Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Edition (Complete Videos Set) - Medical Videos | Board Review Courses

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Edition (Complete Videos Set)

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Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Edition (Complete Videos Set)


  1. Download all compressed files (.rar) into the same folder
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  3. Once extraction completes, run book.html file to start viewing all organized videos. Video titles are all indexed in this book.html file.


Video list:

  1. Video 027-1: Classic Cataplexy
  2. Video 027-2: REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
  3. VIDEO 236-1: Cine steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging (left) in short axis in a patient who had a large anterior myocardial infarction.
  4. VIDEO 236-2: Cine cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging of a patient in the long-axis four-chamber view.
  5. VIDEO 236-3: Exercise echocardiogram showing rest images on left and poststress images on right, with parasternal long-axis, upper panel, and apical four-chamber, lower panel, end-systolic frames.
  6. VIDEO 236-4: Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) myocardial perfusion imaging during vasodilating stress, in three parallel-short-axis views.
  7. VIDEO 236-5: A 60-year-old female presented with intermittent chest pain of 3 days in duration but was pain free at the time of assessment in the emergency room.
  8. VIDEO 236-6: A patient with severe aortic regurgitation quantified by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR).
  9. VIDEO 236-7: T2* images of the heart (left panel) and the liver (right panel) of a patient who has hemochromatosis.
  10. VIDEO 236-8: The heart in long and short axis.
  11. VIDEO 285-1: Cystic Fibrosis
  12. VIDEO 352-1A: Transthoracic echocardiographic images of a 9-year-old girl with first episode of acute rheumatic fever.
  13. VIDEO 352-1B: Transthoracic echocardiographic images of a 9-year-old girl with first episode of acute rheumatic fever.
  14. VIDEO 352-1C: Transthoracic echocardiographic images of a 9-year-old girl with first episode of acute rheumatic fever.
  15. VIDEO 352-1D: Transthoracic echocardiographic images of a 9-year-old girl with first episode of acute rheumatic fever.
  16. VIDEO 352-2A: Transthoracic echocardiographic images are from a 5-year-old boy with chronic rheumatic heart disease with severe mitral valve regurgitation and moderate mitral valve stenosis.
  17. VIDEO 352-2B: Transthoracic echocardiographic images are from a 5-year-old boy with chronic rheumatic heart disease with severe mitral valve regurgitation and moderate mitral valve stenosis.
  18. VIDEO 440-1: Myasthenia Gravis and Other Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction
  19. VIDEO A08-01: Echocardiography in the evaluation of acute myocardial infarction (parasternal long-axis view).
  20. VIDEO A08-02: Echocardiography in the evaluation of acute myocardial infarction (apical four-chamber view).
  21. VIDEO A08-03: Stress echocardiography for suspected CAD (rest apical four-chamber view).
  22. VIDEO A08-04: Stress echocardiography for suspected CAD (stress apical four-chamber view).
  23. VIDEO A08-05: CMR stress myocardial perfusion images (short-axis cine images).
  24. VIDEO A08-06: CMR stress myocardial perfusion images (short-axis perfusion images).
  25. VIDEO A08-07: ECG gated images.
  26. VIDEO A08-08: A case of viability assessment in a patient with inferior myocardial infarction (short-axis cine images).
  27. VIDEO A08-09: Echocardiography for evaluation of the severity of aortic stenosis (parasternal long-axis view).
  28. VIDEO A08-10: Echocardiography for evaluation of the severity of aortic stenosis (parasternal long-axis view).
  29. VIDEO A08-11: Echocardiography for evaluation of the severity of aortic stenosis (short-axis view).
  30. VIDEO A08-12: Utility of echocardiography to evaluate for cardiac amyloidosis (parasternal long axis view).
  31. VIDEO A08-13: Utility of echocardiography to evaluate for cardiac amyloidosis (short-axis view).
  32. VIDEO A08-14: Utility of echocardiography to evaluate suspected hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (parasternal long-axis view).
  33. VIDEO A08-15: Utility of echocardiography to evaluate suspected hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (apical four-chamber view).
  34. VIDEO A08-16: Utility of echocardiography to evaluate suspected hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Doppler apical four-chamber view).
  35. VIDEO A08-17: Classic MR findings in a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (short-axis cine images).
  36. VIDEO A08-18: Utility of echocardiography to evaluate cardiac involvement in cancer (parasternal long-axis view).
  37. VIDEO A08-19: Classic echocardiographic findings in pulmonary hypertension (parasternal long-axis view).
  38. VIDEO A08-20: Classic echocardiographic findings in pulmonary hypertension (short-axis view).
  39. VIDEO A08-21: Metastatic cardiac tumor (four-chamber view with MRI).
  40. VIDEO A08-22: Metastatic cardiac tumor (PET whole-body cine view).
  41. VIDEO A10-1: Pulse Pressure.
  42. VIDEO A10-2: Plaque Instability and Acute Events.
  43. VIDEO A10-3: The Lipoprotein Menagerie.
  44. VIDEO A10-4: Pathogenesis of the Atheroscleratic Plaque and Acute Coronary Syndromes
  45. VIDEO A10-5: Atherogenesis.
  46. VIDEO A10-6: Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes and Atherogenesis.
  47. VIDEO A11-01: Baseline left coronary angiogram shows an occluded LCx with left-to-left collaterals originating from LAD septal vessels.
  48. VIDEO A11-02: Attempts to cross the total occlusion in the LCx using a hydrophilic wire and an antegrade approach were not successful with the wire tracking to the right of the trajectory.
  49. VIDEO A11-03: The LAD septal collateral is accessed with a guidewire that is directed toward the distal LCx to cross the total occlusion retrograde.
  50. VIDEO A11-04: The total occlusion is crossed retrograde. The wire is snared in the guide, exteriorized, and used to provide antegrade access to the LCx.
  51. VIDEO A11-05: Antegrade flow in the LCx is restored after balloon inflation.
  52. VIDEO A11-06: Following stenting of the total occlusion, blood flow in the distal vessel is improved and a second significant stenosis is seen.
  53. VIDEO A11-07: Final result after LCx stenting.
  54. VIDEO A11-08: Baseline angiogram of the left coronary circulation shows the significant stenosis in the mid-LAD and the bifurcation lesion involving a large diagonal branch.
  55. VIDEO A11-09: Both vessels are accessed with guidewires and pretreated with balloon angioplasty.
  56. VIDEO A11-10: Result after balloon angioplasty.
  57. VIDEO A11-11: Stent being positioned in the LAD.
  58. VIDEO A11-12: LAD poststent result.
  59. VIDEO A11-13: Stent deployed in the diagonal branch through the stent struts in the LAD using the “culotte” technique.
  60. VIDEO A11-14: Diagonal branch poststent result.
  61. VIDEO A11-15: Simultaneous inflation of two 2.5-mm “kissing” balloons.
  62. VIDEO A11-16: Final postbifurcation stenting result.
  63. VIDEO A11-17: The right coronary artery (RCA) is totally occluded with filling defects in the vessel after contrast injection, indicating thrombus is present in the vessel.
  64. VIDEO A11-18: An angioplasty wire is threaded through the thrombotic lesion, but this does not restore blood flow to the distal vessel.
  65. VIDEO A11-19: Result after manual thrombectomy and thrombus extraction.
  66. VIDEO A11-20: After balloon angioplasty and stenting, thrombus is still present.
  67. VIDEO A11-21: After repeat manual thrombectomy and expansion of the stent, the thrombus is no longer present.
  68. VIDEO A11-22: Final result.
  69. VIDEO A11-23: Saphenous vein graft to a first obtuse marginal branch with an 80% eccentric stenosis in the midgraft.
  70. VIDEO A11-24: A distal protection device is deployed past the lesion.
  71. VIDEO A11-25: Angioplasty balloon inflation with the distal protection device in place.
  72. VIDEO A11-26: Final result after stent placement.
  73. VIDEO A11-27: Baseline left coronary artery injection in right anterior oblique (RAO) cranial projection shows a high-grade calcified stenosis in the left main coronary artery and a significant stenosis in the proximal LAD.
  74. VIDEO A11-28: In the left anterior oblique (LAO) caudal view, the left main coronary artery lesion can be seen to extend into the ostia of both the LCx and the LAD.
  75. VIDEO A11-29: Guidewires were placed into both the LCx and LAD.
  76. VIDEO A11-30: The bifurcation lesion in the left main coronary artery extending into the LCx and LAD ostia is treated using a “culotte” technique.
  77. VIDEO A11-31: Next, the LAD wire is removed and passed through the stent into the distal LAD.
  78. VIDEO A11-32: Following rewiring of the LCx, both stents are re-dilated simultaneously (“kissing” balloons).
  79. VIDEO A11-33: The final result in the LAO caudal view.
  80. VIDEO A11-34: The final result in the RAO cranial view showing patent left main, LCx, and LAD coronary arteries.
  81. VIDEO A11-35: Baseline angiogram of the left coronary circulation in the RAO view shows the total occlusion of the second obtuse marginal branch with delayed retrograde filling via collateral vessels and a high-grade stenosis in the ramus intermedius.
  82. VIDEO A11-36: A guidewire is passed through the total occlusion, and the lesion is pretreated with balloon angioplasty.
  83. VIDEO A11-37: Following placement of a drug-eluting stent in the lesion, the vessel is widely patent.
  84. VIDEO A11-38: The ramus intermedius lesion was crossed with a guidewire and pretreated with balloon angioplasty.
  85. VIDEO A11-39: A drug-eluting stent is placed across the ramus lesion and deployed.
  86. VIDEO A11-40: Baseline angiogram of the RCA shows a high-grade lesion in the midsegment of the vessel.
  87. VIDEO A11-41: The lesion was pretreated with balloon dilation followed by stent deployment.
  88. VIDEO A11-42: The final result shows no residual stenosis in the mid-RCA.
  89. VIDEO A11-43: Baseline angiogram of the RCA in an anterior-posterior (AP) cranial view showing a tortuous vessel with a stenosis in the proximal vessel.
  90. VIDEO A11-44: Baseline angiogram of the left coronary circulation showing in-stent restenosis in the proximal LCx stent.
  91. VIDEO A11-45: A pressure wire is advanced past the in-stent restenosis lesion in the LCx, intravenous adenosine if given to achieve maximal hyperemia, and the fractional flow reserve (FFR) is measured.
  92. VIDEO A11-46: After a washout period, adenosine is infused again and FFR is measured in the RCA.
  93. VIDEO A11-47: Following placement of drug-eluting stents in the RCA, there is no residual stenosis in the vessel.
  94. VIDEO A11-48: Baseline angiogram showing a total occlusion of the proximal LAD within the drug-eluting stent and a significant stenosis at the origin of the LCx.
  95. VIDEO A11-49: The LAO view shows the LCx stenosis with a filling defect indicating that thrombus is present in the vessel lumen.
  96. VIDEO A11-50: The LAD lesion was crossed with a guidewire, which resulted in slow filling of the mid-LAD (TIMI 2 flow) and revealed thrombus filling the stent.
  97. VIDEO A11-51: The final result after LAD and LCx stenting.
  98. VIDEO A11-52: Aortogram shows patent coronary arteries and minimal aortic insufficiency.
  99. VIDEO A11-53: Balloon valvuloplasty is performed with rapid ventricular pacing at 180 beats/min.
  100. VIDEO A11-54: A 26-mm Edwards SAPIEN valve is positioned using fluoroscopic and transesophageal echo guidance and deployed.
  101. VIDEO A11-55: Aortogram after valve deployment shows a functional valve with mild aortic insufficiency and without impingement of the coronary ostia.
  102. VIDEO A11-56: A sizing balloon is placed across the ASD.
  103. VIDEO A11-57: An Amplatzer® septal occluder is being positioned across the ASD.
  104. VIDEO A11-58: The two disks of the device in place across the ASD.
  105. VIDEO A12-1: Normal Ultrasound.
  106. VIDEO A12-2: ARDS (Ultrasound).
  107. VIDEO A12-3: Pneumothorax.
  108. VIDEO A12-4: Pleural Effusion.
  109. VIDEO CP01-1: Clinical Procedure Tutorial: Central Venous Catheter Placement.
  110. VIDEO CP02-1: Clinical Procedure Tutorial: Thoracentesis.
  111. VIDEO CP03-1: Clinical Procedure Tutorial: Abdominal Paracentesis.
  112. VIDEO CP04-1: Clinical Procedure Tutorial: Endotracheal Intubation.
  113. VIDEO CP05-1: Clinical Procedure Tutorial: Percutaneous Arterial Blood Gas Sampling.
  114. VIDEO CP06-1: Clinical Procedure Tutorial: Lumbar Puncture.
  115. VIDEO CP07-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Phlebotomy.
  116. VIDEO CP08-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Insertion of Female Urethral Catheter.
  117. VIDEO CP09-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Insertion of Male Urethral Catheter.
  118. VIDEO CP10-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Fine Needle Aspiration of Breast Cyst.
  119. VIDEO CP11-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: IV Insertion.
  120. VIDEO CP12-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Fine Needle Aspiration of Thyroid Nodules.
  121. VIDEO CP13-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Gynecologic Examination with Pap Smear.
  122. VIDEO CP14-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Knee Arthrocentesis.
  123. VIDEO CP15-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Pericardiocentesis.
  124. VIDEO CP16-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Bone Marrow Biopsy.
  125. VIDEO CP17-1: Clinical Procedures Tutorial: Basic Suturing.
  126. VIDEO V1-1: Video Library of Gait Disorders.
  127. VIDEO V2-1: Primary Progressive Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders.
  128. VIDEO V3-01: Oculomotor Nerve Palsy.
  129. VIDEO V3-02: Left Superior Oblique Muscle Palsy.
  130. VIDEO V3-03: Abducens Nerve Palsy Secondary to Raised Intracranial Pressure.
  131. VIDEO V3-04: Partial Dorsal (Parinaud’s) Midbrain Syndrome.
  132. VIDEO V3-05: Left Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia.
  133. VIDEO V3-06: One and a Half Syndrome.
  134. VIDEO V3-07: Fisher Syndrome.
  135. VIDEO V3-08: Superior Oblique Myokymia.
  136. VIDEO V3-09: Macro Square-Wave Jerks.
  137. VIDEO V3-10: See-saw Nystagmus.
  138. VIDEO V3-11: Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia.
  139. VIDEO V3-12: Ocular Flutter.
  140. VIDEO V3-13: Ocular Myasthenia Gravis.
  141. VIDEO V3-14: Apraxia of Eyelid Opening.
  142. VIDEO V3-15: Benign Essential Blepharospasm.
  143. VIDEO V3-16: Thyroid Eye Disease.
  144. VIDEO V3-17: Orbital Pseudotumor.
  145. VIDEO V3-18: Wernicke’s Encephalopathy.
  146. VIDEO V3-19: Chiari Malformation.
  147. VIDEO V3-20: Left Hemifacial Spasm.
  148. VIDEO V4-1: Examination of the Comatose Patient.
  149. VIDEO V5-01: Methods of Deep Enteroscopy.
  150. VIDEO V5-02: Pancreatic necrosis treated by transduodenal endoscopic drainage and necrosectomy.
  151. VIDEO V5-03: Endoscopic full-thickness resection of a gastric subepithelial lesion.
  152. VIDEO V5-04: Barrett’s esophagus with high-grade dysplasia treated with endoscopic mucosal resection.
  153. VIDEO V5-05: Endoscopic submucosal dissection of a large rectal adenoma.
  154. VIDEO V5-06: Over-the-scope clip closure of a spontaneous esophageal perforation.
  155. VIDEO V5-07: Endoscopic suturing for stent fixation.
  156. VIDEO V5-08: Actively bleeding duodenal ulcer managed with multimodal endoscopic therapy.
  157. VIDEO V5-09: Actively bleeding esophageal varices treated with endoscopic band ligation.
  158. VIDEO V5-10: Actively bleeding fundal varices treated with endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection.
  159. VIDEO V5-11: Dieulafoy’s lesion treated endoscopically.
  160. VIDEO V5-12: Bleeding Mallory-Weiss tear treated with hemoclip placement.
  161. VIDEO V5-13: Radiation proctopathy treated with argon plasma coagulation.
  162. VIDEO V5-14: Actively bleeding colonic diverticulum treated with dilute epinephrine injection and band ligation.
  163. VIDEO V5-15: Pyloric stricture treated with a lumen-apposing metal stent.
  164. VIDEO V5-16: Malignant gastric outlet obstruction treated with palliative metal stent.
  165. VIDEO V5-17: Stent placement for palliation of malignant colonic obstruction.
  166. VIDEO V5-18: Bile duct stones removed after endoscopic sphincterotomy.
  167. VIDEO V5-19: Zenker’s diverticulum treated with flexible endoscopic myotomy.
  168. VIDEO V5-20: Achalasia treated with peroral endoscopic myotomy.
  169. VIDEO V5-21: Subepithelial esophageal leiomyoma treated with peroral endoscopic tumorectomy.
  170. VIDEO V5-22: Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty for the treatment of obesity.
  171. VIDEO V5-23: Dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus treated with radiofrequency ablation.
  172. VIDEO V5-24: Pedunculated and sessile colonic polyps removed with an electrosurgical snare during colonoscopy.
  173. VIDEO V6-1: The Neurologic Screening Exam.
  174. VIDEO V7-1: Introduction and the General Physical Examination Relevant to Neurology.
  175. VIDEO V7-2: Mental Status.
  176. VIDEO V7-3: Cranial Nerves.
  177. VIDEO V7-4: Motor.
  178. VIDEO V7-5: Sensory.
  179. VIDEO V7-6: Reflexes.
  180. VIDEO V7-7: Coordination and Gait.


Product Details

  • Publisher:McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 20th edition (August 13, 2018)
  • Language:English
  • Hardcover:4048 pages
  • ISBN-10:1259644030
  • ISBN-13:978-1259644030
  • Item Weight:13.2 pounds
  • Dimensions:8.9 x 4.3 x 11.2 inches