Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology 25th APALR Congress 2023
Format: 61 videos, size: 55.7 GB
Course Audience: rheumatologists, internists, family medicine physicians
The 25th Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology (APLAR) Congress 2023 was held from November 29 to December 2, 2023, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The congress brought together experts in the field of rheumatology to discuss the latest advancements, research findings, and clinical practices. The event featured a range of scientific sessions, including keynote lectures, workshops, and poster presentations, focusing on various aspects of rheumatology, including innovative therapies, patient management, and emerging trends in the Asia-Pacific region.
Target Audience:
- Rheumatologists
- Internists
- Orthopaedic Surgeons
- Clinical Immunologists
- Physiatrists
- Physical and Occupational Therapists
- Paediatricians
- Researchers from allied disciplines
Key Features:
- Plenary sessions with internationally acclaimed speakers
- Concurrent workshops and poster presentations
- Cutting-edge research and scientific insights
- Networking opportunities with over 2,000 experts in the field
The congress aims to foster dialogue, nurture connections, and promote advancements in rheumatology care across the Asia-Pacific region
Abstract session – LB1 (Video MP4 Format)
Abstract session 1 antiphospholipid syndrome (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 10 scleroderma myositis (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 11 systemic lupus erythematosus – basic (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 13 spondyloarthropathies (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 2 autoinflammatory disease paediatric (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 3 miscellaneous (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 4 (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 5 (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 7 systemic lupus erythematosus (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 8 spondyloarthropathies (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session 9 systemic vasculitis sjogren syndrome (Video MP4 Format)Abstract session late breaking 2 (Video MP4 Format)ACRAPLAR joint session (Video MP4 Format)Advanced therapy in rheumatic diseases (Video MP4 Format)Axia manifestation of psoriatic arthritis (Video MP4 Format)Best Management of SLE (Video MP4 Format)Closing Ceremony (Video MP4 Format)Concurrent session 1 (Video MP4 Format)Concurrent session 2 (Video MP4 Format)Concurrent session 3 (Video MP4 Format)COVID-19 and beyond (Video MP4 Format)Crystal-induced arthritis SIG session (Video MP4 Format)Current evidence of osteoarthritis management (Video MP4 Format)Deep insight in SLE (Video MP4 Format)Digital health and clinical decision support system in rheumatology (Video MP4 Format)Emerging treatment strategies for osteoporosis (Video MP4 Format)EULAR Session (Video MP4 Format)Genetics SIG session (Video MP4 Format)Gout in women (Video MP4 Format)Gout session (Video MP4 Format)Highlights in Paediatric Rheumatology (Video MP4 Format)Hot topics in rheumatoid arthritis (Video MP4 Format)Imaging SIG session (Video MP4 Format)Insight antiphospholipid syndrome and associated diseases (Video MP4 Format)Lunch Symposia 1 (Video MP4 Format)Meet the Experts (Video MP4 Format)Morning Symposium 1 (Video MP4 Format)Opening Ceremony (Video MP4 Format)Osteoarthritis SIG session (Video MP4 Format)Paediatric rheumatology workforce fill the gap (Video MP4 Format)Pain in rheumatic musculoskeletal disorders A COPCORD perspective (Video MP4 Format)Personalized treatment in idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (Video MP4 Format)Plenary Session 1 (Video MP4 Format)Plenary Session 2 (Video MP4 Format)Plenary Session 3 (Video MP4 Format)Plenary Session 4 (Video MP4 Format)Recent advances in Psoriatic arthritis (Video MP4 Format)Recent understanding and perspective of Sjogrens syndrome (Video MP4 Format)Relapse of adult-onset Still disease (Video MP4 Format)Reproductive aspects in rheumatic disease (Video MP4 Format)Rheumatoid Arthritis SIG session (Video MP4 Format)Rheumatology Potpourri 1 (Video MP4 Format)Rheumatology Potpourri 2 (Video MP4 Format)Scleroderma SIG session (Video MP4 Format)SIG Chronic pain (Video MP4 Format)Social commitment and patient out reach SIG session (Video MP4 Format)SpAPsA Session (Video MP4 Format)Updating Imaging in rheumatology (Video MP4 Format)Whats new in osteoporosis (Video MP4 Format)Womens Health & Reproductive Issues in RMDs (Video MP4 Format)