Comprehensive Review of Psychiatry 2023

Comprehensive Review of Psychiatry 2023

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Oakstone Comprehensive Review of Psychiatry 2023

Format: 53 videos + 2 pdfs, size: 16.7 GB

Course Audience: psychiatrists or psychiatry residents


Psychiatry Board Review: CME from the Experts

This in-depth, clinically up-to-date online CME program emphasizes assessment and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders for adult, adolescent, and child patients. Psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and other forms of treatment, including interventional are covered, along with special topics germane to all psychiatric practices.

Speakers experienced in both clinical care and teaching discuss high-quality patient care, ethical standards, sensitivity and compassion, patient-centered treatment, and health equity. Comprehensive Review of Psychiatry continuing medical education lectures provide important take-home points, including:

  • Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders. Among the most common of all psychiatric disorders, and yet they remain underdiagnosed. Evidence-based treatment is markedly underutilized.
  • Impulse Control and Related Disorders. Characterized by impulses, temptations, or the drive to perform an act harmful to oneself or others. Can cause significant impairment in psychosocial and interpersonal functioning as well as legal and financial difficulties.
  • Postpartum Disorders. The relationship between psychotropic medications and adverse pregnancy outcomes is often a function of a patient’s context, including medical conditions and exposure to negative health determinants.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy. An empirically supported, comprehensive treatment for those with borderline personality disorder who engage in suicidal behavior.
  • And more…

Date of Original Release: September 30, 2023

Date Credits Expire: September 29, 2026

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the medication and psychosocial treatments used for schizophrenia
  • Differentiate between bipolar depression and unipolar depression
  • Recognize the symptoms and causes of postpartum depression
  • Discuss the diagnosis and management of autism spectrum disorder
  • Identify generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, and separation anxiety disorder
  • Summarize strategies to use with challenging patient encounters
  • List the symptoms and behaviors of substance use disorder
  • Explain the methods used in cognitive behavioral therapy alone or in combination with other therapies
  • List therapies used to treat prolonged grief in youth
  • Name the intended patient outcomes when using electroconvulsive therapy
  • Identify therapeutic options for treatment-resistant depression
  • Recognize the symptoms of anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorders
  • Summarize the treatment challenges in obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Define the three clusters of personality disorders

Intended Audience

This activity is intended for psychiatrists or psychiatry residents.




1. Screening, Evaluation & Diagnosis (Video MP4 Format)

2. Schizophrenia Spectrum & Other Psychotic Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

3. Depressive Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

4. Bipolar & Related Disorders in Youth (Video MP4 Format)

5. Anxiety Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

6. Obsessive Compulsive Related Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

7. Trauma & Stress Related Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

8. Personality Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

9. Impulse Control & Related Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

10. Dissociative Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

11. Major Neurocognitive Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

12. Catatonia (Video MP4 Format)

13. Feeding & Eating Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

14. Somatic Symptom & Related Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

15. Sleep Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

16. Suicide Epidemiology & Risk Assessment (Video MP4 Format)

17. Violence (Video MP4 Format)

18. Substance Use Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

19. Gambling Disorder (Video MP4 Format)

20. Sexual Side Effects of Psychotropics (Video MP4 Format)

21. Postpartum Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

22. Psychiatric Manifestations of Common Medical Conditions (Video MP4 Format)

23. Prolonged Grief in Youth (Video MP4 Format)

24. Intellectual Disabilities – Clinical & Research Update (Video MP4 Format)

25. Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)

26. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Across the Lifespan – Children, Adolescents & Adults (Video MP4 Format)

27. Anxiety & Mood Disorders in Children & Adolescents (Video MP4 Format)

28. Psychiatric Issues in LGBTQIA+ Population (Video MP4 Format)

29. Challenging Patient Encounters (Video MP4 Format)

30. Antidepressant Pharmacology (Video MP4 Format)

31. Mood Stabilizers (Video MP4 Format)

32. Antipsychotics (Video MP4 Format)

33. Anxiolytics & Sedative-Hypnotic Agents (Video MP4 Format)

34. Psychopharmacological Treatments of Substance Use Disorders & Gambling Disorder (Video MP4 Format)

35. Pharmacological Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Video MP4 Format)

36. Treatment of Major Neurocognitive Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

37. Pharmacological Treatment of Feeding & Eating Disorders (Video MP4 Format)

38. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Video MP4 Format)

39. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Video MP4 Format)

40. Brief Psychodynamic & Interpersonal Therapy (Video MP4 Format)

41. Motivational Interviewing – Practices from the Heart (Video MP4 Format)

42. Couples & Family Therapy (Video MP4 Format)

43. Positive Psychiatry (Video MP4 Format)

44. Management of Treatment Resistant Depression (Video MP4 Format)

45. Update on Electroconvulsive Therapy (Video MP4 Format)

46. Psychedelic Drugs in Psychiatry – Novel Treatment Paradigms in Mental Health (Video MP4 Format)

47. Medical Marijuana (Video MP4 Format)

48. Social Determinants of Mental Health & Mental Health Inequities (Video MP4 Format)

49. Integrating Medical & Psychiatric Care (Video MP4 Format)

50. Telepsychiatry – Potential & Challenges (Video MP4 Format)

51. Palliative Care Psychiatry (Video MP4 Format)

52. Legal & Ethical Aspects of Psychiatric Care (Video MP4 Format)

53. The Impact of Burnout on Patient Care & Psychiatrists (Video MP4 Format)

Questions (PDF Format)

Syllabus (PDF Format)