Canadian Liver Meeting 2021
Format:42 videos, size: 15.9 GB
Course Audience: hepatologist
The Canadian Liver Meeting to be delivered virtually on May 2 – 5, 2021, is a collaborative effort of the CASL, the AASLD, the CanHepC, and the CAHN. The meeting program offers a forum for presentation and discussion of basic science, translational and clinical aspects of liver disease. This is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, promote collaboration and foster knowledge translation among Canadian researchers, healthcare practitioners, and community-based groups with interest in Hepatology.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 4th annual Canadian Liver Meeting (CLM) was delivered virtually for the first time on May 2-5, 2021. The CLM theme, ‘Minimizing disparity on the Path to Viral Hepatitis Elimination’, was a collaboration between the Canadian Association of the Study of the Liver (CASL), the Canadian Network on Hepatitis C (CanHepC) and the Canadian Association of Hepatology Nurses (CAHN). For the first time, this year’s meeting collaborated with the American Association of the Study of the Liver (AASLD) for the inaugural North American Viral Hepatitis Elimination Summit, a two day symposium within the CLM.
There were 625 registrants from around the world, 50 of those being active CAHN members. CAHN’s program was well attended with 120-170 people per session. We had over 7 hours of presentations, 17 presenters which included, which included, two hepatologists, a dietitian, and fourteen nurses. The overall satisfaction of the CAHN program was 4.5/5. The most attended talk was Nurse Led Models of Care and Nursing Strategies to Reach 2030 Elimination Goal. The agenda was developed primarily from topic suggestions by attendees at the CLM and CAHNference 2020, directly reflecting what our membership was asking for. It included nurse led models of care, case studies, and updates on fatty liver and autoimmune liver diseases. The program topics ranged from diagnosis and management of various liver diseases to our final session on progression, diagnosis, and management of end stage liver disease. We had our first Nursing Debate – virtual vs. in person care – along with many first time CAHN presenters. It was exciting to hear the amazing work our CAHN nurses are doing across the country, giving us so many things to learn from, share, and adapt in our own work environments. Thank you to all our presenters, who so generously share their experiences and knowledge with us.
The meeting platform worked very well, with multiple steams of talks going on at the same time, ability to chat with attendees, and sponsor ‘virtual booths’ we could visit. Don’t forget you can go back to the platform and view the sessions again.
We are already busy planning our upcoming CAHNference 2021 and the evaluations collected at the end of the CLM are being used to inform this agenda. If there are any topics you wish covered or are interested in presenting
Day 1 – Conference Opening & Plenary Progress toward WHO Interim Targets for Hepatitis Elimination National Elimination Check-up (Video MP4 Format)
Day 1 – Conference Opening & Plenary Progress toward WHO Interim Targets for Hepatitis Elimination National Elimination Check-up_2 (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – CAHN Welcome & PSCPBC (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Challenges Facing Newcomers Immigrants Migrants Refugees – HBV (& HCV) (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Elimination of Viral Hepatitis in Children (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Fatty Liver (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Lived Experience Panel Eliminating Stigma to Eliminate Viral Hepatitis The Perspectives of People with Lived Experience (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Meet the Expert – Wilson’s Disease (This education session is an unaccredited learning activity, with content developed (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Nursing Strategies To Reach the 2030 Elimination Goal (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Oral Presentations I (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Plenary Panel on Elimination How Disparities Affect the Viral Hepatitis Elimination Agenda (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Progress Toward an HCV Vaccine (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Seizing Opportunities Prevention of Late Diagnosis (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Sponsored Symposium Exploring Touchpoints in HCV Care An Interactive Debate (This education session is an unaccredited l (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Structural Racism – Impact on Burden and Equity to Care (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – The Great Debate – Virtual vs In person Care – Which is Better (Video MP4 Format)Day 2 – Viral Hepatitis & PWID (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – A Case Based Roundtable Discussion The MDT Approach to HCC Management (This is an unaccredited other learning activity s (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – Basic Science and Translational Research Novel Approaches to Targeting Chronic Liver Disease and Liver Injury (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – CanHepC Awards Ceremony (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – Case studies in Liver disease (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – Elimination Summit Next Steps (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – HDV Cure (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – How COVID has Impacted Viral Hepatitis and the Elimination Agenda (This session was co-developed with Gilead and was pla (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – Nurse-Led Models of Care (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – Opportunities from COVID to Enhance Elimination (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – Oral Presentations II (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – Special Topics in Hepatology (Video MP4 Format)Day 3 – Strategies for HBV Cure & HCC After Cure of HCV or Suppression of HBV (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – Addressing Disparities and Controversies in End-Stage Liver Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – Approach to Special Populations and Liver Disease (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – Ask the Expert Shifting Goalposts Risk-Based Treatment of PBC (This is an unaccredited other learning activity supported (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – CASL-CLF Sass-Kortsak Award Presentation & Lecture (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – CLF-CASL Gold Medal Award Presentation & Lecture & CASL Award Ceremony & Closing Remarks (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – End Stage Liver Disease Management & CAHN Closing Remarks (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – Meet the Expert (This education session is an unaccredited learning activity, with content developed by the speaker, and (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – NAFLD – New Developments (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – Oral Presentation III (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – Oral Presentations IV (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – Quality Metrics for Cirrhosis Care (This session was co-developed with Lupin and was planned to achieve scientific integ (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – Translational Research in HCC and Liver Disease (Video MP4 Format)Day 4 – Transplant Controversies and New Developments (Video MP4 Format)