Contemporary Forum Advanced Critical Care & Emergency Nursing Conference 2017
Format:35 videos, size: 3.99 GB
Course Audience: critical care physician, emergency physician
CCS11 Use of Advanced Radiology in Managing Emergent and Acutely Ill Adults CT MRI Ultrasound (Video MP4 Format)
CCS12 Multi System Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury (Video MP4 Format)CCS13 Targeting Renal Recovery Acute Kidney Injury Treatment and Optimized Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) (Video MP4 Format)CCS14 The Use and Abuse of Antimicrobials (Video MP4 Format)CCS21 Fall Down Go Boom Mechanisms of Trauma (Video MP4 Format)CCS22 Applied Individualized Hemodynamics Continuum of Where Why for Whom and with What (Video MP4 Format)CCS23 Anesthesia and Your Patient Not a Benign Event (Video MP4 Format)CCS24 Cytochrome P450 What Every Nurse Should Know (Video MP4 Format)CCS31 Breaking Down the Complex Management of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (Video MP4 Format)CCS32 Immunity Concepts (Video MP4 Format)CCS33 APRV What Why and When (Video MP4 Format)CCS34 Emergency Medicine Medications Pearls and Pitfalls (Video MP4 Format)CCS41 Diagnosis and Management of Acute Abdominal Pain Recognizing the Itises (Video MP4 Format)CCS42 PA Catheters Insertion and Trouble Shooting (Video MP4 Format)CCS43 The Metabolic Mess of Obesity What Critical Care Nurses SHOULD Know and Do (Video MP4 Format)CCS44 Toxidromes Up Down Or In Between (Video MP4 Format)CCS51 Best Ventilation Practices From Intubation to Admission (Video MP4 Format)CCS52 Hypertensive Crisis (Video MP4 Format)CCS53 Determining Brain Death It is Not as Easy as You Think (Video MP4 Format)CCS54 Reversing Dangerous Bleeding Must-Know New Medications (Video MP4 Format)PC1015 Injury and Ischemia QandD Faculty Panel (Video MP4 Format)PC145 Atrial and Ventricular Hypertrophies Myocardial Mimics Electrolyte and Drug Effects on the ECG (Video MP4 Format)PC330 Wide Complex Tachycardias Differentiating Ectopy from Aberrance (Video MP4 Format)PC430 Final Case Studies Questions and Answers (Video MP4 Format)PC800 Identifying Normal on the ECG Contiguous Leads Normal Morphology Axis Bundle Branch Blocks (Video MP4 Format)SAT1015 Know the Rules and Keep Score Evidence Based Decision Rules And Tools from Head to Toe (Video MP4 Format)SAT1115 The New Sepsis Guidelines QandD Faculty Panel (Video MP4 Format)SAT800 Life Threatening Non Diabetic Endocrine Emergencies (Video MP4 Format)SAT900 Acute Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)THU1030 Drug Trends From Pharmaceuticals to Street Drugs QandD Faculty Panel (Video MP4 Format)THU130 The Land of OZ(2) Strategies for Multisystem Assessment of Ventilation Circulation and Metabolism (Video MP4 Format)THU230 Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Broken Heart Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)THU345 Body Art Gone Wrong The Medical Implications of Body Modification QandD Faculty Panel (Video MP4 Format)THU800 Courageous Care (Video MP4 Format)THU900 STEMI Guidelines The Most Current Evidence for Impacting Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)