California Society of Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting 2022
Format: 8 videos, size: 46.6 GB
Course Audience: dental physician, pediatric physican
2022 CSPD ANNUAL MEETING in Scottsdale From March 31st, 2022 – April 3rd, 2022
California Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD)
La Quinta, California, United States of America
The California Society of Pediatric Dentists was founded in 1975, represents the specialty of Pediatric Dentistry in California and is dedicated to education, practice and research in the specialty of pediatric dentistry. CSPD is comprised of over 700 California pediatric dentists along with a number of associate colleagues from other states.
The society provides liaison with other health care organizations, government entities, and private agencies concerned with the dental health of children, adolescents, and individuals with special health care needs.
CSPD became a state component of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry in 1983 and is currently the largest state component of AAPD, comprising almost 10% of AAPD membership. CSPD maintains an active role in the AAPD with members serving over the years as AAPD presidents, committee chairpersons and members of the Board of Trustees. CSPD’s component is one of the most active and progressive in the nation.
The Vision of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry is exemplary oral health for all infants, children, and adolescents.Mission:
The Mission of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry is to serve its membership and the public by advocating optimal oral health of infants, children, and adolescents.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
April 1 Early Orthodontic Treatment To Do or Not To Do That is the Question (Video MP4 Format)
April 1 Everything matters (Video MP4 Format)April 1 Wellcome (Video MP4 Format)April 1 What Makes dentists tick (Video MP4 Format)April 2 Pediatric Dentistry – The Magic of Behavior Management (Video MP4 Format)April 2 Pediatric Mental Health And The Pediatric Dentist (Video MP4 Format)April 2 SUBSTANCE USE IN ADOLESCENTS (Video MP4 Format)April 3 Full Day (Video MP4 Format)
* Detail:
- 2.5 hours Dr. Joel Berg–Medical Management of Dental Caries
- 1.5 hours Dr Pernima Hernandez–Self-care for Healthcare Professionals – The Wellness Paradigm
- 1.5 hours Dr. Eyal Simchi–Behavior Management
- 2 hours Dr. Michael Swetye–Pediatric Mental Health
- 2 hours Dr. Wanda Claro–Interceptive Orthodontics
- 1.5 hours Mr. Sam Munakyl–Cyber Security: Ransomware: Prevention, Protection, and Education
- 1.5 hours Dr Randy Lout–Substance Abuse in Adolescents
- 2.5 hours Dr. Juan Yepes–Pediatric Oral Radiology: From Radiation Safety to Lesions and CBCT