ESC HFA Discoveries 2020

ESC HFA Discoveries 2020

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European Society of Cardiology HFA Discoveries 2020

Format:105 videos + 1116 pdfs, size: 36.4 GB

Course Audience: cardiologist

10 year experience of Takotsubo Syndrome (PDF Format)

24hour urinary sodium excretion in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction treated with sacubitril valsartan (PDF Format)

25 years of acute coronary syndrome and cardiogenic shock how have we changed (PDF Format)

3-year follow-up results of heart failure patients included in the Journey HF-TR study (PDF Format)

6-hours levosimendan outpatient administration in advanced heart failure Our 93 sessions experience (PDF Format)

A comparison of in-hospital initiation of sacubitril valsartan vs ACE inhibitor in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

A link between uric acid and brain natriuretic peptide levels in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

A method for prediction of high-grade premature ventricular contractions in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

A multi-layer spiral computed tomography role in assessment of perfusion and post-infarction myocardial remodeling in patients (PDF Format)

A new look at urea creatinine ratio in acute decompensated heart failure patients (PDF Format)

A novel mouse model of phospholamban p.Arg14del cardiomyopathy develops heart failure with protein aggregation (PDF Format)

A patient reported outcomes in chronic heart failure impact of ivabradine on health-related quality of life (PDF Format)

A qualitative study of heart failure patients’ expectations of the treatment (PDF Format)

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on efficacy and safety of blumea balsamifera (sambong) on prognostic (PDF Format)

A review of patients with Heart Failure with mid-range Ejection Fraction (HFmrEF) co-morbidities and outcomes (PDF Format)

A review of young patients attending heart failure programmes (PDF Format)

A simple questionnaire-based triage tool to identify patients potentially eligible for referral to an advanced heart failure center (PDF Format)

A simplified score for bleeding risk assessment in patients with an acute coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

A social-cognitive theory based educational intervention improving psychological health and health promoting behaviours (PDF Format)

A structured teaching programme to improve and identify prescribing practices of common cardiac medications (PDF Format)

A study to understand perceived educational needs of patients with heart failure in the acute medicine setting (PDF Format)

Abnormal body water distribution as a prognostic factor in heart failure and chronic obstruction pulmonary disease patients (PDF Format)

Abnormal spirometry increases the predictive power of ventilatory inefficiency in heart failure outpatients’ outcome (PDF Format)

Absorbing Markov Chains for modelling progress of patients with heart failure a case study of HullLife Lab (PDF Format)

Accurately unpensted heart failure risk prediction adhere results (PDF Format)

Acute cardiac complications in severe influenza A H1N1 in 2019 (PDF Format)

Acute heart failure advanced cardiac life support (AHFALS) an international effort (PDF Format)

Acute heart failure as a distinctive disorder an analysis from BIOSTAT-CHF (Video MP4 Format)

acute heart failure does pulse pressure predict mortality (PDF Format)

Acute Heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Acute kidney injury post cardiac resynchronization therapy incidence, predictors and prognostic relevance (PDF Format)

Acute left ventricular failure due to hypertensive crisis in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus (PDF Format)

Acute mood elevation following sacubitril valsartan therapy-subgroup population of artim-hf trial (PDF Format)

Acute myocardial infarction and kidney injury (PDF Format)

Acute myocarditis with fluctuation of serum troponin values, a new data (PDF Format)

Acylcarnitine profiling of patients with cardiovascular diseases (PDF Format)

Adaptive servo-ventilation therapy does not favourably alter sympatho-vagal balance in sleeping patients with systolic (PDF Format)

Additional value of left atrial reservoir strain to the HFA-PEFF algorithm in diagnosing heart failure with preserved ejection (Video MP4 Format)

Additional value of left atrial reservoir strain to the HFA-PEFF algorithm in diagnosing heart failure with preserved ejection (PDF Format)

Admission cortisol levels are associated with heart failure severity in acute coronary syndromes (PDF Format)

Advanced therapy for advanced heart failure (PDF Format)

Adverse impact of moderate severe mitral regurgitation on the mid-term outcome of CRT (PDF Format)

Adverse outcome in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus is not a function of diabetes duration (PDF Format)

Aetiology of heart failure in The Gambia a retrospective case series from a large clinical centre in sub-saharan africa (PDF Format)

Age at death in heart failure relationship with etiology, sex, and cause of death (PDF Format)

Alterations in 24 hours blood pressure assessment by ABPM in patients with hypoxia prolonged due to interstitial lung disease (PDF Format)

Ambulatory infusion of levosimendan in advanced heart failure bridge to transplantation (PDF Format)

Ambulatory intravenous furosemide for decompensated heart failure safe, feasible and effective in older adults (PDF Format)

An elevated heart rate is associated with mortality in cancer patients after 1 year follow up (PDF Format)

An integrated approach to study decongestion during hospitalization for acute heart failure a two-centre prognostic study (PDF Format)

An old stigma in acute heart failure worsening renal function at discharge is always a big issue (PDF Format)

An Overview of ATTR-CM Identification and Diagnosis (Video MP4 Format)

Analysis of electrical and mechanical dyssynchrony by electrocardiography, echocardiography and noninvasive mapping (PDF Format)

Analysis of serum leptin in heart failure patients reveals inverse correlation to cardiac remodeling (PDF Format)

Analysis of the mortality causes in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

Anemia in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction – More than meets the eye (PDF Format)

Angiopoietin-like 4 – A new jigsaw-piece in the understanding of cardiovascular remodeling (PDF Format)

Angiotensin-(1-7) and apelin levels depending on 12-month treatment with angiotensin receptor blocker or angiotensin (PDF Format)

Are critical patient risk scores useful for patients in cardiogenic shock in our time (PDF Format)

Are intermediate values of BNP capable of predict events in patients with STEMI (PDF Format)

Are patients with coronary heart disease at risk of polypharmacy (PDF Format)

Are there any differences in taking Guideline-recommended therapy in patients with established cardiovascular diseases (PDF Format)

Are there effects of anxiety and depression on self-care management and medication adherence in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Are we doing enough by addressing heart rate to improve survival in HF (Video MP4 Format)

Argentine Registry of Heart Failure (ARGEN-IC). 30-day cohort (PDF Format)

Arrythmia-induced cardiomyopathy characterization and outcomes of patients with rhythm or rate control in a population (PDF Format)

Arterial stiffness and diastolic function alteration in essential hypertension (PDF Format)

Artery stiffness assessed in elderly patients with heart failure and diabetes (PDF Format)

ASPIRE (Video MP4 Format)

Aspirin as primary prevention of myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular mortality among diabetic patients (PDF Format)

Aspirin use increases the risk for incident heart failure a patient-level meta-analysis (PDF Format)

Assessing the relationship of glucose metabolism disorders and left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Assessment of functional capacity in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Assessment of malnutrition and its prognosis by risk scores in patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Assessment of of twenty-five variants of polymorphic genes for lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, vascular inflammation (PDF Format)

Assessment of safety and renal function in ultrafiltration in patients with decompensated chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Assessment of the health care system resources for a management of patients with heart failure in the Russian Federation (PDF Format)

Associated factors with recovered ejection fraction in a peruvian heart failure clinic (PDF Format)

Association between body mass index and high-density lipoproteins with adverse outcomes in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Association between estimated stroke risk and left atrial remodeling in patients with atrial fibrillation does gender matter (PDF Format)

Association between non-invasive myocardial work indices and main parameters of systolic and diastolic function (PDF Format)

Association between NT-proBNP and some components of metabolic syndrome in patients with heart failure risk factors (PDF Format)

Association between plasma aldosterone and diastolic function in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Association between right cardiac failure and endothelial dysfunction in patients with COPD (PDF Format)

Association between use of beta-blocker and one-year outcomes of heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Association between variants in mycophenolate and antiviral pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic genes (PDF Format)

Association of patient and regional characteristics with KCCQ recovery 6 months after hospitalization for acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Association of ST2 and M235T polymorphism of angiotensinogen gene in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Atrial fibrillation and sleep apnea weak correlation between subjective and objective atrial fibrillation burden and severity (PDF Format)

Atrial fibrillation and two-year prognosis in chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Atrial fibrillation in acute decompensated heart failure does left ventricular ejection fraction matter (PDF Format)

Atrial fibrillation in heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction a hidden foe for women (PDF Format)

Atrial fibrillation in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction – the PARAGON-HF trial (PDF Format)

Atrio-ventricular junction ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure an updated meta-analysis (PDF Format)

Audit of acute heart failure patients discharged within 24 hours (PDF Format)

Automatic classification of lung sounds using wavelet packets (PDF Format)

Axial muscle size quantification by cardiac mri as a strong predictor of major cv events in hf (PDF Format)

B-lines as reflection of left ventricle filling pressure in patients with cardiogenic dyspnea (PDF Format)

Baroreflex activation therapy in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (Video MP4 Format)

BAROSTIM therapy in patients with heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction, impact in women (PDF Format)

Based on what we know today, what should be the foundational therapy for heart failure patients Summary and Conclusion (Video MP4 Format)

BAUN score, a better predictive model of in-hospital and long-term outcomes in acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Bedside ultrasound to assess acute central venous pressure change during treatment of decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Beta-blockers withdrawal in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and chronotropic incompetence (PDF Format)

Beta-receptors polymorphism in cardiovascular complications genesis during flu A H1N1 epidemic (PDF Format)

Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) in cardiac surgery shows an increase in postoperative hydration status (PDF Format)

Bioimpedance-based edema index as a promising indicator of hypervolemia in heart failure (PDF Format)

Biomarker profile of low selenium in HF patients is associated with unfavorable immune processes (PDF Format)

biomarker sst2 as an early predictor of acute renal injury in patients with acute myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Biomarker utilization to predict response to beta blocker therapy (PDF Format)

Biomarkers correspond with echo phenotype in HFpEF a secondary analysis of the RELAX trial (PDF Format)

Biomarkers of nutritional status of HFrEF patients with iron deficiency What works, what doesn’t (PDF Format)

Biomarkers of systemic inflammation in patients with stable coronary artery disease and chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Biopsy-proved lymphocytic myocarditis versus diagnosed by non-invasive methods myocarditis (PDF Format)

Bleeding events in patients with cardiac amyloidosis (PDF Format)

Blood lactate predicts survival after percutaneous implantation of extracorporeal life support for refractory cardiac arrest (PDF Format)

Body composition alterations in right heart failure and COPD patients (PDF Format)

Body composition evaluation in Diffuse interstitial lung disease with prolonged hypoxia (PDF Format)

Bone metabolism disorders in patients with chronic heart failure before and after heart transplantation (PDF Format)

Breaking the 30-day barrier long-term effectiveness of a nurse-led 7-step transitional intervention programme in heart failure (PDF Format)

Bromocriptine protection against doxorubicin-derived toxicity in H9c2 cells (PDF Format)

Budget impact of a personalized follow up in a Heart failure unit based on a new model of risk stratification (PDF Format)

Burden of heart failure after an acute coronary syndrome in patients with diabetes mellitus (PDF Format)

Cachectic versus non-cachectic chronic heart failure patients which distinctions (PDF Format)

Calcium handling proteins of cardiomyocytes and the structural and functional state of the patient hearts with sustained (PDF Format)

CAMISSA – The contemporary study of acute myocarditis in Sub-Saharan Africa (PDF Format)

Can Gal-3 and ST2 biomarkers be prognosticators in heart failure- disclosures from the REFERENCE study (PDF Format)

Can renal function predict prognosis in acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Can TAPSE PSAP ratio predict mortality and re-hospitalization in acute heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Can we predict chronic diuretic resistance during heart-failure hospitalization (PDF Format)

Cardiac amyloidosis – single center experience (PDF Format)

Cardiac contractility modulation in patients with ischemic and non-ischemic chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

Cardiac energy metabolism modulation is a promising way for heart regeneration and repair (PDF Format)

Cardiac remodeling in older patients with chronic heart failure associated with chronic kidney disease (PDF Format)

Cardiac remodelling in heart failure – the implications for patients (Video MP4 Format)

Cardiac remodelling in patients treated with sacubitril valsartan – what have studies shown (Video MP4 Format)

Cardiac resynchronization pacing in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Cardiac resynchronization therapy do comorbidities affect CRT response (PDF Format)

Cardiac resynchronization therapy in Algeria, result of CRT Survey II (PDF Format)

Cardio-renal relationships in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic heart failure, depending on the choice of glucose-lowering therapy (PDF Format)

Cardiomyopathy and impaired contractility in a chronic TNF-alpha mediated rheumatoid arthritis mouse model (PDF Format)

Cardiopulmonary exercise test and sudden cardiac death risk in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction patients (PDF Format)

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in female heart failure patients is there a gender difference (PDF Format)

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the age of new heart failure therapies still a powerful tool (PDF Format)

Cardiovascular burden prior to diagnosis of hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (PDF Format)

Cardiovascular disease manifestation after breast cancer chemotherapy (PDF Format)

Cardiovascular health metrics and risk of heart failure in men (PDF Format)

Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation in heart failure clinical, prognostic and echocardiographic outcome (PDF Format)

Catheter based stimulation of the greater splanchnic nerve in a patient with heart failure and atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

Cerebral hemodynamics features in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

CHA2DS2-VASC score as a mortality predictor in sinus rhythm heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Change in QRS duration as a predictor for response to sacubitril valsartan in heart failure reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Changes in cardiac structure and function after renal revascularization in different profiles of patients with significant (PDF Format)

Changes in furosemide dosage in patients receiving sacubitril-valsartan 2-year follow-up results (PDF Format)

Changes in heart failure scores after sacubitril-valsartan therapy (PDF Format)

Changes in the prevalence and etiology of chronic heart failure in 15 years (PDF Format)

Changes of cardiac biomarkers in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and severe obstructive sleep (PDF Format)

Changes of left ventricular ejection fraction of patients with myocarditis during long-term follow-up (PDF Format)

Characteristics and clinical outcome by age categories in the patients with acute heart failure in Korea (PDF Format)

Characteristics and predictors of super response to the Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT). An Algerian single Center Experience (PDF Format)

Characteristics of a tool for timely identification of palliative needs in heart failure (PDF Format)

Characteristics of good response to aerobic axercise training in decompensated heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Characteristics, evolution, complications and in-hospital morbidity and mortality according to its phenotype in patients (PDF Format)

Characterizing a long-term chronic heart failure model by transcriptomic alterations and monitoring of cardiac remodeling (PDF Format)

Chest computed tomography to diagnose acute decompensated heart failure in the emergency department (PDF Format)

Cheyne stokes respiration persisting in upright position in systolic heart failure clinical and long-term prognostic value (PDF Format)

Chronic CaMKII inhibition improves cardiac reserve in heart failure by reversing PKA signaling (Video MP4 Format)

Chronic CaMKII inhibition improves cardiac reserve in heart failure by reversing PKA signaling (PDF Format)

Chronic heart failure in Argentina clinical characteristics, diagnostic strategies and treatment patterns (PDF Format)

Chronic kidney disease… should we risk it with levosimendan (PDF Format)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in acute coronary syndrome a vicious circle (PDF Format)

Circadian rhythm of thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyroid morphology in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

Circulating neprilysin hypothesis in HFpEF and sacubitril valsartan (PDF Format)

Circulating signaling proteins and combined panels as markers of the response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (PDF Format)

Citrullination of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling proteins is linked to reduced Ca2+ sensitivity of myofilament (Video MP4 Format)

Citrullination of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling proteins is linked to reduced Ca2+ sensitivity of myofilament (PDF Format)

Classification of different types of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy responsible for advanced heart failure (PDF Format)

Clinical and diagnostic meaning of estimation asymptomatic hyperuricemia in chronic heart failure patients with chronic (PDF Format)

Clinical and economic impacts of remote management of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Clinical aspects in acute heart failure following an acute coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

Clinical benefits of a personalized follow up in a Heart failure unit based on a new model of risk stratification (PDF Format)

Clinical caracheristics of left-sided native valve infective endocarditis complicated by acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Clinical characteristics and prognosis of heart failure patients with current malignant disease -insights from the heart failure pilot (PDF Format)

Clinical characteristics associated with the presence of echocardiographic phenotypes of heart failure in patients with type 2 (PDF Format)

Clinical characteristics of heart failure patients in a tertiary care center in Lebanon (PDF Format)

Clinical characteristics of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy in an asian population (PDF Format)

Clinical characteristics, natural history and prognostic factors in patients with light chain and transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (PDF Format)

Clinical course of patients included in elective waiting list for heart transplantation at 6 months (PDF Format)

Clinical decision making for right heart catheterization in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Clinical effect of plasma exchange in patients with inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy comparison study (Video MP4 Format)

Clinical effect of plasma exchange in patients with inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy comparison study (PDF Format)

Clinical ethics case consultation in cardiology. A pilot study and descriptive analysis of protocols (PDF Format)

Clinical features and gender differences of patients in a heart failure clinic from a peruvian tertiary referral hospital (PDF Format)

Clinical impact of complications on survival after Trancatheter Aortic Valve Replacement results of single center (PDF Format)

Clinical impact of non-invasive telemonitoring in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Clinical outcomes and health-related costs of deranged serum potassium levels in patients with chronic cardiovascular, metabolic (PDF Format)

Clinical outcomes in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and good functional capacity the deception of stability (PDF Format)

Clinical outcomes of patients with mid-range ejection fraction following ST elevation myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Clinical phenotypes in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction a cluster analysis of the swedish heart failure registry (Video MP4 Format)

Clinical phenotypes in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction a cluster analysis of the swedish heart failure registry (PDF Format)

Clinical predictors and correlates of central and obstructive apneas in heart failure with reduced, mid-range (PDF Format)

Clinical presentation and baseline characteristics of acute heart failure patients a single-centre experience over a 5-year period (PDF Format)

Clinical profile & contemporary management of patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Clinical profile and outcomes in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at a tertiary care hospital in South India (PDF Format)

Clinical profile and risk of mortality of acute heart failure in nonagenarians (Video MP4 Format)

Clinical profile and risk of mortality of acute heart failure in nonagenarians (PDF Format)

Clinical spectrum and outcomes of restrictive cardiomyopathy in a tertiary care hospital in south india (PDF Format)

Clinical Trajectory of a Real World Cohort of Patients at Risk for Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (PDF Format)

Clinical utility of The Selvester QRS score and ventricular activation time in patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Clinical, echocardiographic and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging features of adult patients with left ventricular non-compaction (PDF Format)

Clustering acute heart failure patients according diastolic dysfunction degree a single centre experience (PDF Format)

Co-morbidities of patients with chronic heart failure and anemia (PDF Format)

Co-prescription of ivabradine and sacubitril valsartan in patients with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Combination of arrhythmogenic right ventricular and noncompact cardiomyopathy as a special form of cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

COMMUNITY (Video MP4 Format)

Comparative efficacy of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) for mortality in type 2 diabetes (PDF Format)

Compared utility of hematological indices in heart failure severity stratification (PDF Format)

Comparison of clinical presentation and outcome between peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) (PDF Format)

Comparison of de novo and upgrade to resynchronization therapy a propensity-score matched analysis (PDF Format)

Comparison of echocardiographic parameters between the normal and reduced LV systolic function in patients with left bundle (PDF Format)

Comparison of GWTG and ADHERE risk scores in an inpatient and out-patient heart failure population with acute decompensation (PDF Format)

Comparison of heart rate variability parameters among patients with different types of heart failure (PDF Format)

Comparison of NT-proBNP concentrations when IN or OUT of HeartLogic alerts (PDF Format)

Comparison of risk stratification scores in acute heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Comparison of systemic metabolomic profiles in patients with various cardiomyopathies (PDF Format)

Comparison of the in-hospital outcomes and clinical profiles among heart failure patients with good and poor nutritional status (PDF Format)

Congestion guiding management for decompensated heart failure CONGUIMA HF Registry (PDF Format)

congestive heart failure among hypertensive patients (PDF Format)

Congestive heart failure in diabetic patients Epidemiological, etiological, clinical and echocardiographic features (about 1036 patients) (PDF Format)

Connection and specifics in electric myocardial inhomogeneity and stroke (PDF Format)

Conservative versus surgical approaches in prosthetic valve endocarditis – A clinical or an echocardiographic challenge (PDF Format)

Contemporary management of heart failure admissions (PDF Format)

Contour analysis of pulse wave velocity and other indicators of arterial stiffness in hypertensive patients comorbid (PDF Format)

Controversies in CRT and ICD therapy (Video MP4 Format)

Controversies in CRT and ICD therapy (PDF Format)

Conventional pacemaker device upgrade to CRT-P or CRT-D in patients without previous ventricular arrhythmias (PDF Format)

Coronary artery lesion and soluble ST2 possibilities of using the biomarker (PDF Format)

Coronary artery stenting in patients with blood malignancy (PDF Format)

Coronary microvascular dysfunction in HFpEF is associated with heart failure hospitalizations and cardiovascular mortality (PDF Format)

Correlates and prognostic value of FGF23 in chronic systolic heart failure (PDF Format)

Correlates of functional capacity in pulmonary hypertension patients (PDF Format)

Correlates of worse NTproBNP values in a revascularized coronary artery disease cohort with obstructive sleep apnoea (PDF Format)

Correlation between diastolic stress test results and H2FPEF score (PDF Format)

Correlation between frequency, duration and intensity of thirst and the perceived distress (PDF Format)

Correlation of biomarkers of cardiac remodelling and myocardial fibrosis with parameters of heart function (PDF Format)

Creation of predictive models for the early detection of heart failure decompensations (PDF Format)

CRT implantation in patients with borderline criteria – is it worth it (PDF Format)

CRT SURVEY II Study Results of the Republic of Kazakhstan (PDF Format)

Cryptogienic Stroke as the First Sign of Artrial Fibrillation in a Heart Failure Patients with Moderately Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection (PDF Format)

CT scan findings predict decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance after pulmonary endarterectomy (PDF Format)

Danicamtiv (MYK-491) a novel small-molecule cardiac activator in vitro in vivo evidence for overall myocardial inotropy (PDF Format)

Dapagliflozin and diuretic use in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction in DAPA-HF (Video MP4 Format)

Dapagliflozin in a real-world population with chronic heart failure how many would be eligible (PDF Format)

Dapagliflozin versus sacubitril-valsartan for improving outcomes of non-diabetic patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Dapagliflozin versus sacubitril-valsartan for improving outcomes of patients with heart failure, reduced ejection fraction and type 2 diabetes (PDF Format)

Deadly combination acute heart failure and acute coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

Dealing with caregiver burden in advanced heart failure (PDF Format)

DECLARE-TIMI 58 trial – analysis applied to a real world heart failure population (PDF Format)

Decline in left ventricular ejection fraction is associated with heart failure hospitalization and sudden death in patients (PDF Format)

Defining heart failure phenotypes (PDF Format)

Deformation characteristics of the myocardium with different types of left ventricular remodeling (PDF Format)

Degree of pulmonary congestion on discharge for heart failure is a strong predictor of readmission (PDF Format)

Degree of the pre-discharge pulmonary congestion in patients hospitalized for worsening heart failure predicts one-year mortality (PDF Format)

Degree of the Pre-discharge Pulmonary Congestion in Patients Hospitalized for Worsening Heart Failure Predicts Readmissions (PDF Format)

Dependence of the degree of systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle on the level of natriuretic peptide and aldosterone in patients (PDF Format)

Depression and medication adherence in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Describing myocarditis in the era of cardiac magnetic resonance (PDF Format)

Despite a significant improvement in valvular indices global longitudinal strain does not improve after valve intervention (PDF Format)

Detection of congestion with a simple risk prediction tool revealing the unrecognized (Video MP4 Format)

Detection of congestion with a simple risk prediction tool revealing the unrecognized (PDF Format)

Deterioration of right ventricular function in systemic sclerosis patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction over time (PDF Format)

Determinants of health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure the importance of non-clinical variables (PDF Format)

Determinants of plasma antigen carbohydrate 125 and NT-proBNP concentrations in acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Determinants of prolonged hospitalization in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

Determination of diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle through spectral analysis of electrocardiograms obtained (PDF Format)

Determination of the influence of obesity on the need for energy and macronutrients of patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Development and first-in-human implantation of a double-allogeneic engineered advanced therapy medicinal product (PDF Format)

Development of reactive pulmonary hypertension induced by left heart failure can be predicted by the assessment of the level (PDF Format)

Device therapies in Heart failure continuum of care time to treat! (Video MP4 Format)

Diabetes and chronic heart failure in Argentina a frequent association with defined characteristics (PDF Format)

Diabetes and prediabetic dysglycaemia in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction An analysis of PARAGON-HF (PDF Format)

Diabetes and urea predict death among Brazilian outpatients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Diabetes as a factor for increased NT-proBNP levels in patients without heart failure (PDF Format)

Diabetes helps to refine prognosis in post-acute myocardial infarction patients with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Diabetes in heart failure clinic in Colombia (PDF Format)

Diagnosis of anaemia with iron deficiency predicts three-month hospitalisation in ambulatory Heart Failure patients (PDF Format)

Diagnostic approach to transthyretin amyloidosis in a non-endemic area (PDF Format)

Diagnostic Performance and Validation of a Novel Risk Assessment Algorithm (Video MP4 Format)

Diagnostic Performance and Validation of a Novel Risk Assessment Algorithm (PDF Format)

Diagnostic screening in patients with pulmonary fibrosis the importance of echocardiographic assessment (PDF Format)

Diagnostic value of cardiac magnetic resonance in patients after sudden cardiac arrest (PDF Format)

Differences between perceived quality of life, functional status and level of self-care in the nurse assessed heart failure patient (PDF Format)

Differences in characteristics between anemic and non-anemic patients hospitalized with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Differences in echocardiographic parameters according to the different definitions of the left bundle branch block (PDF Format)

Differences in heart failure patients with different levels of depressive symptomatology (PDF Format)

Differences in heart failure therapy with reduced ejection fraction therapy between Dutch heart failure clinics (PDF Format)

Differences in quality of life among patients with left heart failure and right heart failure (PDF Format)

Differences in symptoms of anxiety and depression between patients with left and right heart failure (PDF Format)

Differences in the medical treatment of elderly patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Differences of functional capacity between patients with left and right heart failure (PDF Format)

Different GRK2 expression in immune cells predicts cardiac systolic function after STEMI (PDF Format)

Differential characteristics of acute heart failure in elderly patients (PDF Format)

Digitalization of primary functional diagnostics data (example of electrocardiographic studies in Moscow) (PDF Format)

Direct oral anticoagulants compared to vitamin-K antagonist for the management of left ventricular thrombus (PDF Format)

Discovering advanced heart failure patients clinical characteristics and prognostic burden (PDF Format)

Disproportionate functional mitral regurgitation clinical validation of a new conceptual framework (PDF Format)

Diuretic and congestion as predictors of prognosis in heart failure the importance of an early referral to Heart Failure Units (PDF Format)

DNA methylation changes in ischemic cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Do we really know why patients do not take medicines (PDF Format)

Does global molecular calcium score have a role in HFpEF evaluation (PDF Format)

Does NTpro-BNP BNP ratio provide additional prognostic information in an at-risk population, compared to NT-proBNP alone (PDF Format)

Does self-care in heart failure differ between patients with reduced and preserved phenotypes (PDF Format)

Dynamic changes in plasma extracellular RNAs are associated with right and left ventricular remodeling in chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Dynamics of indicators of chronic heart failure in patients after acute myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Dynamics of indicators of diastolic function of the left ventricle of patients with chronic heart failure during treatment (PDF Format)

Dysregulation of actin-myosin cross-bridges contribute to the pathogenesis of RV dysfunction in pulmonary hypertension (PDF Format)

Early aspirin use following heart transplantation the controversy continues (PDF Format)

Early cardiac impairment in young adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and Hodgkin lymphoma (PDF Format)

Early cardiac resynchronisation therapy in chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Early diagnostic of cardiac amyloidosis by global longitudinal strain echocardiography in a patient with conduction abnormalities (PDF Format)

Early follow up visit by a heart failure team after acute heart failure hospitalization and impact in outcomes (Video MP4 Format)

Early follow up visit by a heart failure team after acute heart failure hospitalization and impact in outcomes (PDF Format)

Early initiation of angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor improves heart failure outcome, natriuretic peptides (PDF Format)

Early recurrent congestion after an acute heart failure event experience from a dedicated clinic (PDF Format)

Early rehabilitation for heart failure inpatients – Multicenter randomized controlled trial (Video MP4 Format)

Early rehabilitation for heart failure inpatients – Multicenter randomized controlled trial (PDF Format)

Early spot urinary sodium and diuretic efficiency in acute heart failure and concomitant renal dysfunction (PDF Format)

Early urinary sodium trajectory and risk of adverse outcomes in acute heart failure and renal dysfunction (PDF Format)

Early-onset caloric restriction maintains the mitochondrial health in left ventricle during aging (PDF Format)

ECHO-AHF score, a predictive model of in-hospital and long-term mortality in heart failure (PDF Format)

Echocardiographic characteristics of cardiac amyloidosis – Single center experience (PDF Format)

Echocardiographic parameters and NT-proBNP changes during diastolic stress test in hypertensive patients with preserved (PDF Format)

Echocardiographic parameters in women with coronary heart disease in combination with osteoporosis (PDF Format)

Effect of 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-oxipyridin succinate on oxidative stress and inflammation markers in patients (PDF Format)

Effect of antimicrobal therapy on the embolic complications in patients with infective endocarditis (PDF Format)

Effect of ARNI on ectopic activity in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Effect of atrial fibrillation on NT-proBNP levels in patients without heart failure (PDF Format)

Effect of comorbidity on annual mortality in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Effect of dapagliflozin on outcomes according to aetiology in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (Video MP4 Format)

Effect of dapagliflozin on outcomes according to aetiology in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Effect of dapagliflozin on outcomes in women and men with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in the DAPA-HF trial (Video MP4 Format)

Effect of dapagliflozin on outcomes in women and men with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in the DAPA-HF trial (PDF Format)

Effect of dapagliflozin on outpatient worsening in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (Video MP4 Format)

Effect of Empagliflosin on certain functional and morphological myocardial parameters of rats following myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Effect of left ventricular ejection fraction in new-onset atrial fibrillation after a coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

Effect of levosimendan infusion prior to left ventricular assist device implantation (PDF Format)

Effect of phosphodiesterase-5a inhibition on pulmonary hemodynamics and right ventricular function in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on exercise tolerance and functional class in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Effect of reduced skeletal muscle tissue density on rehospitalizations, mortality and survival rates of patients (PDF Format)

Effect of the heart rate variability biofeedback training in right heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Effect of Vericiguat on Left Ventricular Function The VICTORIA Echocardiographic Sub-Study (Video MP4 Format)

Effectiveness and safety of balloon pulmonary angioplasty in a small cohort of CTEPH patients (PDF Format)

Effectiveness and safety of intravenous furosemide plus hypertonic saline solution in ambulatory patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Effectiveness of a remote control of home-based exercise training (PDF Format)

Effectiveness of intravenous vasodilators treatment among Thai patients with acute heart failure in the emergency department (PDF Format)

Effectiveness of nurse-led integrated care-based heart failure programmes in complex chronic patients (PDF Format)

Effectiveness of nurse-led integrated care-based heart failure programmes in patients with moderate and advanced chronic (PDF Format)

Effects of Dapagliflozin on congestion assessed by remote pulmonary artery pressure monitoring (PDF Format)

Effects of dapagliflozin on hypotensive patients with depressed left ventricular ejection fraction after sacubitril valsartan therapy (PDF Format)

Effects of different treatment regimens on high sensitive troponin T and NT-proBNP in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Effects of early intrapericardial administration of microvesicles obtained from heart-derived cells in cardiac function (PDF Format)

Effects of metolazone administration in patiens hospitalized for advanced heart failure and diuretic resistance (PDF Format)

Effects of sacubitril valsartan on cardiac fibrosis and remodelling in a murine model of left ventricular dysfunction induced (PDF Format)

Effects of Sacubitril Valsartan on exercise capacity, ventricular remodeling and natriuretic peptides in a prospective cohort of patients (PDF Format)

Effects of tafamidis on exercise capacity, cardiac function and myocardial amyloid deposition in patients (PDF Format)

Effects of telemonitoring on mortality and hospital admissions in patientes with heart failure (PDF Format)

Effects on prognostic variables of anemia in heart failure Results from NATURE-HF registry (PDF Format)

Efficacy and safety of evolocumab in hemodialyzed statin intolerant patients (PDF Format)

Efficacy and safety of initial adjusted high dose of intravenous furosemide in outpatients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Efficacy and safety of prothromin complex concentrate use to reverse oral anticoagulation in patients undergoing heart transplantation (PDF Format)

Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous furosemide in patients with end-stage heart failure (PDF Format)

Efficacy and security of intravenous Levosimendan, in the first 24 hours after primary angioplasty, in patients (PDF Format)

Efficacy of conservative approach for HeartWare left ventricular assist device pump thrombosis a single center experience (PDF Format)

Efficacy of intracoronary administration of microencapsulated hepatocyte growth factor in a reperfused myocardial (PDF Format)

Efficacy of ivabradine in patients with chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (PDF Format)

Efficacy of optimized torsemide versus furosemide in patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Efficacy of sacubitril valsartan in patients with heart failure following right ventricular myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Efficacy of sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors in reducing heart failure hospitalizations (PDF Format)

Ejection fraction and mortality in 499,153 men and women (Video MP4 Format)

Electrocardiographic manifestations of STEMI is it that bad to have a right bundle branch block (PDF Format)

Elevated GDF-15, malnutrition and heart failure in the aged a matched case-control association analysis (PDF Format)

Elevated uric acid levels and acute heart failure different ejection fractions, same effect (PDF Format)

Eligibility for dapagliflozin in unselected patients hospitalised with decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Eligibility for sacubitril valsartan in heart failure across the ejection fraction spectrum (Video MP4 Format)

EMBRACE (Video MP4 Format)

Emerging data in Asian population for HF management (Video MP4 Format)

Empagliflozin and the risk of heart failure hospitalization, heart failure worsening and hospital readmission in routine (PDF Format)

Empagliflozin improves functional capacity and LV diastolic function in patients with HFpEF and type-2 diabetes mellitus (PDF Format)

Empagliflozin improves post-infarction cardiac remodeling through overexpression of GTP enzyme cyclohydrolase 1 (PDF Format)

Empagliflozin versus dapagliflozin for primary prevention of heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes (PDF Format)

Enhancement of the serum chloride concentration by administration of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor (PDF Format)

Epidemiology of Heart Failure in South India Disease-Specific Prevalence, Phenotypic Classification, and Risk Factors (PDF Format)

Epidemiology of potassium derangements among chronic cardiovascular conditions predisposing to heart failure (PDF Format)

ERIC-HF program (early rehabilitation in cardiology – heart failure) – pilot study (PDF Format)

Establishing whether shortness of breath is good predictor of obstructive coronary artery disease using SPECT myocardial (PDF Format)

Estimating glomerular filtration rate in patient with heart failure (PDF Format)

Estimation of mortality risk after 12-month management in a multidisciplinary HF Clinic using MAGGIC-HF, SHFM (PDF Format)

Evaluating clinical characteristics and predictors of acute decompensated heart failure outcomes among patients (PDF Format)

Evaluating the prognostic role of serum lactate in the cardiac transplant population (PDF Format)

Evaluation of a regional ambulatory heart failure service an essential service in high demand (PDF Format)

Evaluation of clinical prediction scores and NTproBNP for prediction of new onset atrial fibrillation in the STOP-HF study (PDF Format)

Evaluation of left ventricular dyssynchrony and myocardial function by longitudinal strain exercise echocardiography in patients (PDF Format)

Evaluation of minimum retesting interval for NT-proBNP levels in a tertiary centre (PDF Format)

Evaluation of respiratory parameters in patients with chronic heart failure during physical exercises (PDF Format)

Evaluation of the change six minute walking test distance with conditioning (PDF Format)

Evolution of the residual risk in the post-myocardial revascularization period in patients with ischemic heart failure (PDF Format)

Exercise capacity and quality of life according to iron deficiency in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Exercise hemodynamics on LVAD support poor left ventricle unloading despite normal hemodynamics at rest (PDF Format)

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation program reduces inflammation in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Experience with the first 142 chronic heart failure patients monitored by telesurveillance program at the Toulouse University Hospital (PDF Format)

EXPERIENCE (Video MP4 Format)

Experts on the Spot Cardiac remodelling and outcomes (Video MP4 Format)

Exploring gender differences of palliative care in patients with advanced heart failure (PDF Format)

Exploring the prevalence and experience of cardiac cachexia in northern ireland a mixed methods cross-sectional study (PDF Format)

Exposure to 4-hydroxynonenal impairs function of mitochondria isolated from left ventricular myocardium of dogs (PDF Format)

Exposure to Ionizing radiation during cardiac catheterization causes GRK2 activation PBMC (PDF Format)

Expression of miRNA-21, miRNA-128 and miRNA-342 in the serum of patients with amyloid cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

External validation of a claims-based model to predict left ventricular ejection fraction class in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Extracellular vesicles boost the regenerative therapeutic potential of engineered cardiac scaffolds inducing neoangiogenesis (PDF Format)

Factors affecting the quality of life of tunisian patients with systolic heart failure (PDF Format)

Factors associated with heart failure most affect on the mortality of patients with acute myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Factors associated with the presence of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy defined according to the new multidisciplinary diagnostic criteria (PDF Format)

Factors associated with the use of sacubitril valsartan in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Factors conditioning P2Y12 inhibitor choice after an acute coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

Factors related to continuity of care in patients hospitalized due to heart failure (PDF Format)

FAST-RVD score, a better predictor of in-hospital mortality in acute pulmonary embolism (PDF Format)

Fatigue at discharge in patients with acute heart failure an important but underrated symptom (PDF Format)

Favorable respiratory effects with a sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor in type 2 diabetic patients (PDF Format)

Favourable effects of empagliflozin on congestion, diuretic use and all-cause healthcare resource utilisation in the EMPERIAL (Video MP4 Format)

Feasibility and periinterventional complications with a novel plug device (Watchman FLX) for the interventional (PDF Format)

Features of clinical and functional changes in patients with CHF due to CAD in combination with COPD (PDF Format)

Features of the chronic heart failure in patients with ischemic heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus (PDF Format)

Features of the metabolic status, patients in the waiting list for heart transplantation (PDF Format)

Features of the structural and functional state of arteries in patients with HFpEF depending on renal dysfunction variant (PDF Format)

Female patients with chronic stable heart failure report worse quality of life than men (PDF Format)

Female patients with heart failure and a LVEF less than or equal to 60% present an overall lower health related quality (PDF Format)

Filtration function of kidneys in patients with chronic heart failure depending on the level of left ventricular ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Finding of ventricular non-compaction on cardiac imaging is associated with adverse events (PDF Format)

Fluid resuscitation in patient with heart failure and septic shock outcomes (PDF Format)

Fluid retention in patients with paroxysmal and permanent forms of atrial fibrillation and chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Focal activity as a trigger of atrial fibrillation in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Frailty and the risk of all-cause mortality and hospitalization in chronic heart failure a meta-analysis (PDF Format)

Frailty in heart failure worse prognosis beyond medical treatment (PDF Format)

Frailty in patients on the heart transplant list Results of the FELICITAR registry (PDF Format)

Frailty in patients with acute heart failure is gender important (PDF Format)

Frailty in patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Furosemide stress test predicts appropriate decongestion in acute heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Gap between treatment guideline and clinical practice of sacubitril valsartan inTSOC-HFrEF registry (PDF Format)

Gender differences in exercise rehabilitation program participation and reasons for exercises among HF patients (PDF Format)

Gender differences in hospitalized patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

Gender differences in taking guideline-recommended therapy, target levels of heart rate and blood pressure in patients (PDF Format)

Gender differences in the frequency of newly or previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetes in patients (PDF Format)

Gender-specific aspirin nonresponsiveness and heart failure by assessing urinary 11-dehydro thromboxane B2 (PDF Format)

General community appreciation of heart failure data from the heart failure awareness days 2019 (PDF Format)

Genetic aspects of long-term prognosis in patients with heart failure after myocardial infarction and acute kidney injury (PDF Format)

Genetic background of the late-onset dilated cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Genetic landscape and prognosis of dilated cardiomyopathy in women (PDF Format)

Genetic predictors of acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation outcomes in men and women (PDF Format)

Genetic predictors of diastolic heart failure formation in hypertensive patients (PDF Format)

Genotype-phenotype profile of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathies causing heart failure (PDF Format)

Geriatric assessment of elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

Get with the guidelines heart failure score as a mortality predictor in patients with pulmonary embolism (PDF Format)

Global longitudinal strain as a predictor of cardiovascular events and mortality after acute myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Global longitudinal strain the new left ventricular ejection during an acute coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

Glucose-lowering therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus depending on the stages of heart failure (PDF Format)

GRACE score in acute heart failure patients an additional value (PDF Format)

GRACE score in acute heart failure patients useful as stroke predictor (PDF Format)

Guideline based medications and dosages in a hospital setting among heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Guideline-recommended therapy depending on the stages of the American classification of HF (PDF Format)

Guideline-recommended therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus depending on the presence or absence of heart failure (PDF Format)

Gut microbiota in patients with coronary artery disease and control group (PDF Format)

Haemoglobin has a negative impact on NT-proBNP only in patients without heart failure (PDF Format)

Head-to-head comparison of contemporary heart failure risk scores (PDF Format)

Health-related quality of life in multidisciplinary heart failure clinic relationships to stage D heart failure and predicted survival (PDF Format)

Healthcare resource utilisation and health outcomes among young patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Heart failure and diabetes a particular subtype of patient (PDF Format)

Heart failure and health care costs a full-population observational study (PDF Format)

Heart failure and phenotypes in familial noncompaction cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Heart Failure as a Cancer for the Heart Comparison Between HLM, a TNM-like classification, With Other Nosologies (PDF Format)

Heart failure as a predictor of device infection after the use of antimicrobial envelope what is our reality (PDF Format)

Heart Failure can be clinically Stable A report on the outlook of community-diagnosed heart failure patients managed in a disease (PDF Format)

Heart Failure education patients and professionals point of view a Substudy of the INTERACT-in-HF study (PDF Format)

Heart failure hospitalization trends during a very long-term follow-up up to 18 years (PDF Format)

Heart failure in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy how to predict (PDF Format)

Heart failure in octagenarians characterization and predictors of survival (PDF Format)

Heart failure in patients undergoing elective and emergency non-cardiac surgery- Still a poorly addressed risk factor (PDF Format)

Heart Failure in patients with longer PR interval it is easier to achieve constant fusion CRT pacing (PDF Format)

Heart failure in the andean region a retrospective study from a cohort of patients from Colombia and Peru (PDF Format)

Heart failure incidence in acute ST- elevation myocardial infarction patients with different total ischemic time (PDF Format)

Heart failure management optimisation in nursing homes using point-of-care ultrasonography the HARMONIOUS study (Video MP4 Format)

Heart failure pharmacotherapy in dilated cardiomyopathy and its association with outcome (PDF Format)

Heart failure prevalence in Portugal a nationwide analysis of the Portuguese national electronic health registry (PDF Format)

Heart failure prevalence, patient characteristics and outcomes a large observational study (PDF Format)

Heart failure profile in autoimmune diseases, analysis of the Serbian antiphospholipid syndrome patients (PDF Format)

Heart failure readmissions, who are they A single-center retrospective study (PDF Format)

Heart failure results in significant but non-critical telomere shortening in cardiomyocytes (PDF Format)

Heart Failure risk score the predictive value of Get With The Guidelines (PDF Format)

Heart failure symptom burden and its associated demographic and clinical correlates in Chinese heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Heart failure symptom burden, prognosis and response to therapy in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in the heart failure clinic in two major tertiary level university hospitals (PDF Format)

Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction among symptomatic patients with high-risk Hypertension (PDF Format)

Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction due to INOCA. A Case Report (PDF Format)

Heart failure-prognostic evaluation of the return to baseline NTproBNP value at discharge (PDF Format)

Heart rate control in congestive heart failure patients with atrial fibrillation about 359 cases (PDF Format)

Heart rate variability and nt-proBNP in patients with arterial hypertension and various risks of chronic heart failure developing (PDF Format)

Heart rate variability in the presence of psychological stress and quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary (PDF Format)

Heart-type fatty acid binding protein testing and risk assessment of heart failure patients (PDF Format)

HEFESTOS Score short term prognosis stratification of heart failure decompensations in primary care (PDF Format)

Hematinic factor deficiencies beyond iron – An hidden non-cardiovascular comorbidity in acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Hemoconcentration in order to avoid readmissions in heart failure wich laboratory markers to use (PDF Format)

Hemodynamic consequences during anesthesia induction with propofol in heart failure – New insights from telemetry devices (PDF Format)

Hepcidin levels and MELD-XI score in patients with decompensated chronic heart failure with different left ventricular ejection (PDF Format)

High furosemide doses and impaired survival in heart failure patients a bicentric propensity score study (PDF Format)

High in-hospital and 90-day mortality in acute decompensated heart failure patients from 50 centres across India (Video MP4 Format)

High prevalence of ESC-defined heart failure in an urban community The SOBOTA-HF study (Video MP4 Format)

High sensitivity troponin and treatment with sacubitril valsartan in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

high-dose initiation of beta-blockers magnify adverse events in hospitalized patients with reduced ejection fraction heart (PDF Format)

Hospice palliative care in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Hospital mortality predictors of infective endocarditis (PDF Format)

Hospital wide heart failure ward round reduces mortality (PDF Format)

Hospitalization and mortality in patients with heart failure and left ventricular ejection fraction over 40% in a real world (PDF Format)

Hospitalizations due to heart failure major differences between East and West Germany remaining even 30 years after reunification (PDF Format)

Hospitalized patients with heart failure; clinical landscape and management A gender perspective (PDF Format)

Hot topics in heart failure (Video MP4 Format)

How does bmi influence heart failure programme outcomes-testing the obesity paradox (PDF Format)

How does dose optimization of ARNI differ in patients with advanced renal failure (PDF Format)

How good are we at looking for iron deficiency in a heart failure clinic (PDF Format)

How low is ‘low-flow’ in aortic stenosis – A retrospective analysis of patients with true low flow low gradient aortic stenosis (PDF Format)

How many of our heart failure patients would be eligible for dapagliflozin – A retrospective review (PDF Format)

How many real world HFpEF patients would be suitable for sacubitril valsartan treatment according to the PARAGON-HF trial (PDF Format)

How much exercise heart failure inpatients can perform (PDF Format)

Humoral activation is superior for prognosis of chronic heart failure patients than presence of diabetes mellitus (PDF Format)

Hybrid left ventricular reconstruction for the treatment of ischemic cardiomyopathy long-term results from one center (PDF Format)

Hyperglycemia increases ipilimumab and nivolumab-induced cardiotoxicity modulating growth factors and NLRP3 expression (PDF Format)

Hyperkalemia in heart failure patients with renal dysfunction in real life clinical practice Results from TREAT HF Study (PDF Format)

Hypertension and potassium excretion a potential gene-phenotype interaction of the SCNA7 (PDF Format)

Hypertensives with heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction, does left bundle branch block matter (PDF Format)

Hypochloraemia is associated with mortality in patients admitted with heart failure (PDF Format)

Hypoxia Inducible Factor -1 (HIF-1) as a prognostic marker in acute decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Ibrutinib mediated cardiotoxicity in a serie of cases (PDF Format)

ID with Anaemia confers increased risk of Hospitalisation for HFrEF & HFmrEF patients but not HFpEF (PDF Format)

Identification of a novel actin gene mutation, ACTC1 p.ASN94ILE, in a family with cardiomyopathy and conduction disease (PDF Format)

Identification of DIO2 as a regulator of metabolic reprogramming and mitochondrial function in heart failure (PDF Format)

Identification of three subphenotypes of cardiogenic shock (Video MP4 Format)

Identification of three subphenotypes of cardiogenic shock (PDF Format)

Immune suppression for xeno-cell transplantation strategies in the porcine animal model (PDF Format)

Impact of a heart failure clinic on morbidity, mortality and quality of life (PDF Format)

Impact of chest radiograph on the prognosis of acute heart failure patients at the emergency department (PDF Format)

Impact of comorbidities, medication adherence and sex differences on outcome in 25,776 heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Impact of congenital heart disease on respiratory muscle function (PDF Format)

Impact of haptoglobin serum level on blood biochemical parameters in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) (PDF Format)

Impact of insulin therapy following an admission for acute heart failure effect on the risk of heart failure rehospitalization (PDF Format)

Impact of iron deficiency in HFPEF (PDF Format)

Impact of left ventricular ejection fraction and atrial fibrillation on Baroreflex Activation Therapy (PDF Format)

Impact of mild or moderate pericardial efussion in patients with heart failure mortality and rehospitalization (PDF Format)

Impact of multidisciplinary approach on heart failure signals and symptoms control of a multicenter Brazilian cohort (PDF Format)

Impact of neurohormonal antagonists dose titration in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Impact of pacemaker implantation after TAVI on heart failure readmissions (PDF Format)

Impact of prehospital i.v. furosemide on hospitalisation outcome in broad spectrum of acute heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Impact of proteomic changes and mitochondrial calcium retention capacity on the cardioprotective modulation of (PDF Format)

Impact of radiotherapy after chemotherapy on heart function in hodgkin and non-hodgkin adult lymphoma patients (PDF Format)

Impact of right ventricle dysfunction on clinical outcome in patients with HFrEF (PDF Format)

Impact Of Sacubitril Valsartan In Continuous-Flow Assist Device Patients On The Results Of Bioelectrical Impedance (PDF Format)

Impact of sacubitril valsartan on left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Impact of sacubitril-valsartan on clinical-laboratorial parameters, left ventricule ejection fraction and loop diuretic doses of (PDF Format)

Impact of sarcopenia in cardiovascular function in chronic heart failure and COPD patients (PDF Format)

Impact of self-care on readmission and mortality in patients with chronic heart failure insights from a real world cohort of 1123 patients (PDF Format)

Impact of sex differences and the absence of estrogen during menopause on atrioventricular mechanics and outcomes (PDF Format)

Impact of the Extent of Chronic Kidney Disease on Survival in Bulgarian Population with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction (PDF Format)

Impaired endothelial glycocalyx in cancer patients with preserved systolic function (PDF Format)

Implantable cardioverter defibrillator in advanced heart failure patients prognostic implications (PDF Format)

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death in patients with Chagas (PDF Format)

Implementation of integrated care can reduce length of stay, all-cause 30-day readmissions and excess hospitalsitions for (PDF Format)

Implementing Remote Device Therapies in the Modern Heart Failure Clinic (Video MP4 Format)

Implementing Remote Device Therapies in the Modern Heart Failure Clinic (PDF Format)

Importance of three dimensional echocardiography in CRT patients (Video MP4 Format)

Importance of three dimensional echocardiography in CRT patients (PDF Format)

Improved outcomes after cardiac resynchronization therapy can be reached by multiprofessional evaluation (PDF Format)

Improved self-care of the heart failure patient after the implementation of a nurse consultation (PDF Format)

Improvement of functional and biochemic parameters in patients with left ventricular assist device (LVAD) (PDF Format)

Improvement of functional class in patients with heart failure and advanced kidney disease after initiation of Sacubitril Valsartan (PDF Format)

Improving prognostic stratification in patients with pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease (PDF Format)

In-hospital and long term (10-year) outcome of thromboembolic disease in a single tertiary center in Greece (PDF Format)

In-hospital changes of iron status in patients with acute cardiac decompensation (PDF Format)

In-hospital course of anaemia, renal insufficiency and iron deficiency in patients admitted with acute cardiac decompensation (PDF Format)

In-hospital mortality and prognostic factors of elderly acute heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Incidence and outcomes of in-hospital cardiac arrest in left ventricular assist device patients (PDF Format)

Incidence of worsening renal function and its associations with drug treatment in ischemic heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Incidence, prognosis and predictors of heart failure after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (PDF Format)

Incomplete recovery of takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a major determinant of adverse cardiovascular outcomes (PDF Format)

Increased gene expression and plasma levels of growth differentiation factor 15 correlate with worsening of cardiac (PDF Format)

Incremental prognostic value of the geriatric nutritional risk index in patients more than 90 years old with heart failure (PDF Format)

Inferior vena cava-based vs. multi-parametric approach to estimate right atrial pressure by echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)

Inferior vena cava-based vs. multi-parametric approach to estimate right atrial pressure by echocardiography (PDF Format)

Inflammation and metabolic disorders as the basis of myocardial remodeling and chronic heart failure progression in metabolic (PDF Format)

Influence of aerobic loads on the clinical state of patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Influence of full yogic breathing on pulmonary congestion in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Influence of low triiodothyronine syndrome on the course of heart failure in patients with a history of myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Influence of metformin on quality of life and 1-year prognosis in ischemic etiology chronic heart failure patients with prediabetes (PDF Format)

Influence of parenteral iron supplementation on handgrip strength (PDF Format)

Influence of sacubitril-valsartan on outcomes of patients with chronic heart failure in different populations (PDF Format)

Influence of spironolactone on the reduction of myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Influence of systolic blood pressure on the treatment of chronic heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Influence of transient arterial hypotension on the clinical features and prognosis of patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Initial experience, clinical characteristics and outcome of heart failure patients included in a nurse-led patient management programme (PDF Format)

Initiation of sacubitril valsartan in patients with diabetes after hospitalisation for acute decompensated heart failure (Video MP4 Format)

Initiation of sacubitril valsartan in patients with diabetes after hospitalisation for acute decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Inotrope and inodilators – differential effects in acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock (Video MP4 Format)

Inotrope and inodilators – differential long term effects in advanced heart failure (Video MP4 Format)

Inotrope and inodilators – differential renal effects (Video MP4 Format)

Inotropes and Inodilators in Acute and Advanced Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)

Instrumental and clinical features of antimetabolite chemotherapy-induced cardiovascular toxicity in patients with gastric cancer (PDF Format)

Integrated heart failure specialist nurse-led pathway for the management of heart failure patients with cardiac implantable devices (PDF Format)

Interplay between psychosocial and heart failure related factors may partially explain limitations in self-efficacy in patients (PDF Format)

Interrelation between adropin and severity of heart failure in hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity (PDF Format)

Interventions to decrease thirst in heart failure patients in daily practice at the heart failure clinic (PDF Format)

Intracoronary administration of microencapsulated IGF-1 improves cardiac function and reduces myocardial fibrosis (PDF Format)

Intrapericardial administration of CDCs early after experimental myocardial infarction in swine safe, easy but of limited effectiveness (PDF Format)

Intrarenal and carotid haemodynamics in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Intravenous repletion of iron deficiency in LVAD recipients. Comparison with oral iron treatment (PDF Format)

Introduction ; Adressing Complexities of HF treatment (Video MP4 Format)

Introduction (Video MP4 Format)

Iron deficiency and its correlation with prognostic parameters in patients with pulmonary hypertension in a Latin American cohort (PDF Format)

Iron deficiency is associated with lower functional capacity in patients with advanced heart failure undergoing assessment (PDF Format)

Iron deficiency is not associated with increased cardiovascular risk in patients with diabetes, chronic kidney disease and anemia (PDF Format)

Iron deficiency with or without anaemia in cardiac amyloidosis clinical features, impact on mortality and functional status (PDF Format)

Iron deficiency, an equally prevalent problem regardless of ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Iron deficient and non-iron deficient heart failure in absence of anemia the comparative study (PDF Format)

Iron in heart failure, the liver takes it all (PDF Format)

Is donor-recipient matching by weight alone enough in heart transplantation (PDF Format)

Is hypovolaemia a barrier to optimising disease modifying therapy in Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction (PDF Format)

Is it realistic to OPTIMIZE guideline recommended HF therapies (Video MP4 Format)

Is the efficiency of statins in the protection of anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy affected by the dose (PDF Format)

Is the left atrial pressure a precise tool to optimize therapy in HFrEF patients Use of V-LAP a glimpe into the future (PDF Format)

Is the nursery evaluation of a pulmonary congestion effetive by means of lung ultrasounds (PDF Format)

Is there a connection in structural electrical remodeling of myocardium in neurological deficits in patients with ischemic stroke (PDF Format)

Is there a role for Donor-derived cell-free DNA in the diagnosis of cardiac allograft vasculopathy (FreeDNA-CAV) (PDF Format)

It’s us, not them first use of urinary metabolite testing in heart failure patients indicates high level of adherence with life (PDF Format)

IV iron in heart failure – what we know and what we don’t (Video MP4 Format)

Ivabradine as an innovative strategy and its impact on annual rehospitalization (PDF Format)

Kidney function and heart failure risk in patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

Knowledge, health literacy and self-care of patients with heart failure accompanied by an intrahospital management program (PDF Format)

Late right heart failure after left ventricular assist device implantation results in significant limitation of exercise capacity (PDF Format)

Late-Breaking Science Session 1 – Clinical Trial Update (Video MP4 Format)

Late-Breaking Science Session 2 – Registries (Video MP4 Format)

Late-Breaking Science Session 3 – HFpEF (Video MP4 Format)

Late-Breaking Science Session 4 – Acute Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)

Late-Breaking Science Session 5 – Monitoring (Video MP4 Format)

Late-Breaking Science Session 6 – Pharmacotherapy (Video MP4 Format)

Late-Breaking Science Session 7 – Prevention (Video MP4 Format)

LDL-C cut-off in Heart Failure – should we follow the guidelines (PDF Format)

Left and global ventricular cardiac decompensation can be detected early by PA- pressure telemonitoring-guided therapy (PDF Format)

Left atrial remodelling in patients with heart failure relationship between sphericity index and functional capacity (PDF Format)

Left ventricular global longitudinal strain and free wall strain of the right ventricle in respect to sex and systolic function (PDF Format)

Left ventricular recovery during long-term medical treatment in comparison among morphological types of QRS complex (PDF Format)

Left ventricular reverse remodeling prediction in ischemic cardiomyopathy patients the value of stress gated blood pool SPECT (PDF Format)

Left ventricular reverse remodelling after sacubitril – valsartan (PDF Format)

Left ventricular systolic dysfunction assessed by speckle tracking in asymptomatic HIV patients (PDF Format)

Leuko-glycemic index as a prognostic marker in patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Levosimendan therapy in patients with acutely decompensated heart failure – Outcomes and mortality predictors (PDF Format)

Levosimendan use in AMI-related and non-AMI-related acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Levosimendan versus dobutamine in acute decompensated heart failure experience in a single tertiary institution in Asia (PDF Format)

Life-threatening heart rhythm disturbances of women with underweight in the III trimester of pregnancy (PDF Format)

Limiting factors for achieving maximum dose therapy in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 predicts heart failure hospitalization in coronary heart disease patients (PDF Format)

LIVE procedure for ischemic heart failure the evolution of an unique technique (PDF Format)

Long term impact of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with acute coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

Long-term and clinical profile of patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction who start treatment with (PDF Format)

Long-term empagliflozin treatment improves cardiac function and remodeling in rats with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Long-term follow up of the left ventricular function in patients after cardiac resynchronization therapy (PDF Format)

Long-term follow-up in peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) patients under mechanical circulatory support with left (PDF Format)

Long-term results of coronary artery bypass surgery in patients with unstable angina (PDF Format)

Long-term results of drug and interventional treatment in patients with morphologically verified nature of idiopathic arrhythmias (PDF Format)

Long-term treatment with sympathetic nervous system blockers impact on degree of diastolic dysfunction in resistant hypertension (PDF Format)

Loop diuretics use and outcomes in patients with heart failure a meta-analysis of observational studies involving 96,959 patients (PDF Format)

Loss of rhythm control in heart failure with preserved systolic function accelerates mortality due to pump failure (PDF Format)

Low dose of proANP31-67 does not affect kidney function structure, but prevents adverse cardiac remodeling independent (PDF Format)

Low urinary sodium excretion despite elevated furosemide dose associates with poor long-term survival in chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Lower values of CA125 identifies patients with acute heart failure at very low risk of short-term adverse events (PDF Format)

Lung ultrasound in acute myocardial infarction. Updating Killip & Kimball (PDF Format)

Lung ultrasound profiles in hospitalized patients with pneumonia and concomitant chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Lung water quantification by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging a novel prognostic tool in heart failure (Video MP4 Format)

Lung water quantification by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging a novel prognostic tool in heart failure (PDF Format)

Magnetic resonance imaging successfully detects regional hypertrophy in a mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients with mild left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (PDF Format)

Managing the Hidden Threat of ATTR-CM (Video MP4 Format)

Managing the risk of re-hospitalization during long-term follow-up in specialized medical care for patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Markers of heart failure and the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with acute myocardial infarction depending on (PDF Format)

Matrix metalloproteinase-12 cleaved fragment of titin as a predictor of functional capacity in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Maximizing the Clinical Benefit from Left Ventricular Assist Devices (Video MP4 Format)

Maximizing the Clinical Benefit from Left Ventricular Assist Devices (PDF Format)

Mean platelet volume in the prediction of in-hospital complications in acute coronary syndromes (PDF Format)

Mediation effect of depression on the relationship between sleep disturbance and quality of life (PDF Format)

Medication adherence and quality of life among heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Men and women with chronic systolic heart failure and with without concomitant 2 type diabetes (PDF Format)

Metabolic effects of nesfatin-1 in hypertensive patients with abdominal obesity (PDF Format)

Microwave spectrometry for coronary stent monitoring (PDF Format)

Mid-range ejection fraction is the juice worth the squeeze (PDF Format)

Mid-term mortality in patients without a transthoracic echocardiogram during the first acute heart failure episode (PDF Format)

Mild anxiety disorders impact on atrial fibrillation patients’ direct oral anticoagulants adherence (PDF Format)

Mild levels of pulmonary arterial pressure as a marker of poor prognosis (PDF Format)

Mild to moderate aortic regurgitation is associated with increased all-cause mortality in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Mind the gap a real world study of the treatment patterns and clinical outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass on the working heart (micscab) in patients with multivessel coronary disease (PDF Format)

MiR-181c is downregulated in advanced heart failure (PDF Format)

Mitochondrial damage-associated molecular patterns-induced by palmitate initiate immune responses and cause cardiomyocyte death (PDF Format)

Mitochondrial dynamic processes in left ventricular tissue from heart failure patients (PDF Format)

MitraClip, one year outcomes (PDF Format)

Moderate to severely reduced global longitudinal strain predicts clinical outcome after aortic valve intervention in severe (PDF Format)

Molecular alterations in cell traffic in heart transplant patients and their correlation with the incidence of cell rejection during (PDF Format)

Molecular mechanisms of desensitization underlying differential effects of formyl peptide receptor 2 agonists on cardiac (PDF Format)

Morbimortality impact of initiating a heart failure multidisciplinary program in Spain (PDF Format)

Mortality associated factors in patients with acute heart failure in a peruvian tertiary referral hospital (PDF Format)

Mortality benefits of 2 week wait heart failure clinic referral for a new heart failure diagnosis on the basis of N-terminal (PDF Format)

Mortality in elderly patients with congenital heart disease (PDF Format)

Mortality in patients with STEM does BNP help to predict (PDF Format)

Mortality trends in an ambulatory multidisciplinary heart failure unit 2001 to 2019 (PDF Format)

Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 study evaluating the sGC stimulator praliciguat over 12 weeks (Video MP4 Format)

Multicentre evaluation of transient and permanent malfunctions in CRT devices ongoing radiotherapy (PDF Format)

Multicentre experience of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Multilevel assessment of myocardial fibrosis in dilated cardiomyopathy PICP blood levels and LGE at CMR are incremental (PDF Format)

Multiparametric assessment of congestion in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Multiplex proteomics for prediction of 1-year mortality and re-hospitalization in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Myocardial dyssynchrony and a different response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Myocardial remodeling in patients with Chagas cardiomyopathy in use of SacubitrilValsartan (PDF Format)

N-Terminal pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide as a prognostic marker of mortality in acute heart failure patients Thailand perspective (PDF Format)

Natriuretic response in elderly patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Natural course of non-severe secondary tricuspid regurgitation – insights from quantitative doppler assessment (PDF Format)

Neurohumoral grup up-titration in specialized heart failure units (PDF Format)

Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio and outcomes in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction An analysis of PARAGON-HF (Video MP4 Format)

Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio and outcomes in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction An analysis of PARAGON-HF (PDF Format)

New biomarker for early prediction of myocardium reperfusion and cardiac remodeling in st-segment elevation myocardial (PDF Format)

New potassium-binders for better heart failure with reduced ejection fraction prognosis (PDF Format)

New profile and trends in hospitalization for heart failure in a reference center in north-eastern Argentina (PDF Format)

New therapies in patients with advanced heart failure. Baroreflex modulation with carotid sinus nerve stimulation (PDF Format)

Newly and previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus differences in the incidence of heart failure and clinical characteristics (PDF Format)

Nitrates in combination with hydralazine in cardiorenal syndrome – a randomised controlled proof-of-concept study (PDF Format)

Non-invasive prognostic variables in pulmonary arterial hypertension beyond the guidelines (PDF Format)

Non-ischemic myocardial injury in heart failure is significantly associated with a higher symptomatic burden and higher (PDF Format)

Non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Noninvasive markers of heart failure in patients with severe ischemic mitral regurgitation (PDF Format)

Noninvasive ventilation(NIV) with auto-titrating EPAP for acute heart failure patients with chronic of obstructive pulmonary (PDF Format)

Novel blood-based protein biomarker signature for prediction of heart failure (PDF Format)

Novel method of measuring ionized calcium and its usefulness in cardiovascular disease (PDF Format)

Novel model of atrial fibrillation prediction in patients with heart failure and middle left ventricular systolic function (PDF Format)

Novel Pericardial Left Ventricular Assist Device (PALVAD) assessment via porcine and cadaveric experimental pathways (PDF Format)

Novel pharmacological options in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

NT-proBNP Discharge target to improve prognostic in a heart failure population two concepts, one decision (PDF Format)

Nurse as educator in the Comprehensive Heart Failure care program – are we ready for it (PDF Format)

Off-target effects of SGLT2 blockers empagliflozin does not inhibit Na H exchanger-1 or lower intracellular Na in rat (PDF Format)

One-year outcomes in HFrEF, HFmrEF and HFpEF patients with diabetes in the Middle East (PDF Format)

Opening and setting the scene ; Current knowledge and knowledge gaps. What questions will ongoing CVOTs address (Video MP4 Format)

Optimal medical theraphy goals and challenges of implementing a heart failure treatment optimization strategy (PDF Format)

Optimal timing and dosing of furosemide for acute heart failure patients in the emergency department (PDF Format)

Optimization of evidence-based therapies for heart failure and reduced ejection fraction improves outcomes (PDF Format)

Oral iron succinate increases ferritin in non-anemic patients with heart failure and iron deficiency a pilot study (PDF Format)

Organ care system for total artificial heart recipients case series (PDF Format)

Outcomes for Cardiogenic Shock comparing patients transferred from other hospitals with those directly admitted to a (Video MP4 Format)

Outcomes for Cardiogenic Shock comparing patients transferred from other hospitals with those directly admitted to a (PDF Format)

Overlapping phenotype left ventricular noncompaction associated with dilated cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Overview of Indications and Adoption of heart failure Device Therapies (Video MP4 Format)

Overview of Indications and Adoption of heart failure Device Therapies (PDF Format)

Oxygen uptake during daily life domestic activities in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Pace or Shock A Comparison of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Pacemakers vs. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillators (PDF Format)

Palliative care in advanced heart failure not too late (PDF Format)

Palliative care in heart failure a systematic review and meta-analysis (PDF Format)

Panel discussion (Video MP4 Format)

Particle size and cholesterol content of circulating HDL correlate with cardiovascular death in chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Pathophysiologic and pharmacologic approaches in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction induced experimentally (PDF Format)

Patient characteristics and drug utilization of heart failure patients prescribed SGLT2i and sacubitril valsartan (Video MP4 Format)

Patient characteristics and drug utilization of heart failure patients prescribed SGLT2i and sacubitril valsartan (PDF Format)

Patient self-care behaviour is maintained over time in a population managed within a disease management programme (PDF Format)

Patient-level risk stratification and cluster analysis to characterize heterogeneity in readmission patterns of patients (PDF Format)

Patient-reported outcomes with empagliflozin in the EMPERIAL trials (Video MP4 Format)

Patients profiles in cardiologic or cardiogeratric department any difference (PDF Format)

Patients submitted to coronary angiography after cardiorespiratory arrest predictors of mortality (PDF Format)

Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart failure did not reach target levels of heart rate, blood pressure (PDF Format)

Patterns of Guideline Recommended Treatment in Patients with Heart Failure at Different Economic Levels an Observational Study (Video MP4 Format)

Patterns of Guideline Recommended Treatment in Patients with Heart Failure at Different Economic Levels an Observational Study (PDF Format)

Patterns of hyperkalaemia recurrence among heart failure patients in UK clinical practice (PDF Format)

Patterns of late gadolinium enhancement in acute myocarditis, does it make the difference (PDF Format)

PCI in patients with ostium coronary artery lesions three-year follow-up (PDF Format)

Peak o2 consumption and ventilation improvement following sacubitril-valsartan therapy (PDF Format)

Peculiarities of HFpEF according to renal dysfunction phenotypes (PDF Format)

Peculiarity of severe heart failure in patients receiving antitumor treatment (PDF Format)

Perceptions and barriers to deceased organ donation in Armenia a qualitative research (PDF Format)

Personality factors in heart transplanted recipients (PDF Format)

Pharmacological interventions and events during the transition phase of heart failure in patients with ejection fraction greater (PDF Format)

Pharmacological treatment of Chronic Heart Failure with reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF) after implementation (PDF Format)

Pharmacotherapy in patients with heart failure are we translating guidelines into clinical practice (PDF Format)

Phase 2a Study of Danicamtiv (MYK-491) in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF) (Video MP4 Format)

Phenotypic polymorphism of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy evaluated by cardiac CT (PDF Format)

Physical activity patterns in heart transplant recipients 3-year follow-up of a randomized controlled exercise study (PDF Format)

Physical activity predicts mortality and post-discharge re-hospitalization risk among Swedish heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Physical signs and symptoms predict diastolic and systolic function in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Physical therapy in elderly patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Pilot evaluation of the usability and acceptability of the App ‘cuormio’ designed for patients with heart failure (HF) (PDF Format)

Plasma fibroblast growth factor 23 in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction relation to clinical severity and prognosis (PDF Format)

Plasma immunoglobulin levels prior to cardiac transplantation are associated with post-transplantation survival (PDF Format)

Plasma volume status and its association with in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes in decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts readmissions in heart failure (PDF Format)

Polymorphism rs10927875 of ZBTB17 gene and different types of left ventricular hypertrophy in patient with heart failure (PDF Format)

Polypharmacy and potential drug-drug or food-drug interactions in atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

Post-MI dendritic cells trigger an adaptive immune reaction, and cytotoxic T cells persist during heart failure (PDF Format)

Potential cardioprotective role of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Potential clinical application of dapagliflozin in patients with chronic heart failure in real life clinical practice (PDF Format)

Potential contribution of mesenchymal stem stromal cell senescence into the pathogenesis of age-associated vascular diseases (PDF Format)

Potential impact of a hypothetical sex-specific target dose in women for the treatment of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Potential SGLT2 inhibition in a real world cohort of HFrEF patients established on ARNI (PDF Format)

Pre-clinical diastolic dysfunction is common in asymptomatic septuagenarians and is not reliably predicted by NT-proBNP (PDF Format)

Predicting mortality of acute heart failure in the ICU a new application for old scores (PDF Format)

Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation and Post Ablation Sinus Rhythm Restoration in Heart Failure Patients (PDF Format)

Prediction of cardiovascular complications in patients with chronic heart failure during 12 months of observation (PDF Format)

Predictive factors of lung function in patients with heart failure and COPD (PDF Format)

Predictors for readmission or death during very early and early vulnerable phases in heart failure (PDF Format)

Predictors of 12-month mortality in chronic heart failure and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Predictors of acute kidney injury in acute decompensated heart failure treated as outpatients with bolus intravenous (PDF Format)

Predictors of continuous positive airway pressure compliance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and paroxysmal atrial (PDF Format)

Predictors of early outcome in heart failure reduced ejection fraction patients attending to an outpatient heart failure (PDF Format)

Predictors of heart failure in patients with lymphomas receiving antitumor therapy with anthracyclines (PDF Format)

Predictors of improvement in cardiovascular outcomes in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Predictors of long term outcome in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (Video MP4 Format)

Predictors of long term outcome in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Predictors of long-term mortality in women and men with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Predictors of Mortality in Bulgarian Patients with Heart Failure and Diabetes Mellitus (PDF Format)

Predictors of need of non- invasive ventilation in acute coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

Predictors of persistent pulmonary hypertension after pulmonary endarterectomy in CTEPH (PDF Format)

Predictors of rehospitalization and mortality in acute decompansated hf patients (PDF Format)

Preliminary results of the Spanish multicentric HeartLogic (RE-HEART) Registry a blinded analysis (PDF Format)

Preliminary results of the Spanish multicentric HeartLogic (RE-HEART) Registry adoption of an alert (PDF Format)

Prescribing patterns of acute management and guideline-directed medical therapy in admitted acute heart failure (AHF) (PDF Format)

Prescription of guideline-recommended therapy and clinical outcomes before and in the era of sacubitril valsartan (PDF Format)

Preserved ejection fraction and structural heart disease in 446,848 patients (Video MP4 Format)

Prevalence and association of electrocardiogram abnormalities with clinical characteristics and outcomes in patients (PDF Format)

Prevalence and determinants of bone disease in patients with chronic heart failure – a prospective cohort study (PDF Format)

Prevalence and mortality in patients with heart failure according to measurement of HbA1c (PDF Format)

Prevalence and prognosis of cardiac cachexia in acute heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Prevalence and prognostic impact of adquired somatic mutations in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Prevalence of central and obstructive apneas in heart failure with reduced, mid-range and preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Prevalence of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy according to the old and new diagnostic criteria (PDF Format)

Prevalence of comorbidities among patients with heart failure with reduced and preserved ejection fraction a systematic review (PDF Format)

Prevalence of heart failure in Colombia a secondary analysis of the official information sources (PDF Format)

Prevalence of hyperkalemia in patients with chronic heart failure in real life clinical practice Results from TREAT HF Study (PDF Format)

Prevalence of iron deficiency by different definitions and their association with mortality in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Prevalence of iron deficiency in patients with advanced heart failure undergoing assessment for heart transplantation (PDF Format)

Prevalence of prior history of soft tissue structures affectation in patients with cardiac amyloidosis (PDF Format)

Prevalence pulmonary congestion by lung ultrasound among the patients with acute myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Prevalence, etiology and diagnostic workup of iron deficiency in patients with heart failure based on ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Prevalence, factors related, and prognostic significance of subclinical pulmonary congestion at hospital discharge in patients (Video MP4 Format)

Prevalence, factors related, and prognostic significance of subclinical pulmonary congestion at hospital discharge in patients (PDF Format)

Proactive screening for symptoms may be the key to early detection of previously unrecognised heart failure, atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

Profile of hospitalized patients with heart failure admitted in an intensive care department of a tertiary care hospital (PDF Format)

Profile of infective endocarditis patients at a non-surgical center (PDF Format)

Prognosis and prognostic factors in dilated cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Prognosis of patient with chronic heart failure role of comorbidity (PDF Format)

Prognosis of postinfarction ventricular septal rupture (PDF Format)

Prognostic impact of BNP in patients presenting with STEMI and acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Prognostic impact of digoxin use in a heart failure population (PDF Format)

Prognostic impact of sleep-disordered breathing in hospitalized patients following acute decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Prognostic impact of worsening renal function and unsuccessful decongestion at discharge for patients hospitalized with heart failure (PDF Format)

Prognostic impact of worsening renal function in B-type acute heart failure patients on decongestion (PDF Format)

Prognostic implications of myocardial work in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction a preliminary study (PDF Format)

Prognostic Importance of Permanent Atrial Fibrillation in Decompensated Heart Failure (PDF Format)

Prognostic model of the development of the first non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke (PDF Format)

Prognostic power of cardiovascular biomarkers with relation to duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus (PDF Format)

Prognostic predictors for cardiac death and heart failure rehospitalization in emergency transported congestive heart failure (PDF Format)

Prognostic relevance of left ventricular longitudinal strain in HFpEF Insights from the PARAGON-HF Echocardiographic Sub-Study (PDF Format)

Prognostic role of vascular endothelial growth factor- A in patients with chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Prognostic uility of galectin-3 in Vietnamese patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Prognostic value of BNP in patients receiving sacubitril-valsartan 2-year follow-up results (PDF Format)

Prognostic value of frailty in very elderly patients (over 90 years) with heart failure (PDF Format)

Prognostic value of high sensitive troponin T in patients hospitalized for heart failure (PDF Format)

Prognostic value of Killip classification in acute coronary syndrome 50 years later (PDF Format)

Prognostic value of laboratory and structural-functional aspects of cardiovascular system remodeling in patients (PDF Format)

Prognostic value of novel measures of left atrial structure and function in the elderly (PDF Format)

Prognostic value of plasma volume variation status calculated at admittance at intensive cardiovascular care unit (PDF Format)

Prognostic value of pulmonary artery indexed diameter assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients (PDF Format)

Prognostic value of submaximal cpet variables in heart failure patients with biventricular pacing (PDF Format)

Prolonged use of pentoxifylline prevents progression of myocardial perfusion disturbance and reduces inflammation (PDF Format)

Promising biomarkers in patients with low left ventricule ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Prospective assessment of early ejection fraction recovery after newly diagnosed heart failure (PDF Format)

Prospective evaluation of the Multisensor ICD Algorithm for Heart Failure Monitoring (PDF Format)

Prosthetic valve endocarditis vs native valve endocarditis does surgery even the odds (PDF Format)

Proteins linked to atherosclerosis and cell proliferation are associated with the shrunken pore syndrome in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Psychological factors predictive of quality of life in right heart failure (PDF Format)

Psychometricevaluation of the Polish version of the theSelf-care of HeartFailure Index a newtool for self-careassessment (PDF Format)

Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring in LVAD patients The Cardiologist’s Perspective; Take-Home message (Video MP4 Format)

Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure prediction in the first year after heart transplant using BNP (PDF Format)

Pulmonary embolism and malignant diseases (PDF Format)

Pulmonary endarterectomy in CTEPH clinical and hemodynamic long term effect (PDF Format)

QTc interval and qrs duration reduction following sacubitril-valsartan therapy (PDF Format)

Quality improvement of chronic heart failure endpoints and treatment using an organized multidisciplinary program (PDF Format)

Quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and right heart failure and their caregivers (PDF Format)

Quality of life two years after admission to a heart failure clinic (PDF Format)

Quantitative determinations of plasma volume demonstrate that clinical exam and formulaic estimates mislead diuretic therapy (Video MP4 Format)

Quantitative determinations of plasma volume demonstrate that clinical exam and formulaic estimates mislead diuretic therapy (PDF Format)

Racial and ethnic differences in NT-proBNP concentrations and reverse cardiac remodeling in patients with systolic heart failure (PDF Format)

Racial differences in hospice care outcomes among patients with advanced heart failure systematic review and meta-analysis (PDF Format)

Rationale and design of the august-ahf study a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effects of yiqifumai lyophilized (PDF Format)

RBP4 induces pyroptosis in cardiomyocytes via activating NLRP3 Caspase-1 GSDMD pathway in acute myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Real world characteristics and economic burden of patients with and without heart failure worsening after cardiac (PDF Format)

Real world experience of sacubitril and valsartan in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Real world heart failure… far, far away from guidelines (PDF Format)

Real world impact of acute kidney injury on outcomes of patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Real world prevalence and temporal trends of heart failure stages A, B and C epidemiology in South-European population (PDF Format)

Real-world evaluation of an intravenous iron service for treatment of iron deficiency in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Real-world use of sacubitril-valsartan in the South of England (PDF Format)

Reasons for diuretic change among heart failure patients at different stages of the HF syndrome in the outpatient setting (PDF Format)

Red cell distribution width (RDW) is correlated to time of oxygen desaturation less 90% and length of sleep apneas in patients (PDF Format)

Reduced expression of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) in the endothelium accelerates the process of aortic valve (Video MP4 Format)

Reduced expression of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) in the endothelium accelerates the process of aortic valve (PDF Format)

Reduced physical activity in patients with heart failure a study based on objective measurement of daily exercise (Video MP4 Format)

Reduced physical activity in patients with heart failure a study based on objective measurement of daily exercise (PDF Format)

Reduction in hospital admissions, emergency department visits, and prognosis of elderly patients managed in a hospital (PDF Format)

Refractory postcardiotomy shock predictors of mortality in a contemporary cohort (PDF Format)

Region-related differences in psychosocial impact among heart failure patients living with an ICD (PDF Format)

Regional differences in use and outcomes among left ventricular assist device carriers in Europe The PCHF-VAD registry (PDF Format)

Regional innervation perfusion mismatch assessed by cardiac 123I-mIBG and rest 99mTc-tetrofosmin SPECT to predict (PDF Format)

Rehabilitation programs in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Rehmannia glutinosa oligosaccharide enhances the efficacy of Nkx2.5 gene transfected bone marrow mesenchymal stem (PDF Format)

Rehospitalization by heart failure, mortality and prognosis in nonagenarians after stemi (PDF Format)

Relationship between clinical characteristics and achievement of the sacubitril valsartan dosage in patients (PDF Format)

Relationship between clinical characteristics and the occurrence of adverse effects with sacubitril valsartan in patients (PDF Format)

Relationship between N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide and haemodynamic function in pulmonary arterial (PDF Format)

Relationship between uric acid and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide with severity of heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Relationship late gadolinium enhancement on cardiovascular magnetic resonance and longitudinal ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Relationships between markers of myocardial injury and myocardial work indices in amateur half-marathon runners (PDF Format)

Relationships between pulmonary hypertension risk and clinical profile in dilated cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Relative expression of the calsequestrin 2 gene in the myocardium of patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Remote Patient Management for the Post-COVID-19 Era Practical experience from Greater Manchester (Video MP4 Format)

Remote Patient Management for the Post-COVID-19 Era Practical experience from Greater Manchester (PDF Format)

Renal function over time in patients with chronic heart failure with a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction using anticoagulants (PDF Format)

Renal function trajectories and congestion assessment in patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Renal sympathetic denervation attenuates congestive heart failure in angiotensin II-dependent hypertension (PDF Format)

Renal sympathetic denervation in patients with resistant arterial hypertension technical approach and follow-up (PDF Format)

Renin-angiotensin aldosteron system modulators and angiotensin receptor neprilyzin inhibitor in chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Respective benefits of cardiac rehabilitation and valsartan-sacubitril association in patients with heart failure and impaired (PDF Format)

Resting and exercise haemodynamic determinants of quality of life in left ventricular assist device patients (PDF Format)

Results of treatment of lymphocytic myocarditis with mycophenolate mofetil compared with azathioprine (pilot study) (PDF Format)

Resynchronization induces left ventricular regional protein expression changes in a mouse model of heart failure (PDF Format)

Retrospective review of 12 months readmission and mortality in acute heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Revascularization in Ischaemic Heart Failure CABG, PCI or medical treatment (PDF Format)

Reversal of tetracycline-induced infarct size limitation in obese rats with chemically induced colitis (PDF Format)

Reverse cardiac remodeling operation in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy patients (PDF Format)

Reversing cardiac remodelling and improving outcomes in heart failure what are our first-choice treatments (Video MP4 Format)

Right heart dysfunction staging system for mortality risk stratification in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (Video MP4 Format)

Right heart dysfunction staging system for mortality risk stratification in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Right to left ventricular basal diameter ratio on pulmonary angio-CT (PDF Format)

Right ventricular free wall strain versus conventional echocardiographic parameters for right ventricular function (PDF Format)

Right ventricular function in chronic constrictive pericarditis (PDF Format)

Right ventricular remodeling and predictors of survival after pulmonary tromboendarterectomy (Video MP4 Format)

Right ventricular remodeling and predictors of survival after pulmonary tromboendarterectomy (PDF Format)

Right ventricular to left ventricular internal diameter in diastole predicts right ventricular failure after left ventricular (PDF Format)

Right-systolic function and iron deficiency in acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Risk factors for anaemia in heart failure (PDF Format)

Risk guided fluid-management strategy to reduce acute decompensated heart failure readmissions – The Risk-HF study (PDF Format)

Risk of coronary stents restenosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (PDF Format)

Risk prediction of 30-day unplanned re-admission or mortality for heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Risk predictor score for 90-day readmission or death in heart failure acute decompensated heart failure registry (PDF Format)

Risk stratification in heart failure with mid-range left ventricular ejection fraction the role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (PDF Format)

Robotic exosuit-assisted movement therapy in advanced chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Role of cytokine imbalance in the formation of structural and functional changes of right ventricle in patients with chronic (PDF Format)

Role of imaging techniques in arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy characterization (PDF Format)

Role of iron during heart failure (PDF Format)

Role of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in alterations of fibrosis markers galectin -3, matrix metalloproteinase-1 (PDF Format)

Role of pulmonary lymphatic circulation in congestive heart failure (PDF Format)

s territorial longitudinal strain able to predict the coronary artery disease culprit lesion in acute coronary syndromes (PDF Format)

Sacubitril Valsartan for HfrEF in oncological patients does the etiology matter (PDF Format)

Sacubitril valsartan what does the real-life experience tell us (PDF Format)

Sacubitril-valsartan in patients with NT-proBNP levels outrange of PARADIGM-HF trial inclusion criteria (PDF Format)

Sacubitril-valsartan prescription during heart failure hospitalization real-world initial experience (PDF Format)

Safety and efficacy of beta-blockers titration by trained heart failure nurses in heart failure patients attending to an outpatient (PDF Format)

Safety and efficacy of the combination of sacubitril valsartan and SGLT2i in HFrEF patients (SECSI Registry) (PDF Format)

Safety and tolerability of co-administration of angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) & sodium-glucose (PDF Format)

Safety of a novel oral NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitor, dapansutrile (OLT1177), in patients with stable heart failure (PDF Format)

Safety of Sacubitril Valsartan in patients with Glomerular Filtration under 40 (PDF Format)

Safety of weekly titration regimen with Sacubitril Valsartan. Tolerance and benefits in clinical practice (PDF Format)

Screening for mutations in hungarian patients with cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis using capillary sequencing (PDF Format)

Self-reported physical activity and anemia in ambulatory patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Serial measurement of circulating biomarkers in patients with acute heart failure correlates and prognostic value (PDF Format)

Sex differences in biomarkers associated with coronary microvascular dysfunction among patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Sex-based differences in biomarkers, quality of life, and reverse cardiac remodeling patients with heart failure with reduced (PDF Format)

Sex-based differences in cardiac structure and function in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Sex-related differences in cardiac wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis (PDF Format)

SGLT-2 inhibitors in heart failure beyond glycaemic control (Video MP4 Format)

SGLT2 inhibition Making waves in the heart failure landscape (Video MP4 Format)

SGLT2 inhibitors A snapshot into their evolution (Video MP4 Format)

Short-term endothelial toxicity of adjuvant chemotherapy in solid cancer patients (PDF Format)

Should we redefine hypertensive response in stress test to better predict cardiovascular risk (PDF Format)

Significant impact of prescription bias in the treatment of chronic systolic heart failure on outcome (PDF Format)

Signs of depression predict mortality among Swedish heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Silent strokes and cognitive function in patients with chronic heart failure and sinus rhythm (PDF Format)

Simultaneous dual isotope rest nuclear myocardial perfusion scintigraphic study (PDF Format)

Simultaneous measurement of sST2 and Nt-proBNP at discharge helps to predict early mortality in acute decompensated (PDF Format)

Six months clinical and echocardiographic outcome of angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (sacubitril valsartan) (PDF Format)

Six months clinical and echocardiographic outcome of angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor therapy in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Six-month and one-year outcomes with the novel PASCAL transcatheter valve repair system for patients with functional (PDF Format)

Sleep apnea in heart failure in search of a better prognosis predictor (PDF Format)

Sleep disordered breathing in heart failure association with biomarkers and clinical parameters (PDF Format)

Soluble ST2 in predicting unfavourable course of revascularization in patients with STEMI (PDF Format)

Some mechanisms of diastolic heart failure formation in postmenopause (PDF Format)

Specific Activity Scale is more accurate than NYHA classification for identifying patients with mild functional capacity (PDF Format)

Speech analysis to evaluate acute heart failure patient clinical status (PDF Format)

Spot urinary sodium as a predictor of diuretic response in decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

Spot urine sodium predicts effectiveness of decongestion in acute heart failure (PDF Format)

STING-inhibitor in myocardial remodelling after myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

Stop of high-salt diet in rats with one-kidney one-clip renovascular hypertension leads to a decrease in blood pressure (PDF Format)

Strain echocardiography in predicting heart failure in patients with STEMI with a mid-range ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Stress echocardiography in assessing early postinfarction myocardial dysfunction in epicardial obesity (PDF Format)

Stress echocardiography in multivessel coronary artery disease – 12 months follow up (PDF Format)

Stress hyperglycemia ratio in short term prognostic prediction in acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Stress induced left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in non-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients (PDF Format)

Stress induced right ventricular diastolic dysfunction in non-severe COPD (PDF Format)

Study of prevalence of sleep disordered breathing in indian heart failure population (PDF Format)

Study of prognostic markers for stable systolic heart failure for 1 year (PDF Format)

Study of the effectiveness of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists on neurohumoral parameters in patients with chronic (PDF Format)

Studying of a role the matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in a pathogenesis of a heart failure at patients (PDF Format)

Studying the value of plasma ngal in the diagnosis of cardiorenal syndrome type 1 (PDF Format)

Subclinical congestion understanding accuracy of physical examination in chronic heart failure outpatients (PDF Format)

Successful development of an ambulatory intravenous iron service for patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

Sudden death in heart failure with preserved cardiac function (PDF Format)

Suppressed cardiac hepcidin expression promotes cardiac iron deficiency in postinfarction heart failure (PDF Format)

Survey on patient perspectives about guideline-recommended disease management for chronic heart failure the VISIT-HF study (PDF Format)

Survival and clincial outcomes in patients with stenosis aortic underwent with Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (PDF Format)

Survival and clinical outcomes of patients with deteriorate bioprosthesis compared with aortic stetnosis underwent (PDF Format)

Symptom burden in patients with advanced heart failure (PDF Format)

Synthesis and assessment of the biological properties of peptide [MeArg1, NLe10]-apelin-12 (PDF Format)

Tafamidis prevents deterioration of physical performance in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Telbivudine reduces Parvovirus B19 Non-Structural protein-1-induced apoptosis and NALRP3 inflammasome activation (PDF Format)

Tele-yoga in patients with heart failure – A feasibility, pilot study and RCT protocol (PDF Format)

Telemonitoring versus standard of care in heart failure (Video MP4 Format)

Telomeric machinery alterations in ischemic cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Temporal trends and predictors of in-Hospital death in patients hospitalized for heart failure in Germany (Video MP4 Format)

Temporal trends and predictors of in-Hospital death in patients hospitalized for heart failure in Germany (PDF Format)

Temporal trends in chronic heart failure phenotypes 20-year changes in a nationwide registry (PDF Format)

Temporal trends in one-year outcomes of chronic heart failure patients across two decades findings from a nationwide registry (PDF Format)

Temporal trends in the implementation of treatments for chronic heart failure two decades in a nationwide registry (PDF Format)

Tenascin C promotes endothelial dysfunction accompanied with cardiac fibrosis in a mouse model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (PDF Format)

Testing of some methods for predicting systolic heart failure in stable patients (PDF Format)

The affinity of the nictemeral blood pressure variability patterns to intrarenal hemodynamics in patients with HFpEF (PDF Format)

The age-dependent variation of calculated plasma volume indices in patients admitted to intensive cardiovascular care unit (PDF Format)

The analysis of clinical factors affecting ability to work in patients in working age with heart failure with reduced left (PDF Format)

The ARISE-HF study development of AT-001 for the treatment of diabetic cardiomyopathy rationale and study design (PDF Format)

The burden associated with hospitalizations for US patients with heart failure and LVEF less than or equal to 60% (PDF Format)

The characterization of main clinical phenotypes in patients with HFpEF in a Romanian cohort (PDF Format)

The combination therapy of pembrolizumab and trastuzumab exerts cardiotoxic and pro-fibrotic properties in preclinical models (PDF Format)

The comparison between non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and ischemic cardiomyopathy after levosimendan use for acute (PDF Format)

The difference admission makes – Is self care superior in patients who have had admissions with acute decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

The differences in clinical presentation and mortality outcomes in acute heart failure patients with ischaemic versus (PDF Format)

The dynamics of central hemodynamics parameters in patients with different types of left ventricular remodeling after acute (PDF Format)

The dynamics of chronic heart failure indicators in patients with different left ventricle geometry after acute myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

The effect of beta blocker therapy in patients with acute heart failure (PDF Format)

The effect of breathing technique training on cardiac function in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

The effect of combination therapy on endothelial function and vascular stiffness in patients with heart failure with preserved (PDF Format)

The effect of functional mitral valve regurgitation in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

The effect of hemodynamic alterations on intrarenal venous flow patterns (PDF Format)

The effect of iron replacement on functional outcomes in a cohort of iron deficient HFpEF and HFmrEF patients (PDF Format)

The effect of long-term therapy with atorvastatin on the quality of life of patients in the post-infarction period (PDF Format)

The effect of the frequency and severity of hyperkalaemia on health outcomes in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

The effect of thymosin beta-4 domains on post-hypoxic cardiac regeneration and repair (PDF Format)

The effectiveness of trimetazidine in the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy and major adverse cardiovascular events (PDF Format)

The effects of aerobic physical training on muscle tissue in heart failure patients with normal body mass (PDF Format)

The efficiency of eplerenon in complex treatment of the patients with arterial hypertension, atrial fibrillation (PDF Format)

The efficiency of stem cell therapy in patients with ischemic heart failure after STEMI (PDF Format)

The evolution of the parameters of chronic heart failure and the effectiveness of long-term therapy with atorvastatin (PDF Format)

The feasibility of a structured multidisciplinary team approach to palliative care in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

The frequency of severe mitral regurgitation in patients completing a heart failure program which would be potentially (PDF Format)

The furosemide dose urinary sodium concentration ratio predicts mortality in chronic stable heart failure (PDF Format)

The gender gap in cardiac resynchronisation therapy (PDF Format)

The HEart faiLure carer support Programme feasibility study of the HELP intervention for carers (Protocol) (PDF Format)

The HERMeS Trial (Heart failure Events reduction with Remote Monitoring and eHealth Support) (PDF Format)

The hole of hope Balloon atrial septostomy for left ventricle unloading during VA-ECMO (PDF Format)

The huge impact in left ventricular reverse remodelling of a single drug A real-world data with ARNI (PDF Format)

The impact of a structured heart failure disease management care program on the outcome of patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

The impact of anaemia on systolic function of left ventricle in patients with acute coronary syndrome (PDF Format)

The impact of de novo use of Sacubitril Valsartan in dilated cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

The impact of glomerular filtration rate in patients with heart failure and cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (PDF Format)

The impact of inflammation and fibrosis in the occurrence of AF in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (PDF Format)

The impact of intolerance of beta blockers in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) in patients (PDF Format)

The impact of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist use on all-cause mortality in acute heart failure patients stratified (PDF Format)

The impact of percutaneous mitral valve repair with mitraclip in cardiopulmonary performance (PDF Format)

The impact of SGLT2 inhibitors on heart failure exacerbations, hospitalisations and major adverse cardiovascular events (PDF Format)

The incidence of acute heart failure in patients with ST- elevation myocardial infarction depending on renal function (PDF Format)

The influence of age on the circadian rhythm of arterial stiffness index in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

The interplay of genetics and inflammation affecting left ventricular reverse remodelling in recent-onset dilated cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

The Left Ventricular Global Function Index in older patients with chronic heart failure optimal cut-off for admission prediction (PDF Format)

The miRNA199a Sirt1 p300 Yy1 sST2 signaling axis regulates adverse cardiac remodeling following MI (PDF Format)

The more the merrier double check discharge planning to improve the results of a heart failure programme (PDF Format)

The most common electrocardiographic phenomena detected in the IT centre of the department of functional diagnostics (PDF Format)

The next level in CRT new clinical evidence (Video MP4 Format)

The nomogram of plasma NGAL in the prognosis in-hospital all-cause mortality of cardiorenal syndrome type 1 (PDF Format)

The novel butyrate derivative phenylalanine-butyramide protects from doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity (Video MP4 Format)

The novel butyrate derivative phenylalanine-butyramide protects from doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity (PDF Format)

The ORIGAMI registry initial results (PDF Format)

The pathway to home for intravenous frusemide (PDF Format)

The potential beneficial effect of levosimendan in milrinone-treated advanced heart failure patients (PDF Format)

The potential usefulness of hemoconcentration in guiding ambulatory heart failure management (PDF Format)

The predictive value of the cardiac sympathetic activity and contractile function in cardiac resynchronization therapy (PDF Format)

The predictors of progression of myocardial dysfunction in patients with nSTEMI within 6 months of follow-up (PDF Format)

The prevalence of bone tissue metabolism disorders in patients in early terms after heart transplantation (PDF Format)

The prevalence of frailty and heart failure in a pre-geriatric population hospitalised for cardiovascular disease (PDF Format)

The prevalence of iron deficiency and anemia in patients of cardio-oncology clinic (PDF Format)

The prognostic value of pulmonary artery systolic pressure in heart failure (PDF Format)

The quality of coronary vein visualization in cardiac CT depending on the type of heart failure (PDF Format)

The relation between frailty and cause of death and hospitalisation in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

The relationship between body mass index, body composition and oxygen uptake in patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

The relationship between cardiovascular and renal comorbidities and hyperkalaemia in a large real-world cohort of UK (PDF Format)

The relationship of human herpes virus type 6 markers in the development of adverse cardiovascular events in patients (PDF Format)

The relevance of a multidomain assessment in older patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

The results of complex nosological diagnostics of acute and chronic pericarditis and specific treatment options (PDF Format)

The results of the treatment of atrial fibrillation associated with chronic rheumatic heart disease with the method of transvenous (PDF Format)

The risk of sudden cardiac death in children with apparently structurally normal heart (PDF Format)

The role of anaemia in dilated cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

The role of body mass index (BMI) in dilated cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

The role of cardiac biomarkers elevation in intermediate-high risk pulmonary embolism (PDF Format)

The role of cytomegalovirus infection in the development of adverse cardiac events in ischemic heart failure patients (PDF Format)

The role of intravenous iron therapy on the arrhythmic burden of HFrEF patients with iron deficiency and cardiac implantable (PDF Format)

The role of ionized calcium in the reversion of the ventricular fibrillation and torsades de pointes (PDF Format)

The role of iron deficiency, RDW and EPO in heart failure prognosis – Data from the REFERENCE study (PDF Format)

The role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in prediction of adverse outcomes after st-segment elevation myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

The role of novel speckle tracking echocardiography parameters in left ventricular remodeling prediction after acute (PDF Format)

The role of OCT and measuring FFR to improve the efficiency of PCI on patient with left main bifurcation lesions (PDF Format)

The role of single-nucleotide G634C polymorphism of the VEGF-A gene in patients with acute myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

The S2PLIT-UG score, a novel system identifying patients with a high risk of all-cause mortality following acute (PDF Format)

The secreted glycoprotein ADAMTSL2 is up-regulated in heart failure and directs anti-fibrotic signalling in cardiac fibroblasts (PDF Format)

The SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin exerts cardioprotective effects against doxorubicin and trastuzumab toxicity through TLR4 (PDF Format)

The Shrunken pore syndrome is associated with lower quality of life and increased risk of mortality in a Swedish heart failure population (PDF Format)

The similarities and differences, and role of global longitudinal strain in heart failure with mid-range and reduced ejection fraction (PDF Format)

The spontaneously hypertensive rat with permanent coronary artery ligation is a relevant model of advanced heart failure (PDF Format)

The sST2 level in prediction of heart failure decompensation in patients with acute myocardial infarction (PDF Format)

The STAND-UP AHF (STudy Assessing Nitoxyl Donor Upon Presentation with Acute Heart Failure) (Video MP4 Format)

The systole diastole ratio in patients with acutely decompensated heart failure (PDF Format)

The Tafamidis in Transthyretin Cardiomyopathy Clinical Trial (Video MP4 Format)

The trip allele of Gly460Trp polymorphism and the association between systolic blood pressure and sodium potassium excretion (PDF Format)

The use of echocardiography left ventricular filling pressures in hypertensive patients with heart failure and preserved (PDF Format)

The use of remote telemonitoring to help in the decision of upgrading CRT-P to CRT-D (PDF Format)

The usefulness of the existing guidelines for performance of endomyocardial biopsy in patients with suspected myocarditis (PDF Format)

The Utility of Psychosocial Evaluation via the SIPAT Tool in Predicting Post-LVAD Hospitalizations (PDF Format)

The VerICiguaT Global Study in Subjects With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction (VICTORIA) trial (Video MP4 Format)

The VITALITY-HFpEF Trial (Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of the Oral sGC Stimulator Vericiguat to Improve Physical Functioning (Video MP4 Format)

Therapeutic adherence and quality of life of right heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Therapeutic genome editing using CRISPR Cas9 for arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy induced pluripotent stem cells (Video MP4 Format)

Therapeutic genome editing using CRISPR Cas9 for arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy induced pluripotent stem cells (PDF Format)

Thirst experience of Icelandic patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Thirty-day outcomes with the novel PASCAL transcatheter valve repair system in patients with tricuspid regurgitation (PDF Format)

Three-year follow-up of PCI in patients with true left main bifurcation lesions (PDF Format)

Time course of left ventricular reverse remodeling in response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (PDF Format)

Time to change for the sake of our heart failure patients (Video MP4 Format)

Time to diagnosis of new-onset heart failure in children with no known heart disease (PDF Format)

Time to first appropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator shock in patients with chagasic or ischemic cardiomiopathy (PDF Format)

Time until fibrinolytic therapy in pulmonary embolism, what is the prognostic impact (PDF Format)

Timely heart failure specialist input with urgent heart failure clinic reduces death or all-cause hospitalisation (PDF Format)

Timing the medications can improve the outcomes in heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Tongue coating microbiome data distinguish patients with chronic heart failure from healthy (PDF Format)

Total bilirubin as a marker for adverse outcomes in heart failure patients a systematic review (PDF Format)

Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Therapy New standard of care in Secondary Mitral Regurgitation (Video MP4 Format)

Transcriptomic analysis of the spliceosome in cardiac tissue of patients with heart failure (PDF Format)

Translating findings from the landmark DAPA-HF study (Video MP4 Format)

Translating findings from the landmark DAPA-HF study (PDF Format)

Transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy opportunistic diagnosis where is wally (Video MP4 Format)

Transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy opportunistic diagnosis where is wally (PDF Format)

Transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis insights from a tertiary hospital (PDF Format)

Treating heart failure decompensation in a day-hospital A safe alternative instead of an emergency room visit (PDF Format)

Treating hyperkalaemia A step towards achieving optimal RAASi therapy (Video MP4 Format)

Treatment for heart failure at discharge. Do we comply with the guidelines Sub-analysis of the Argen-IC Registry (PDF Format)

Treatment of advanced heart failure with hemodialysis hospital readmission rate and long-term outcome (PDF Format)

Treatment of high-risk acute heart failure patients in intensive cardiac care and general intensive care units (PDF Format)

Treatment-dependent cardiac remodeling and function in newly diagnosed brest cancer patients (PDF Format)

Trends in epidemiology and mortality in acute coronary syndrome, complicated by cardiogenic shock (PDF Format)

TrimetaziDine as a Performance-enhancING drug in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (DoPING-HFpEF) (PDF Format)

Trimethylamine in exhaled breath in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Troponin reduction following Sacubitril-Valsartan therapy (PDF Format)

Troponin T to NT-proBNP as predictor of acute coronary syndrome during admission for acute heart failure (PDF Format)

Two-year outcomes with the Cardioband tricuspid valve reconstruction system from the multicentre, prospective TRI-REPAIR study (PDF Format)

Types of patients adherence to the guideline-recommended therapy and its impact on hospitalizations and all-cause mortality (PDF Format)

Ubiquinol reduces miRNA-34a expression in the development of monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats (PDF Format)

Ultrasound B-lines on antero-lateral and posterior chest differences in decongestion rates and prognostic values (PDF Format)

Ultrasound criteria for assessing the effectiveness of diuretic therapy in patients with chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

Ultrasound indices of congestion in patients with acute heart failure according to body mass index (PDF Format)

Unconventional antibiotic combinations successfully challenge standard chemotherapy for initial treatment of prosthetic (PDF Format)

Universal definition of heart failure – Trilateral cooperative meeting of Heart Failure Association (Video MP4 Format)

Unveiling coronary inflammation by perivascular fat angio-ct a propensity-matched score analysis (PDF Format)

Urine electrolyte assessment in patients with acute heart failure managed on an outpatient basis (PDF Format)

Usability study and preliminary results of the use of ThessHF, a heart failure app developed by physicians for patients (PDF Format)

Use of sacubitril – valsartan in octogenarian patients (PDF Format)

Use of sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors in patients with cardiovascular disease and heart failure (PDF Format)

Use of the prostaglandin pathway for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension in the real world in Argentina (PDF Format)

Usefulness of remote-monitoring intrathoracic fluid alerts for echo-guided CRT optimization (PDF Format)

Usefulness of the implementation of an electronic form in the management of the patient hospitalized for heart failure (HF) baseline (PDF Format)

Usefulness of the implementation of an electronic form in the management of the patient hospitalized for heart failure (HF) checklist (PDF Format)

Usefulness of the implementation of an electronic form in the management of the patient hospitalized for heart failure (HF) use (PDF Format)

Usefulness of the surprise question for predicting mortality in advanced heart failure patients (PDF Format)

Using high-fat diet high-dose streptozotocin hybrid in vivo model for the study of epigenetic changes in diabetic cardiomyopathy (PDF Format)

Using quality control story to implement multidisciplinary-team care in heart failure (PDF Format)

Utility of intervaled training versus circuit in patients whit heart failure (PDF Format)

Utility of myocardial deformation imaging to reveal potential myocardial fibrosis in patients with clinically suspected (PDF Format)

Utility of nebivolol in cardiovascular rehabilitation (PDF Format)

Utility of nucleocytoplasmic transport as a marker in critical heart failure with circulatory assistance as a bridge to transplant (PDF Format)

Validation of the prognostic values of various instantaneous pulmonary arterial wedge pressure measurements (PDF Format)

Validation of the Seattle heart failure model (SHFM) in an Iranian heart failure population (PDF Format)

Valvular heart disease in setting of acute heart failure (Video MP4 Format)

Vascular dysfunction and decreased exercise capacity in childhood cranial and craniospinal tumors survivors (PDF Format)

Ventricular tachyarrhythmia detection by Implantable loop recording in Patients with HFPEF Results of The VIP-HF study (Video MP4 Format)

Video + AI solution captures peripheral oedema data fully automatically without requiring patient compliance (PDF Format)

Visually assessed apical rocking and septal flash by echocardiography (PDF Format)

Welcome (Video MP4 Format)

Welcoming and scope of the session (Video MP4 Format)

What are the echoocardiographic parameters that have a prognosis value in chronic heart failure (PDF Format)

What are the reasons for low rates of biventricular pacing within a CRT-D population undergoing remote follow up (PDF Format)

What are the trigger factors of rehospitalization for acute heart failure (PDF Format)

What have we learned from head-to-head studies of IV iron Discussion Questions and Answers (Video MP4 Format)

What matters most – Size, performance or technique (PDF Format)

Which parameters of myocardial deformation are useful for clinical presentation of patients with acute myocarditis (PDF Format)

Which Patient Outcomes are Most Meaningful in Heart Failure (PDF Format)

Who is the patient with heart failure considered to be vulnerable – Characterization of a subgroup (PDF Format)

Why heart failure medications are altered during non-heart failure related admissions (PDF Format)

Worsening HF Episodes Outside a Hospital Setting in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction the PARAGON-HF Trial (PDF Format)

Worsening renal function and renal recovery in acute heart failure (PDF Format)

X-ray phase contrast imaging of endo-myocardial biopsies following heart transplantation – agreement with classical histology (Video MP4 Format)

X-ray phase contrast imaging of endo-myocardial biopsies following heart transplantation – agreement with classical histology (PDF Format)

Xanthine metabolism in chronic heart failure patients with chronic kidney disease (PDF Format)

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