California Society of Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting 2023
Format: 13 videos + 1 pdf, size: 21.1 GB
Course Audience: dental physician, pediatric physican
2023 California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) Annual Meeting is organized by California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD), Western Society of Pediatric Dentistry (WSPD) and will be held from Mar 23 – 26, 2023 at Fairmont San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States of America.
Additional details will be posted as soon as information is available.
Event Expiry Date 26 Mar 26, 2023TARGET AUDIENCE
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
CSPD’s Fairmont Meeting Schedule (PDF Format)
Mar 24 Basic Communication Skills with patients parents team members Tips, Techniques and Comedy (Video MP4 Format)Mar 24 Current law and regulation governing patient sedation in the dental setting (Video MP4 Format)Mar 24 Dr. Haugseth Continues (Video MP4 Format)Mar 24 Innovative and effective way to manage your business office Say goodbye to paper checks and manual EOB postings (Video MP4 Format)Mar 24 Management of Medical Emergencies in Pediatric Dentistry (Video MP4 Format)Mar 24 Preparation and Monitoring for Minimal (Oral Conscious) Sedation (Video MP4 Format)Mar 24 Safe and Efficient Patient Monitoring in the Dental Office New Trends (Video MP4 Format)Mar 24 The Power of Habit – A Process Approach to Safer Sedation (Video MP4 Format)Mar 25 Caries prevention and orthodontic treatment, new aspects (Video MP4 Format)Mar 25 Clear Aligners as the Interceptive Orthodontic treatment of Choice for the Pediatric Patient in the Digital Era (Video MP4 Format)Mar 25 Gingival Conditions in Young patients The what, the why and the now what (Video MP4 Format)Mar 25 Saturday Afternoon Scientific Session Next Generation of Special Care Dentistry (Video MP4 Format)Mar 26 Making Smiles When Nature Hasn’t (Video MP4 Format)
* Detail: (download to view): https://mqp6-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/01_mqp6_onmicrosoft_com/EaDXBoUCXQ1JqQ6hvl2j19cByGumA8_DRc6pylkYDyoY3Q