Cleveland Clinic 13th Annual Practical Management of Stroke 2021
Format:13 videos + 1 pdf, size: 25.3 GB
Course Audience: neurologist
Agenda (PDF Format)
Cervicocephalic Arterial Dissection (Video MP4 Format)Debate Prehospital Stroke Triage and Destination To Bypass or Not to Bypass (Video MP4 Format)Debate Tenecteplase vs. Alteplase (Video MP4 Format)Emergency Department Case Studies (Video MP4 Format)Keynote Expanding Indications New Techniques in Endovascular Stroke Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Keynote Post-Stroke Transitions of Care (Video MP4 Format)Mobile Stroke Studies Which Show Benefit In Improving Patient Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)Opening Remarks (Video MP4 Format)Post-Stroke Care Advocacy and Coaching (Video MP4 Format)Setting Patients Up for Success at Home Enhancing Home Care and Reducing Readmission (Video MP4 Format)Stroke Survivor-Caring for the Caregiver (Video MP4 Format)Transcranial Magnet Stimulation for Stroke Recovery (Video MP4 Format)October 1 (Video MP4 Format)