DocmedED 2022 Classic Lectures in Gastrointestinal Imaging with Pathology Correlation Radiology Only
Format: 49 videos, size: 9.93 GB
Course Audience: radiologist, diagnostic imaging physicians who wish to gain knowledge into multimodality imaging of gastrointestinal diseases
Abdominal Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy Minor Pain or Major Trouble (Video MP4 Format)
Abdominopelvic Case Based Review (Video MP4 Format)Acute Abdominal and Pelvic Trauma Pitfalls and Diagnostic Pearls (Video MP4 Format)Acute Bowel and Mesenteric Injuries (Video MP4 Format)Acute Pancreatitis Multimodality Imaging (Video MP4 Format)Approach to a Thick Colonic Wall on CT (Video MP4 Format)CEUS_ The Fundamentals of Liver Mass Interpretation (Video MP4 Format)Challenging Cases of the Acute Abdomen and Pelvis on CT (Video MP4 Format)Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound of the Kidneys (Video MP4 Format)Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound of the Liver (Video MP4 Format)Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound _ Intracavitar (Video MP4 Format)Contrast Induced Nephropathy (Video MP4 Format)CT Evaluation of GI Bleeding (Video MP4 Format)CT for Non-invasive Staging of Liver Fibrosis Beyond Elastography (Video MP4 Format)CT Imaging of NAFLD, NASH and the Metabolic Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)CT Imaging of Peritoneal Disease (Video MP4 Format)CT of Appendicitis in Adults Problematic Scans and Scenarios (Video MP4 Format)CT of Renal Masses A Practical Approach (Video MP4 Format)CT of the Acute Abdomen GU Applications (Video MP4 Format)Differential Diagnosis Cystic Pancreatic Masses (Video MP4 Format)Dual Energy CT Science and Practice (Video MP4 Format)Emergency Acute Pelvic Pain in the Acute Setting (Video MP4 Format)Expert Differential Diagnosis Dilated Bowel (Video MP4 Format)Expert Differential Diagnosis The Cystic Hepatic Mass (Video MP4 Format)Gastric Emptying and Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scintigraphy (Video MP4 Format)Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy in Acute Conditions (Video MP4 Format)Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy in Non_Acute Conditions (Video MP4 Format)Imaging of Kidney and Liver Transplantation (Video MP4 Format)Incidental Findings at Abdominal CT (Video MP4 Format)Incidental Findings on Abdominal CT (Video MP4 Format)LR_5 and LR_M_ Do They Adequately Look Afte (Video MP4 Format)Molecular Renal Imaging and Diuretic Renography (Video MP4 Format)MR Evaluation of Biliary Disease (Video MP4 Format)MR Screening for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Video MP4 Format)MRI Staging of Rectal Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Multiparametric Prostate MRI Beyond Prostate Cancer What Else Do We See (Video MP4 Format)Nuclear Medicine Studies for Abdominal Conditions (Video MP4 Format)Pearls and Pitfalls in Body CT (Video MP4 Format)Pediatric Genitourinary Ultrasound (Video MP4 Format)PET CT in Gastrointestinal Malignancies (Video MP4 Format)PET-CT in Prostate Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Pitfalls in Renal Ultrasound (Video MP4 Format)Pitfalls in Ultrasound of the Gallbladder (Video MP4 Format)Problem Solving with CEUS in the Abdomen (Video MP4 Format)Right Lower Quadrant Pain (Video MP4 Format)Test Your Knowledge Some Unusual Liver Pathology on CEUS (Video MP4 Format)Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls in Body Oncology CT (Video MP4 Format)Understanding and Avoiding Malpractice in Body CT (Video MP4 Format)Update on Pancreatic Cancer Imaging (Video MP4 Format)