Cleveland Clinic Surgery Live 2022
Format: 33 videos, size: 6.5 GB
Course Audience: surgeon
The Cleveland Clinic Surgery Live 2022 was a series of educational broadcasts focusing on different specialties each week. The specialties included Bariatric, Breast, Colorectal, Endoscopy, Foregut, Hernia, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB), and Pediatrics.
Each broadcast was a 30-minute educational case-based discussion.
An Interesting Case- Planned Whipple After Living Donor Liver Transplant (Video MP4 Format)
An Unusual Case of Autologous Tissue Expansion for Massive Ventral Hernia Repair (Video MP4 Format)Anastomotic Ulcers- The Option of Roux EN Y Gastric Bypass Reversal (Video MP4 Format)Burn Basics- Who, What, When, Where and How (Video MP4 Format)Chanllenges Presented to a Growing Population, Patients with Obesity & Advanced Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)Colorectal Live – Diverticulitis- When to Operate and When to Divert (Video MP4 Format)Colorectal Live – Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Damage Control Laparotomy and the Open Abdomen (Video MP4 Format)Drain vs. Laparotomy for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Very Low Birth Weight Infants. (Video MP4 Format)Edge Procedure with Remnant Stomach GI Bleed (Video MP4 Format)Endoscopic Removal of Eroded Gastric Band (Video MP4 Format)Evaluation and Management of Rectal Prolapse (Video MP4 Format)Foregut Trauma – Why Have You Forsaken Me Hepatobiliary Trauma (Video MP4 Format)Iatrogenic Bile Duct Injuries and How to Fix Them (Video MP4 Format)Management of Dysphagia Gerd in a Patient SP Nissen Fundoplication with Esophageal Dysmotility and Neuromuscular Dystrophy. To Re-Wrap or Not to Wrap (Video MP4 Format)Management of High-Risk Breast Lesions (Video MP4 Format)Management of Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)Management of Sleeve Leak (Video MP4 Format)Management of Splenic Abscess (Video MP4 Format)Marinating’ Shish-Kebob Procedure for Multiple Jejunoileal Atresias (Type IV)- Evolution of an Idea (Video MP4 Format)Next Day Discharge After The Nuss Procedure Using Intercostal Nerve Cryoablation (Video MP4 Format)One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass- Not A ‘Mini’ Procedure (Video MP4 Format)Re-Do Tar- A Spoiler Alert for the Next Generation of General Surgeons (Video MP4 Format)Re-Do TAR- A SpoilerAlert for the Next Generation of General Surgeons (Video MP4 Format)Repeat Breast Conserving Surgery And Repeat Radiation (Video MP4 Format)Soft Tissue Coverage After Abdominal Wall Reconstruction (Video MP4 Format)Suboptimal Weight Loss After SADI (Video MP4 Format)Successful Fetal Lobectomy for Giant Fetal Lung Mass (Video MP4 Format)Surgery Live – Management of the Endoscopically Unresectable Colonic Polyp (Video MP4 Format)Surgical Management of Women With Stage IV Breast Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Terminal Ileal Tuberculosis Considerations and Management (Video MP4 Format)The Use of GPOEM as the First Line Treatment Over Pyloroplasty and Gastric Pacers (Video MP4 Format)Venous Thromboembolism and Prophylaxis in the Trauma Patient (Video MP4 Format)