American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week Annual Meeting 2022
Format: 131 videos, size: 121 GB
Course Audience: nephrologist
- Annual Meeting (November 3-6): All sessions, posters, and exhibits will take place in-person in Orlando. Select sessions (e.g., plenaries, high-impact clinical trials) will be live-streamed for remote participants. All sessions will be recorded and made available on the virtual meeting platform through Wednesday, December 21, 2022. In mid-January 2023, this content will move to the ASN eLearning Center for up to three years and continue to be complimentary to meeting participants who obtain an access code. Access code information will be available in late October 2022.
A Look in the Crystal Ball COVID-19 and the Future of Outpatient Dialysis (Video MP4 Format)
Advances in Mineral Metabolism and Nephrolithiasis (Video MP4 Format)Advancing Clinical Trials for People with Kidney Diseases An Overview (Video MP4 Format)Advancing Home Dialysis with Technologies and Education (Video MP4 Format)AKI in Cirrhosis Will Personalized Management Improve Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)AKI Old and New Players (Video MP4 Format)AKI Research Mechanisms (Video MP4 Format)AKI Research Prediction, Diagnosis, Recovery (Video MP4 Format)Alternative Animal Models of Kidney Development and Repair (Video MP4 Format)Antigens Underlying Glomerular Diseases Diagnostic, Pathogenic, and Clinical Implications (Video MP4 Format)Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Medical Kidney Biopsy Interpretation (Video MP4 Format)Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease New Diagnostics and Therapies (Video MP4 Format)Best of ASN Journals 2022 JASN, CJASN, and Kidney360 (Video MP4 Format)Best of NephJC (Video MP4 Format)Big Roles for Thin Limbs (Video MP4 Format)Biomarkers and Diabetic Kidney Disease (Video MP4 Format)Calciprotein Particles and Calcification Propensity in CKD-MBD (Video MP4 Format)Case Studies in Glomerular Diseases 2022 (Video MP4 Format)Cell-to-Cell Chats in the Diabetic Kidney (Video MP4 Format)Choose Your Own Adventure Nephrology Career Paths (Video MP4 Format)CKD Clinical Outcomes, Trials, Mechanistic Insights (Video MP4 Format)Complement in IgA Nephropathy and Lupus Nephritis- Role in Pathogenesis and Implications for Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Contemporary Management of Diabetic Kidney Disease Update on Recent Clinical Trials (Video MP4 Format)Controversies in Phosphorus Homeostasis and Management in CKD (Video MP4 Format)COVID-19 and Kidney Diseases Mechanisms and Management (Video MP4 Format)Current and Future Approaches to the Diagnostic Assessment and Management of AKI in Patients with Cirrhosis (Video MP4 Format)Current Approaches to the Management of Common Cardiorenal Syndromes (Video MP4 Format)Deep Dive into the Pathophysiology of Kidney Stone Formation (Video MP4 Format)Developing Personalized Medicine for Peritoneal Dialysis Patients (Video MP4 Format)Diabetic Kidney Disease From Single Cell to Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)Dialysis Patient-Centered Interventions and Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)Emerging Therapeutic Approaches in AKI New Targets and How to Reach Them (Video MP4 Format)Emerging Therapies for ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (Video MP4 Format)Ethical Challenges in Nephrology, Including the Christopher R. Blagg, MD, Endowed Lectureship in Kidney Diseases and Public Policy (Video MP4 Format)European Nephrology Highlights Updates from the 2022 ERA Congress (Video MP4 Format)Evidence-Based Management of Septic AKI, Including the Burton D. Rose, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Extracellular Matrix Pathobiology in CKD and Alport Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders Research (Video MP4 Format)Future Shock Transformational Therapies for Kidney Failure (Video MP4 Format)Genetics and Clinical Implications of APOL1 Nephropathy (Video MP4 Format)Genetics, Development, and Therapies (Video MP4 Format)Glomerular Diseases and Cancer Cause or Effect (Video MP4 Format)Glomerular Diseases From Bench to Bedside (Video MP4 Format)Glomerular Diseases Mechanisms of Cellular Injury (Video MP4 Format)Glomerulonephritis in Systemic Diseases Emphasis on Emerging Therapies and Prognosis (Video MP4 Format)Health Care Equity for All Improving the Experience of Patients with Kidney Diseases (Video MP4 Format)High-Impact CKD Potpourri Something for Everyone (Video MP4 Format)High-Impact Clinical Trials (2022) (Video MP4 Format)Hope in ADPKD Innovation in Therapeutics (Video MP4 Format)Hyperkalemia Understanding and Applying Innovative Approaches to the Management of CKD and ESKD (Video MP4 Format)Hyperphosphatemia Management in Adults Treated with Dialysis for Kidney Failure Old Lessons, New Directions (Video MP4 Format)Hypertension and CVD Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Prevention (Video MP4 Format)Hypertension Is an Immune-Mediated Disease (Video MP4 Format)IgA Nephropathy The Role of the Renal Endothelin System and Other Therapeutic Implications (Video MP4 Format)Imaging the Diabetic Kidney (Video MP4 Format)Immunity Friend and Foe in People on Dialysis (Video MP4 Format)Impact of MicroRNAs and Circular RNAs on the Pathogenesis and Prognosis of Glomerular Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Implementing the Race-Free eGFR Equations in Clinical Practice Where Are We Now (Video MP4 Format)Improving Patient Care at the Transition to Kidney Failure Insights from USRDS and DOPPS (Video MP4 Format)Joint ASN-National Academy of Medicine Opening Plenary ASN President’s Address, Expert Panel Preventing the Next Pandemic (Video MP4 Format)Kidney and Fluid A Love-Hate Relationship (Video MP4 Format)Kidney and Genitourinary Development Clinical Considerations for Pediatric Nephrologists (Video MP4 Format)Kidney Biopsies and Diabetic Kidney Disease (Video MP4 Format)Leveraging Data Science to Improve Kidney Health (Video MP4 Format)Leveraging Social Media to Create, Learn, Teach, Advocate, and Dispel Misinformation (Video MP4 Format)Lifestyle Interventions Findings from Recent Trials (Video MP4 Format)Macula Densa Front and Center (Video MP4 Format)Magnesium The Forgotten Mineral (Video MP4 Format)Management of Hyperphosphatemia in Patients with ESKD, Especially During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Video MP4 Format)Metabolic Pathways and Diabetic Kidney Disease Joint ASN-ADA Session (Video MP4 Format)Metabolism and Kidney Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Modern Scientific Breakthroughs Are COVID-19 Vaccines Enough for Kidney Transplant Recipients (Video MP4 Format)Molecular Diagnostics in Interpretation of Native and Transplant Kidney Biopsies (Video MP4 Format)Molecular Mechanisms of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Effects (Video MP4 Format)Nanodelivery in Organ Transplantation Myth or Reality (Video MP4 Format)Nephrologists as Primary Care Physicians (Video MP4 Format)Nephrology Consult Service in the Hospital No Rest for the Weary (Video MP4 Format)Nephrology Quiz and Questionnaire 2022 (Video MP4 Format)Nephron Endowment and Links to Cessation of Nephrogenesis (Video MP4 Format)Nephron Progenitor Fate Determination and Maintenance (Video MP4 Format)New Directions and Strategies to Improve Hypertension and Pain Management in CKD (Video MP4 Format)New Insights into Paracellular Transport and Tight Junction Architecture in Kidney (Video MP4 Format)Novel Anticancer Therapies and Hypertension The Role of the Nephrologist (Video MP4 Format)Novel Mechanisms of BP Regulation (Video MP4 Format)Novel Strategies for Preventing End-Organ Damage and Dysfunction from CKD-MBD, Including the Jack W. Coburn, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Novel Treatments for Resistant Hypertension in Advanced CKD (Video MP4 Format)Optimizing the Delivery, Safety, and Outcomes of Kidney Replacement Therapy in People with AKI (Video MP4 Format)Organ Preservation into the 2020s The Era of Dynamic Intervention (Video MP4 Format)Pediatric AKI Is More Than Just a (Creatinine) Number Challenges and Advances to Care (Video MP4 Format)Pediatric Dialysis Innovations, (Quality) Improvements, and Insights (Video MP4 Format)Pediatric Nephrology From Bench to Bedside (Video MP4 Format)Pending Challenges When Addressing Donor Kidney Function How Low Is Low Before and After Donation (Video MP4 Format)Personalizing Prescriptions in Hemodialysis A Path to Safer Care for All (Video MP4 Format)Perspectives on Personalized Nutrition Care in Kidney Diseases and Implementation Challenges (Video MP4 Format)Plenary ASN President’s Medal, Barbara T. Murphy Trailblazer Award, John P. Peters Award, Donald W. Seldin Young Investigator Award and Address, State-of-the-Art Lecture (2022) (Video MP4 Format)Plenary KidneyCure Announcement, Robert G. Narins Award, Belding H. Scribner Award, Homer W. Smith Award and Address, State-of-the-Art Lecture (2022) (Video MP4 Format)Plenary Midcareer Awards, State-of-the-Art Lecture (2022) (Video MP4 Format)Podocyte Development, Disease, and Stem Cell Research (Video MP4 Format)Potpourri of Infection-Related Glomerular Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Prospects for Gene Therapy in Glomerular Disease, Including the Michelle P. Winn, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Reaching the Edge Kidneys in Advanced Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)Recognizing and Managing the Itch of CKD-Associated Pruritus Scratching the Surface (Video MP4 Format)Recurrent Glomerulonephritis After Kidney Transplantation Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches (Video MP4 Format)Regenerating the Diabetic Kidney (Video MP4 Format)Regulatory, Inflammatory B Cells and Autoantibodies From Bench to Human Translation (Video MP4 Format)Renal Biopsy Clinical Correlations 2022 (Video MP4 Format)Role of Basolateral Potassium Channel in Potassium Homeostasis and Diseases (Video MP4 Format)See the World Through a Different Lens Kidney Genomics Beyond Monogenic Disease (Video MP4 Format)Should Disease Names Change to Reflect Genotype, Pathology, or Phenotype, and What Do Patients Think (Video MP4 Format)Skeletal Muscle An Underappreciated Target Organ in CKD (Video MP4 Format)Spatial Analysis of the Kidneys (Video MP4 Format)Technology-Based Approaches in Nephrology (Video MP4 Format)The Many Faces of Drug-Induced Kidney Injury (Video MP4 Format)The Patient Journey with Diabetic Kidney Disease, Including the Garabed Eknoyan, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)The Yellow Brick Road Rethinking Clinical Development Strategies in AKI (Video MP4 Format)Thrifty Genes, Nephron Endowment, and Loss- AKI Lessons from Development, Pediatrics, and Aging, Including the Barry M. Brenner, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Throw It into Reverse AKI Science at the Bedside (Video MP4 Format)Tired of Debating the Limitations of eGFR Do Your Patients a Favor and Measure GFR (Video MP4 Format)Transplantation Basic Research (Video MP4 Format)Transplantation Clinical Outcomes and Biomarkers (Video MP4 Format)Trauma Behind My Smile Better Access to Behavioral Health Resources During the Transplant Process, Including the Celeste Castillo Lee Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Untangling Determinants of AKI Through an -Omics Approach, Including the Robert W. Schrier, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Update on the Management of Recurrent Hyperkalemia Associated with RAAS Inhibitors in Patients with CKD and ESRD (Video MP4 Format)Update on Treatment Considerations in Nephrolithiasis (Video MP4 Format)Updates on Therapeutic Options for Anemia in Kidney Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Value-Based Payment Models Generating New Approaches to Kidney Disease Care (Video MP4 Format)Vascular Access Promising Dialysis Innovation to Ensure Equity in Opportunities and Care Delivery (Video MP4 Format)What Can Genomic Sequencing Offer People with CKD (Video MP4 Format)What’s the Time in the Tubule (Video MP4 Format)Where It Begins Complex Genetic Drivers of Kidney Phenotypes (Video MP4 Format)Why Allografts Fail Clinical, Histopathological, and Molecular Approach to Chronic Allograft Injury, Including the Barbara T. Murphy, MB BAO BCh, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)