Edusymp 2018 ASHNR

Edusymp 2018 ASHNR

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DocmedED 2018 American Society of Head and Neck Radiology

Format:49 videos + 1 pdf, size: 3.66 GB

Course Audience: radiologist

1. MRI MRA Fusion Imaging for Vascular Loop Compression Syndromes (Video MP4 Format)

2. Salivary Gland Tumors (Video MP4 Format)

3. Imaging of the Thyroid Mass (Video MP4 Format)

4. SHN Anatomy I Parapharyngeal, Masticator & Parotid Spaces (Video MP4 Format)

5. SHN Anatomy II Spaces that Cross the Hyoid Divide – Carotid, Retropharyngeal, and Perivertebral Spaces (Video MP4 Format)

6. Infrahyoid Neck and Thoracic Inlet (Video MP4 Format)

7. Imaging of Cervical Lymph Nodes (Video MP4 Format)

8. Evaluation of Double Vision (Video MP4 Format)

9. Evaluation of Facial Pain (Video MP4 Format)

10. Evaluation of Facial Paralysis (Video MP4 Format)

11. Evaluation of Tinnitus (Video MP4 Format)

12. Evaluation of Hoarseness (Video MP4 Format)

13. Pediatric Ocular Lesions and Orbital Masses (Video MP4 Format)

14. Vascular Lesions of the Head & Neck (Video MP4 Format)

15. Nasopharyngeal Cancer and Patterns of Spread (Video MP4 Format)

16. Imaging of Oropharynx Cancer and Implications for Treatment (Video MP4 Format)

17. Imaging of Oral Cavity Cancer (Video MP4 Format)

18. PET-CT and PET-MR in Head & Neck Cancer (Video MP4 Format)

19. Temporal Bone Anatomy (Video MP4 Format)

20. SNHL and Imaging Workup for Cochlear Implantation (Video MP4 Format)

21. Imaging of Temporal Bone Infection and Inflammation (Video MP4 Format)

22. Skull Base Anatomy, Anatomic Variants, and Don’t Touch Me Lesions (Video MP4 Format)

23. How to Image the Patient with CSF Leak (Video MP4 Format)

24. Skull Base Tumors (Video MP4 Format)

25. Laryngeal Anatomy and Pathology (Video MP4 Format)

26. The Art of Detecting PNTS What To Look For (Video MP4 Format)

27. Evaluation of the Post Treatment Neck (Video MP4 Format)

28. Sinonasal Cavities Anatomic Landmarks, Drainage Pathways, and Variants (Video MP4 Format)

29. Sinonasal Neoplasm Imaging and Implications for Treatment (Video MP4 Format)

30. Craniofacial Resection What the Surgeons Need To Know (Video MP4 Format)

31. Maxillofacial Fractures and Complications (Video MP4 Format)

32. Parathyroid Imaging 4D CT vs Sestamibi and CT MR (Video MP4 Format)

33. Surveillance Imaging PET CT vs CT MR (Video MP4 Format)

34. Low Dose CT for the Head & Neck (Video MP4 Format)

35. High Resolution Extracranial Nerve Imaging (Video MP4 Format)

36. Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging of Head & Neck (Video MP4 Format)

37. Are You Ready for the MOC Unknown Head & Neck Case Review Part 1 (Video MP4 Format)

38. Imaging of Jaw Lesions (Video MP4 Format)

39. Complications of Dental Implants What To Look For (Video MP4 Format)

40. Otosclerosis and Dysplasia of the Temporal Bone – Short Presentation (Video MP4 Format)

41. Opportunistic Infections in the Immunocompromised Patient (Video MP4 Format)

42. Pediatric Emergencies (Video MP4 Format)

43. Carotid Dissection, Compression and Blow Out – Diagnosis and Management (Video MP4 Format)

44. Imaging of Ocular and Orbital Injuries (Video MP4 Format)

45. Avoiding Errors in Head and Neck Cancer Imaging A Personal Journey (Video MP4 Format)

46. Practical Approach for the Brachial Plexus Pathology (Video MP4 Format)

47. ASHNR Presidential Address – Head & Neck Radiology Past, Present, and Future (Video MP4 Format)

48. Accountable Care Organization Impact on Radiology Practice (Video MP4 Format)

49. Are You Ready for the MOC Unknown Head & Neck Case Review Part 2 (Video MP4 Format)

ASHNRV18 (PDF Format)