Duke Radiology 25th Annual Duke Radiology Overview 2014

Duke Radiology 25th Annual Duke Radiology Overview 2014

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Meetings By Mail Duke Radiology 25th Annual Duke Radiology Overview 2014

Format:40 videos + 1 pdf, size: 2.95 GB

Course Audience: radiologist


Release date: October 15, 2014

Purpose Statement

For the past twenty five years, faculty members from Duke Radiology have met every summer to discuss the newest advances and procedures in imaging. Now celebrating its silver anniversary, the 25th Annual Duke Radiology Overview features forty experts presenting a wide range of topics relevant to today’s practicing radiologist. Subjects include abdominal, cardiothoracic, musculoskeletal, interventional, neuro, breast and pediatric imaging, as well as nuclear medicine. Thoughtful analysis and protocols for MR, CT, Ultrasound and PET are explained, with focus on everyday application for optimal results.

For the past twenty five years, faculty members from Duke Radiology have met every summer to discuss the newest advances and procedures in imaging. Now celebrating its silver anniversary, the 25th Annual Duke Radiology Overview features forty experts presenting a wide range of topics relevant to today’s practicing radiologist. Thoughtful analysis and protocols for MR, CT, Ultrasound and PET are explained, with focus on everyday application for optimal results.

Educational Objectives

Following this continuing medical education activity, the participant should be able to:

1. Identify the latest modalities and techniques being used in the fi eld of Diagnostic Radiology

2. Discuss differential diagnoses of common disease processes as they are seen on radiologic images

3. Demonstrate compliance with various governing agencies to sustain accreditation, licensing and board certifi cation requirements

Topics: Abdominal, Cardiothoracic, Musculoskeletal, Interventional, Neuro, Breast, Pediatric and Nuclear Medicine.


Duke006_brochure (PDF Format)

Session 1 Abdominal Abdominal Cases (Video MP4 Format)

Session 1 Abdominal Approach to Hypervascular Liver Lesions in the Non-Cirrhotic (Video MP4 Format)

Session 1 Abdominal Atypical Liver Lesions (Video MP4 Format)

Session 1 Abdominal Imaging Workup of the Incidental Adrenal Nodule (Video MP4 Format)

Session 1 Abdominal Managing Pancreatic Cysts (Video MP4 Format)

Session 2 Cardiothoracic Acute Aortic Syndromes (Video MP4 Format)

Session 2 Cardiothoracic Community-Acquired Pneumonia (Video MP4 Format)

Session 2 Cardiothoracic Interstitial Lung Disease (Video MP4 Format)

Session 2 Cardiothoracic Lung Cancer Screening (Video MP4 Format)

Session 3 Interventional Compressive Syndromes of the Lower Extremities (Video MP4 Format)

Session 3 Interventional Femoral and Popliteal Interventions (Video MP4 Format)

Session 3 Interventional Interesting Cases in Interventional Radiology (Video MP4 Format)

Session 3 Interventional New IR Residency (Video MP4 Format)

Session 3 Interventional Pre & Post Percutaneous Nephrostomy Tubes (Video MP4 Format)

Session 3 Interventional Venous Imaging (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 Neuro Adult Orbital Masses Differential Diagnosis (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 Neuro Brain Tumors – Post-Therapeutic Imaging (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 Neuro CT and MR Imaging Evaluation of Cerebral Infarction (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 Neuro MRI Strategies in Neuroradiology (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 Neuro Neurological Case Review (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 Neuro Stroke Imaging Update 2015 – Cases Conference (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 Neuro Temporal Bone (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 Neuro Worst Headache of Life (Video MP4 Format)

Session 5 Nuclear Medicine Hepatobiliary Scintigraphic Imaging (Video MP4 Format)

Session 5 Nuclear Medicine Musculoskeletal Nuclear Medicine (Video MP4 Format)

Session 5 Nuclear Medicine Nuclear Medicine Update 2015 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 5 Nuclear Medicine PET CT Pearls and Pitfalls (Video MP4 Format)

Session 6 Breast BI-RADS Calcifi cations (Video MP4 Format)

Session 6 Breast Breast MRI Is It Worth It (Video MP4 Format)

Session 6 Breast Hindsight What Can We Learn From Missed Breast Cancers (Video MP4 Format)

Session 6 Breast Implants and Explantation Revisited (Video MP4 Format)

Session 6 Breast Young, Pregnant, Male Breast Part 1 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 6 Breast Young, Pregnant, Male Breast Part 2 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 7 MSK Imaging of the Spine Extradural Disease (Video MP4 Format)

Session 7 MSK MRI of the Shoulder Part 1 Labral Pathology (Video MP4 Format)

Session 7 MSK MRI of the Shoulder Part 2 Rotator Cuff (Video MP4 Format)

Session 8 Pediatric Approach to Pediatric Renal Masses (Video MP4 Format)

Session 8 Pediatric Imaging of Child Abuse (Video MP4 Format)

Session 8 Pediatric Malrotation and Malfixation of the Bowel (Video MP4 Format)

Session 8 Pediatric Pediatric Abdominal Masses (Video MP4 Format)

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