British Society of Urogynaecology Annual Scientific Update in Urogynaecology 2022
Format: 12 videos + 1 pdf, size: 29.8 GB
Course Audience: all consultants and trainees in urogynaecology
The BSUG Annual Scientific Meeting brings together cutting edge research with clinical updates on current and emerging issues in the specialty of urogynaecology. The programme includes expert and renowned speakers in their field, with talks and debates which will stimulate thought and discussion. The event incorporates the BSUG Annual Research Meeting.
Highlights include:
• Simulation training in urologic and urogynaecologic surgery
• Challenges of caring for geriatric patients
• Understanding vaginismus: a biopsychosocial perspective
• Web based and mobile health interventions in incontinence
Learning objectives
• Improve your overall knowledge of urogynaecology
• Understand the basis of anatomy and basic science
• Be able to comprehensively manage patients with varying urogynaecological conditions
Who should attend?
• All Consultants and Trainees in urogynaecology
• SAS Doctors
• Nurses and Physiotherapists with an interest in this field
Course organiser
Dr Pallavi Latthe FRCOG, Birmingham
Honorary Director of Conferences
Mr Dudley Robinson FRCOG, London
Deputy Honorary Director of Conferences
Mr Ramesh Ganapathy MD FRCOG, Surrey
24 November 2022
8.50am | Registration
9.20am | Welcome | Dr Pallavi Latthe
Session 1 | Welcome and prolapse
Chair: Mr Azar Khunda, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Subspecialist Urogynaecologist, Guys and St Thomas NHS Trust
9.30am | TOPSY study | Professor Carol Bugge Professor of Nursing, Glasgow Caledonian University
9.50am | Manchester repair versus vaginal hysterectomy: the evidence | Dr Kirsten Kluivers, Urogynaecologist, Radboud University Medical Centre
10.10am | Is Sacrospinous fixation as effective as sacrocolpopexy? Clinical implications of VUE study | Dr Fiona Reid, Consultant Urogynaecologist, The Warrell Unit, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester
10.30am | Perineal trauma prevention, NICE guidance and more | Professor Bob Freeman, Consultant in Urogynecology, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
10.50am | Q&A
11.15am | Break
Session 2 | Colorectal
Chair: Dr Kapilmeet Kaur, Consultant O&G/ Urogynaecology, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
11.40am | Factors predicting successful Neuromodulation | Mr Aethele Khunda, Consultant Urogynaecologist, South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust
12.00pm | Role of proctosigmoidoscopy in today’s clinical practice | Miss Sarah Addison, Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon, University Hospitals Birmingham
12.20pm | Rectal prolapse – patient specific management strategies| Professor Andrew Stevenson, Senior Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
12.45pm | Q&A
1.00pm | Break
1.15pm | Lunchtime Sponsored Symposium: Consilient Health
Current Management of Bladder Pain Syndrome | Miss Anu Dua, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Subspecialist Urogynaecology, Derriford Hospital
Session 3 | Keynote lecture
Chair: Mr Gans Thiagamoorthy, Consultant Urogynaecologist, Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust
2.00pm | Experiences of living with urogynaecological conditions: a qualitative study | Dr Francine Toye, Qualitative Research Lead, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
2.25pm | Q&A
Session 4 | Keynote lecture
Chair: Dr Karen Ward, Consultant Gynaecologist; Subspecialist in Urogynaecology, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
2.30pm | BSUG lifetime achievement award lecture| Mr Abdul Sultan, Consultant Obstetrician and Urogynaecologist, Croydon University Hospital
2.55pm | Q&A
Session 5 | Stump the experts
Chair: Dr Hayser Medina Lucena, Subspecialty Registrar in Urogynaecology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital
3.05pm | Case 1| Dr Emily Carter, Clinical Research Fellow in Urogynaecology; ST7 Registrar, Warrell Unit, Manchester NHS Foundation Trust
3.25pm | Case 2 | Dr Anasofia Dasilva
Panel of experts
Urogynaecologist | Dr Karen Ward
Urologist | Dr Suresh Ganta, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Royal Wolverhampton Hospital
Nurse Specialist | Miss Shanteela McCooty, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
Physiotherapist | Ms Justine Plummer, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Spire Healthcare Little Aston
3.50pm | Break
Session 6 | Surgical session
Chair: Mr Angus Thomson, Consultant Gynaecologist; Divisional Medical Director , Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
4.15pm | Restructuring of mesh centres and its effect on care provision | Professor Swati Jha, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
4.35pm | Is LASER a good alternative to surgery for mild to moderate prolapse and stress incontinence | Mr Christian Phillips, Consultant Urogynaecologist, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Trust
4.55pm | Human Factors in OR | Mr Ben Peyton Jones, Consultant Gynaecologist, Royal United Devon
5.15pm | Q&A
5.30pm | Drinks reception
6.15pm | Close
Friday 25 November
8.00am | AGM (BSUG Members only – 8.00am to 8.45am)
8.30am | Registration
Session 7 | State of the art lecture
Chair: Mr Ashish Pradhan, Consultant, Addenbrookes Hospital
9.00am | Challenges of caring for geriatric patients | Professor Adrian Wagg, Professor of Healthy Aging, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada
9.20am | Q&A
Session 8 | Keynote lecture
Chair: Miss Sushma Srikrishna, Consultant Urogynaecologist and Obstetrician, Kings College Hospital, London
9.25am | The secret to good research and publishing | Professor Aris Papageorgiou, Professor of Fetal Medicine, University of Oxford; St George’s Hospital, London
10.00am | Break
Session 9 | Research urogynaecology society meeting
Chair: Mr Ilias Giarenis, Consultant Gynaecologist, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
10.30am | BSUG database grant | Dr Fiona Bach, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Christchurch Women’s Hospital, New Zealand
10.50am | Sexual function in a uroynaecological population in older age | Dr Ruth Athey, ST4, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
11.00am | Do operating tables have a gender bias when performance and comfort of the surgeon are assessed? | Miss Sophie Broughton, Medical Student, St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College London
11.10am | A systematic review and meta-analysis to assess efficacy and safety of combination medical therapy with Mirabegron and anticholinergic medication for management of overactive bladder | Dr Navjeet Chohan, Subspecialty Trainee in Urogynaecology, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
11.20am | A cross sectional study of pelvic floor strength measured using the Elvie Biofeedback Device | Miss Serena Dulai, Medical Student, Imperial College London
11.30am | 3D transperineal ultrasound measurement of perineal body volume and it’s association with pelvic organ prolapse | Professor Vic Khullar, Professor of Urogynaecology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
11.40am | A national survey of UK practice for daycase vaginal prolapse surgery: unrealistic expectations? | Mr Thomas Gray
11.50am | VDR, CXCR1, CXCR2, PSCA polymorphisms and recurrent urinary tract infections in women: A genetic association study | Miss Paulomi Sarker, Medical Student, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
12.00pm | Mesh injured women and trust: a qualitative exploration of patient experiences | Mr Matthew Izett-Kay, Consultant Gynaecologist; Sub-Specialist Urogynaecolgist, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
12.10pm | Urogynaecology Workforce – is the future bright or bleak? | Miss Sophie Wienand-Barnett, Subspecialty Trainee in UG/RCOG Workforce Fellow, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
12.20pm | Genetic polymorphisms and susceptibility to urinary tract infection among paediatric and adult populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Dr Rufus Cartwright, Consultant Urogynaecologist, Chelsea & Westminster NHS Trust
12.30pm | Voting and results | Mr Ilais Giarenis
12.40pm | Break
1.00pm | Lunchtime Sponsored Symposium: Karl Storz
Sustainable Surgery – How you can help to reach net zero? |Dr Chantelle Rizan, Clinical Lecturer in Sustainable Healthcare, Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Session 10 | Psychosexual medicine
Chairs: Dr Naz Abbas, Clinical Research Fellow, Warrell Unit, Saint Mary’s Hospital
1.45pm | When should a gynaecologist refer women to psychologist and what is on offer by them? | Dr Lorna Bennion, Principal Clinical Psychologist, Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust
2.05pm | Vulvodynia| Miss Jenni Byrom, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Trust
2.25pm | Understanding vaginismus: a biopsychosocial perspective| Dr Maria McEvoy, Lecturer, South East Technological University
2.45pm | Q&A
Session 11 | Conservative management
Chair: Dr Karen Brown, Consultant Gynaecologist, Royal Victoria Infirmary
3.00pm | Devices in the market for prolapse and incontinence patients| Ms Justine Plummer, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Spire Healthcare Little Aston
3.20pm | The brain and the pelvic floor | Miss Clare Pacey, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Re:Physio | Mrs Emily Nellist, Specialist pelvic health physiotherapist, Enphysio
3.40pm | Web based and mobile health interventions in incontinence |Professor Eva Samuelsson, Professor in Family Medicine, Umeå university, Sweden
4.00pm | Q&A
4.15pm | Break
Session 12 | Urinary incontinence
Chair: Dr Pallavi Latthe
4.35pm | Urethral pressure profile and its role in SUI surgery| Professor Hashim Hashim, Consultant Urological Surgeon; Honorary Professor of Urology, Bristol Urological Institute; Southmead Hospital
4.55pm | Recurrent UTIs update | Dr Rajvinder Khasriya, Consultant Urogynaecologist; Senior Clinical Lecturer, Whittington Health, London
5.15pm | Third-line therapy for overactive bladder in the elderly: Nuances and considerations | Dr Jacqueline Zillioux, Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, USA
5.35pm | Q&A
5.50pm | Closing remarks | Dr Pallavi Latthe
6.00pm | Close
Session 1 Welcome and prolapse (Video MP4 Format)
Session 2 Colorectal (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 & 4 Keynote lectures & Session 5 Stump the experts (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Surgical session (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 State of the art and keynote lecture & Session 8 Keynote lecture (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Research urogynaecology society meeting (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 Psychosexual medicine (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 Conservative management (Video MP4 Format)Session 12 Urinary incontinence (Video MP4 Format)Lunchtime Sponsored Symposium (Video MP4 Format)Lunchtime Sponsored Symposium_2 (Video MP4 Format)AGM (Video MP4 Format)annual-scientific-update (PDF Format)