British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2022
Format: 66 videos, size: 45.5 GB
Course Audience: rheumatology physician
This fantastic event is full of opportunities to learn, share, and network. You’ll:
- Learn from experts in the field about the latest developments in rheumatology
- Experience three days of cutting edge research, plus posters, symposia, exhibitions and more
- Meet old friends and new and take part in our popular wellbeing activities
- Update your knowledge and earn CPD credits
We’re excited to meet again in person next year for the first time since 2019. The SEC in Glasgow offers plenty of space and COVID-19 secure measures to give you the confidence to attend in person but we are also committed to offering you the flexibility to choose how you participate in the event, online or in person.
Start: Mon, 25 Apr 2022, 09:00
End: Wed, 27 Apr 2022, 18:00
A multi-pronged approach to reduce the infection risk (Video MP4 Format)
Advances in Fibromyalgia (Video MP4 Format)Advances in the management of arthritis, trauma, and soft tissue problems of the ankle (Video MP4 Format)AGM (Video MP4 Format)Audit and QI Abstracts (Video MP4 Format)Best abstracts (Video MP4 Format)Best Practice Awards (Video MP4 Format)Better musculoskeletal health, better work, better health (Video MP4 Format)Bringing 21st century precision to management of systemic sclerosis (Video MP4 Format)BSR Clinical Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)BSR Ultrasound SIG (Video MP4 Format)Conference Welcome and Garrod Award (Video MP4 Format)COVID vaccines and therapies (Video MP4 Format)COVID-19 abstracts (Video MP4 Format)Crystal Arthritis SIG (Video MP4 Format)CTD Abstracts (Video MP4 Format)Developing the advanced practice workforce in Rheumatology (Video MP4 Format)Droitwich Lecture and Barbara Ansell Address (Video MP4 Format)Education (SIG) (Video MP4 Format)Educational strategies for rheumatological conditions in minority ethnic groups (Video MP4 Format)Ehlers Danlos Syndrome in Children & Young People (Video MP4 Format)Ensuring patients see the right professional at the right time – upskilling rheumatology specialist pharmacists and AHPs (Video MP4 Format)Essentials – Disease Management (Video MP4 Format)Essentials – Experts in the Field (Video MP4 Format)Essentials Symptom Management (Video MP4 Format)EULAR recommendations update (Video MP4 Format)Hand osteoarthritis Clinical features and management options (Video MP4 Format)Heart Lungs and Inflammatory Disease in Children and Young People (Video MP4 Format)Heberden Oration (Video MP4 Format)Heberden Round (Video MP4 Format)How to manage rheumatic emergencies in pregnancy (Video MP4 Format)Hypermobility and Long Covid- shared manifestations (Video MP4 Format)Innovation in Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology (Video MP4 Format)Interstitial lung disease in Rheumatic disorders update (Video MP4 Format)JAK inhibitors risk and benefit (EULAR) (Video MP4 Format)Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (Video MP4 Format)Keynote – Grace Spence Green (Video MP4 Format)Making Glucocorticoids Better (Video MP4 Format)MSK Pain SIG (Video MP4 Format)Myositis (Video MP4 Format)Nailfold capillaroscopy in the rheumatic diseases (Video MP4 Format)Obstetric rheumatology special interest group (Video MP4 Format)Osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease (Video MP4 Format)Paediatric Rheumatology Working with Children and Young People with Autism (Video MP4 Format)Polymyalgia Rheumatica – Controversies, updates and future ambitions (Video MP4 Format)Prediction and Prevention of RA- an update (Video MP4 Format)Quality improvement in action using skills and experience in QI to build for the future (Video MP4 Format)RA Oral abstacts (Video MP4 Format)Rare diseases presenting to the rheumatologist differential diagnosis and management (Video MP4 Format)Registers abstracts (Video MP4 Format)Remote monitoring SIG (Video MP4 Format)Revisions, Rejections and Rebuttals The show must go on (Video MP4 Format)Rheumatological emergencies (Video MP4 Format)Rheumatology and the microbiome (Video MP4 Format)Rheumatology in Low and Middle Income Countries (Video MP4 Format)Sjogrens SIG (Video MP4 Format)SLE SIG (Video MP4 Format)sPa Oral abstracts (Video MP4 Format)Specialised Rheumatology Commissioning (Video MP4 Format)Spondyloarthropathies SIG (Video MP4 Format)Spondyloarthropathy update (Video MP4 Format)State of the art evidenced based early inflammatory arthritis (EIA) management (Video MP4 Format)Systemic sclerosis update (Video MP4 Format)The Big BSR Debate – Which cells should we target in Rheumatoid Arthritis (Video MP4 Format)Vasculitis SIG (Video MP4 Format)Young Adult SIG (Video MP4 Format)