ASN Kidney Week 2021 54th Annual Meeting
Format:120 videos, size: 68.1 GB
Course Audience: nephrologist
Accelerating Up the Innovation Curve in Kidney Medicine (Video MP4 Format)
Advanced Social Media Tools for Education (Video MP4 Format)Advancing Peritoneal Dialysis for Higher-Acuity Patients (Video MP4 Format)APOL1 Epidemiology, Causal Mechanisms, and Therapeutics Are We There Yet (Video MP4 Format)Basics to Bedside State-of-the-Art Rationale and Approach to Hyperkalemia in Kidney Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Best of ASN Journals JASN, CJASN, and Kidney360 (Video MP4 Format)Better Diabetes and CKD Care by Moving from Evidence to Practice (Video MP4 Format)Beyond the Biopsy Diagnosing Rejection in 2021 (Video MP4 Format)Beyond the Head of the Table Uncovering the Power of the Patient Voice (Video MP4 Format)Big Data for the Kidneys, Including the Barry M. Brenner, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Biomarkers of Diabetic Kidney Disease How to Use Them (Video MP4 Format)Biomarkers, Schmiomarkers Where’s the Beef (Video MP4 Format)Cardiovascular Disease in CKD The Heart of the Matter (Video MP4 Format)Case Studies in Glomerular Disease (Video MP4 Format)Catalyzing Patient-Centered Innovation in Kidney Replacement Therapy (Video MP4 Format)Cell Death and Clearance in AKI (Video MP4 Format)Cellular Senescence, Premature Aging, and CKD (Video MP4 Format)Central Role of Phosphate in CKD-MBD, Including the Jack W. Coburn, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Challenge of Kidney Diseases in Patients with Monoclonal Gammopathy (Video MP4 Format)CKD and Heart Failure The Cardiorenal Connection (Video MP4 Format)Contemporary Management of Intoxications (Video MP4 Format)Control of Kidney Development (Video MP4 Format)Controversy Conference- KDIGO Target for Systolic BP in CKD of -120 mm Hg (Video MP4 Format)COVID-19 and the Kidneys The Pediatric Perspective (Video MP4 Format)COVID-19 in Hemodialysis and Kidney Transplant Patients From Basic to Translational Science (Video MP4 Format)Current Therapies and Treatment Responses in Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis and IgA Nephropathy (Video MP4 Format)Determinants of Renal Transport Beyond the Usual Suspects (Video MP4 Format)Developing a Workforce So That We Can Retire One Day (Video MP4 Format)Diagnosis and Treatment of CVD and Heart Failure in ESKD (Video MP4 Format)Diet and CKD What to Eat, When to Eat, How to Eat (Video MP4 Format)Don’t Forget About Me Implementing Post-Transplant Education for Kidney Recipients (Video MP4 Format)Emerging Paradigms in Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 (Video MP4 Format)Emerging Treatment Paradigms for CKD-MBD (Video MP4 Format)Epigenetic and Epigenome Modifications and Diabetic Kidney Disease (Video MP4 Format)Essentially Non-Essential Secondary Hypertension Updates (Video MP4 Format)Ethical Challenges in Dialysis A Call to Action (Video MP4 Format)European Nephrology Highlights Updates from the 2021 ERA-EDTA Congress (Video MP4 Format)Extracorporeal Blood Purification in Special Situations (Video MP4 Format)From Biomarkers to Bioactivity Metabolites and Metabolomes in Kidney Diseases (Video MP4 Format)From the Lab to the Clinic iPSC-Derived Organoids and Therapeutic Discovery (Video MP4 Format)Glomerular Zebras What Do We Do (Video MP4 Format)Going the Extra Mile- Improving Kidney Transplant Allocation, Including the Garabed Eknoyan Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Hepatorenal Syndrome Type 1 Advances in Management (Video MP4 Format)HIF-PHIs Offer Hope for Anemia in CKD (Video MP4 Format)High-Impact Clinical Trials (Video MP4 Format)Home Improvement Novel Mechanisms of Nephron Remodeling (Video MP4 Format)Hypertension Across the Spectrum (Video MP4 Format)Immunotherapy and the Kidneys (Video MP4 Format)Impact of Metabolic Surgery on Diabetic Kidney Disease (Video MP4 Format)Improving Interobserver Agreement and Clinical Value of Renal Biopsies, Including the Burton D. Rose, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Improving Vascular Access Medicine Following the Science (Video MP4 Format)Incorporating the Latest Clinical Studies into the Management of Your Patient with ANCA Vasculitis (Video MP4 Format)Integrating Point-of-Care Ultrasonography into Nephrology Practice (Video MP4 Format)Joint ASN-NAM Plenary ASN President’s Address, COVID-19 Panel (Video MP4 Format)Kidney Genomics Discoveries and Implementation (Video MP4 Format)M2M2M in the Kidneys From Maps to Mechanisms to Medicines in Kidney Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Making the Art of Volume Assessment More Precise (Video MP4 Format)Maladaptive Responses in AKI (Video MP4 Format)Management of Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with ESKD (Video MP4 Format)Matters of the Heart CVD and Kidney Transplantation (Video MP4 Format)Mechanistic Insight and Pathologic Consequences of Crystalluria (Video MP4 Format)Metabolic (In)competence in AKI (Video MP4 Format)Microbiome Modulators of Immunology and Metabolism (Video MP4 Format)Mind Your Business Introduction to Nephrology Economics and Leadership (Video MP4 Format)Mineralocorticoid Receptors From Bedside to Bench and Back (Video MP4 Format)More Options and More to Come Update on the Management of Lupus Nephritis (Video MP4 Format)Multiple Hats of Intercalated Cells (Video MP4 Format)Neonatal Advanced Kidney Disease Updates, Challenges, and Future Steps (Video MP4 Format)Nephrology Quiz and Questionnaire 2021 (Video MP4 Format)Neural Control of Kidneys and Bladder Function (Video MP4 Format)New and Novel Pathways Implicated in the Development of Genetic Kidney Disease (Video MP4 Format)New Horizons in Genomic Sequencing for Patients with Kidney Diseases (Video MP4 Format)New Insights in Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Patients with Non-Dialysis CKD (Video MP4 Format)New Therapeutic Targets in AKI (Video MP4 Format)NKF-ASN Task Force to Reassess the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Non-GWAS Approaches to Searching for Novel Genes for Diabetic Kidney Disease (Video MP4 Format)Novel Mechanisms of Organ Cross-Talk in CKD-MBD (Video MP4 Format)OGs of Big Data USRDS and DOPPS (Video MP4 Format)On Call in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)One Cell at a Time Application of Single-Cell RNA Sequencing in Kidney Transplantation (Video MP4 Format)Partners for Life Optimizing Collaboration of Community and Transplant Nephrologists (Video MP4 Format)Plenary Barbara Murphy Trailblazer Award, John P. Peters Award, Donald W. Seldin Young Investigator Award, State-of-the-Art Lecture (Video MP4 Format)Plenary Mid-Career Awards, Homer W. Smith Award, State-of-the-Art Lecture (Video MP4 Format)Plenary Robert G. Narins Award, Belding H. Scribner Award, State-of-the-Art Lecture (Video MP4 Format)Psychosocial Aspects of CKD (Video MP4 Format)Race and Ethnicity in Kidney Diseases Joint ASN-JSN Session (Video MP4 Format)Recent Advances in Kidney Disease Research in China Joint ASN-CSN Session (Video MP4 Format)Reducing Infections in Dialysis Across All Modalities (Video MP4 Format)Renal Biopsy Clinical Correlations 2021 (Video MP4 Format)Right Patient, Right Test, Right Time Integrating Genomic Sequencing into Clinical Practice (Video MP4 Format)Role of the Calcium-Sensing Receptor in Non-Parathyroid Tissues (Video MP4 Format)Role of the Cyst Microenvironment in the Origins and Progression of ADPKD (Video MP4 Format)SGLT2 Inhibitors Should We Put Them in the Water of Patients with CKD (Video MP4 Format)Shedding Light on Cell Surface Proteins Uromodulin and Mucin 1 (Video MP4 Format)Single-Cell Signature of the Diabetic Kidney (Video MP4 Format)Small Giants in the Cell Organelles in the Kidney World (Video MP4 Format)Starting at Home and Staying at Home (Video MP4 Format)State of the Science Designing Clinical Trials in Kidney Transplantation (Video MP4 Format)Strategies for Effective Kidney Disease Population Health Management (Video MP4 Format)Tackling Hyperkalemia Renewed Importance in Hypertension and CKD (Video MP4 Format)Taking Conservative Kidney Management to the Next Level (Video MP4 Format)Taking Control Innovations in Hypertension Management (Video MP4 Format)The Pressure Is On Update on Mechanisms of Salt-Sensitive Hypertension (Video MP4 Format)Thinking Beyond Tolvaptan Regulation of Aquaporin 2 and Water Handling (Video MP4 Format)Thrombotic Microangiopathies Beyond Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Causes and Treatment Options (Video MP4 Format)Tolerance and Kidney Transplantation Where We Do Stand (Video MP4 Format)Tough Neighborhood Tissue Microenvironment and Kidney Fibrosis (Video MP4 Format)Transition How Do We Optimize the Handoff (Video MP4 Format)Uncovering a Molecular Basis for CKD-MBD (Video MP4 Format)Unmute Yourself Telenephrology (Video MP4 Format)Update on Genetic Architecture and Therapy of Polycystic Kidney Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Update on Renal Amyloidosis and Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis (Video MP4 Format)Update on the Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment of CKD-Associated Pruritus (Video MP4 Format)Upping the Game Optimizing Medication Management in CKD (Video MP4 Format)Uremic Toxin Removal with Dialysis Effects of Middle Molecule Clearance on Clinical Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)Usual Suspects Diagnosing and Managing Common Glomerular Diseases, Including the Michelle P. Winn, MD, Endowed Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)Water, Water Everywhere, Not a Drop to Drink Update on Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)What to Target Insights into the Pathogenesis of Glomerular Disease (Video MP4 Format)Who, What, and Where for Newer Drugs for Diabetic Kidney Disease Joint ASN-ADA Session (Video MP4 Format)Words Matter Standardizing CKD Nomenclature to Improve Patient Engagement and Communication, Including the Celeste Castillo Lee Memorial Lectureship (Video MP4 Format)