European Congress on Intrapartum Care 2023
Format: 15 videos + 1 pdf, size: 6.42 GB
Course Audience: pediatric physican, primary care physician
Main Topics
- Physiology of labour
- Collaboration influencing positive outcome
- Back to the future: instrumental vaginal delivery
- Labour in specific situations
- Induction & augmentation of labour
- Perineal trauma
- Intrapartum care
9-11 March 2023
Belgrade, SerbiaLearn the best practices in all aspects of labour management

*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
Scientific Information (PDF Format)
Closing (Video MP4 Format)Key Note Lecture 1 Caesarean Section at full dilatation – an emerging problem (Video MP4 Format)Key Note Lecture 2 Staff burnout in Maternity Care – can we do better (Video MP4 Format)Key Note Lecture 3 Communication with patients and partners during and after an emergency (Video MP4 Format)Lunch Symposium (Video MP4 Format)Opening and Session 1 Setting the scene, national, european and global (Video MP4 Format)Oral Presentations Session 1 (Video MP4 Format)Oral Presentations Session 2 (Video MP4 Format)Panel 1 Fetal monitoring (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Optimising vaginal birth (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Optimising Neonatal Outcomes on the labour ward (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 The Third Stage of Labour (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Environmental impact on maternity care – Sustainable Labour Ward (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Prematurity on the labour ward (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Intrapartum care (Video MP4 Format)
* Detail:
Session 1 17:25-19:00 Setting the scene, national, european and global Chairs: Gerard Visser (the Netherlands), Mervi Jokinen (UK)
17:25-17:40 Overview Serbian maternity care Ljiljana Mirkovic (Serbia)17:40-17:50 Midwifery education and scope of role in Serbia Ljubica Nicolic (Serbia)17:50-18:05 IMAgiNE EURO – Maternity and Perinatal Care Quality after COVID-19 Marzia Lazzerini – (Italy, WHO)18:05-18:25 When are your cesarean delivery rates too high? Diogo Ayres-de-Campos (Portugal)18:25-18:45 The issue of rising caesarean section rates due to huge difference in care between public and private clinics Melania Tudose (Romania)18:45-19:00 General discussionSession 2 08:30-10:15 Optimising vaginal birth Chairs: Branka Yli (Norway), Melania Tudose (Romania)
08:30-08:50 Avoiding Brain injury in Childbirth Wendy Randell (UK)08:50-09:10 Watchful attendance in labour Ank de Jong (the Netherlands)09:10-09:15 Selected short oral communication (3’/2′)09:15-09:35 Optimising assisted vaginal birth – New European Guidelines Tim Draycott (UK)09:35-09:45 Selected oral communication (7’/3′)09:45-09:55 Selected oral communication (7’/3′)09:55-10:15 Discussion10:15-11:00 Coffee break & poster visitSession 3 11:00-12:45 Optimising Neonatal Outcomes on the labour ward Chairs: Susanna Timonen (Finland), Agnes Simon (France)
11:00-11:20 Optimising transition from fetus to newborn Ola Andersson (Sweden)11:20-11:25 Selected short oral communication (3’/2′)11:25-11:45 The relevant first five minutes for the extreme preterm Maximo Vento (Spain)11:45-11:55 Selected oral communication (7’/3′)11:55-12:05 Selected oral communication (7’/3′)12:05-12:20 Temperature management of new born babies Daniele Trevisanuto (Italy)12:20-12:45 General discussion12:45-14:10 Lunch & Poster visitSession 4 14:10-15:55 The Third Stage of Labour Chairs: Austin Ugwumadu (UK), Gergana Nikolova (Bulgaria)
14:10-14:30 Update on Prevention of PPH Loic Sentilhes (Bordeaux, France)14:30-14:50 Treatment of PPH – FIGO guidelines Anwar Nassar (Lebanon)14:50-14:55 Selected short oral communication (3’/2′)14:55-15:15 Placenta accreta spectrum disorders: form prenatal diagnosis to prediction of prognosis Francesco D’Antonio (Italy)15:15-15:25 Selected oral communication (7’/3′)15:25-15:35 Selected oral communication (7’/3′)15:35-15:55 Discussion15:55-16:20 Coffee break & poster visitKey note lecture 1 16:20-16:50 Caesarean Section at full dilatation – an emerging problem Katie Cornthwaite (UK)
Panel 1 16:50-18:15 Fetal monitoring Chairs: Anneke Kwee (the Netherlands), Vanessa Cole (UK)
16:50-17:10 CTG-monitoring in extreme premature birth Eline van ’t Hof (the Netherlands)17:10-17:30 STan Australian Randomised controlled Trial (START) Sabrina Kuah and Bronni Simpson (Australia)17:30-17:50 Amniotic fluid lactate Eva Wiberg-Itzel (Sweden)17:50-18:15 DiscussionSession 5 08:30-10:10 Environmental impact on maternity care – Sustainable Labour Ward Chairs: Diogo Ayres de Campos (Portugal), Agnes Simon (France)
08:30-08:50 Pollution and its effect on Reproductive Health Maria Pinto Correia Watts (UK)08:50-09:10 Dump the disposables Anneke Kwee (the Netherlands)09:10-09:30 Epidural v Entonox – which is greener Rosanne van der Sterre (the Netherlands)09:30-09:40 General discussionKey Note Lecture 2 09:40-10:10 Staff burnout in Maternity Care – can we do better? Vesna Kesic (Serbia)
10:10-10:40 Coffee break & poster visitSession 6 10:40-12:15 Prematurity on the labour ward
10:40-11:10 Management of preterm birth – the goods and the bads Gerard Visser (the Netherlands)11:10-11:30 Breast milk feeding in extreme preterm babies Beth Kristin Jåtten (Norway)11:30-11:45 Discussion11:45-12:45 Selected Long Oral Presentations 5 x orał communication (7’/3′)12:45-14:00 Catered lunch & Poster visitSession 7 14:00-15:50 Intrapartum care Chairs: Susanna Timonen (Finland), Vanessa Cole (UK)
14:00-14:15 Labour Care for sexual violences victims (in Labour in specific situations) Georges-Emmanuel Roth (France)14:15-14:30 Reducing Oxytocin in active phase: the Stopoxy Trial Aude Girault (France)14:30-14:45 Prophylactic Manual Rotation of Persistent Occiput Posterior to decrease operative Delivery: a Multicentric Randomized Trial – PROPOP TrialJulie Blanc (France)14:45-15:00 Management of the breech birth Jorg Kessler (Norway)15:00-15:15 Midwife led maternity care Ruth Martis (New Zealand)15:15-15:30 Prevention of perineal trauma Katariina Laine (Norway)15:30-15:50 General discussion15:50-16:20 Coffee break & poster visitOral Presentations Session 16:20-16:45 Selected oral presentations
16:20-16:25 Selected short oral communication (3’/2′)16:25-16:30 Selected short oral communication (3’/2′)16:30-16:35 Selected short oral communication (3’/2′)16:35-16:40 Selected short oral communication (3’/2′)16:40-16:45 Selected short oral communication (3’/2′)Key Note Lecture 3 16:45-17:15 Communication with patients and partners during and after an emergency Sabaratnam Arulkumaran (UK)
17:15-17:25 Closing Ceremony17:15-17:20 Take-home messages & prizes Gerard Visser (the Netherlands), Mervi Jokinen (UK)17:20-17:25 Closing session