Oakstone Echocardiography A Comprehensive Review 2022
Format: 38 videos + 2 pdf, size: 17.6 GB
Course Audience: cardiologists, cardiovascular/thoracic surgeons, critical care physicians, anesthesiologists, and others interested in echocardiography
Learn the Latest Guidelines with Online Cardiology CME
Oakstone’s Echocardiography – A Comprehensive Review provides an extensive, in-depth overview of all modalities of echocardiography used in the evaluation and management of patients with known or suspected heart disease. The 38 expertly-informed presentations offer insight into the morphologic features and physiologic functioning of the myocardium, valves, pericardium, coronary arteries, and great vessels.
Directed by Scott D. Solomon, MD and Maja Cikes, MD, PhD, this online cardiology CME course includes 38 evidence-based lectures organized in four sections: general principles, disorders, modalities, and settings. Skilled echocardiographers reflect on the substantial technological advances that have brought innovative clinical applications and enhanced diagnostic accuracy.
Date of Original Release: June 30, 2022
Date Credits Expire: June 30, 2025Estimated Time to Complete: 31.75 hoursLearning Objectives
At the completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Name the components of a complete echocardiography exam
- Describe the composition and safety of ultrasound enhancing (contrast) agents
- List the required data for post TAVR echo assessment
- Differentiate between two-dimensional and Doppler echo features in pulmonary hypertension
- Recognize the limitations of handheld echocardiography
- Explain the role of echocardiography in cardiotoxicity diagnosis
- Outline the necessity of echocardiography in the assessment of complications in infective endocarditis
- Summarize the application of intraoperative echocardiography to clinical decision making
- Differentiate between the use of echocardiography in hypertrophic hearts and in dilated hearts
- List the conditions that can be assessed with stress echocardiography
- Identify the role of echocardiography in cardiotoxicity diagnosis and risk prediction
- State the role of echocardiography regarding the normal range of “dysfunction” in prosthetic valve use
- Distinguish between the uses for punch biopsy, shave biopsy, and incisional/excisional biopsy for skin lesions
- Outline the diagnostic skills regarding in-office blood pressure measurement and the implementation of proper blood pressure measurement techniques
- List the signs and symptoms of mosquito-borne diseases
- List topical and systemic treatments for various types of dermatitis
Intended Audience
This educational activity was designed for cardiologists, cardiovascular/thoracic surgeons, critical care physicians, anesthesiologists, and others interested in echocardiography.
1. Image Acquisition _ Doppler Analysis (Video MP4 Format)
2. The Echo Exam (Video MP4 Format)3. Clinical Indications _ Quality Assurance (Video MP4 Format)4. Ventricular Systolic Function (Video MP4 Format)5. Imaging Diastolic Function – Let’s Try to Understand the Tip _ Tricks (Video MP4 Format)6. Hemodynamics in Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)7. Imaging the Atria with Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)8. Coronary Artery Disease (Video MP4 Format)9. Echocardiography in Aortic Stenosis (Video MP4 Format)10. Aortic Regurgitation (Video MP4 Format)11. Mitral Stenosis (Video MP4 Format)12. Mitral Regurgitation (Video MP4 Format)13. Prosthetic Valves (Video MP4 Format)14. Diseases of the Myocardium (Video MP4 Format)15. The Heart in Hypertension (Video MP4 Format)16. The Evaluation of the Right Heart in Health _ Disease (Video MP4 Format)17. Pulmonary Embolism (Video MP4 Format)18. Pericardial Disease (Video MP4 Format)19. Congenital Heart Disease (Video MP4 Format)20. Cardiac Masses (Video MP4 Format)21. Diseases of the Aorta (Video MP4 Format)22. Echocardiography in Infective Endocarditis (Video MP4 Format)23. Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)24. Heart Disease Caused by Other Organ Systems (Video MP4 Format)25. Echocardiography in Cardio-Oncology (Video MP4 Format)26. Imaging of Left Ventricular Assist Devices (Video MP4 Format)27. Echocardiography for Preventive Cardiology – When _ Why (Video MP4 Format)28. Risk Stratification of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Cardiomyopathies (Video MP4 Format)29. Stress Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)30. Transesophageal Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)31. Contrast Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)32. Three-Dimensional Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)33. Handheld Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)34. Tissue Doppler _ Strain Imaging (Video MP4 Format)35. Deformation Imaging (Video MP4 Format)36. Intraoperative Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)37. Echocardiography in Structural Heart Disease – Imaging Assessment for Transcatheter Mitral _ Tricuspid Intervention (Video MP4 Format)38. Critical Care _ Emergency Department Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)Syllabus (PDF Format)Questions