. Allegretti, Chan, Horst, and Xavier